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Jim Corr is talking about the New World Order right now!



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    but, in essence, what you are saying is that wtc 7 dropped because of damaged incurred in the collapse of wtc 1 or 2, just straight went and dropped because of the collapse of the other buildings.

    Not quite.

    I'm saying that it suffered significant structural damage as the result of the collapse of a nearby building.

    Ongoing fires further weakened the building's support structure, until it eventually failed.
    even though there was another building right between them.
    I'm not sure what you're trying to imply as the relevance of WTC6. To try and explain why I can't understand....
      xxx      yy 
      xxx      yy 
      xxx      yy
      xxx      yy
      xxx      yy
      xxx zzz  yy
      xxx zzz  yy

    The 'xxx' column represents WTC 1. It was 1368 feet tall. I've rounded down to 1300, and allocated one row per hundred feet.

    The 'yy' column represents WTC 7. It was 741 feet high. Again, I've rounded down to 700, and allocated one row per hundred feet.

    The 'zzz' column represents WTC 6, which stood between them. I've been unable to find a definitive height for it easily, but I''m going to say that as an eight storey building, I don't think its unreasonable to suggest that it was certainly closer to 100 ft than 200 ft in height. Having said that, I'm allocating it two rows in my diagram (equivalent to more than 200ft in either of the other two buildings[/i]).

    The "widths" I've used are completely out of scale with the height...but I can't shrink them any more than I've done, unless I do a massive ascii diagram height-wise.

    From looking at overhead diagrams, measuring North-South, WTC1 was about as "wide" as WTC6, and both were a little wider than the gap to 7, which was about as wide as said gap. 6 was pretty close to 1. So I've given the buildings widths of 3, 3, and 2, and the gaps between them as 1 and 2 rows respectively.

    So...having safely understated the heights of WTC 1 and 7, and almost-certainly over-stated the height of WTC 6 in my diagram...and taken a stab at widths to give an idea of what we're looking at....maybe you can see why I'm completely at a loss to understand why you think there's something relevant about 6 being between the 1 and 7 when it comes to the damage from the collapse of the tower.

    Can you explain why you think its relevant, or even worth mentioning?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    Well they also say that the diesel tanks *full* of diesel in the bottom of the building must have been the things that were hit by the debris from WTC1 & 2 because both those things together with the structural damage must have cause WTC7 to collapse.
    Hold on a sec...who's this "they" you talk about?

    NIST don't say that....and NIST are who are responsible for the official findings.
    I have still only seen pictures of 3 floors on fire, not the whole building which if that was so might back up the diesel tanks argument.

    NIST don't say that WTC was engulfed in flames...and NIST are responsible for the official findings.
    Are we to conclude then that the diesel had nothing to do with the collapse then?
    I would suggest that you look at the interim report on WTC 7, as well as any and all material released by NIST since then. This will give you an idea of what is at least claimed to have something to do with the collapse.

    Having done that, I would suggest that you critique that position rather than doing some victory dance that you can find holes with some explanation which isn't representative of the official (albeit interim) findings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    theres a serious amount of people out there with unjoined dots in their head.

    theres a fair few on here who have joined them wrong if they believe that the american administration did not know about 911 before it happened, didn't appreciate the extent of it, made sure it was alllowed to happen and even before it happened decided how to use it to their benefit

    Thats nice rhetoric. If you had more than rhetoric and the suggested significance of an 8-storey building lying between a 47-storey and a 110-storey one, you'd be getting somewhere.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 397 ✭✭T.G Catter

    You know if you listen to runaway backwards, it sounds like a rant by jim corr denouncing the illuminati.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭suspectdevice

    bonkey wrote: »
    Thats nice rhetoric. If you had more than rhetoric and the suggested significance of an 8-storey building lying between a 47-storey and a 110-storey one, you'd be getting somewhere.

    i'm just trying to get past the building thing. i don't buy it all but like i said previously, its inconsequential to the discussion about what jim corr actually said.

    you can argue all day long about who brought the buildings down, or how they fell, and then go out and buy yourself a new anorak and go count trains or planes or something else like the, for me, its still of no consequence.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    T.G Catter wrote: »
    You know if you listen to runaway backwards, it sounds like a rant by jim corr denouncing the illuminati.
    And also, did you notice that if you play it forwards that it just sounds shìt?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    i'm just trying to get past the building thing.

