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Jim Corr is talking about the New World Order right now!



  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    Exactly suspectdevice, why isn't anyone that disputes WTC1 and WTC2 being demolished say anything about WTC7???

    Also, JJ6000, have you looked into the seismic activity reports from just before the planes hit? Here's some evidence and it also shows how in 2005 NIST changed their times, i mean, havent you found official reports that came out later that contradicted the first reports? Holes everyhwere... The first reports say that the seismic activity was recorded PRIOR to the planes hitting it, explain this please.

    Check this out:

    There are numerous links from the above article that contradict the official reports.

    The seismic activity for the planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2 was around 0.9 and 0.7 on the Richter scale but when asked to pinpoint the exact time the plane hit the Pentagon, they cant give an exact time because the signal was so weak, how could it be so weak that they cant tell? Coz it was a missile, not a plane.

    Here's your evidence for there being no strong enough seismic signals coming from the Pentagon when it was hit, straight from a Government website:

    You see JJ6000, the buildings being demolished are just one piece of a much bigger pie, you keep concentrating on the details of one little part of this, the explosions, and this is stopping you from looking into more information about the BIGGER picture. There is a much bigger picture going on here and its called the New World Order, open your bloody eyes please. I bet you still havent checked out the CFR, NAU and PNAC yet... have you ever even researched the illuminati? ah well, stay ignorant then... or else check this out:

    Do you understand what you are talking about at all?

    You are consistently displaying an inability to engage in logical thinking.

    You criticize me for concentrating on the smaller issues. Well, number one, that is what we were specifically discussing.
    Nmber two, you simply do not understand basic argumentitive logic. If you want to reach a conclusion (ie. that the new world order is behind all of this) then you must first be able to prove all of the stepping stones leading up to that conclusion. You must first be able to prove that the WTC towers were demolished, you must be able to prove it was a missile that hit the pentagon etc etc. If you can not first prove the components to your theory, then what basis do you have to understand the conspiracy theory in it's entireity??
    Your lack of logic is embarrasing and, quite frankly, I am getting quite annoyed having to consistently explain this to you. Myself and others have pointed this out in several posts before this and to be honest, I feel like I am wasting my time now. Your logic is childlike and I am close to losing my patience with this.

    I find this quote from your post particularly ridiculous.
    ...concentrating on the details of one little part of this, the explosions, and this is stopping you from looking into more information about the BIGGER picture
    Do you mean to say, the FACTS are stopping me from believeing the overall theory? If that's what you are saying then yes, you are absolutley correct.

    As a result of your posts, this thread is looking like a ill written joke to me.

    If you want an answer for the WTC 7 collapse then read this link.

    To be quite honest pixel8, I really would not be surprised if other conspiracy theorists were looking at your posts and either holding their face in ther hands and shaking their heads or rolling on the floor laughing at the consistent ill logic you display.

    Do not respond to things people post without actually reading the post first and/or grossly misinterpreting what was written. You have done this several times and I would be happy to post examples of it if you would like.

    Do not keep saying 'the [insert anything] is really part of a much bigger pie' instead of actually discussing the topic at hand (be it the WTC collapse, the thermite theory, whatever).

    Do not make unsubstantiated statements and then say it is upto US to disprove it.Sorry, my friend, the onus is on YOU to prove what you say. An ability to understand logical argument on your part would have made this self-evident instead of me having to WASTE MY TIME explaining it to you.

    Do not use the WTC 7 collapse agument least not until you can rebut what the link I posted explains to you.

    Do not use the thermite argument I've clearly explained, it's rubbish so until you can come up with a plausible rebuttal to what I said explained in my earlier post, dont talk about it.

    Do not say it was a missile which hit the pentagon when you quite obviously know NOTHING about what you are talking about. (see my very next post)

    Do not use the firemens quotes as I have also explained how the conspiracy movement is quite clearly wrong and have also CLEARLY LIED.

    Do not pick and choose quotes from civil engineers and then ignore other quotes from the same engineer when they clarify what they actually meant (calling them a liar etc)

    Do not start saying that the reason people arent waking up to this conspiracy is because they are under 26.

    Do not offer the numbers of people who believe these wackjob theories as some sort of "evidence" proving their actual truth.

    Do not start saying that Jim Corr, charlie Sheen, Bono or any other rock stars actors or celebrities have "inside information" and know more than we do about this big conspiracy.

