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The Quest for 2.59.59

  • 10-05-2008 10:17pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭

    Abhainn, you were right...

    Aim - sub 3 hour autumn marathon.

    Current Stats:
    HR ~50
    Weight 11'2

    Had month off after 'The Quest for 59.59'. Never again. Getting back has been a killer. Really suffered first few weeks, as if I'd never ran before. So 2 weeks may be max break in future.

    Anyway, back about a month now, just tried to get running, get fit again and have recently embarked on a more structured programme. Training to date...

    April 4 - first run in a month, was so excited looking forward to it, hoping to feel really fresh. Did 3.5miles in 30mins and nearly killed me.

    April 5 - 4 mile road race.

    April 6 - 6.2miles 48mins

    April 7 - 2.8miles 25mins. Wrecked.

    April 8 - 8miles, 2 x 15mins tempo (7.00pace)

    April 9 - 5.6miles 45mins

    April 10 - 8 miles, 2 x 15mins tempo (6.40pace)

    April 11 - Rest

    April 12 - 7miles 60 mins

    April 13 - 9.6miles, 2 x 15mins tempo (6.35pace)

    Week - 41miles

    April 14 - 8miles, 2 x 15mins tempo (6.35pace)

    April 15 - 8.5miles, 10 x 400 ~76secs, 60s recovery

    April 16 - 7.6miles 54mins

    April 17 - 11miles, 3 x 15mins tempo (6.30pace)

    April 18, 19, 20 - Rest

    Week - 35miles

    April 21 - 9miles, 12 x 400 ~80secs, 40s recovery

    April 22 - 7.8miles 61mins

    April 23 - 10.6miles, 20/15/15 tempo (6.46/6.40/7.13)

    April 24,25,26,27 - Cold. Note to self, 12 x 400s recovery was too short. Last 15min tempo on 23rd felt awful, should have bailed early, might have prevented cold. Should have known better....

    Week - 28miles

    Marathon training starts here!!! Lots of tempo runs, longer interval sessions and long runs... And most importantly, cycle of 3 weeks hard followed by 1 week easy.

    April 28 Mon - 5.5miles 44mins

    April 29 Tues - 8miles, 12 x 400 79s, 1min recovery

    April 30 Wed - 6.3miles 54mins

    May 1 Thurs - 11miles, 2 x 20mins tempo (6.36/6.23pace)

    May 2 Fri - Rest

    May 3 Sat - 10.5miles, 2 x 20mins (6.20pace)

    May 4 Sun - 13.2miles 98mins

    Week = 55miles

    May 5 Mon - 8.6miles 64mins

    May 6 Tues - 9.2miles, 2 x 20mins tempo (6.31/6.28pace)

    May 7 Wed - 6.5miles 51mins

    May 8 Thurs - 6miles, 1mile race & 6 x 200s ~39secs

    May 9 Fri - Rest

    May 10 Sat - 11miles, 2 x 20mins tempo (6.20/6.28pace)

    May 11 Sun (planned!) - 15miles easy

    Week = 56miles

    Will probably post on weekly basis... Feeling good now. Feel strong, ready for training. Bring it on.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Welcome back RF - was expecting you to reappear anytime! Best of luck with this, will be a great one to have on the bag - looking forward to reading more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    ah racing flat good to have ya back again, so is it dublin your targeting ?
    i have entered dublin so as always i will following your log closely, i really enjoy it . best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Ditto with SUNGOD and ike, welcome back RF!
    Your up to a great weekly milage already and some tough sessions.

    Interesting how hard your early runs were even though you took only a month lay off.

    Looking forward to all the detail. Good man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Thanks for the support. Longford too early, Dublin too late, so probably Berlin or Amsterdam...

