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Getting into shape with the Summer Challenge



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Yeh this is serious stff fair play to you,

    I had a browse of the squat stuff, and I have to admit, keeping weight on my heels, all the way down and not elvising with my knees puts the weight alllllll the way down,

    Fair play to you, this is very impressive stuff,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Weekend went ok ! Had my treats friday night went to the pics and OD'd on pick a mix ! lots of choc brazil nuts and choc toffee. They were so nice but I actually felt sick after them. Got back on track sat though. SO happy with that !

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Al_Fernz wrote: »
    Hey Linda,

    This is the first time I've looked at this log and it's quite impressive.

    Just some other things that might help you get depth into your squat. Put a can of coke (or diet!) directly under where you are going to squat and make sure that your backside touches off the can. That way you will be sure that you're going ATG.

    Another exercise that might help at home would be to place an object that you can pick up (i.e. shoe) about 6 inches away from the wall. Squat down ATG and pick the object up - that way you are getting down and your form will be solid because you are so close to the wall that if you round your back in any way your face should hit off the wall.

    Keep up the good work and good luck!! :)

    I would be very VERY surprised if a significant amount of people could squat low enough to hit a coke can. I was talking to Hanley about this and I know he was saying that squatting to a 10-12 inch box is enough to put most average people below parallel. Depending on limb length and proportions you might not actually even be able to go any lower than that. If someone has a short femur and relatively long upper body, it just wouldn't happen because of leverages. Even if you look at some of the world's top olympic weightlifter's they're not hitting a coke can, some notable excpetions withstanding of course, there is a guy who's hit the floor in comp before, TRUE ass to the grass ;)

    On top of all that flexibility is going to play a large part, and if you try and push depth too much before you'lre ready you'll just end up rounding out and potentially fcuking your back up. Not only that but you end up out of position and weaker. Anyway, I don't know what LindaK's leg length to torson length is, I doubt you do either?? But to try and squat that deep is unrealistic for most. And besides.... I really don't think true ATG is even neccessary. Just getting below parallel is enoguh for most people. The risks of going TOO low completely out weight the benefits in my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 HELM

    Hi Linda,
    Your log is very imprssive and great motivation - keep up the excellent work :)
    I had a really, really bad weekend :mad: & the extra day off hasn't helped but reading your log is just the motivation I need to get back on track tomorrow (I'm off to prepare my b/fast & lunch now)
    Well done, Helen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Was hard today because was out of my routine, sat on a beach all day watching people eating ice cream !! Oh how I wanted one but my over indulgence on choc brazil nuts on friday put an end to that.....

    SO off to the gym I went with myself this morning and done a good workout ..

    Bw warm up

    Bench press - 30kg 4sets x 8
    reverse lat pull down - 40kg 3 x 10
    squat - 45kg 4sets x 10
    lunge 45kg 4 sets x 10
    dips with band - 5 sets of 8
    push pull superset 5 each x 5

    20 mins HIIT on treadmill

    Food was ok :

    9.00 - Banana, yogurt seeds, strawberries & mandarin

    11.00 slender pro & apple

    1.30 - salad ( lettuce, tomatoe, cucumber, avocado, chicken, cheese, onion & 1 small slice of brown bread & butter)

    5.00 apple

    6.00 6oz steak grilled with onion, 2 baby potatoe, brocoli, sprouts

    9.00 ryvita and slice of cheese & handful of nuts

    snacked a bit too much today although it wasnt junk !

    Measured myself today:

    Thigh - 21.5 - No Change
    Chest - 33 - No Change
    Bicep - 10.5 - No change
    Wrist - 6 No Change
    Waist - 24.5 - No Change
    Hips - 31.5 - (-.5)
    Top of legs - 22 - No Change
    Knee - 15 - No Change
    Calf - 11.5 - No Change

    So overall very little change in measurement will weight myself in the morning !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Weighed myself this morning and stayed the same ! Still cant get my head around how many inches I have lost and still my weight is only 1lb lighter than the beginning ? Anyone any suggestions I would have thought it was muscle but on a thread a few people have said that there is no way a women can gain much muscle ? But I clearly have lost inches the measuring tape doesnt lie . 11.5 inchese in total ?? Anyway like I said before the tape is what matters to me anyway.