    Do not start talking about UFO's, extraterrestrial intelligence, classified advance energy and propulsion systems like you decided to do earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    As for the pentagon missile theory. (mainly aimed toward Pixel8)
    PIXEL8, look up this information before you respond.
    Look up this info instead of leaving it up to me to gently serve it to you on a little plate. I'm tired of indulging your laziness, ignorance, and retarded logic.

    Do you know what type of security cameras were used on the pentagon perimeter?
    Do you know how many frames it generates per second?
    Do you know what speed the plane was travelling at when it hit the pentagon?

    Have you looked up the unedited statements of independant witneses who saw the plane approach and it the pentagon?
    Have you consulted the unedited statements of the motorists who were nearly hit by the plane as it passed over the interstate?
    Are you aware of the scientific reason for why the light poles "popped" out of the ground?
    How many statements from independant witnesses have you seen saying they saw a missile hit the pentgon???

    Have you seen the video from the doubletree hotel located besde the pentagon? Since you appear to value youtube so much, I'll make it extra easy for you (god forbid you might actually have to spend some time I]GASP[/I RESEARCHING!!)

    I could go on and on listing important facts you SHOULD know but obviously don't. The fact that you call me ignorant is just hilarious. Every post you make is a joke.

    Look up this info. And then if you feel like coming back to me with plausible rebuttals then do so.
    How can you HONESTLY say the evidence for a missile is comparable to the evidence for a plane. If you actually believe that then, quite clearly, you are either a liar, EXTREMELY gullible or simply mentally deficient. (or perhaps all)

    evidence for plane = lots (independant witnesses, footage, debris [yes there WAS debris]....just dig a little before so readily jumping to baseless conclusions)
    evidence for missile = ZERO!!!

    But in the meantime, kindly keep your mouth shut on issues that you obviously completely ignorant of. I'm quite reluctant to waste my time with you again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    lol I never heard the missile theory before. Jesus, people will come up with anything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    The whole conspiracy theroists view make me completely sick.

    They are not drivien by logic, they are driven by passion. Be it their hatred of bush, their fear of reality....whatever.
    Most, I would think, suffer from some sort of low IQ, making them extremely gullible or a mild psychological condition compelling them to believe this fantasy regardless of the evidence or reality.

    I have done you the courtesy of wasting my time with pointlessly long posts in response to questions which are easily answerable if you actually did a slight amount of digging yourselves. This information is freely available for you to dig up yet most of the conspiracy theorists will never have even heard of it. Why? Because instead of actually LOOKING for the answers to your questions, most simply choose to watch a grainy video with spooky background music and form their entire opinion based upon this.

    These conspiracy videos are appalling. I wasted my time watching 9/11 mysteries and it was a truly pathetic and appalling piece of film. Quite frankly, it is an insult to the thousands of people who died on 9/11 and their families.
    Do me a favor, since I did you all the courtesy of wasting my time watching that film, please do ME the courtesy of watching this, before you AGAIN start to spread more false facts, mistruths and outright lies.
    Here is a link to the movie by a guy who does a decent job in pointing out all the appalling errors in 9/11 mysteries. I respect this guy for having the patience to sit down and waste his time debunking your enormous fantasys.
    Google videos should make it nice and easy for you. DOnt be lazy now....sit, and actually watch and listen. Then come back and post.

    Here is a more comprehensive written debunking.
    Dont be lazy, please read.

    Look for the answers to your own questions before you jump to conclusions. The info is there. The evidence is there. Yet you do not seem to have bothered looking for it. And you ask me to wake up?????? You call ME ignorant????? I find your hypocrisy absolutley mind-boggling.

    Instead of actually arguing the evidence, most will simply come out with a "sheep", or "wake up" remark. Others will post links to the "bigger picture" enormous elaborate fantasy which, of course, has no real evidence supporting it either. This appears to be done in an effort to avoid the topic at hand....which is, at the moment, an explanation for the events which occurred on 9/11. Do me a favor please. Instead of posting links to the "bigger picture" and asking me to disprove them (which would of course involve me spending HOURS typing while you sit for 30 seconds and post a simple link), why dont you discuss the topic at hand???? Using evidence???

