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Jim Corr is talking about the New World Order right now!



  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Call_me_al wrote: »
    the videos are about as biased as the official version. i am not gonna believe 100% something on google video or youtube BUT i am 99% sure the Bush Administration knew what was going to happen that day (it has worked out way too well from them to be coincidence) and whether that knowledge was from intelligence or that they planned it we will never know.

    The current administration has brought in new laws that if any attack happens in the next few months they can postpone the elections (among other scary things), so i reckon IF something does happen it will pretty much confirm for me that they had a lot to do with 9/11. so i think i will be avoiding visiting the states before Obama is sworn in, just to be on the safe side.

    Ummm, how did it work out well for the Bush administration??
    So, the war in iraq worked out well?
    Billions upon bilions of dollars, thousands of US soldiers dead...the taliban making a comeback in afghanistan....yep, it sure worked out great for them.

    One thing I love about these conspiracy theories is that the conspiracy theorists are often the same people who believe that Bush is the dumbest, most inept president in US history. It's not something I necessarily disagree with.

    So, how did this incredibly inept president and his administration carry out the most enormous conspiracy in the history of the world and murder thousand of it's own citizens??? They screwed up majorly in Iraq and afghanistan.....yet they carried out the perfect and most massive crime in history right on their own doorstep???

    When there are no terrorist attacks before the election will you believe then that BUsh did not orchestrate 9/11 or know it was going to happen??

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    Yes JJ6000, its all just conspiracy theory, go back to sleep, they're not trying to regulate the internet so you have all the time in the world to watch those documentaries... Or do you?:

    Thank God for sites like Google Video, You Tube, the late TV Links, the late Stage6 and all the other video sites out there that tell it like it is when the media in the States atleast is controlled and owned by the CFR so practically none of this stuff is on TV, theres no reason why this stuff shouldnt be on Irish TV unless we too are owned. You might just learn a thing or 2 from YouTube and Google Video:

    Heres your other post.

    I actually genuinely thought it was a joke when you said "Thank God for sites like Google Video, You Tube, the late TV Links, the late Stage6 and all the other video sites out there that tell it like it is....".
    Yes, TVlinks are our saviours.....thank you TVlinks.
    I'm being presumptuous in thinking these sites are your primary sources of info??????????????? hahahaha!!
    Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble.....but referencing your Dad, actors and Rock stars doesnt do too much to help your case either.
    When are you going to start quoting Paris hilton???

    I love the way you say you look at lots of sources of information and have researched it extensively and then proceed to tell me I "might just learn a thing or 2 from YouTube and Google Video" and accuse me of being presumptuous???????????????????????? Are you for real????

    Are you seriously trying to say we are the eejits?? (note the correct spelling of eejit)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,972 ✭✭✭Cool_CM

    Anybody have a link to the d'arcy show?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Pixel8 wrote: »
    What an eeeejit you are,

    What a nice, polite chap you are.
    when did we ever say that YouTube and Google Video et all were our primary sources of information, you assume too much, i have read tons of stuff about this and have taken all points into consideration from both sides.
    You thanked God for youTube et al. You comlained that none of this stuff is on tv.

    The point I was making is that (with the exception of something like media studies) real research isn't done by watching multimedia content.

    YouTube etc. might serve as an interesting start-place to dig up topics to research, but mainstream media serves that purpose just as well, as do boards systems today, BBS systems before the internet, conversation down the pub, and, well, any number of other ways in which gossip and rumour has spread down through the ages.

    For reearch, one should never accept anyone's edited, narrowed-down, carefully chosen examples, particularly when it doesn't contain clear source-references.

    Y'know...the type of stuff you're about to criticise me for doing...
    Yourself and JJ6000 seem to pick and choose those little facts you think you know inside out and disregard all the rest,
    See...there you go. Accusing me of being selective, when the entire point I was making is that the likes of youTube offer nothing new in terms of research capability for exactly that reason. They give people a new medium in which to sell their opinions to others, in carefully-edited packages....but do we really need to thank God for that? I was as informed on the JFK assassinations before the advent of the World Wide Web as I am today. What, exactly, habe the likes of YouTube brought to the table?

    Now...I'll quantify that. If we were talking of research in the sense that a primary or secondary school kid might engage in for a class project...then sure, they've got some merit...just like the Discovery Channel or somesuch might have. On the other hand, when you get to people who claim to be looking for the truth of what really happened, then the last thing those people should want is pre-edited, poor-quality material, without cross-references and attributions which allow you to go and easily verify the claims made.

    Take the horrific Loose Change as an all-too-easy example. You see excerpts of statements from various people, but not once will you be told where the full transcript is that the statement has been taken from, so that you can go and check to see what it is they said, and what it is that hasn't been included.

    Thats why research still favours the written word. The ability to add cross-references, footnotes, annotations, etc. are an absolute academic (i.e. research) requirement. Any work without it is simply not reliable and without reliability, there is no credibility.
    Sad individual.
    I do try to be polite, though.
    Its beginning to look like the "conspiracy theorists" are the ones looking at ALL the info, and the believers in the official story are the lazy pricks that assume too much and have looked at practically none of the evidence.
    Continuously insulting people simply because they voice their disagreement with you is never going to convince anyone of anything except that you're impolite. If your aim is to ensure that as few people as possible will ever listen to your argument and consider it seriously, then by all means...feel free to consider this an ill-chosen remark on my part that has no part in our discussion.
    Why dont you put as much effort into looking at the evidence instead of wasting your energy posting nonsense on forums.
    Your claim of my posts being nonsense aside, what could you possibly know about how much energy I've put into researching this topic?
    Some people are never going to wake up...
    On that, we can certainly agree.
    And Bonkey, uncontrolled content = uncontrolled bias
    I agree. I'm not sure why you think this is a good thing.
    So, ya see, we dont hear the biased opinions that you have been so brainwashed by from TV and movies, we hear ALL sides, all the true stuff, all the false stuff, and then we make an informed judgement after taking ALL sides into consideration.
    Actually, thats not true. Uncontrolled bias does not mean you get to hear all sides. It means that all sides might be there to be found. The quantity and quality with which each side is available is further skewed by the interest those holding a given perspective have for producing content.