    May 12 Monday - 8.3miles easy

    May 13 Tuesday - 10miles, Intervals, 4 x 1mile ~5.45per mile, 4mins recovery

    May 14 Wednesday - 8miles easy

    May 15 Thursday - 15miles easy

    May 16 Friday - Rest

    May 17 Saturday - 9miles easy

    May 18 Sunday - Rest

    Week = 50miles

    Easy week next, woo hoo! Should have got tempo run in end of week, but a bit tired, so held off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Welcome back mate, best of luck with your goal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    May 19 Mon - Rest

    May 20 Tues - easy 5.5m

    May 21 Wed - Rest

    May 22 Thurs - 7m with 2m race

    May 23 Fri - easy 5m

    May 24 Sat - 6miles, 2 x 10min tempo (5.58, 6.06 pace)

    May 25 Sun - easy 8.6m

    Week = 32miles

    Enjoyed the easy week, now back to 3 weeks hard....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    May 26 Mon - 9m easy

    May 27 Tues - 10m, 4 x 1m ~5.50/mile, 4mins recovery jog

    May 28 Wed - 8m easy

    May 29 Thurs - 11m, 2 x 20min tempo (6.09/6.07 pace)

    May 30 Fri - Rest

    May 31 Sat - 10m, 2 x 20min tempo (6.35/6.38 pace)

    June 1 Sun - 16m easy (7.43 pace)

    Week = 64 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭Bobby04

    Was hoping to see you post with this quest! Best of luck with it, and I'm sure the log will make for great reading. I find your logs help somewhat to explain just how hard these targets are to achieve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Bobby04 wrote: »
    Was hoping to see you post with this quest! Best of luck with it, and I'm sure the log will make for great reading. I find your logs help somewhat to explain just how hard these targets are to achieve.

    All relative though. I've to work really hard to achieve these targets due to my physiological make up I suppose, but for some fellows they wouldn't have to work hard at all for those targets, e.g. I know fellows who do 55mins for 10miles in training as their easy run! I'd say some people read these logs and think 'he should be doing a lot better than that' but essentially I probably don't have the heart and lungs for that. So all you can do is do the best within your limits. Good pb the other night though, so going well now. Thanks for the support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    June 2 Mon - 9.3miles 72mins with 3 x 1330m intervals (4.48, 4.43, 4.39)

    June 3 Tues - 8.2miles easy 66mins

    June 4 Wed - Rest

    June 5 Thurs - 8.5miles with 3mile time trial. 20secs pb and across the board probably my best performance ever, so delighted, coming into a bit of shape. Considering Im still a tad overweight compared to Ballycotton I've got to be happy.

    June 6 Friday - 7.4miles easy, 60mins

    June 7 Sat - 17miles easy 2.13 (not that the last 3 miles was easy...)

    June 8 Sun - 10.6miles 79mins with 2 x 20mins tempo (6.26, 6.31 but heart rate about 10bpm lower than usual tempo, so good performance but probably still got time-trial and long run in system.

    Week Total - 61miles

    1 more hard week in this 2nd cycle. 3 more cycles to go then before marathon. Weight starting to come down. Was 4-5lbs above race weight last few months, only 2lbs above now, so that's good. Heart rate down to 40bpm on waking, so that's abother good sign. Fingers crossed I'll stay injury and illness free, and can keep this training up. Long runs will be the problem though. I'm really not cut out from them. Really struggle after 1hour45.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 9 June - 8miles easy

    Tues 10 June - 8miles with 6 x 3mins hard, 2mins easy

    Wed 11 June - 8miles easy

    Thurs 12 - Sun 15 June - Rest

    Week = 24miles

    Working away last week and burnt candle at both ends, out late then up at 6 to run, so got a bit run down, so started easy week early and will start hard week earlier next week. Have fitness test and race next week anyway so convenient enough to swap things around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    great reading so far keep up the hard work, I have my heart rate down to 46 on waking, its great to see all the hard work paying off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Woddle wrote: »
    great reading so far keep up the hard work, I have my heart rate down to 46 on waking, its great to see all the hard work paying off.