    You commented that people are fooling themselves if they think the US Administration didn't know about it in advance....and now say that this is because you're trying to "get past the building thing".
    for me, its still of no consequence.
    I'd agree. You've made up your mind on who was involved, what they broadly did, and stuff like evidence is of no consequence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,044 ✭✭✭Sqaull20

    mike65 wrote: »
    OMG he is now talking about Sept 11 as a neo-con inside job, years of staring at his sisters backsides from a drum riser has clearly taken its toll on the poor lad.

    "I'm a truth seeker"


    Dont believe in this conspiracy myself ( last US president couldnt keep a quick suckie a secret, never mind this ) but the people that are calling Jim a nut job and so on, are a disgrace.

    The majority of the people in the press ( especially Amanda Brunker ) have slaughtered poor Jim for believing in something they think is clear madness.

    But alot of them believe in God, when only evidence to suggest he exists is in a book. A book that has been constantly edited and re-written over the last 2000 years and is by far the best selling book of all the time.

    There is as much evidence to suggest that what Jim says is true, if you care to look for it.

    But this argument is futile. It's the age old argument really, why does anyone believe in anything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    bonkey wrote:
    NIST don't say that WTC was engulfed in flames...and NIST are responsible for the official findings.

    Good stuff, well then its just a few pieces of debris which caused a little bit of structural damage and fires on 3 floors that caused WTC7 to come down like a controlled demolition? Please...
    It came down the *same* way as WTC1 and WTC2, yet planes hit them and only debris and fire on 3 floors made WTC7 collapse the *same* way as WTC1 & 2.
    So they collapsed the exact same way yet under *completely* different circumstances. How do you explain that? That makes absolutely no sense to me *unless* explosives were used and that would explain why all 3 collapses looked the same.

    Where is your common sense, bonkey?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19 TU154

    Actually you're all wrong. This thread is an intelligence test for continued use of the internet. Eircom/Insert Service provider here are going to be right round...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    Good stuff, well then its just a few pieces of debris which caused a little bit of structural damage and fires on 3 floors that caused WTC7 to come down like a controlled demolition? Please...

    Please is right. That is no more what NIST claim than is the claim that the building was engulfed in flames.

    But please...continue to show that you either don't know what they say, or that you're not interested in portraying it honestly. Neither option particularly adds credibility to your position.
    It came down the *same* way as WTC1 and WTC2,
    What? It suffered structural failure in the top 25% of the building, which then fell on the rest, causing that to collapse?

    Are we talking about the same building here? I'm certain thats not what happened to WTC7.

    <Maybe you could clear this up by explaining how the collapses are "the same", other than that they were collapses?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Funny this should come up I just watched the BBC film about WTC7.

    No doubt the beeb are in on the conspiracy so nothing put forward can be trusted of course.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,350 ✭✭✭✭rossie1977

    ^^^ caught some of that bbc thing tonite and the bit where the bbc reporter was reporting that WT7 (had fallen due to fire) despite the full building still standing behind her was funny

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,044 ✭✭✭Sqaull20

    mike65 wrote: »
    Funny this should come up I just watched the BBC film about WTC7.

    No doubt the beeb are in on the conspiracy so nothing put forward can be trusted of course.


    Its always the same with beeb.

    They start out agreeing with the conspiracy, going along with it until it has got your attention, then in the last 20 minutes, the tone changes.

    They interview people who say its nonsense and then they make out like its funny that some people believe in it.

    They interviewed that guy who said they tested for demolition traces and found nothing, not a thing. Smoke coming out, burnt steel etc, it was fire blah blah.

    The beeb always make out like we're stupid for believing it. They did it last wednedsay too with the Welsh UFO thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    Here's a nice comment that was posted in reply to an article called:

    EU Constitution Kingpin: We Will Ignore Referendums :
    Money is the root of their power. Without it, they are naked. They can hire mercenaries as long as they have gold to offer.

    The "painful truth" refers to a human weakness. If I had told you that 2.3 Trillion dollars was stolen from the US government's most powerful and crucial to our defense entity by government insiders, it would hurt. You would not believe me and say that it is a conspiracy theory. Luckily I did not tell you.

    The Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim "oversaw it" and Rumsfeld told you because he felt he had to tell you. He would rather not have told you. Who made him tell you? Not Dov Zakheim. It was a team of Pentagon auditors and whistleblowers working in the Naval Intelligence wing at the Pentagon.

    It hurt to hear about it, if you even heard about it. It was not as big a story as Monica Lewisky or O.J. or Mike Vick of course. It did not hurt as much to hear about O.J. You do not have to alter how you view the world after hearing about Lewinsky. But if you heard about the lost Trillions you had to decide an answer to a very tough question.