    Take youTube again. For the vast, vast majority of people who accept that two planes slammed into the towers, causing extensive structural damage and massive fires, the combined effects of which led to the collapse of each tower...there's no reason to produce any content. Similarly, those people who've looked at the evidence and come to the conclusion that they agree (in broad terms) with the scientific analysis of what happened...what exactly should they produce a video about? So what we end up seeing are people producing a slew of videos about how its all lies, and we see the occasional "rebuttal" piece of work.

    Lets also bear in mind that in uncontrolled media, the "signal-to-noise" ration falls way down...arguably to the point where it becomes nigh-on-impossible to determine what is signal.

    If you want to see that as "all possible views" from which you can choose for yourself, you're perfectly entitled to do so. Me, I'll look a bit further afield.
    Remember, and this is a point that naysayers always forget, there is lots of disinfo about this online as well as real info coz they are trying their hardest to discredit the people that are getting the truth out about this, but of course holier than thou knew this already.
    Have you considered the possibility that just maybe there's people who believe conspiracy theories which are wrong? Have you ever noticed how rare it is to see someone say yes...they believed in Conspiracy Theory X a few weeks ago, but now they've concluded the guy is flat-out wrong / out to make a quick buck / crazy? Instead, you get that they were duped by what was obviously disinfo, being put out there to confuse the issue.

    If thats what you want to believe...again...go right ahead. Personally, I think that "your side'" (so to speak) would gain a hell of a lot more credibility if they were far more willing to say "we were wrong" rather than fall back on the disinfo/cointelpro line every single time.

    But what would I know? I'm just this guy you've decided to insult time and time again for reasons I can't fully understand, although I suspect a lot of it is because I don't accept youTube videos as particularly useful for research.
    I suppose you guys are going to start arguing that the North American Union is false?
    If you'd like to make specific claims...I'll be quite happy to tell you if I think they're true or false. I'm not going to pass comment on whether or not a name is true of false, nor am I going to go down the road of you posting a video and expecting me to comment on it. If you'd like a discussion, lets discuss. I'll even ignore the name-calling while we discuss if it makes it easier for you.

    If, on the other hand you don't fancy having to argue your own case, in your own words...then thats fine too.
    and risk looking like an eeeejit again:
    But I still won't risk looking impolite.
    Have any of you actually listened and researched the stuff that Jim raised? Maybe you should...
    Good use of a rhetorical question there. Assume that you know what I and others have and haven't done. It hints at how carefully you are researching things before arriving at conclusions.

    But hey...why don't you just insult me again instead of admitting that you haven't the first clue what I have and haven't researched? I'm sure it will be as helpful in making your argument more credible as all the other insults you've thrown about have been.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,225 ✭✭✭Chardee MacDennis

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    Ummm, how did it work out well for the Bush administration??
    So, the war in iraq worked out well?
    Billions upon bilions of dollars, thousands of US soldiers dead...the taliban making a comeback in afghanistan....yep, it sure worked out great for them.

    One thing I love about these conspiracy theories is that the conspiracy theorists are often the same people who believe that Bush is the dumbest, most inept president in US history. It's not something I necessarily disagree with.

    So, how did this incredibly inept president and his administration carry out the most enormous conspiracy in the history of the world and murder thousand of it's own citizens??? They screwed up majorly in Iraq and afghanistan.....yet they carried out the perfect and most massive crime in history right on their own doorstep???

    When there are no terrorist attacks before the election will you believe then that BUsh did not orchestrate 9/11 or know it was going to happen??

    yes i think it will take a bit out of my argument, and i of course will accept that but you are in your own little world if you think it hasnt worked out well for the Bush administration. Blair was a just an fool that thought the US doctored intelligence was correct and thought by getting in on the war they would get a big piece of the post Iraq war pie.

    when a country goes to war and spends trillions of dollars where do you think that money goes? Hailburton have made billions from the US being at war and do you really think that the administration cares about the lives of people soldiers - the a high percentage of which live under the poverty line. Also how about the fact that the reason the US economy did so well in US up until this year is because it was a war economy and without the money generated from the war the US economy would have been much worse hit much earlier. Also who do you think owns all this oil that is selling for huge prices now? American companies have taken over the Iraqi oil fields.

    and Bush in my opnion is a patsy, its all to do with Cheney, Rove, Bush Snr etc. Even McKellens comments on what kind of a man Bush is in his book leads me to believe this.

    And i didnt say they neccessarily did do it but believe they had prior knowledge, and there are many people within international security that knew about the attack.

    the attacks on america allowed them to pass through the Patriot Act which allows the intelligence agencies a lot more freedom among US citizens and gives the government a lot more power. Just look at Super NAFTA - its going to ruin the US and unemployment rates will be huge but it is being pressed through by the Bush administraton anyway - why coz the people behind it will make a killing at the cost of the average citizen.

    oh and if you dont believe that the media is controlled (not saying by the government) especially in the US than you are an idiot - just look at the bashing Obama is getting from the stations like CNN and Fox in the US. So however accurate their content is Youtube and LiveLeak etc are a blessing as it gives people more access to the opinions of the world be it for good or bad.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    No, not really.
    Wow, popping sounds yeah?? That MUST mean it was a controlled demo. (sarcasm off)
    Are civilians qualified demoition experts??
    No?? I didnt think so.
    Redundant argument.