    THe evidence speaks for itself. The REAL evidence. The peer reviewed scientific reports. The REAL UNEDITED video footage. The REAL UNEDITED statements from witnesses on the day. The balance of evidence contradicting what the conspiracy theorists believe is truly staggering. The info is there. Yet, they continue to unwaveringly believe what they always do. I really do shake my head in disbelief.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    You see JJ6000, the buildings being demolished are just one piece of a much bigger pie, you keep concentrating on the details of one little part of this, the explosions, and this is stopping you from looking into more information about the BIGGER picture. There is a much bigger picture going on here and its called the New World Order, open your bloody eyes please. I bet you still havent checked out the CFR, NAU and PNAC yet... have you ever even researched the illuminati? ah well, stay ignorant then... or else check this out:

    No pixel8, I have not researched the illuminati yet.
    THe link you posted, by the way, is in no way evidence. It's all just conspiracy theory again. I did not see one shred of evidence in there.

    in any case, I've explained this before, and I'm going to have to explain it again. Discuss the topic at hand (ie. an explanation for what occurred on 9/11) Dont muddy the waters by posting links to the CFR, NAU, illuminati, UFO's, Extraterrestrial intelligence, advance propulsion systems etc etc etc.

    If you cant even discuss the evidence at hand without ignoring it and pulling out the "bigger picture" argument, then you have no business being here. So, until you can have an intelliglible and logical debate about the topic at hand....dont bother posting.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000


    Here you go, dont trust the 200 sceintists, engineers etc that compiled the NIST report, trust these guys (see pic in link)

    There you go guys.....Dylan of the most prominent faces of the conspiracy theorists movement. Sure, trust him.....

    Trust him?? dont make me laugh. It's pathetic and sad that people value this guys arguments and hypotheses (yes, hypotheses....he presents no real facts) over the professional opinions and FACTS and EVIDENCE PROVEN by EXPERTS AND SCIENTISTS. Thousands of man-hours of professional research, thousands of pages of scientific research and reports, eyewitnesses (UNEDITED statements), peer reviewed papers, real unedited camera footage....and you think I am convinced by the many half-baked arguments of guys like Avery? You think I should be convinced by their grainy videos with the eerie music in the background? You think I should be convinced by the many arguements which have been shown to be ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T?? Think I should be convinced byt the manner in which they knowingly spread outright LIES???? Give me a break.....


  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000




    Like I said....truly pathetic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    Well JJ6000, thank you so much for spending all that time not answering my question about the seismic reports, explain this:
    There is no question: AA Flight 11 died at 8:46:40 and UA Flight 175 at 9:03:11 [UTC 4 hrs]. Since the planes crashed at those times, the question is: What caused the LDEO times 14 and 17 seconds earlier? What caused those seismic spikes?

    Also you obviously didnt read the seismic report from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University:
    Since the time of plane impact at the Pentagon had often been reported with large scatter, the United States Army contacted us to inquire whether we could obtain an accurate time of the Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001 based upon our seismic network. We analyzed seismic
    records from five stations in the northeastern United States, ranging from 63 to 350 km from the Pentagon. Despite detailed analysis of the data, we could not find a clear seismic signal. Even the closest station (∆= 62.8 km) at Soldier’s Delight, Baltimore County, Maryland (SDMD) did not record the impact. We concluded that the plane impact to the Pentagon generated relatively weak seismic signals. However, we positively identified seismic signals associated with United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. The time of the plane crash was 10:06:05±5 (EDT).

    So, how come there are clear seismic signals for WTC1, WTC2, WTC7 and the Shankesville crash site, but not the Pentagon? A plane supposedly hit the Pentagon but there are much weaker signals than the other collapses and crash, why is this? Must have been a tiny plane or a missile.

    Here's a seismic analysis of the 2 impacts and 3 collapses, there is no mention of the Pentagon because the signals were too weak:

    I read the WTC7 report on ( and i dont see any comprehensive evidence that makes me change my mind about WTC7 other than the hole at the bottom but even still they use language like "probable cause", thats hardly factual evidence if they're not even positive themselves, at the top of that page it says:
    Structure Magazine explains one probable cause of the WTC 7 collapse. "Single Point of Failure: How the Loss of One Column May Have Led to the Collapse of WTC 7"

    Unless they can say that without a doubt, thats how it fell, then you're believing a probable scenario which is hardly a scientific conclusion.

    So, enlighten me about the Pentagon...

    Then you say:
    Others will post links to the "bigger picture" enormous elaborate fantasy which, of course, has no real evidence supporting it either.

    But you also then say that you havent researched the Illuminati??? So you've come to the conclusion that theres no evidence for the illuminati conspiracy even though you havent researched them at all, well done, proper scientific arrogance. That says a lot about your own research into 911.