    So most decide it was not stolen, it was misplaced. Then many point out that Republicans were MORE responsible. But the audit spanned the period 1999-2000. So many of you decide Democrats were MORE to blame. Then an audit covering 2000-2001 uncovered another missing Trillion dollars.

    The "painful truth" that more money was "misplaced" by the military-industrial-congressional complex than spent on the entire Iraq war that killed 1 million people is a painful truth. Misplaced money does not dissappear though. To really lose track of that money, there would have to be a horrendous loss of investigative ability, especially banking, particularly the Securities and Exchange Commission and obviously the Naval Intelligence wing of the Pentagon.

    The war that killed 1 million people is being run by most of those same people who have "misplaced" enough Trillions to pay for 3 more equally long and distracting wars. But on the other hand, if you can be distracted by something as trivial as the OJ Simpson trial, the thieves can just pocket the other Trillions as profit if they can distract you.

    Dov Zakheim quit his Pentagon job after a missile slammed in to the Naval Intelligence wing of the Pentagon and the NYC HQ of the SEC was vaporized in building WTC7. Dov Zakheim is a dual citizen and went to work for an international corporation which is being purchased by the Carlyle group. He and Marvin Bush were each on the board of directers of firms which provided security at the WTC.

    The "painful truth" refers to a human weakness.

    "It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes seen not, and having ears hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth -- to know the worst and to provide for it.

    Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    NISTs explanation:

    Phil Hayton Ex-BBC Anchor talking about WTC7:

    9/11 Truth Chronicles: Part 1 Truth Rising:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,497 ✭✭✭Nick_oliveri

    Mike Rudin wrote:
    It is certainly true that on 9/11 the BBC broadcast that WTC7 had collapsed when it was still standing. Then the satellite transmission seemed to cut out mysteriously when the correspondent was still talking. Then Richard Porter admitted in his blog last year that the BBC had lost those key tapes of BBC World News output from the day.

    So is that proof that we at the BBC are part of a huge sinister conspiracy or is there a simpler explanation?

    The mystery of the missing tapes didn't last that long. One very experienced film librarian kindly agreed to have another look for us one night. There are more than a quarter of a million tapes just in the Fast Store basement at Television Centre. The next morning I got a call to say the tapes had been found. They'd just been put back on the wrong shelf - 2002 rather than 2001. Not so sinister after all.

    What about the incorrect reporting of the collapse of Tower 7? Having talked to key eyewitnesses who were actually at Ground Zero that day it is clear that, as early as midday, the fire service feared that Tower 7 might collapse. This information then reached reporters on the scene and was eventually picked up by the international media.

    The internet movie Loose Change has been viewed by more than 100 million people according to its makers and it asks this question in the latest film release: "Where did CNN and the BBC get their information especially considering the building was still standing directly behind their reporters?"

    It turns out that the respected news agency Reuters picked up an incorrect report and passed it on. They have issued this statement:

    "On 11 September 2001 Reuters incorrectly reported that one of the buildings at the New York World Trade Center, 7WTC, had collapsed before it actually did. The report was picked up from a local news story and was withdrawn as soon as it emerged that the building had not fallen."

    I put this to the writer and director of Loose Change, Dylan Avery. I asked whether he believed the BBC was part of the conspiracy. Given the question his film had posed about the BBC I was surprised by Dylan's response: "Of course not, that's ludicrous. Why would the BBC be part of it?"

    He added candidly: "I didn't really want to put that line in the movie."

    And the reason the interview with the BBC correspondent, Jane Standley, ended so abruptly? The satellite feed had an electronic timer, which cut out at 1715 exactly.

    There you have it folks. I have yet to see this documentary. Is it being repeated? Sorry for the long quote although it is relevant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    rossie1977 wrote: »
    ^^^ caught some of that bbc thing tonite and the bit where the bbc reporter was reporting that WT7 (had fallen due to fire) despite the full building still standing behind her was funny

    To be fair to her, she didn't report that, she was told it had collapsed by the newscaster who himself said "reports of..." as he was spouting a retuers report. It would have helped if someone had provided a few overview graphics/pix for the WTC complex for the newsroom.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,350 ✭✭✭✭rossie1977

    i don't know if anyone has seen the pilot episode of the lone gun men (a spin from the x-files), anyways i haven't but a friend today told me that it broadcast on american tv in march 2001 and the plot according to wiki

    "depicts a secret U.S. government agency plotting to crash a Boeing 727 headed for Boston into the World Trade Center via remote control for the purpose of increasing the military defense budget and blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators"

    looks like nostradamus has nothing on chris carter :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    Nick_Oliveri, thats exactly the type of post that i welcome to see against the CT information, thank you, not that i think BBC had anything to do with it or that that particular point proves anything about WTC7, but its just another one of the many weird things that happened that day.