    Redundant argument? Your logic leaves a lot to be desired! Anyone who is not an expert witness should have their testimonies disregarded in court according to yourself. :rolleyes:

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    And also, have you actually ever heard a controlled demolition?????
    I have....I have seen & heard several. And believe would know all about it if it happened. It's incredibly loud. Even buildings a fraction of the size of the WTC make an enormous and very distinctive sound
    it's not the type of thing that only a 'couple of witnesses' hear.

    I've never heard a controlled explosion, no. It's not just a 'couple' of witnesses who heard the explosions, it's firefighters, press and the last survivor of the towers among others who heard the explosions. There's also sound analysis backing this up.
    JJ6000 wrote: »
    Emmmmmm....hahahha. do you actually know what thermite is? It's used to cut steel. Dont you think there was steel that needed cutting in the cleanup operation?? There was hundreds of thousands of pounds of steel in the WTC.
    I can post pics if you like......which actually SHOW steel being cut in the cleanup operation and pics of many steel workers walking around ground zero. Would you like me to post them for you????

    I've known what thermite is for the last 15 years my friend, it can be 'manufactured' from aluminium powder and iron oxide (rust). Post the pictures showing thermite being used during the cleanup, because yes, I would love to see that.

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    Also, please answer this.......wasnt the steel shipped off to Asia and melted down???
    At least that's what Jim Corr said.
    So, how did some professor manage to get a piece of steel to get a sample of thermite from??
    Cant you see how the conspiracy theorists arguments are PACKED with contradictions??

    It was shipped off to Asia, however, Fema bodies did analyse some of it before this occurred. The point of it being shipped off, if that it was done so quickly, and wasn't open to independent scrutiny. It's in the 911 Commission report.
    JJ6000 wrote: »
    What exactly are you trying to say here??
    Are you going to answer my question or just say "watch the video"??
    I DID watch the video.

    Watching the video of the towers collapsing, there is evidence of explosions on the sky lobbies, and white smoke from the base of the tower before the collapse. Controlled demolitions are controlled, they could easily be set up to bring the steel core down from the top floors to the bottom.

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    OK, so you basically backed up my argument. HAHAHA, thanks!!!!
    They are eye witnesses and NONE saw ANY evidence of a controlled demo. They foound no explosive wiring, blasting caps....they didnt see enormous mounds of thermite or hundreds of pounds of explosives.
    So, thanks for making my argument for me!!!
    And by the way PLENTY of firemen have a background in structural engineering.
    I have an uncle who is a fire chief and also has an engineering degree.....or is he in on the conspiracy too???

    Blah blah, my uncle is head of the CIA and he told me it was an inside job (/waffle). Listen post a link to tell me how many firefighters have backgrounds in structural engineering and I'll listen to your claptrap. The witnesses heard the controlled explosions popping each floor, as has been discussed, a point which you conveniently disregard! As for witnessing wiring etc. The whole point is that the demolition would have to have occurred in the steel core. That is not an area which people normally see or have access to.

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! so you trust the 911 report now????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love the way you pick the facts from the reports that you want to believe and then dispense with the rest.
    HAHAHAHAHAHA...........your arguments get more hilarious by the minute!!!!!

    Adding all that laughter makes you seem very immature, you do realise that don't you? It's not going to win an argument for you, attempting to shout down people and writing 'HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA' in uppercase over and over again. Not when your logic is so flawed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    bonkey wrote: »
    YouTube etc. might serve as an interesting start-place to dig up topics to research, but mainstream media serves that purpose just as well, as do boards systems today, BBS systems before the internet, conversation down the pub, and, well, any number of other ways in which gossip and rumour has spread down through the ages.

    For reearch, one should never accept anyone's edited, narrowed-down, carefully chosen examples, particularly when it doesn't contain clear source-references.

    Bonkey, youtube and other media outlets simply offer an easy to digest method to present your research to those who can't be bothered reading. I think it's unfair for you to disregard this medium, without disregarding documentaries, books, articles and other forms of media. You seem more annoyed that people take the youtube stuff as gospel without researching, but can't you see that more people take the news reports from News Corp. as gospel without questioning them. Does that make them right and us wrong? If actual irrefutable facts are posted which clearly contradict the opinion I have formed from my own research, then I will accept that, and change my view accordingly. The fact is (pardon the pun) that so far, nothing has been proven that makes me alter my belief that 911 was an inside job, false flag operation.

    Follow the money - the old advice given by DeepThroat at the Watergate conspiracy. If you follow the money for 911, it's blatantly obvious who has benefitted!

  • Posts: 3,621 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Its amazing the amount of people that are construction and demolition experts after watching youtube videos. :pac:

    Don't feed the 911 Walter Mittys!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭tunaman

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    and can someone also explain.....if the US govt carried out 9/11, then why exactly have Al QAEDA taken responsibility for it??

    I suppose they are in on the conspiracy with the US govt????? HAHAHAHAHA!! Dont make me laugh!!

    Bin laden issued the following denial days after 9/11.

    In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

    "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

    "I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

    Asked Sunday if he believed bin Laden's denial, President Bush said, "No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that."
    Yes, they are in on the conspiracy.....along with all the firefighters who went into those buildings and never saw the thousands of tons of explosives necessary to take down the WTC, along with all the workers in the WTC who must have kept quiet when thousands of pounds of explosives were being placed in the building when the guts were being ripped out of the building and heavy drilling taking place and thousands of metres of cable being laid throughout the entire building..

    You are resorting to wild speculation now, as you have no idea how much explosives would be needed to take down those buildings. Here is what an expert had to say on that day.


    "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

    Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures. "It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that,"

    If explosions did cause the towers to collapse, the detonations could have been caused by a small amount of explosive, he said. "It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points," Romero said. The explosives likely would have been put in more than two points in each of the towers, he said.


    He now works for the Bush administration...

    As for the firefighters, what about the radio transmission from one of them who reached the 78th floor of the south tower and said "we have two isolated pockets of fire, we can knock it out with two lines"?