    I take it you STILL havent looked at Zeitgeist, Esoteric Agenda or The Empire Of The City. Well they would be a good place to start... and guess what, they're FREE to watch, nobody looking for any money like you and others are so quick to falsely claim time after time. I already said numerous posts ago that i have NEVER paid to watch any of the material ive seen on 911, the NWO or any other conspiracy material. only ever seems to dispute what Alex Jones says, but come on, even conspiracy theorists think he's a quack for crying out loud.

    Try reading some proper material on the subject like the book Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory by David Ray Griffin or Without Precedent: The inside story of the 9/11 Commission by Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, here's some info from it:
    The most interesting thing about this book is that the authors were the co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission. This book points out the false testimony given to the 9/11 Commission. It also talks about how difficult it was to get the Bush administration to provide information. Keep in mind the authors were the men Bush hand picked to investigate his own crime, so they don’t finger him, just point to the facts of who was clearly lying about what. It is up to you to figure out why. You can’t get a more conservative authority that the public was repeatedly lied to about 9/11.

    Even official reports can be doctored...

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    Well JJ6000, thank you so much for spending all that time not answering my question about the seismic reports, explain this:

    Also you obviously didnt read the seismic report from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University:

    Yes I did.

    Did you read my earlier posts??
    I already addressed this. Read back on my posts.
    Once again, learn to read.....or, continue to post and embarass yourself.
    I wont post the info again for you. You need to learn how to read.

    Why do I have to tell you AGAIN, to read posts before you start typing?

    I read the WTC7 report on ( and i dont see any comprehensive evidence that makes me change my mind about WTC7 other than the hole at the bottom but even still they use language like "probable cause", thats hardly factual evidence if they're not even positive themselves, at the top of that page it says:
    Well, it shows that the main arguments you were relying on (Out of context quotes, falling into it's own footprint etc etc) have been rebutted and were clearly false.

    There are quotes from firemen actually there. There are pics from buildings surrounding it which sustained significant damage from the WTC 7 collapse. THere are photos of massive structural damage to WTC 7. Etc etc etc.

    So tell me this, what basis do you now have for believing WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demo? Now that your quotes are no longer useful and the footage clearly shows significant structural damage to the WTC 7 and sigificant damage to surrounding buildings caused by WTC 7 collapsing?

    Your grainy videos with eerie music??

    did you watch the video I posted like I asked you to? DOd you se the unedited version of the interviews that you like to refer to? Did you see the statments from Silverstein?

    No?? Oh yes, because AGAIN, you didnt read what I wrote and started typing before looking up information I post for you.

    Unless they can say that without a doubt, thats how it fell, then you're believing a probable scenario which is hardly a scientific conclusion.

    So, enlighten me about the Pentagon...

    I already told you...look the info up. Do I have to tell you again...not to be lazy? I am not going to indulge your laziness any longer. If you come back to me with answers to the questions I asked you on the pentagon, I will explain why they are relevant and why you are wrong.
    Then you say:

    But you also then say that you havent researched the Illuminati??? So you've come to the conclusion that theres no evidence for the illuminati conspiracy even though you havent researched them at all, well done, proper scientific arrogance.

    No, I havent researched the illuminati. But the link you posted does not have a shred of evidence in it. It is just theory. I have been presented with no evidence. I explained to you earlier, when you make a claim, you must back it up. You cannot simply make a claim and then put the onus on me to go out and prove it. I explained earlier, that this is not how scientific or logical argument works. Yet I have to explain this to you again. Why? Did you not read what I clearly explained to you earlier? Did you simply start typing before you read what I wrote? Yes, it would seem that you did. Is anyone surprised?

    In any case, I already told you, discuss the topic at hand. didnt you read that? Why do I have to tell you this again? Dont start going off on your little tangents again.

    I cant believe I actually had to tell you this AGAIN.

    Do you want to talk about UFO's again now? How about talking about extraterresrial intelligence again?

    Continue to post.....and embarass yourself. It's actually quite funny. Well done....

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    At the end of the day, we got the NO vote, and thats all i care about, couldnt care less what evidence you think you have JJ6000... well done Jim! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    You know what Pixel8, I am done with this thread.

    You have no idea how to have an intelligible debate. You consistently reverse the burden of proof.

    you look at tiny details and say "explain this". Almost all of these things are easily explainable if you would bother to read or do a tiny bit of digging.

    You form your conclusions on the most meager of evidence...usually no evidence. You ignore the fact that the balance of evidence is staggeringly in favor of the official theory.

    You consistently try to brush off the topic at hand by bringing up other theories.