    Keep it up, you're making great improvements. Knowing your old 5 mile time should inspire you, as well as inspiring the rest of us not to take the foot off the pedal...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Fitness test yesterday, 5 months from last one. Managed to stay on treadmill for extra 3 mins, but more importantly, speed at lactate threshold has increased and heart rate has recuced at lactate threshold. Both signs of improvement according to the tester. Only problem was, I am 2kg heavier than last time as a result VO2max has reduced, but that is due to the formula for calculating VO2max rather than my fitness, or so he says. However, I will be on the health between now and Sep 28th. No more scones, chocolate or crisps. Can't wait for the post-marathon binge already.

    So training plan has been firmed up, but quite similar to existing training, just the long run will be gradually stretched out and one of the tempo runs will be replaced by a marathon pace run in the last 2 months. Major thing is that heart rate zones have reduced becuase of the findings on yesterdays test. Possibly shows the improtance of going for regular testing, and maybe not working off generic heart rate zones or formulae such as 220-age etc.

    Old zones:
    Easy run - 150-160
    Tempo - 175-180
    Interval >185

    New zones:
    Easy and long - 145-150
    Tempo - 170-175
    Interval - 180-185

    Interestingly, I was probably using these zones more recently anyway as it just seemed too hard to get above 175 for tempos and 185 for intervals, so maybe the body kind of knows the correct effort...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Hi racing flat, cheers for the input on sungods log, what I've learned is, I'm not working hard enough, I've kind of been running all my runs, whether its 10 miles or 5 miles between 150 - 163, and I've calculated my max at 198 which is what I peaked at near the end of the sportsworld 5 mile in May, so I'm goin to incorporate a few faster miles. cheers and keep up the hard work

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Woddle, is a good website, where if you put in your race time it will predict your race time for a lot of other distances, but also suggested training paces. It also has a good step by step guide to creating a running training plan. Initially, just going out jogging at comfortable pace is fine, but after you reach a certain level of fitness you need to stress your system a little more in order to gain a response (of improved fitness). And generally this involves introducing 'sessions' to your training. Continue doing easy runs a number of times a week, but replace one initially, then maybe 2 and then 3 with 'sessions'. The three core sessions generally being an interval (speed) session, a tempo run and a long run. Once you start doing these, you will improve fairly rapidly, but they have to be introduced gradually. What exactly you do in these sessions will depend on your goal race, ie long runs for a marathon might be 22miles but for a 5mile race might only be 10-12miles. Similarly you will do shorter distance intervals faster for shorter races, longer ones slower for longer races (but always at or faster than race pace) with time to rest and recover between each interval effort. Tempo runs should be at or about your 1 hour race pace, or maybe 20-30secs per mile slower than your 5mile or 10krace pace and can last up to 20mins (Jack Daniels advocates one by 20, greg mcmillan 'no more than 2' and my slave driving coach 3 x 20.... I think 1 15mins session would be fine to start off.

    Don't be too dictated by pace with these sessions - heart rate or how you feel is a better indicator, as these take into account hills, wind, surface, unlike pace....Interval sessions should be hard, but after the recovery you should be able to do the next one. Tempo runs should be 'comfortably hard' so not as hard as a race, but you should know you're working and be looking forward to the end, but at the end knowing you could speed up or do a bit more if you wanted. All other runs should be nice and comfortable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi RF you said your training programme for marathon is quite smilar to the training your doing at the moment just with a long run getting progressively longer and replacing a tempo run with a race pace run. just wondering is this just your natural progression from regular training to marathon level or is this a "marathon programme" eg hal higdon,brendan o shea
    i know its doesnt really matter just curious is all
    thanks for the imput on my log very interesting

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    SUNGOD wrote: »
    hi RF you said your training programme for marathon is quite smilar to the training your doing at the moment just with a long run getting progressively longer and replacing a tempo run with a race pace run. just wondering is this just your natural progression from regular training to marathon level or is this a "marathon programme" eg hal higdon,brendan o shea
    i know its doesnt really matter just curious is all
    thanks for the imput on my log very interesting