    Nothing like the raging inferno the government would have you believe.

    Also, how can you claim that it would require thousands of pounds of explosives to demolish those buildings, yet at the same time you believe that an airplane impact and fire on roughly 5 floors of the buildings was more than enough to totally destroy them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭tunaman

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    Tell you everyone that ricidulous clip in loose change where he makes the comparison betwen a real demolition and the WTC "demolition". I laughed when I saw it since it bears NO RESEMBLANCE TO A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

    If I remember correctly they were comparing the so called collapse of wtc 7 with conventional controlled demolitions, which is exactly the same.
    Also, dont cotrolled demolitions occur from the ground?? NOt from the top floors??

    Most of the time, yes, but not always. Here is a youtube video :eek:of a top-down demolition.

    Yes it really happened lads, not all youtube videos are dodgy or fake. ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 463 ✭✭tunaman

    bonkey wrote: »
    Indeed. Without them, we might have to do our own research in order to be informed....and actually read stuff.


    So what is wrong with people watching the actual footage of the buildings coming down, especially wtc 7?

    What about footage of Bush sitting in a classroom of kids while CNN was showing footage of the WTC on fire?

    What about the testimony of 9/11 whistleblowers?

    Are people not supposed to watch what happened and form their own opinions, without the government telling them what really happened?

    The only place I know of this footage being available is on the likes of youtube. Most people haven't got time or enough interest in reading hundreds of pages of government funded experts, paid to tell them what to think.

    For people with time I suggest reading this interview with a former air traffic controller.

    The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th
    Former Air Traffic Controller Robin Hordon speaks out
    on 9/11, NORAD and what should have happened on 9/11.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭localhothead

    ok, well
    what he says is radical and yes the " conspiracy theory" phenom does sound crazy at first listen. - god forbid any government or radical group would lie, murder, kill or orchestrate any war for its own gains - just dont happen does it ?
    or ok,
    It USED to happen , but it wouldnt happen NOW in the 21st century would it ???

    it may not have been the usa government - this is quite possible - but SOMEONE in the USA set this up
    there is no way you are going to hijack 5 planes and attack the usa without someone knowing about it -
    they have seriously advanced early warning and monitoring systems , they can track stuff the size of a tennis ball in space orbit - the list goes on and on, no way man - cannot believe it happend with no assistance from someone

    Jim corr has potential access to a lot more inside knowledge , ( as does BONO ) than most - if not all non celebs - they all move in circles where people talk , some very important people in fact.

    personally i wasnt a big Con theory advocate , until I looked around the net and read a few books some for , some against - and see now that something dreadful is happening to the world and civil liberty , whether you believe it or not , and it is preferable to hide your head in the sand than the stark possibility of this being real.

    ask yourself this , for once , as an indulgence , as an experiment , think about it , - what if it was true ? what if its all true ? dont shy away from it , dont blast it down as idiocy - but just think - if it were true - where does that leave YOU , any of us ??

    personally , im pretty worried . and I aint really afraid of much .

    i know some people who were told on a night beach party while looking at the stars that each one is a sun like ours , and many may contain systems and possibly worlds like ours, maybe even life - these people became upset and changed the subject , rather thn even consider an alternate possibility to what was staring them in the face.

    I say good luck Jim , and fair balls for offering yourself up as a dartboard to majority of us who are too scared to see what is happening to our world
    Conspiracy theory or not , 911 or not , the world is steadily going to pieces ,

    time to wake up ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,355 ✭✭✭Belfast

    mike65 wrote: »

    He has not mentioned the lizards.............yet!


    I do not think he understands the subject very well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭The Chessplayer

    ok, well
    what he says is radical and yes the " conspiracy theory" phenom does sound crazy at first listen. - god forbid any government or radical group would lie, murder, kill or orchestrate any war for its own gains - just dont happen does it ?
    or ok,
    It USED to happen , but it wouldnt happen NOW in the 21st century would it ???

    it may not have been the usa government - this is quite possible - but SOMEONE in the USA set this up
    there is no way you are going to hijack 5 planes and attack the usa without someone knowing about it -
    they have seriously advanced early warning and monitoring systems , they can track stuff the size of a tennis ball in space orbit - the list goes on and on, no way man - cannot believe it happend with no assistance from someone

    Jim corr has potential access to a lot more inside knowledge , ( as does BONO ) than most - if not all non celebs - they all move in circles where people talk , some very important people in fact.

    personally i wasnt a big Con theory advocate , until I looked around the net and read a few books some for , some against - and see now that something dreadful is happening to the world and civil liberty , whether you believe it or not , and it is preferable to hide your head in the sand than the stark possibility of this being real.

    ask yourself this , for once , as an indulgence , as an experiment , think about it , - what if it was true ? what if its all true ? dont shy away from it , dont blast it down as idiocy - but just think - if it were true - where does that leave YOU , any of us ??

    personally , im pretty worried . and I aint really afraid of much .

    i know some people who were told on a night beach party while looking at the stars that each one is a sun like ours , and many may contain systems and possibly worlds like ours, maybe even life - these people became upset and changed the subject , rather thn even consider an alternate possibility to what was staring them in the face.

    I say good luck Jim , and fair balls for offering yourself up as a dartboard to majority of us who are too scared to see what is happening to our world
    Conspiracy theory or not , 911 or not , the world is steadily going to pieces ,

    time to wake up ??

    What is the story with these big long boring posts about nothing?

    Apparently Jim Corr said something about Prince Charles being a lizard, and basically that the whole royal family are shape-changing lizards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    For all of you who believe the thermite argument I'll explain WHY IT IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLS*HIT.

    professor Steven Jones is responsible for these ridiculous claims. Let's try and PRETEND for a minute that he is independant (he is after all, co founder of the 911 truth movement)

    He says he found evidence of thermite. This isn't true. What Jones found was something which would have been in the debris pile anyway. Sulfur...

