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looking for a study partner

  • 03-05-2008 1:18pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 90 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    I'm studying for my finals from now till August - although I'm in college down the country, I'm doing my study from home in Dublin, thus finding the discipline to get down to the work hard:-(

    I'd love to find a study buddy who would could meet up either their place or mine, or somewhere neutral (a quiet library) so I don't feel I'm the only one in the world having to study.

    It doesn't matter what you're studying, just so long as you'd like to meet a regularly during the week.

    If it makes a difference to you, I'm a 'mature' student.

    If you're reading this and think you know of someone who may be interested could you pass on my request?

    Mucho gracio

