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Read before posting - _______ Channel is gone from my Virgin Media STB.

  • 14-06-2008 11:06am
    Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 12,199 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Before anyone posts any "Channel gone from________" (substitute NTL, Chorus, Chorus NTL, or UPC as appropiate) threads on the board, can they please do a full reboot of their STB and check has the channel returned.

    There have been quite a number of threads posted on this board in the past which have turned out to be a problem with the individual users STB and this seems to be a particular problem with some NTL STBs (although I never experienced it with my own NTL STB).

    Obviously there is no need to do the above if the channel's closure and/or end of a carriage deal has been widely flagged elsewhere.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 500 ✭✭✭who is this

    Good idea to sticky this, but might I suggest giving a more descriptive title?

    When someone thinks they're favourite channel has disappeared, I'm not so sure they'll think to look at the "small request" (not sure what I expected this to be, but it wasn't this anyway). :D

This discussion has been closed.