    In Steven Jones' PDF "Answers to Objections and Questions", to support his claim for Thermite/ate he states:
    "One molecule, described by the EPA's Erik Swartz, was present at levels "that dwarfed all others": 1,3-diphenylpropane. "We've never observed it in any sampling we've ever done,"
    However when you look at the link he uses,0,471193.story?coll=ny-homepage-right-area

    You find out he edits out the VERY next line which states

    "He said it was most likely produced by the plastic of tens of thousands of burning computers."

    There you go......a perfectly normal and reasonable explanation for the sulfur.....but Jones decided to keep that little piece of info from us......why?????????????????????

    let's pretend for a minute that not only is Jones independant and unbiased, but that he actually found evidence of thermite. Of course, we all know he didnt, but we'll pretend...


    There you go......thermite argument = not conclusive, or even plausibly suggestive, in any way whatsoever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    ok, well
    what he says is radical and yes the " conspiracy theory" phenom does sound crazy at first listen. - god forbid any government or radical group would lie, murder, kill or orchestrate any war for its own gains - just dont happen does it ?
    or ok,
    It USED to happen , but it wouldnt happen NOW in the 21st century would it ???

    it may not have been the usa government - this is quite possible - but SOMEONE in the USA set this up
    there is no way you are going to hijack 5 planes and attack the usa without someone knowing about it -
    Do you realise there are around 3000-4000 planes in the skys over the US at any given time?? Contrary to what you think....planes are NOT AT ALL EASY TO TRACK AND LOCATE....particularly when their transponders are turned off and they are unidentifiable.
    It is a flying needle in a haystack.
    they have seriously advanced early warning and monitoring systems , they can track stuff the size of a tennis ball in space orbit - the list goes on and on, no way man - cannot believe it happend with no assistance from someone
    It doesnt matter what you matters what you have evidence for an can prove....which is nothing.
    Jim corr has potential access to a lot more inside knowledge , ( as does BONO ) than most - if not all non celebs - they all move in circles where people talk , some very important people in fact.
    Are you actually joking??
    Good god......I actually dont even know how to respond to this.
    Jim corr has inside knowledge???
    Ladies and gentlemen....observe the backbone of the conspiracy theorists arguments.

    ask yourself this , for once , as an indulgence , as an experiment , think about it , - what if it was true ? what if its all true ? dont shy away from it , dont blast it down as idiocy - but just think - if it were true - where does that leave YOU , any of us ??
    What if it were true??
    What if marshans were real?
    What if elvis is still alive??
    What exactly are you trying to say?
    i know some people who were told on a night beach party while looking at the stars that each one is a sun like ours , and many may contain systems and possibly worlds like ours, maybe even life - these people became upset and changed the subject , rather thn even consider an alternate possibility to what was staring them in the face.
    Whay are you talking about space now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Now, lets deal with the firemens Quotes and the fact that the conspiracy theorists incorrectly believe they heard explosives.

    THe conspiracy theorists consistently mis-quote people and take their quotes out of context.

    Lets look at a couple of quotes they like to use.

    See below (It is copied from another source....AND IT IS REFERENCED TO THE ORIGIN OF THE QUOTES)

    "I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building?”--Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory

    Now the WHOLE QUOTE without the taking out of context...
    "I know I was with an officer from Ladder 146, a Lieutenant Evangelista, who ultimately called me up a couple of days later just to find out how I was. We both for whatever reason -- again, I don't know how valid this is with everything that was going on at that particular point in time, but for some reason I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-leve] flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought -- at that time I didn't know what it was. I mean, it could have been as a result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.
    Q.: Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire was?
    A: No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.
    I don't know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building cowing down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever.

    Let me guess why they left that important part out..
    “t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear 'Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop'."--Paramedic Daniel Rivera

    First, notice he and everyone else was scared of TERRORISTS. What do TERRORIST DO? So it's not unreasonable for someone who is thinking TERRORIST to hear the sound of huge concrete floors falling one on top of the other to think "BOMB" first. As I said, No one has ever seen an airplane hit buildings constructed like this and the collapse of this odd combination.
    “There was what appeared to be at first an explosion. It appeared at the very top, simultaneously from all four sides, materials shot out horizontally. And then there seemed to be a momentary delay before you could see the beginning of the collapse." --Chief Frank Cruthers
    there was what appeared to be at first an explosion. it appeared at the very top, simultaneously from all four sides

    And why wouldn't floors falling around the building NOT APPEAR to be an EXPLOSION... :blink:
    "I started walking back up towards Vesey Street. I heard three explosions, and then we heard like groaning and grinding, and tower two started to come down.” --Paramedic Kevin Darnowski
    Again, just more sounds like explosions as floors ram into each other. Note he doesn't say he SAW three explosions.

    And here is the outright LIE...
    “ we heard explosions coming from building two, the south tower. It seemed like it took forever, but there were about ten explosions. . . . We then realized the building started to come down.” -- Firefighter Craig Carlsen
    Note where these liars put the "...."
    Now for the REAL quote...
    I guess about three minutes later you just heard explosions coming from building two, the south tower. It seemed like it took forever, but there were about ten explosions. At the time I didn't realize what it was. We realized later after talking and finding out that it was the floors collapsing to where the plane had hit.

    So there you go....this is how the conspiracy theorists like to quote people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    tunaman wrote: »
    Bin laden issued the following denial days after 9/11.

    In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

    "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

    "I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

    Asked Sunday if he believed bin Laden's denial, President Bush said, "No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that."

    You are resorting to wild speculation now, as you have no idea how much explosives would be needed to take down those buildings. Here is what an expert had to say on that day.


    "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

    Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures. "It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that,"

    If explosions did cause the towers to collapse, the detonations could have been caused by a small amount of explosive, he said. "It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points," Romero said. The explosives likely would have been put in more than two points in each of the towers, he said.