    You ignore the evidence I post for you. You dont consider it or address it. You dont even try to rebut it. And yet you call me ignorant when I have answered your questions on the topic at hand yet you wont even extend the same courtesy to me.

    You ask questions which I have already answered.

    You do not know how to read.

    You do not know how to listen.

    You like to talk about UFO's and extraterrestrial intelligence.

    I really dont think anyone could possibly give you any credibility in this forum.

    Therefore, since no-one is likely to lend any weight whatsoever to your opinion, there really is no point wasting my time with you anymore. It really seems to me that you have some sort of psychological issue which makes to incapable of responding to logical debate. You are a lost cause.....perhaps if I had some psychological training I could help you, but I do not so there really is NO point in me wasting any more of my time.

    I have better things to do with my time than to spend them debating with someone who clearly has no idea how to do so.

    So, off you go back to your conspiracy sites and read the lies and very one sided views that you believe. Continue to ignore the moutains of evidence right in fron of your very eyes....that I so consistently had to spoon feed to you.

    and In a final display of ignorance, idiocy and general retardation, you say this:
    I "...couldnt care less what evidence you think you have JJ6000..."

    ladies and gentlemen, need I say more.

    congratulations truly have been a source of entertainment for us all.

    I on the other hand, am off to enjoy my life. Say hi to the aliens for me, ok?


  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    haha, whatever JJ... if you weren't so patrionising and condescending, i might give your waffles a little more time, but you are. Go watch The Secret, you're not a happy person, are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭suspectdevice

    i have to say i thought there was some excellent information and points of view expressed.

    now, what jim actually said about 911 was "Many, many people across the globe believe now that it was carried out by rogue elements within the Bush neo-con administration with the help of the intelligence services."

    you see, i think he may have got a little misled by watching too many internet movies. thats always dangerous. hes probably vulnerable and he needs distraction of some sort after spending years on the road, standing behind andrea, and silently thinking "i'd like to bone me sisters".

    the question is whether or not the american executive and its agencies had any prior knowledge of the attacks due on 911 and, if they did, was their reaction adequate? did they allow it happen, not realising the scale of the attack that was coming?

    i not saying that they organised it. it very hard to argue any point with regard to their involvement, most especially since none of us were fu'cking there. but am interested to hear opinions on whether or not they allowed it to happen being mindful that they have long term interests in the middle east and had issues to solve with the taliban and with saddam.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    haha, whatever JJ... if you weren't so patrionising and condescending, i might give your waffles a little more time, but you are. Go watch The Secret, you're not a happy person, are you?

    Well, since you asked me a question, out of courtesy I will respond.
    Perhaps if you are so easily offended you should not have started off your first post in this thread by calling us eejits. But with your track record I would hardly have expected you to remember having done so.
    Ps. you really should be able to argue the evidence without taking offense...I did. Obviously, you cannot. Oh well.

    It's also nice to see that you have no intention of looking at an alternate point of view on this issue even when it is right in front of you (ie. the google video I posted for you). I'm not surprised though.

    In reponse to your question....I am a fairly happy person. A completely happy person? No.
    But then again, I dont live in a fantasy land....I live in a place called reality or logic-land. Maybe you should pay it a visit some time.
    Oh well, go figure.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭Climate Expert

    A colleague of mine did a study on conspiracy theorists and their beliefs. His conclusions were that they all had slight brain damage which effected their reasoning ability.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    I made it happen

    Im not braydahmajgd

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    JJ6000 your screw911mysteres video raises more questions than it answers

    Like they point out that the Windsor tower was made with a concrete core, and thats the bit that remained standin

    however WTC7 had a concrete and therefre fireproof core,

    yet it didnt remain standin

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    Look JJ, you're some boyo, so i called u an eejit, big deal, who's the one getting affected here? Your language has been hostile from the beginning and you have some stiff upper lip to be calling me the hostile one.
    Ps. you really should be able to argue the evidence without taking offense...I did. Obviously, you cannot. Oh well.

    What a big fat lie, look at the language, CAPS and drivel in your last 3 or 4 posts, accusing me of everything under the sun without a shred of evidence, you state that i cant read, write or do anything, that i havent looked at the evidence you've looked at, come on... i used to believe what you believe and then i woke up... and im the one having a go at you? Get real man. Anything i post gets ridiculed by you and its completely obvious that you are describing yourself in those last few posts, not me.

