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Chinese people should quit the Chinese Communist party

  • 15-04-2008 1:37pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    Recently on a number of Irish online forums and perhaps in pubs through out the country Chinese people have been vocally defending the Chinese Communist party, a regime that has more of its own people than the two world wars put together.

    I would like to address some of the issues raised and look forward to hearing responses from Chinese people and others on this form.

    1. Was John Gormley correct to critise China publicly

    Yes. John gormley has been campaigning for human rights in China for years. Part of his parties manifesto for government is that he will raise these issues.

    Why was he correct to do it publicly instead of behind closed doors? China asked the EU to set up the China-EU human rights dialogue in the 90's after the tianamen student massacre and it has since been used by the Chinese communist regime and EU countries as an excuse not to talk about human rights in public.

    These meetings are hopeless and achieve nothing.

    The main reason that dialogue with the communist regime in China achieves nothing is because if the goal was achieved to make the chinese government more accountable and more transparant the first people to be held accountable for their crimes are the communist officals:

    for example, Jian Zemin started the persecution of Falun Gong, Lou Gan is the head of the security forces and is responsible for numberous crackdowns over a number of years, and the current president Hu Jin Tao was responsible for the last crack down in Tibet in 1988.

    These people will never agree to a more transparant, accountable and democratic system as if they do they will be the first to be judge by a jury of their peers. Hence all dialogue with the Chinese Communist party is pointless

    2. Why the Olympics are political, and why the Irish media where correct not to report on the Chinese rally at the weekend.

    A rally was held at the weekend and by all reports a 1000 Chinese people attended but no Irish media outlets paid much attention to it, why? because it is propaganda for the Chinese Communist Party.

    Why is it propaganda and why are the Olympics political? They are political because they are being used by the Chinese Communist party to show the world how great the Chinese Communist party is. They are political because in each country they the Olympic Torch visits government ministers are participating. The whole point of the excercise for the Chinese communist party is to bolster its image and show how great it is, and to show the Chinese people that the world accepts the Communist party. Obviously this strategy is not working as the world is telling the communist regime they do not support it and their actions are not acceptable.

    Why were Irish media correct not to report the rally

    the current Chinese people in Ireland are the children of the people that are doing well in China. They are the 30%. the 70% that do not come to Ireland, the vast majority are living in third world conditions. They dont come to Ireland because they can not afford it, they can barely afford to survive.

    the young Chinese people from the cities in China have never had it so good. they have no idea what happened in 1989, the cultural revolution, the great leap forward. They are mostly not member of Falun Gong, or christians or Urghurs. They probably didnt have their houses torn down to make buildings for the Olympics, or their houses were not torn down to build the three gorges dam. They have probably never been on the wrong side of the Chinese Communist party.

    In Mao's little red book he talks about targeting the 5% in order to keep the 95% in order. These young chinese in Ireland have never been the 5%. They come from wealthy families where all is well in China, and they are never told by their own media that their fellow Chinese people are not as lucky.

    Therefore reporting on Saturdays rally would have boosted the Chinese regimes image and the suffering of the 70% of Chinese people that are not that well off and it would have given the Irish people the impression of how great China is.

    Of course ordinary Chinese people are happy about getting the Olympics and do think it is something to be proud of and they are not wrong for thinking this way. But in the western world where there is free speech we are aware of much of what is going on in China more so than the people in that country because your government is trying to keep it hidden from you.

    regarding the rally, it is worth noting that similar rallys were held around the world within two or three weeks. If the Chinese embassy was not involved in the coordination of the events I would be interested to know how they were so welll organised. Where all the flags came from. I have never seen one in anyones house that I have been too. And if the Embassy was not involved how did the organisers have the contact info of the chinese community in Ireland.

    Bottom line

    China will not change while the Chinese communist party is in power. As the saying goes: the only way to the top of the Chinese Communist party is standing on top of corpses. Therefore these people will never change the system. The only solution is follow europes example and get rid of this failed system. The best way I have seen to date is to simply quit the Chinese communist party:,95,,1.html

    Comments appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 51 ✭✭yawtin

    I am here to communicate, to try to raise understanding. If you want to believe China and Chinese people as stupid or evil, fine. It actually does not bother me if some people prefer to blind themselves.

    I have never said the communist party government in China is perfect. In fact we have consistantly critised our government for years, in an effort to make it a better government, and we know how much it has changed since the Mao's time, or 1989. But I guess you are not interested in China become a bettercountry anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭RedPlanet

    I think what the OP means is that he/she is unable to reconcile some of the complexities of China and the diversity of it's people, so they find it convenient to just paint the entire population with the one brush, albeit a Cold War one. This way they don't have to think about anything too complex like, that ordinary Chinese people want the very best for their country and are doing the very best they can to make the Olympics a wonderful event, even tho some of them may harbour reservations and dissent toward their own government. The OP is not able to understand that Chinese people take offense when western governments and western media propagandize their respective publics in an anti-China policy.
    The OP most likely believes the west, knows best, and should probably have the right to carve-up and carve-out countries because the west is always right, sure didn't Britain do a smashing job of it a century ago?

  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,804 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    There are enough China threads open. Reporter, feel free to repost your points in the relevant threads.

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