    My training would always be more or less the same. Aim for 6 days a week and 50miles. Nowadays I target a big race about 2-3 times a year and focus my training plan towards this. I'll still do lots of other races, but these will be 'training races' hopefully on the way to a good peak for the main race. So far this has worked for Ballycotton and hopefully will also be succesful for Berlin. Previously I used to just train hard all the time and expect to race well in every race, but when I did that I had inconsistent results, with some good races and some poor races. So, frustrated with this, I looked for a change so went for a fitness test and got set on a programme. Typically it consists of:

    Mon - easy run
    Tues - intervals
    Wed - easy run
    Thurs - tempo run
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - tempo run
    Sun - long run

    For the marathon (target 3 hours) this translates as

    Mon - easy 70min
    Tues - 4 x 1mile
    Wed - easy 70min
    Thurs - 2-3 x 20mins at slightly slower than lactate threshold heart rate
    Fri - rest
    Sat - 2-3 x 20mins tempo
    Sun - Long run - gradually building up to 22miles

    For 10mile (target 1 hour) it was:

    Mon - easy 60
    Tues - 6 x 1k
    Wed - easy 60
    Thurs - 3 x 20 tempo
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - 3 x 20 tempo
    Sun - long run - 90mins / 12miles

    For 5k it might be:

    Mon - easy 60
    Tues - 12 x 400
    Wed - easy 60
    Thurs - 2 x 20 tempo
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - 2 x 20 tempo OR 4 x 1mile
    Sun - long run 90mins

    1 mile might be:

    Mon - easy 60
    Tues - 8 x 400 (very fast)
    Wed - easy 60
    Thurs - 2 x 20 tempo
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - 6 x 800
    Sun - long run 90mins

    Because the speed comes easy for me, but I struggle more on the longer distances, keeping up the tempo runs and long runs is vital for me - as soon as I drop these, or the mileage, my times slip. After the target race, I will have a week of complete rest and then get back into training for the next target race a few months away. Afetr Berlin, I'll probably just target Ballycotton again for a main peak, with the cross country races in the middle of this. After that I would like to have a good lash off the 1500 over the summer and not sure after that.

    As you know SG, above are 'Hard weeks' and every 4th week is an easy week, typically:

    Mon - easy 40mins
    Tues - 2 x 10mins tempo (40min run altogether)
    Wed - Rest
    Thurs - easy 40mins
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - 2 x 10mins tempo
    Sun - Rest

    And I try to race every 3 weeks. Ideally this will be at the end of the easy week/start of the hard week and a race replaces one of the harder sessions, and I'll go a bit easier the day or 2 before and after the race, without upsetting the training too much.

    I'd be interested to see what others think of this.

    to answer your original question then, it's not a marathon programme per se, it's just modifying my usual training to meet the requirements of a marathon race. I know a lot of fellows who specifically do a marathon programme and their mileage ups substantially. But I think they probably take it too easy when not in marathon training. Because I race throughout the year, I always need to be at a good level of fitness so the training is much the same just needs to get tweaked a little depending on the upcoming race. But again, I think it's impossible to try and race every race well, so pick the important ones and really train for these, resting up before etc. to get a pb and see the others as hard training runs and any pbs are a bonus. Hope that answers the question!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 16th June - 2.7miles easy

    Tues 17th June - 7miles with fitness test

    Wed 18th June - 3.8miles easy

    Thurs 19th June - 6.5miles with 4k time trial

    Fri 20th June - easy 5.1miles

    Sat 21st June - 18.1miles 2hrs22mins

    Sun 22nd June - 10miles easy 77mins

    Week Total = 53 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 23 June - 10m, 78mins, 142bpm

    Tues 24 June - 10.1m, with 4 x 1m (5.39, 5.39, 5.44, 5.37) 4 mins recovery

    Wed 25 June - 6.9m, 60mins, 128bpm

    Thurs 26 June - Rest

    Fri 27 June - 10m with 2 x 20mins tempo (6.21pace 170bpm; 6.27pace 173bpm)

    Sat 28 June - 20m, 2hrs30mins, 151bpm

    Sun 29 June - 10m, 78mins, 151bpm

    Week Total = 67miles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Good detail RF esp on the heart rate. Your training seems to be going well

    Have you decided on your Autumn marathon yet? Any races leading up to it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Ya, going for Berlin. Have a few low key races, then will do Longford half as the main build-up race prior to the big day. Have raced every 2 weeks for last few weeks in place of a tempo session, short races. Will start longer ones now, have a 5 mile, and then 2 10km's prior to the half. That will do then. Can't race too much when I'm doing the long runs at the weekend - need the energy.