    Your main source of information is which is just laughable. You accuse me of not even looking at that site when i have and their rebuttal of WTC7 is complete crap AND they dont seem to have a page about the Pentagon, why? Basing everything you believe on one website that might or might not be correct.
    I havent seen you comment on anything ive posted myself, you just keep going on about your own arguments, sticking to the point about the explosions. Well let me tell ya, Jim Corr was talking about the New World Order and only skimmed over 911 so the main point he made was regarding the NWO, not 911. 911 does not affect the EU and Ireland, the New World Order DOES affect us all. In my own research i find to be incorrect, and ive already stated my reasons why, end of story. You still havent checked out ANY of the links ive posted or any of the researchers i listed ages ago... Have you ever read any of the sites that debunk the debunkers?

    When you said that you havent researched the Illuminati, but that there is no evidence for that either, you really put your foot in it that time and showed us all your true ignorance. How do you know there's no evidence when you havent even researched them? In fact there is mountains of evidence for the Illuminati, mountains. But you had to comment on something you havent even researched and then say that theres no evidence for it. That just shows how arrogant you are about your points and how ignorant you are of other peoples points.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    lol I never heard the missile theory before. Jesus, people will come up with anything.

    Oh really? Where is the plane in the 5 frames of video that the US Government released? What about the other 20 CCTV videos that they havent released? Why have they not released them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    I'll probably get laughed at to death for this one (only by those that know nothing but what their TV's tell them) but for those who are seeking to learn what the bigger picture is all about, check this out:

    Im afraid it includes aliens, bankers and secret societies though so dont say i didnt warn ya! :P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Ya do know that site is run by the Illuminati to discredit thier foes?.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭GhostInTheRuins

    lol I never heard the missile theory before. Jesus, people will come up with anything.

    What's worse is the people that claim the planes are holograms created by "Sub atomic particle beams"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭tunaman

    JJ6000 wrote: »



    Like I said....truly pathetic.

    You seem obsessed with him.

    I could be wrong, but it looks like you are trying to compare anybody and everybody who has serious questions about 9/11, with him.

    So how about we look at the man who sold the official story to you, just how he reacts when asked a serious question about 9/11.

    George W. Bush caught off guard 9-11 Question

    He can't even answer it and then tries to laugh it off.

    Now that is what I call pathetic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭suspectdevice

    A colleague of mine did a study on conspiracy theorists and their beliefs. His conclusions were that they all had slight brain damage which effected their reasoning ability.

    can you direct us to the results for this study?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    My favouite 9/11 Iraq theory is that the war is about securing the Stargate!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,393 ✭✭✭Climate Expert

    can you direct us to the results for this study?

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    tunaman wrote: »
    You seem obsessed with him.

    I could be wrong, but it looks like you are trying to compare anybody and everybody who has serious questions about 9/11, with him.

    So how about we look at the man who sold the official story to you, just how he reacts when asked a serious question about 9/11.

    George W. Bush caught off guard 9-11 Question

    He can't even answer it and then tries to laugh it off.

    Now that is what I call pathetic.

    I agree....that is also pathetic.

    The man is an inarticulate idiot. I wont disagree with you there.

    BTW, I dont compare every Conspiracy theorist with Avery. Nevertheless, the movie that this kid made still remains the most popular conspiracy movie about 9/11.

    He is the most prominent and well known face of the 9/11 conspiracy movement and probably most of the myths about 9/11 that I have heard on this thread originated as a direct result of this Kids movie.

    I am certainly not obsessed with him......but a hell of a lot on conspiracy theorists appear to be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,509 ✭✭✭strecker

    someone somewhere above said nwo affects ireland/eu, 9/11 doesn't... Are you serious? Wether 9/11 was committed by one-kidney-binner or bush's neo-nazi crew: it has most certainly affected Ireland! If you fail to see that don't talk about nwo! Seriously!
    And to be clear: bin laden did not do it...leaves one alternative...
    Posted via Mobile Device

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    strecker wrote: »
    someone somewhere above said nwo affects ireland/eu, 9/11 doesn't... Are you serious? Wether 9/11 was committed by one-kidney-binner or bush's neo-nazi crew: it has most certainly affected Ireland! If you fail to see that don't talk about nwo! Seriously!
    And to be clear: bin laden did not do it...leaves one alternative...
    Posted via Mobile Device

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  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭suspectdevice

    couldn't get access to the whole file without subscription. can you grab it and post it, it looks very interesting and groundbreaking. from what you say, they seem to have finally related paranoia to brain damage. or since you know harper then perhaps you can get the file and pm it to me.

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