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Just how much do we actually need to spend...

  • 11-06-2008 11:41pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭

    Got two XFX 8800GS cards today to test out for a few weeks until newer cards are available. The cards in question can be gotten here for 88 euro – a total of 176 for the pair. I’ve overclocked these cards to 680/800 on the core/memory to mirror the specifications of the 8800GS XXX edition, which can be gotten here for 98 euro – a mere extra tenner if you prefer not to manually overclock for whatever reason.

    Was very surprised at how well these cards perform, especially considering the 192-bit bus – overall, showing that video hardware has gotten so ridiculously cheap and economical lately that you have to wonder at the necessity for the new GTX cards at all.

    I tested these cards out on a 20” monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050, common to 22”monitors also, so the next step up would be 24” at 1920x1200. I think it’s fair to assume that most gamers would be playing at 1680x1050, 1440x900 or 1280x1024, so it accurately reflects the average market. And for this average gamer, a budget of 180-200 euro is clearly sufficient to get you fantastic games performance at the highest of the three mentioned resolutions.

    I wouldn’t rush out and buy 2x8800GS in Sli immediately, given that G92 8800GTS is only a few euro more expensive, but for someone using an existing card, it’s an excellent investment - and goes to show that there really is not the same market as there was a few years ago for high priced monster cards. We can see Crysis falter here, but that game is an exception rather then the rule and at current, taxes any card currently available - everything else is playable at 1680x1050 max settings, with AA and AF possible whilst still maintaining a consistantly smooth frame rate, for the princely sum of 180 euro.


    Test system:
    4Gb Patriot 800mhz
    Ds4l 650i
    8800GS Sli (XXX edition speeds)








  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 35,139 Mod ✭✭✭✭AlmightyCushion

    It's crazy how much bang you get for your buck now a days. The cheap gaming pc thread in building an upgrading shows this too. When the new cards come out the prices for these cards will most likely drop a little as well, making them even cheaper.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,044 ✭✭✭Sqaull20

    Nice review Terror, any chance could you put them up against your 8800GTS 512mb?

    In this day of every other game being a console port, you get real value for sub €130..