    The HR is only interesting when viewed in context. Wed I was at 128bpm, because my legs were so sore after the 4 x 1mile session the night before, that I couldn't go any faster. Also 10mile at end of week in same time was at 10bpm faster than at the start of week, becuase of the fatigue of some harder sessions prior to the end of week 10k...

    Happy enough now. At the stage where the legs are always tired, but finding it very easy to do 10mile runs. 10k in a few weeks will be a big test as I will have completed 2 training cycles out of 4, and will train down for it and really give it a lash.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,510 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Racing Flat, I like the level of detail in this log. Can you give some further info on the following please:

    1) How did they calculate your VO2 max? You mentioned that the reading may have been slightly skewed due to you being a tad overweight. I had a test back in January and my VO2 max was sh!te. I'm hoping that a tiny bit of it was due to a high BMI (26). [Of course, the main reason it was crap is 'cos I don't do enough proper cardio]

    2) How do you measure your heart rate? Sports watch or something like that?

    3) I see that one of your suggested training plan mentions training 6 days a week and aiming for 50 miles. What level runner is that aimed at? i.e. 2 or 3 years? I know that my feet would not have been able to handle that starting from scratch. Maybe they could now, but not sure.

    Thanks & good luck for Berlin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    BossArky wrote: »

    1) How did they calculate your VO2 max?

    2) How do you measure your heart rate? Sports watch or something like that?

    3) I see that one of your suggested training plan mentions training 6 days a week and aiming for 50 miles. What level runner is that aimed at? i.e. 2 or 3 years? I know that my feet would not have been able to handle that starting from scratch.

    1) Incremental treadmill fitness test. ie wear mask which records the amount of oxygen you take in and CO2 you exhale. Then stand still for 3 mins while they record resting heart rate and respiratory status etc. then they take blood at the end of the 3 mins to check resting blood lactate levels. Then they start the treadmill at 10km/hour (this will vary depending on your fitness, but they will generally ask about your race times etc. and be able to tell from that roughly what speeds you will be capable of). Heart rate is taken every 30secs I think and blood lactate towards the end of the 3 mins. Then they put the treadmill up to 12 for 3 mins and repeat all tests, then 13, 14, 15 and so on until you can go no more. When I did the test in January I was 10'10". when I did it recently I was 11'00". Because the breathing aparatus calculates a score based on the amount of O2 you can consume (I think:confused:), they then divide this by weight in kg's to get the VO2 max score. So if you were at the exact same level of fitness (ie raced the exact same time for the same distance under the same conditions) at the time of two different tests, but were at a different weight at the different test times, your VO2 max scores would be different. In this scenario, the lighter you are, the higher your VO2 max score.

    Another reason my VO2 max was lower the second time (I think) was as follows: first time I did it I got to speed 18 and was ready to collapse (you wear a harness in case you do collapse :eek: as it is supposed to be a test to exhaustion). The second time I got to speed 19 and felt more comfortable (relative to how one usually feels at the end of these tests anyway, which kind of feels like a never ending sprint finish at the end of a long race), but knew that there was no way I would make 3 mins at 20 as did the tester. As they take the blood latate level towards the end of the increment, and this is what is used mostly in constructing my training plan (heart rate at lactate turnpoint), we finished the test at the end of 19. But if I carried on for maybe another minute (at speed 20), which I think I could have, I'd have got to the 'almost ready to collapse' stage, hence would have been breathing much harder and so would have probably recorded a higher VO2 max. But as the VO2 max figure is not used for my training plan (and I don't like to have that much pain too often, and I had a race 2 nights later etc etc) I stopped before the point of max exertion.

    2) I use a Garmin Forerunner 305 which has a heart rate monitor (have to wear strap around chest) which can be read from a watch.