    Have a look at just a few different times in the video 9/11 Chronicles:

    0:47:05 - Kevin McFadden, a first responder who was there when WTC7 came down confirms he heard explosives and a countdown to collapse.

    0:49:18 - Larry Silverstein saying on tape that they decided to 'pull it' which means demolish the building. Some claim that he meant pull the firefighters out of the building, but there were no firefighters in the building, just near it.

    0:49:40 - Richard Gage - Architect/Engineer for 911truth says that the building came down symmetrically like a controlled demolition. The idea of structural damage causing the collapse would have meant with the hole on the south face, that the building should have collapsed asymmetrically, but it didnt. The building came down symmetrically, just like a controlled demolition.

    1:04:50 - Michael Moore talks about 9/11 being an inside job and confirms that lots of firefighters that he talked to heard explosions in the buildings.

    1:07:15 - Gary Hart former Senator/CFR Member confirms the New World Order as originally preached by Bush Senior back in 1991, also confirms that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag and that others could happen again.

    1:13:17 - Rosie O'Donnell says a few words and Martin Sheen is still wondering about WTC7 but believes that with all the revelations about 9/11, it looks like the government were involved.

    1:14:25 - George Carlin (RIP) Comedian/Satirist, this guy should be seen by more people, he was kinda like Bill Hicks in some ways and he just died recently.

    1:21:00 - Bill Clinton denies any government involvement, then Hillary Clinton denies even being at a Bilderberg meeting when she was even seen up there at it along with a lot of other famous elites from around the world.

    1:28:50 - One of the first responders who is now suffering from toxic crap in his lungs like another 40,000 of the rescue workers on the day who are getting no healthcare from the government for risking their lives to save others. The government doesn't seem to care about their own citizens health at all.

    1:48:08 - We Are Change and the Feelgood Foundation meet with congressman Dennis Kucinich about the first responders and how thousands of them are sick and now have different lung diseases and cancers etc. and how they have had no health support from the government. Instead the government likes to spend its money on war, pretty sad.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 794 ✭✭✭jackal

    This is great stuff. Its like watching Creationists try and use science against scientists to debunk evolution. Comical stuff.

    Steel girders this, fire tempratures that, footprint the other. Internet experts (graduated magna cum laude from a 2 minute scan of a relevant wikipedia page) are so annoying. Give up this tiresome obsession and stop yakking on about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    jackal wrote: »
    This is great stuff. Its like watching Creationists try and use science against scientists to debunk evolution. Comical stuff.

    Steel girders this, fire tempratures that, footprint the other. Internet experts (graduated magna cum laude from a 2 minute scan of a relevant wikipedia page) are so annoying. Give up this tiresome obsession and stop yakking on about it.

    Stop looking at the thread if it bothers you that much, haha. People moaning about a choice that they take themselves to look here... whats next... I think you people do this on purpose coz you're so attracted to negativity or the chance to express some negativity.

    And ya see, thats all it boils down to, like some of the more spiritual documentaries out there point out all the time.
    Some people ask me, why are you telling me this 9/11 and NWO info, its so depressing, i dont want to know etc.
    Those people look at conspiracy docs and think they are depressing and only spread fear themselves but whats more depressing? Living a life of enslavement or getting a taste for real freedom and letting the whole of humanity benefit from it too?

    The main point behind these conspiracy documentaries is to try to unveil the cloak of evilness that exists in our world so yes it can be depressing to hear the so called truth.
    But the whole point behind it is to highlight the difference between LOVE and FEAR.
    It is a proven point in science (dont ask for a reference i cant remember where i saw this) that if you are a loving individual who has an open mind, the the receptors in your brain are open to more information, higher frequencies so more waves hit your receptors. People that love the world do more, and hence, learn more and don't be afraid of much.

    On the other hand, those that fear things in the world are going to let less information into their heads because of the lower frequency of fear, the waves are longer and hit less of the receptors in the brain. So they pick up half the information than others.

    It's interesting stuff this whole connection between Love and Fear and how it is also connected to how governments control us according to Freuds Theories.

    I mean, we know TV is bad for us, Alcohol is bad, Cigarettes are bad, Drugs are bad, Water is bad (Fluoride), Food is bad (MSG, Apartame).
    So these are just a few ways that we are controlled and kept in FEAR by our governments so we can be good consumers and buy more useless ****.

    Try giving up TV, alcohol, drugs and all those things described above and see how much FEAR you have left. You will only then begin to start seeing through all these lies that are EVERYWHERE.