    He now works for the Bush administration...

    As for the firefighters, what about the radio transmission from one of them who reached the 78th floor of the south tower and said "we have two isolated pockets of fire, we can knock it out with two lines"?

    Nothing like the raging inferno the government would have you believe.

    Also, how can you claim that it would require thousands of pounds of explosives to demolish those buildings, yet at the same time you believe that an airplane impact and fire on roughly 5 floors of the buildings was more than enough to totally destroy them?

    I find it interesting that you give so much weight to Romeros earlier statement but then choose to call him a liar when he clarifies the statements. Another example of selective quotes.

    Here is another statement from him......but I suppose you will conveniently choose not to believe him and pull out the "they got to him" card.

    "Demolition expert Romero regrets that his comments to the Albuquerque Journal became fodder for conspiracy theorists. "I was misquoted in saying that I thought it was explosives that brought down the building," he tells PM. "I only said that that's what it looked like."

    Romero, who agrees with the scientific conclusion that fire triggered the collapses, demanded a retraction from the Journal. It was printed Sept. 22, 2001. "I felt like my scientific reputation was on the line." But saw something else: "The paymaster of Romero's research institute is the Pentagon. Directly or indirectly, pressure was brought to bear, forcing Romero to retract his original statement." Romero responds: "Conspiracy theorists came out saying that the government got to me. That is the farthest thing from the truth. This has been an albatross around my neck for three years." - Van D. Romero, Ph.D. in Physics

    I have also already said I was aware of the fact that BinLaden denied responsibility immediately after the attacks.
    He quickly reversed the denial though and claimed full responsibility.
    Or dont you believe what he says now??

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Kernel wrote: »
    Redundant argument? Your logic leaves a lot to be desired! Anyone who is not an expert witness should have their testimonies disregarded in court according to yourself. :rolleyes:

    Where did I say that?
    No their statements would be admissable.
    But they would NOT be admissable as expert testimony/opinion.
    ie. the opinions of unqualified civilians IN NO WAY proves that the popping sounds were controlled demolitons.

    I've never heard a controlled explosion, no. It's not just a 'couple' of witnesses who heard the explosions, it's firefighters, press and the last survivor of the towers among others who heard the explosions. There's also sound analysis backing this up.
    Read my post on the selective quoting of firemen.

    I've known what thermite is for the last 15 years my friend, it can be 'manufactured' from aluminium powder and iron oxide (rust). Post the pictures showing thermite being used during the cleanup, because yes, I would love to see that.
    Read my post on the thermite argument.
    I will try locat the pics for you.

    Blah blah, my uncle is head of the CIA and he told me it was an inside job (/waffle). Listen post a link to tell me how many firefighters have backgrounds in structural engineering and I'll listen to your claptrap. The witnesses heard the controlled explosions popping each floor, as has been discussed, a point which you conveniently disregard! As for witnessing wiring etc. The whole point is that the demolition would have to have occurred in the steel core. That is not an area which people normally see or have access to.

    Eh, how am I supposd to post a link to how many firemen have engineering degrees?? Dont be ridiculous.
    My point was that many Do. My uncle is one.

    Again Read my post on the selective quoting of firemen hearing "explosions". How have I ignored it??
    It appears to me that you are the one ignoring are looking at a tiny extract from firemens quotes and ignoring the rest of the quote.
    Read in it's entireity, the quotes clearly show what the firemen meant.

    Tel me where they heard "controlled explosions". Please. None of the firemen say what they heard WAS controlled explosions. Read my post of selective quoting of firemen.

    THe amount of selective quoting in the Conspiracy theorists arguments is truly staggering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭JJ6000

    Here, read a little more on the "sound of explosions" rubbish.
    Could transformers or other electrical equipment explain some of what the firemen saw and heard? What about an acre of concrete floor slamming into another? Would steel bolts snapping under tremendous tension make a pop or explosive sound? Assuming the towers weren't in the vacuum of space, we can be fairly safe to say the things I mentioned are good candidates to explain what the firemen heard. Even they think so...
    Assistant Fire Commissioner: "I thought . . . before . . . No. 2 came down, that I saw low-level flashes. . . . I . . . saw a flash flash flash . . . [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they . . . blow up a building. . . ?”
    But if you read on...
    "I don't know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building cowing down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever."
    This is a quote taken out of context. Now the WHOLE QUOTE without the taking it out of context...
    I know I was with an officer from Ladder 146, a Lieutenant Evangelista, who ultimately called me up a couple of days later just to find out how I was. We both for whatever reason -- again, I don't know how valid this is with everything that was going on at that particular point in time, but for some reason I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-leve] flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought -- at that time I didn't know what it was. I mean, it could have been as a result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.
    Q.: Was that on the lower level of the building or up where the fire was?
    A: No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That's what I thought I saw. And I didn't broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don't know if I'm crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did you see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.
    I don't know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building cowing down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever.