    3) My first run 4 years ago was about 15mins and I had to stop and walk home. Did this x 2 a week initially then upped to x 3, then gradually upped the time. After about 6 months of running 2-3times a week, it gradually upped to 4, then 5, then 6 after about a year. Even then I'd say it took me at least 3 years training before I could regularly do 6 days a week. Up to then even though I planned to do 6 days a week, more often than not I'd only do 4 or 5. But it reached a stage where if I didn't do 50miles a week, my times in races started to slow. So because of this and because after 3 years I was fit enough for it and the body was strong/adapted enough to take it I now try to tun 6 days a week as routine with a 50mile general target. But that's obviously a lot to someone new. Gradually build up. Don't know how much exactly a new person should do, varies on starting fitness I suppose.

    Most marathon training plans are 3-4months long with 4-6 days a week running. But I would bnever advise anyone new to do this. If you are new, you should be running for 6 months before trying this as it would probably take that long to tolerate running even 4 times a week. I think it's the people who just do a 3-4 month plan having not run before that find it so difficult and are stiff for days after. Most runners I know can run the next day, probably because they have had a good base prior to embarking on the marathon training plan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,291 ✭✭✭eclectichoney

    Very interesting stuff Racing Flat - your log is a mine of technical info! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 30th June - 8.1m, 66mins, 142bpm

    Tues 1st July - 8.2m, 65mins, 147bpm

    Wed 2nd July - Rest

    Thurs 3rd July - 9.5m with 5m time trial 28.20

    Fri 4th July - 8.4m, 69mins, 139bpm

    Sat 5th July - 21m, 2.42, 148bpm

    Sun 6th July - 11m, 90mins, 137

    Weekly Total = 66 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 380 ✭✭A P

    Looks to me like you're going to be in perfect shape to break the 3hr barrier. Berlin is the perfect place to do it - I ran it in 2004 and broke it there too. The course is nearly completely flat, and world records have been set there in 2003 and 2007 so that tells you something. The crowds are amazing - they estimated that nearly a million people were out watching it. Finishing through the Brandenburg gate is a fantastic feeling. Keep up the good work and you'll get there. Don't be afraid to take an extra day off if your body needs it. It was the best day of my life - hope it's the best of your's too! Keep us posted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 7th July - 8.1m, 63mins, 7.49/mile, 143bpm

    Tues 8th July - 10m, with 4 x 1m (5.45,5.45,5.44,5.38)

    Wed 9th July - Rest

    Thurs 10th July - Rest

    Fri 11th July - 12m, 93mins, 7.45/mile, 156bpm

    Sat 12th July - Rest

    Sun 13th July - Rest

    Weekly Total = 30 miles

    Took APs advice and took a few extra days off this week. Came to end of hard 3 week cycle, anyway, so no harm. Will try to get a bit of speedwork in next week or two and then back to the hard miles for the last 2 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 14th July - 11.2m 78mins: 25mins tempo 6.11/mile, HR171, 15mins tempo 6.27/mile HR170

    Tues 15th July - 11.2m easy 84mins

    Wed 16th July - 11.2m 86mins: Intervals 8 x 3mins hard, 3 mins easy

    Thurs 17th July - 11.2m 85mins

    Fri 18th July - 11.2m 80mins: 35mins tempo 6.19/mile, HR165

    Sat 19th July - Rest

    Sun 20th July - 6.5m 47mins: 2 x 10mins tempo (5.58/mile @ 166bpm; 5.57/mile @ 169bpm)

    Weekly Total = 63miles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Mon 21st July - Rest

    Tues 22nd July - 6m, 48mins

    Wed 23rd July - Rest

    Thurs 24th July - 10m with 10k time trial 36.5mins

    Fri 25th July - 8.3m, 65mins, 7.52pace, 143bpm

    Sat 26th July - 20.7m, 2.39, 7.43pace, 144bpm

    Sun 27th July - 8.8m, 69mins, 7.57pace, 143bpm

    Weekly Total = 54miles