    Gym this morning and done 30 min dynamic run and some core excercises.


    7.00 - Banana - Pre Workout

    9.15 Slender Pro - Post Workout

    9.30 Banana, Yogurt, seeds, strawberries & mandarin

    1.00 Salad - lettuce, cucumber, onion, tomatoe, turkey, small tin of tuna, small amount of light feta cheese and drizzle of low fat dressing & apple

    4.00 ryvita and 1 slice of low fat cheese & apple

    7.00 Chicken breast & veg stir fry with soy sauce

    9.00 30g mixed nuts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Fell off the wagon yesterday ! It was the sunshine it does terrible things to me ! Had a super split was a low fat one though and then lots of dry roasted peanuts and mini choc bar ! First time other than treat days that I have had a slip so I suppose I should beat myself up. Back on track today

    Food today:

    9.00 Banana, yogurt, seeds, strawberries & mandarin

    1.00 2 slice wholemeal bread & slice of carved turkey 1 slice of low fat cheese, lettuce, tomatoe , cucumber, onion and tiny bit of low fat spread( havent had bread in weeks and wanted a change)

    4.00 Handful of mixed nuts

    7.00 Slender Pro post workout

    8.00 Omlette ( 3 egg & 1 slice of low fat cheese)

    9.00 Ryvita cracker and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

    Gym this evening , gonna do a resistance circuit will put down what I done tonight !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Gym this morning and done circuit for 45 mins !

    Food today:

    7.00 - Banana pre gym

    9.00 Slender Pro - post gym

    9.30 Banana, strawberries, seeds, yogurt & apple

    1.00 3 egg omlette with 1 slice of light cheese, & salad ( lettuce , cumcumber, tomatoe, onion and drizzle of dressing)

    4.00 30g mixed nuts & apple

    7.00 100% chicken breast goujon, 2 baby potaot and baked beans( I am sick of sprouts and brocoli! so prob not the best but not bad either )

    8.00 handful of nuts

    Had been replacing lots of my fruit for a while with protein and have had to start putting apple back into my diet as I was getting quite bunged up and I have problems with this area anyway ! So at the end of the day a deficit in calories is gonna be a loss anyway and i love fruit too much to cut it out! Also I take shakes and try and have some sort of protein for lunch and dinner so thats the best I can do !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Yeserday Gym:

    BW warm up

    Bench press
    30kg 5 sets x 5 , 32.5kg 1 set x 6

    Lat pull down wide grip:
    35kg 8 sets x 4

    40kg 2 sets x 10 , 45kg 2sets x 4

    40kg 3 sets x 10

    dips resistance band:
    4 sets x 8

    push pull superset:

    20 mins HIIT

    food yesterday:

    Breakfast : Banana, yogurt, seeds, strawberries

    11.00 slender pro & apple

    1.00 2 slices of bread & egg mayo, lettuce onion, tomatoe

    4.00 handful of nuts

    went out for dinner last night and it went to pot ! had banoffi desert. back on track today though. No training today rest day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Its the last week cant believe it ! last week sorta did go to well with regard to food was terrible but could have been better I think.

    Done meaurements this morning and they are all the same so thats better than gains. I have 9 days till I go to france bikini time! so this week im gonna give it my all again.

    Food today:

    9.00 Banana, Yogurt, seeds, strawberries

    10.00 Mandarin & grapes

    1.00 Salad - lettuce, cucumber, tomatoe, onioin, 1 slice of low fat cheddar ,small piece of turkey breast and small tin of tuna, & drizzle of light ceasar dressing

    4.00 ryvita & 1 slice of low fat cheddar cheese

    7.00 Slender Pro post workout

    8.00 6oz extra lean mince , onion peppers, carrot, tomato puree, worchester sauce & chilli, & boiled - 2 (100g)baby potatoe, brocolli, green beans

    9.00 30g mixed nuts

    Gym tonight:

    Bodyweight warm up

    Bench press:
    20kg x 10, 30kg - 4 sets x 8 / 32.5kg x 6

    Reverse lat pull down:
    40kg x 8, 40kg x 5, 35kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 35kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 35kg x 5

    20kg x 10, 45kg - 4 sets x 10

    40kg each leg - 3 sets x 10

    dips with band assistance:
    4 sets of 8

    push pull superset

    20 min hiit

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  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭blah

    Well done lindak, really impressed with all the benchpressing deadlifts etc. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Thanks ! took day off today from gym and enjoyed the sunshine. Will head to the gym tommorrow instead of today. Wednesday usually my day off !

