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Bye Bye Manboobs

  • 06-06-2008 11:04pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭

    Ucd guy's getting fit!

    Time I started recording my fitness attempts in public - might spur me on a bit more.

    Right, exercise wise I did the a fat-beginner-bastard version of the Crossfit workout of the day, which consisted of a warmup (5 superman-stretchy-things, 5 pushups, 5 squats, 5 pansy ass jumping pullups, and 5 situps, repeated three times) then a scaled down workout of the day -

    5 Rounds for time:
    Run 200m
    15 Single Unders
    15 Air Squats

    took me something like 10mins 30 seconds. Pretty **** but the only way is up!

    Then I went for my soon to be routine once weekly weighing. According to my scales - the accuracy of which I'm still sceptical about - the stats at the mo are 92.8kg, with a body fat of 23.1% (of which 50.1% is water, according to this thing). At a height of 182cm that gives me a BMI of 28 :eek: Again, the only way is up.
    Food wise:


    Morning Coffee Break:
    Slice brown soda bread with flora, coffee with milk, no sugar (up until yesterday it was two sugars, it'll take me a week to get used to the taste)

    A mother****ing cooked chicken roll with stuffing, red onion and cheese. No other choice!

    A natural choice honey and oat crunchy granola bar.

    Was going for my usual friday take away but stopped myself, instead had a (gorgeous) Thai Chicken wrap in a place called Lunch! Calzone on South William Street. I'll be back.

    That's about it. We'll see how I get on over the next 7 days, any diet tips, roll 'em on!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 189 ✭✭dv6 the log title.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭pvt.joker

    ucd_guy wrote: »
    any diet tips, roll 'em on!

    Try and lose the chicken rolls! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Vegeta

    My diet aint perfect dude but yours could do with some major tweaks.

    Read the stickies on here, find out how many calories you need and then how many you are actually eating, buy a digital scales, a cheap calculator and a lunchbox. Your diet seems very very low in protein. a lot of us did an 8 weekly challenge here and my diet looked like follows.

    porridge with milk
    whey shake

    mid morning:
    tuna (in sunflower oil, it tastes nicer and get some healthy fats in ya) or chicken salad, on half a wholemeal wrap. I mean real salad too, no mayo or any sh1te dressing like that.

    canteen meal but I always just got the leanest meat, chicken, fish etc and 2 veg. Canteen at work is good as they put no butter or salt etc on the veg.

    mid afternoon:
    same as mid morning, tuna or chicken salad on half a wrap.

    meat (usually chicken, sometimes beef) and 2 veg or frozen veg.

    I weighed everything (bar canteen lunch) and knew approx how many calories I was getting in a day. Snacks were mixed nuts (no salt or dry roasted) and fruit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭figs86

    ucd guy check out the nutritional information on the granola bar - serious amount of sugar in those bad boys!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    charles poliquin recommends zinc before bedtime to get rid of the man boobs

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭ucd_guy

    Mother****er, I just checked out the amount of sugar and carbs in my granola bars. Hello bin!

    On another note, how do ye eat all the protein you're supposed to? My downside is that I don't like tuna or eggs, and they seem to be the mainstay of everyone's diet here...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭ucd_guy

    A quick update. Been on the whole eating healthy and doing exercise now for about 10 days. Sticking to it, surprisingly enough. I've been reading a lot of stuff online re: nutrition and the like, and I'm slowly incorporating it into my diet. Exercise aside, I thought I'd post up a day to day diet and let you guys knock the **** out of it critique it!

    So, breakfast everyday used to be two or three slices of toast with butter and jam, and two cups of coffee with milk and two sugars. The sugar's completely gone out of the diet, which was a bit of a struggle at the start but pretty much done now. My new breakfast consists of a smoothie with one small banana, five strawberries, five blackberries and half a cup of porridge oats.

    My old enemy, the mid-morning snack. Again, this used to consist of a brown scone with butter and jam, with a coffee, two sugars and milk. After a brief dalliance with some cereal bars (see above) I either now have a banana or for example two or three sausages from the work canteen, on their own, with a cup of black tea.

    Lunchtime is my big problem. It used to be a hot chicken roll, back of crisps and can of coke. I really need to start preparing meals - I managed to have a Chicken Caesar Salad yesterday, but the day before it was my nemesis the triple decker with cheese. I could make excuses about how hard it is to eat in O'Briens etc but excuses aside I just need to start cooking food at home.

    I usually eat around five, yesterday I had two butcher-bought burgers, chopped up, in a wholemeal pitta bread. And my housemate brought home a packet of McVites chocolate caramel digestives, which took all my willpower to resist. I could hear them calling to me... singing to me.... :( Anyway!

    On the way home from the gym I get hungry sometimes and either have the same smoothie as above, or a thai chicken wrap from the place I mentioned above as well.

    So, as of ten days in, all the processed crap is gone, as is the sugar and fizzy drinks. I'm feeling a lot better, and trying to get in 8 hours of sleep every night, up from my usual 5.5-6. Thing is, I'm feeling a lot better during the day, with none of the usual mid-morning and post-lunch slumps I used to get, which I now am beginning to recognise are just carb-induced comas. I've no problems drinking water, and generally consume about 3 litres a day.

    In terms of diet, whaddya'all think? If I was moving more toward a zone or paleo style of eating, what would you suggest (haven't bought the books yet, just reading around).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 413 ✭✭sobriquet

    ucd_guy wrote: »
    Thing is, I'm feeling a lot better during the day
    Then you're over the hump dude, the one thing you need modifying your lifestyle is positive feedback, as long as that's there you can keep making modifications in the right direction. Fair play for getting stuck into it.

    I'll let other more knowledgable folk critique your diet, but the one thing I would say is I couldn't see much point in worrying about zone or paleo dieting yet. Read and re-read the nutrition and diet stickies and apply the information in them. Like you said you know it's all about getting into preparing your own stuff for whatever situation. I know myself it's tough to get into the habit but well worth it.

    Actually, re-reading your post - where's the veg? Three sausages at mid-morning, two burgers on bread for dinner. Put a good feed of quality greens as the basis for your dinner. Filling and nutritious. (My 16 year old self wouldn't have imagined the taste I've developed for this stuff.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭ucd_guy

    So it's been tough, but I've completely changed my diet and stuff. Absolutely no sugar, the amount of processed crap I eat is way down as per above.

    Been doing high intensity training for about an hour (weights and cardio) four times a week. Last week I measured myself again, and I was down from 92.8kg to 92.5kg. Nothing wonderful but whatever. My BF went UP though from 23.1% to 24.4%. I thought it was an abberration. So I went another week, same deal, and same weight and BF - 92.5kg and 24.4%.

    What's the story, not only did it go UP the 1st week, but nothings changed in this week. I thought it was the scales, cheap Argos ones and all that but I repeated the measurements two mornings in a row, and they're the exact same.

    Now I know you're meant to not go by the scales etc. because muscle is the same weight as fat but I would have expected my BF to go down at least 1%, not bloody up! Very disheartening.