    Here is a fireman saying it could have been "electrical explosions".
    What a transformer explosion looks like...
    These buildings, as most office buildings in America had transformers and other high voltage electrical equipment.
    Electrical Fire Hurts 6 at Trade Center
    Published: July 24, 1992
    An air-conditioning transformer five stories below the World Trade Center caught fire after an explosion last night, the authorities said. Six people were injured, none of them seriously, but the 110-story twin towers did not have to be evacuated, the authorities said. The fire was first reported at 10:02 P.M. in a 13,000-volt transformer in the Trade Center's refrigeration plant, which provides air conditioning and ventilation for the complex, the Fire Department and the Port Authority said. The electrical fire, which went to three alarms, was brought under control at 11:24 P.M., said a Fire Department official, Lieutenant Erick Weekes.
    February 26, 1993. It started like most other days. A 4 A.M. wake up, coffee and a buttered roll while driving to work at the Manhattan Central Office. At 12:18 P.M., lunch was being served when we received a call via a street alarm box at the corner of West & Liberty Streets. At the same time Engine Company 10, whose quarters are across the street from the World Trade Center, called us via radio and reported a possible transformer vault explosion on West Street near the Trade Center.
    Transformer vault (also called manhole) explosions are fairly common place in Manhattan, especially during wet weather. They're highly visible and normally generate numerous telephone calls to the Central Office. We didn't think this one was going to be any different. When Engine 10 advised us by radio they had a working fire in the Trade Center, we thought the transformer vault was located within the basement of the complex. Not a routine event, but still,it's only a transformer vault we thought.
    "The Trade Center was never designed for the amount of emergency power necessary for all those trading floors they have there," Calabro said. "Tenants would come in and need emergency power, and it was not available."

    To solve that problem, E-J Electric set four generators on the roof of Tower 5, which was nine stories, as opposed to the 110-story Towers 1 and 2. E-J then ran high-voltage feeder cable to Towers 1, 2, 4 and 5, installed three substations and distributed power to the tenants.

    "We pulled 6,000 feet of high-voltage feeder cable from the roof of Tower 5, through the building, down through the concourse, through the parking garages and to the roof of Tower 1 and 2," Calabro said.

    Current standard tenant power capacity is 6W up to 10W per usable square foot depending on location. The World Trade Center's electricity supply is segmented for greater reliability and safety. Eight dedicated 13,800-V feeders divide into 23 building substations. On-floor electrical distribution is routed via at least two electrical closets per floor, each with separate high- and low-voltage bus ducts for tenant-dedicated use."
    This is a deceptive quote from a conspiracy theory site...
    "When we got to about 50 feet from the South Tower, we heard the most eerie sound that you would ever hear. A high-pitched noise and a popping noise made everyone stop. We all looked up. At the point, it all let go...
    ...There was an explosion and the whole top leaned toward us and started coming down. I stood there for a second in total awe, and then said, "What the F###?" I honestly thought it was Hollywood."
    Now let's examine what he said in the context he said it. Here is the part conspiracy sites leave out..
    “When we got to about 50 ft from the South Tower, we heard the most eerie sound that you would ever hear. A high-pitched noise and a popping noise made everyone stop. We all looked up. At the point, it all let go. The way I see it, it had to be the rivets. The building let go, there was an explosion and the whole top leaned toward us and started coming down.
    He said "The way I see it, it had to be the rivets" but the conspiracy sites remove this important insight. They skipped over the sentence. There is only one reason to do something like that. To mislead the reader by removing all other possibilities for the sounds.
    He also says he thinks the rivets caused the building to fall and not bombs. Interestingly, the NIST said most of the failures were at the bolts and connections.
    Even bodies hitting the floor sounded like explosions.
    “The sight was amazing. I was just totally awestruck. I reported to the command post, showed my ID and asked if I could be of use. They said ‘Absolutely. Stand off on the side with the other medical people.’ I couldn’t fight any fires because I did not have that kind of gear with me, but would have done it if asked.
    “I decided to walk closer to the South Tower. I was about 100 ft from the South Tower looking up when the bodies started coming down. I counted 35. They were just piling up on the Marriott Marquis hotel. They were 10 to 15 thick piling up one after another. You could hear them hitting on the side streets. They were hitting cars, and there were lots of explosions.
    “I have seen plenty of death in my life, and burned bodies and so forth, but this was incredible. As I was looking up, I saw a body coming down, hit a lamppost and explode like a paint ball. Its arms and legs got torn off and the head ripped off and bounced right by me.”
    The person saying it was an explosion also says bodies hitting the floor sound like explosions. I'm sure they do. I'm sure an acre of concrete floor crashing down onto another acre of concrete floor also sounds like an explosion.
    More here
    The building was filled with electrical panels and cable feeding them. Some would be no different than a powerline...
    It's not unreasonable to conclude, as at least one fireman did that the flashes might have been electrical in nature.
    We may never know what exactly caused the flashes. But flashes alone do not mean explosives. You would see more than flashes if an explosive large enough to cut steel were set off. You would see ejecta coming from the same place as the flash.
    Then their is William Rodriguez, a worker at the towers. He now says he heard explosions in the basement but that's not what he said before he became a media star and sued the government.
    William Rodriguez worked on the basement level of the north tower and was in the building when the first plane struck his building.
    "We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off."
    Here he is describing something very different than an explosion. The change in his story came after he became a media star and plaintiff.
    Mark Roberts does an in-depth investigation into William's claims and history.
    As loud as the collapse was, it sounded nothing like an actual controlled demolition...

    Conspiracy theorists take quotes out of context in order to sell the idea. An example of just how easy it is to take ear witness accounts out of context is below...
    [Example video transcript:]
    Government Train Wreck: How government covers up freight train accidents…
    "The noise sounded like two freight trains going over a trestle right over your head; it was an ugly roar. My wife said the noise when the house went was like a giant pencil sharpener working.”

    [Did a fright train pass over their head? Was there a giant pencil sharpener really over there heads?]

    “While I was in my kitchen I heard this terrible roar coming," she said. "It sounded like a freight train coming right down my road here”

    "It looks like it's been bombed. There's just a lot of destruction, a lot of debris," said Michael Bartz, a state emergency official. "

    [Was it a bomb? Did a real freight train go down her road?]

    "It indeed sounded like a freight train roaring past us, and when it was gone, we came out to find things a mess."

    It came with "the roar of forty freight trains."

    “It sounded like a freight train”.

    “Before I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard the sound of a roaring freight train”

    [enter image of NOAA weather map an hour before the tornado touches down.]

    As you can see, there was no tornado on that day, according to NOAA.

    So why is the government covering up train derailments?

