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Anyone know why just my upload speeds are absolute crap?

  • 03-04-2008 2:21am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭

    Right, im seriously pi$$ed, i only got my phone connected in new place in Mullingar in February( after 6 months waiting for Eircon who after failing to connect in 3 months, said the didnt know when they could connect me due to developer issues, so i complained that they were in violation of ComRegs minimum contract agreement and i was connected 2 weeks later, lmao ), anyway using utv as ISP( was fine in athlone although never got 3Mb i was paying for, was 2400kb ). Im currently supposed to be on 3Mb connection

    Anyways i get decent download speeds but absolutely horrible horrible upload speeds, it destroys my online gaming, im getting 64kb( 8kilobyte per second ) upload and like 2800kb download

    this is what i see regularly:
    DSL Parameters and Status
    Vendor ID: 00B5GSPN
    Revision Number: Y1921a
    Serial Number: 123456789abcdx
    Local Tx Power: 12.13 dB
    Remote Tx Power: 19.55 dB
    Local Line Atten.: 29.5 dB
    Remote Line Atten.: 26.0 dB
    Local SNR Margin: 6.0 dB
    Remote SNR Margin: 7.0 dB
    Self Test: Passed
    DSL Standard: G.dmt
    Trellis Coding: Enable
    Framing Structure: Framing-3

    Config Data Up Down
    Intrlvd Fast Intrlvd Fast
    AS0(kbps): - - 2336 0
    AS1(kbps): - - 0 0
    LS0(kbps): 64 0 - -
    LS1(kbps): 0 0 - -
    RValue: 8 0 12 0
    SValue: 8 1
    DValue: 1 8

    looks fine EXCEPT for SNR Margin which looks terrible and just above disconnection issues

    64kb upload is a joke, everything hangs, Battlefield 2 disconnects from server regularly, waste of time doing any torrents, opening web pages with lots of images hangs all net access( its not TCP IP setup ), tried using ADSL test socket( removing telephony connection plate that eircon installed ) and the same crap speeds. The rare time i do get 3Mb download and 384 download its absolutely wonderful in everything

    From the above Attenuation you can see im around 2K from the exchange and i should be getting great speeds. Since mid february ive had utv logging calls with Eircon and they come back saying theyve reset the line and it looks fine or similar crap, i even said "Send the Eircom engineer out, i dont care anymore, he can prove to me that i can get regular upload speeds and pay the 150euro or whatever, then i got a missed call and voicemail when i was on vacation saying that its sorted and im back to square 1 ). I have a long line( 5 metres to socket ) BUT i also checked 1 metre cable with laptop and the same result, tried 2 modems and with/without filter.

    I get ADSL synchronisation of 3Mb download and 384k upload 1% of the time, 99% of the time its 64k upload

    On top of that it takes 10 minutes to actually get an internet connection on modem switch on/reset, always with ADSL sync failing due to "MAJOR ALARM : Failed To Get IP Address : Interface - ppp-0" errors

    Im f**king raging at this, any help/info would seriously be appreciated


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,638 ✭✭✭zilog_jones

    Since your modem is actually synchronising at 64kb/s, that most likely means the quality of your phone line is not good enough - and the poor SNR margin suggests this too. Are you using the main phone socket in your house, i.e. the one connected directly to the outside line fitted by Eircom?

    Try to eliminate any potential sources of noise within your house by just connecting the modem directly to the main socket and disconnect everything else.
