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Can't set my new monitor's native resolution in Windows (1680x1050)

  • 25-05-2008 10:24am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 835 ✭✭✭

    Hi Folks,

    I've just gotten a new Samsung SyncMaster 223BW (22" widescreen). I'm connecting this to my laptop (Toshiba Satellite something-or-other - fairly new) via VGA cable. There's an Intel graphics chipset (Mobile Intel 945 Express Chipset Family) on the laptop.

    The problem is that the monitor's native resolution is not in the available res options in the Intel graphics properties application (or in Windows display -> settings). All of the res's listed are 4:3 or similar. I've set it to 1280x1024 but it looks manky.

    Intel have a 'fix' for this program and I followed the links on their site to download a newer driver but I don't see any difference in the application or the available resolutions.

    Anybody got any suggestions? Thanks

    Btw, I have installed the drivers for the monitor itself too


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 835 ✭✭✭Dr Pepper

    Thanks mathias.
    Yes, I've pressed the Fn-F5 keys a few times and tried each combination of laptop/monitor configurations.
    In addition to that, in the Intel application, I'm able to set either up as a single monitor, or both in clone mode or extended desktop mode with a variety of different resolutions and behaviors. Everything is working in that department.

    Only problem is, 1680x1050 is never given an option for the monitor resolution. I'm pretty sure the graphics card (chipset) is able to display resolutions that high because it has options up to 2048x1536 (all of which work but have varying degrees of ugliness!).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    set the samsung to be the main montor then you should get the proper res

    also try Ultramon

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,174 ✭✭✭mathias

    Can you set up with the new screen as the only monitor , and if so , can you see the resolution then ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 835 ✭✭✭Dr Pepper

    Yes, I've tried to set up the new monitor as the only screen but it still won't let me set it's resolution to 1680x1050. Does anybody know of a hack that will allow me to adjust the resolutions shown in Windows -> Display -> Settings ?

    In work now so I'll try Ultramon when I get home, thanks! I'll also see if I can get through to Intel graphics customer support but I don't have much faith in such things.. Indian call centres and all that! :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    if you had proper drivers you prolly could force it but since your on Some kind of intel i really dunno, :( ultramon should do the trick :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,278 ✭✭✭mordeith

    Dr Pepper wrote: »
    Thanks mathias.
    Only problem is, 1680x1050 is never given an option for the monitor resolution. I'm pretty sure the graphics card (chipset) is able to display resolutions that high because it has options up to 2048x1536 (all of which work but have varying degrees of ugliness!).

    Your problem there is that the 1680x1050 resolution is in 16:10 aspect ratio which is used for widescreen displays (which your samsung monitor is). The resolution that you mention on the graphics card, 2048x1536 is in 4:3 ratio which probably means that the card doesn't support widescreen resolutions, hence the ugly look you are getting.