    [enter sinister music]

    In 2003 Amtrak was going bankrupt. They couldn't afford to rebuild the homes of Americans after a derailment.

    ETC.. ETC..
    Looks like someone had the same idea I did...
    While the Titanic was sinking, passengers heard explosions in the ship. In this case, the "Official Story" would be wrong, using the same conspiracy theory logic. To this day, no one really knows what exactly caused the sound, only that it sounded like an explosion. Some say it was the steel snapping as the ship broke in two. Others say it was the hot steam engines hitting the cold water which exploded. Using Conspiracy Theory logic, it was blown up because witnesses characterized the sound as an "Explosion".

    Does anyone else find it a little pathetic that the "extensive research" that many conspiracy theorists claim to have carried out does not even involve reading an entire quote??? They have time to sit around and conjure up elaborate theories in their head (with little or no evidence, I might add) but they cant even find the time to read a few quotes IN THEIR ENTIREITY??
    I dont claim to know every single thing about 9/11 but I can at least read an entire quote.

    It seems that often, they DELIBERATELY omit very important excerpts from the quotes the use. That effectively makes them liars via ommission.

    SO, I'll ask the conspiracy theorists, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE QUOTES NOW???

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Wow. There's so many long posts going on here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭justcallmetex

    Good man Jim!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 570 ✭✭✭KERPAL

    What jim said is all irrelevant, he is, like so many of you knobs, a victim of a completely untrue series of youtube videos, that were aimed to manipulate weakminded people into believing the lies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 907 ✭✭✭bandit197

    JJ6000 wrote: »
    No no sorry, that wasnt directed at you.

    I ws responding to so many posts at once I got mixed up.

    genuine apologies for that.

    No problem

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭justcallmetex

    KERPAL wrote: »
    What jim said is all irrelevant, he is, like so many of you knobs, a victim of a completely untrue series of youtube videos, that were aimed to manipulate weakminded people into believing the lies.

    Wow touchy touchy!
    No matter what he said or no matter what the subject he was talkin about he had the balls to get up and say it because true or not he believes it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 570 ✭✭✭KERPAL

    Wow touchy touchy!
    No matter what he said or no matter what the subject he was talkin about he had the balls to get up and say it because true or not he believes it.

    Aww poor jim, brave man.

    Sure isnt he a so called "celebrity", id say he jumped at the oppurtunity to get some publicity.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭justcallmetex

    KERPAL wrote: »
    Aww poor jim, brave man.

    Sure isnt he a so called "celebrity", id say he jumped at the oppurtunity to get some publicity.

    More balls than comin onto a forum to call people knobs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 570 ✭✭✭KERPAL

    More balls than comin onto a forum to call people knobs

    Ok, fair enough, i take the knob comment back, but theres nothing brave about it, nothing brave about claiming 9/11 was not carried by a muslim extremist organisation, no respect for the dead or their families.

    He would have got an appearance fee also.(Prob about 75 euro)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 501 ✭✭✭BigglesMcGee

    You win JJ.
    Nice demolition job.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Kernel wrote: »
    Bonkey, youtube and other media outlets simply offer an easy to digest method to present your research to those who can't be bothered reading.
    For those who can't be bothered reading, as they offer far more than the alternative would be...that being nothing.
    I think it's unfair for you to disregard this medium,
    I disregard it as a "godsend" to anyone claiming to be doing serious research.

    If we want to compare it to "I can't be bothered reading, so I would otherwise know nothing", then sure...its a step forward...but that's comparing it to the opposite end of teh scale to serious research...its comparing it to no research.

    can't you see that more people take the news reports from News Corp. as gospel without questioning them.
    I haven't questioned that....but those people should be compared to those who take youTube presentations as gospel without questioning them....again not what I was addressing.
    If actual irrefutable facts are posted which clearly contradict the opinion I have formed from my own research, then I will accept that, and change my view accordingly.
    I guess it depends what you call irrefutable.

    There's no shortage of facts that have been clarified about the events of September 11th, 2001, which are called into doubt by people who are misconstruing evidence, ignoring or abusing science, etc. We've had these to-and-fro's before, and the outcome has typically been that there is always some reason to claim that something is not irrefutable.
    The fact is (pardon the pun) that so far, nothing has been proven that makes me alter my belief that 911 was an inside job, false flag operation.
    The irony is, of course, that if you applied the same standard of proof that would be required to alter your belief to the belief itself, you wouldn't be able to possibly support it.

    You require irrefutable proof that its not an inside job, but will believe that it is in the absence of irrefutable proof of same. You're perfectly entitled to do so, of course, but thats a clear bias in your conclusions.
    Follow the money - the old advice given by DeepThroat at the Watergate conspiracy. If you follow the money for 911, it's blatantly obvious who has benefitted!
    Going from what I've just can't irrefutably prove that financial gain was the driving motive....but you'll presumably require irrefutable proof to believe otherwise.

    If you'd prefer a different argument...who stands to gain financially from the myriad of conspiracy theories that have sprung up about 911? Follow the money, and its blatantly obvious who has benefited. Explain to me why this isn't proof that they're just making Conspiracy Theories up to profit from them?

    If, for example, you argue that they're simply taking advantage of a situation to make money, then I'd suggest that the very same logic automatically undermines your "follow the money" argument.

    So seriously...will you agree that Conspiracy Theories are just made up to make money....or are you going to argue that "follow the money" doesn't necessarily imply guilt or wrong-doing?

    I would additionally point out that in the case of Watergate, the logic of "follow the money" was to find who was involved after wrongdoing had been established. It did not establish was a line of reasoning which could be applied, having established wrongdoing, to determine who was involved.

    In the case of September 11th, therefore, it would show who might be involved, were wrongdoing to be seperately established. It does not, however, establish culpability, no more than it did in the Watergate case.

This discussion has been closed.