    Once you realise that Love and Fear are the 2 main things to take from all of this, you will begin to open your mind more and more and see things you never even heard before.

    Sounds very philosophical or like something out of the Secret but it couldnt be more true. Someone that Loves the world looks and listens to everything, someone that Fears the world lives in a box and will only look and listen to that which goes along with their own ideas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    The mystery of the missing tapes didn't last that long. One very experienced film librarian kindly agreed to have another look for us one night. There are more than a quarter of a million tapes just in the Fast Store basement at Television Centre. The next morning I got a call to say the tapes had been found. They'd just been put back on the wrong shelf - 2002 rather than 2001. Not so sinister after all.

    Did you read any of the replies to that article first before posting that? Most people seem to think the BBC suck at asking the real questions...
    Reply: I've just had a thought - there wouldn't have been anything on the 2002 shelf in 2001, if indeed, a 2002 shelf even existed.


    Here's another reply which i would be inclined to agree with it:
    Reply: The skill of organising so many hijackings is not with the Arab people. It is certainly a joint CIA-Mossad operation. Once agents are involved, there is no leak.

    How did OBL manage to bring down building 7 ?

    How did OBL manage to neutralise the entire war machinery of USA for almost 100 minutes when the aircrafts were criss-crossing the US airspace ?

    How did OBL manage the 'put options' on AA and UA ?

    When you take the surmise that it was a joint CIA-Mossad operation, things fit very well. No other explanation appears credible.

    Research CIA-Mossad ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,497 ✭✭✭Nick_oliveri

    I did read it i was just quoting the original text on the blog for relevancy. I found that reply interesting also and got a chuckle out of it. They seem to show these "shelves" in the Documentary, whether its a "dramatic re-enactment" or not. :pac:

    It does come down to whether the damage was fatal or not on that side. As ive said in the other thread there would need to be evidence of a seperate incident to put doubt to what is observable from the media available.

    The documentary would have you think that no full samples of steel are being analysed by the NIST and they are working off a computer model to produce a scenario. Im open to correction though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 255 ✭✭Pixel8

    Heres another good reply from that BBC comments section:
    Wow this blog post really brought out the official story theorists. I would like to state again that anybody who uses the word conspiracy theory as a derogatory term really needs to get their head checked. Dissent is the greatest form of patriotism.

    it is very possible that wt7 may have eventually collapsed from fire, i don't think any alternative theorists dispute this. But it would have collapsed in an asymmetrical way and probably only partially (these are basic laws of physics, which for some reason don't apply to official theorists)

    People have to realise that the official theory is just that A THEORY. No scientific facts have yet to surface in anyway from the official theorists, yet countless journals from scientists and engineers showing science in action are flooding the alternative theorists. This is why we, the critical thinkers are asking questions rather than towing the offical line.

    Its even got to a laughable position where the alternative theory's are being debunked by blatantly propaganda sites. Do you really want to believe a website like JOD9/11 that has an advisory board with a man called "shagster" on it? then go straight ahead.

    The upcoming WT7 report has a segment that states that just before collapse a fireball shot out of all the windows. Apparently according to nist there is no logical reason for this. well i have one crazy theory for you, but i don't think you want to hear it.

    also anyone who thinks a conspiracy of this magnitude takes anymore that 10 people is living in an alternative reality. Have none of you heard of a thing called a "lie" its what people use to manipulate subordinates.

    I really cant see the use of arguing with defenders of the official theory anymore. they are faceless entities who for all we know could be the same sweaty geek typing under different names. Instead of defending their official facts (of which there are none) they attack the theory of others. which is exactly what a conspiracy theorist does.

    But hey, peak oil just hit and before long they will be living in run down city's fighting over copper wiring with the rest of us wondering what happened. we shall smile and pat them on the head and tell them about the history they hid from themselves for so long, invite them back to our sustainable communitys and all be friends again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭suspectdevice

    bonkey wrote: »
    You commented that people are fooling themselves if they think the US Administration didn't know about it in advance....and now say that this is because you're trying to "get past the building thing".

    I'd agree. You've made up your mind on who was involved, what they broadly did, and stuff like evidence is of no consequence.

    who did i say was involved in 911?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,131 ✭✭✭✭citytillidie

    Maybe he forseen the future.

    Do any of you remember the video to So Young where Jim and his sister where thrown paper Air planes about in what looks like NYC.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,096 ✭✭✭Lirange

    Gah! Where is the Ministry of Truth when you need them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Oh dear. Butterfly nets.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

This discussion has been closed.