    Food today:

    9.00 Banana,yogurt, seeds, strawberries

    12.00 - 2 slices of multi grain bread, small tin of tuna, tbsp lightmayo, onion, tomatoe, 1 slice of low fat cheddar, cucumber & apple

    4.00 ryvita cracker & 1 slice of low fat cheddar

    7.00 chicken breast, 40g wholewheat penne, peppers & onion fried in drizzle olive oil and tomatoe and chillie sauce

    8.00 30g mixed nuts and handful of grapes

    Went on two 1 hour walks today aswell !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Food today:

    9.00 Banana, Yogurt, Seeds, Strawberries & mandarin

    1.00 2 slices of multi grain bread with small tin of tune, tbsp of light mayo, 1 slice of low fat cheese ,onion, tomatoe, lettuce, cucumber

    4.00 Ryvita & 1 slice of low fat cheese

    7.30 6oz striplion steak grilled, onion, 2 baby potaote, green beans, carrots

    9.00 30g mixed nuts

    Gym tonight :

    30mins dynamic run and some core work

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Food today:

    9.00 Banana , Yogurt ,seeds, strawberries

    1.00 2 slices of multi grain brown bread, small tin of tuna, 1 tbsp light mayo, 1 slice of low fat cheddar, tomatoe onion, cucumber & apple

    4.00 Ryvita & 1 slice of low cheddar cheese

    7.00 Slender Pro (post workout)

    8.00 4 oz extra lean mince, onion , peppers, 2 baby potatoe , green bean and carrots

    9.00 30g mixed nuts

    Gym tonight :

    BW warm up

    Superset workout x 3 sets
    45 sec rest after each superset

    single leg step up with 10kg each hand ( 12 each leg)
    Incline 10kg press x 12

    45 sec rest

    reverse lunge of stepper with 10kg db ( 10 each leg)
    1 arm db row 12.5kg ( 10 each arm)

    45 sec rest

    stability ball hamstring curl x 10
    alternate shoulder press 10kg db x 10

    45 sec rest

    tricep extention with barbell 15.5kg x 10
    bicep curl with barbell 15.5kg x 10

    Some core work / 5 mins light cool down

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Gym this morning done FBI circuit and some push ups ! Good session. Will be there every day now till wednesday off to france thursday morning so want to get all my workouts in ! Have a nice break then !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Well done Lindak!! You have earned your rest - well I'm sure you certainly will have by the time Thursday has come around!! FBI circuit sounds tough :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    It is but its great because it gets you HIIT in and also resistance and it flys in and my heart rate does be pumping ! you should try it I think i have put it up somewhere on this log , you can change the weights to suit your self !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Somehow I think that what you consider HIIT and tough is different to mine! I have improved - dramatically, but doing a jog/walk for me for 10 mins - going from say 2mins at 9.5 speed to 1 min 6.5 speed alternatively - that has me well cooked!! I will check it out though, sounds interesting!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Like I said though you can change it to what you find hard ! and gradually build up , its a great fat burner ! Your doing great though ! And have come a long way with your running aswell !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Took my meaurements and weight this morning !

    First week Measurements
    Chest: 32.5
    Bicep: 11
    Wrist: 6
    Waist: 28
    Hips: 33.5
    Top of legs: 23
    knee: 18
    Thigh : 22
    Weight : 10 stone

    Week 8 measurement
    Chest : 32.5 - Same
    Bicep : 10.5 - ( -.5)
    Wrist : 6 - Same
    Waist : 24 ( -4)
    Hips: 31 ( - 2.5)
    Top of Legs: 22 ( -1)
    Knee : 15 ( - 3)
    Thigh : 21 (-1)
    Weight : 9stone 11lb
    Overall I have lost 12 inches off my body and 3lb. Regardless of the same change in the sclaes I know that I have really done well with the challenge! I intend on next monday starting another 6 week challenge as I am off to france for a couple of days this week and when I get back on sunday it is 6 weeks to my summer hols. I will be treating myself once a week. I really want to thank gem for this challenge it was really what I needed. So thanks gem for all the time you put into organising this !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭blah

    Well done lindak, I think your change in measurements are really impressive, and it's body shape that really counts!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Thanks a mill , I was looking at your aswell and they are really good ! Its great how well everyone has done isnt it ! I intend on keeping this up !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Wow Lindak well done :D You've done so well - hope you have a great time now in your bikini!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Ha ! there is still a little wobble there but overall Im happy ! You have also done so well and aswell with the running. Kepp it up and hopefully your on for keeping the going aswell !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Yeh fair play to ya Linda,

    The measurements are alot more important than the wieight, you can weigh the same but be a different shape, which you are. 4 inches off your waist......:eek::eek: Thats great work out of you, well done

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Thanks guys. Treated myself at the weekend had some choc and chips from the chipper with garlic mayo ! Was yummy. Il be on track till wed off to france on thur so il try and be as healthy as I can over there although I always over indulge with wine and food when Im away !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Gym this morning:

    30 minutes dynamic run !

    Gym this evening:

    BW warm up

    Squat : 20kg x 10, 45kg 4 sets x 8 reps

    Deadlift : 40kg x 7 50kg x 7, 50kg x 7

    Bench press : 20kg x 10, 30kg x 4 sets x 8 reps

    Reverse lat pulldown : 40kg x 4 sets x 12

    Dips with bands 10 x 4

    Push pull superset: x 5

    Food today was good :

    7.00 - apple pre workout

    9.00 mandarin, banana, yogurt,seeds, strawberries

    11:00 - apple

    1.00 lettuce, cucumber, tomatoe, onion , 1 small tin of tuna, 2 tbsp of light ceasar dressing

    4.00 ryvita & 1 slice of low fat cheese

    7.00 slender pro post workout & 2 mandarins

    8.00 6 oz extra lean mince fried with small drizzle of olive oil, worchester sauce, tomatoe puree, 1 carrot, red/yellow/green peppers & 2 baby potatoe (100g) green beans and petite pois

    9.30 ryvita & 1 slice of low fat cheese

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Gym this morning:

    Bw warm up

    Bench press : 20kg x 10, 30kg - 5 sets of 6

    wide grip lat pulldown: 40kg x 7, 35kg x 2, 35kg - 3 sets of 8

    squat : 45kg - 4 sets of 8

    lunge 10 each leg - 45kg - 4 sets

    dips with assisted band 4 sets of 8

    cable pulldown - 4 sets of 8

    20 mins hiit - 2 1/2 mins warm up , 30sec sprint @ 16 60 sec rest @ 5 x 10 2 1/2 mins cool down

    Food today:

    7.00 Slender pro & apple Pre Workout

    8.30 Slender pro - post workout

    9.00 Banana, yogurt, seeds, strawberries, & apple

    1.00 2 slice wholmeal brennan bread 1 small tin of tuna, 1 slice of low fat cheddar, 1 tbsp extra light mayo, onion, tomatoe , cucumber.

    4.00 Ryvita & 1 slice of low fat cheddar

    6.30 Roast beef, veg & potatoe

    9.00 30g mixed nuts

    then loads of choc !!!! Sorta went a bit crazy last night on choc !

    I know that my fruit intake has crept up again , I just cant seem to stay off fruit for too long i get all bunged up and also miss it ! When Im back from france and starting my 7 week challenge I will change my diet around again. So monday 26th May is the start of my 7 week challenge . I will be treating myself once a week though as I think at this stage I am able to do that !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Went a bit crazy last night with the choc! But I feel like im on my hols. Off tommorrow so when I get back sunday Il get back on track !

    Gym this morning:

    FBI circuit..& some core work!

    Was tough this morning as I have been in the gym everyday since sat trying to fit in my 5 workouts before I go away as I will be away from tur - sun with no access to gym only access to food and wine ;) So I am quite tired and my shoulders are actually giving me a little trouble. Although I reckon the rest will do me good !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    Yes you'll definitely enjoy the rest!! It'll do you body good to repair and relax fully - when you come back then you'll be full of energy to hit the gym again ;) Have a great time and reap the rewards :)
