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Mrac's log

  • 15-06-2008 12:21am
    Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭

    Well I took up weights a few weeks ago and I figured this would be the best way for me to keep on top of it. First a few stats:

    19 years old

    And a bit of background info:
    I’ve been overweight for most of my life and last year I decided to do something about it, that’s about the time I discovered this forum (though I don’t post much, just watch the going on’s and such :P). Since then I’ve lost about 90 pounds and feel great but I seemed to have plateaued on the fat loss also I think I’ve lost a bit of muscle in the process so that’s why I took up the weights. My goals are to loose the last bit of fat and put on a bit of muscle (vague I know but meh :P).The plan is to lift weights 3 times a week, and perhaps down the line start doing a bit of hiit (tho I really do hate cardio :P) I will be working out at home so wont have access to much equipment, just an Olympic bar and a squat rack.

    So without further ramblings here is last nights workout:

    Bar 2x10
    60kg 5x5

    Overhead press
    Bar 2x10
    37.5kg 5x5

    55kg 5x5

    Chin ups

    The last set oh press was damn hard, but i got it out (my form sliped a bit on the last rep or two tho :(). Im pleased with the chins, felt a lot stronger on them last night.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,179 ✭✭✭FunkZ

    Hey man congrats on your weightloss! =P

    Having a squat rack and weights has you set as far as I'm concerned. When ya can scrape together the cash buy a cheap bench!

    You won't enjoy HIIT! But the sooner you start the sooner you'll get used to cardio, and the affects will be good.

    Welcome to Log land and keep it up! Maybe ya should start a food diary as well in the Nutrition forum!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    You lost 90 pounds already?? :eek: That's awesome, congrats!! Keep up the hard work, look forward to reading your log!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Thanks guys :D

    Got up to a bit this morning:

    Bar 1x20
    65kg 5x5

    Floor press
    Bar 1x20
    45kg 5x5

    Barbell rows
    Bar 1x10
    45kg 5x5

    Chin ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Bar 1x20
    67.5kg 5x5

    overhead press
    Bar 1x20
    40kg 1x5 (tried for a second set but failed)
    35kg 4x5

    60kg 1x5

    Very annoyed with today’s workout, I had planned on doing much more. When I got up this morning I felt a bit under the weather but went on as usual anyway. The squats really took it out of me and I just couldn’t finish the press’. By the time I got to the deads I felt really dizzy and decided to cut it short and call it a bad day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Bar 1x10
    35kg 1x5
    70kg 5x5

    Floor press
    Bar 1x20
    47.5kg 5x5

    Bent-over barbell rows
    Bar 1x10
    47.5kg 5x5


    Woo, feel a lot better today, don’t know what happened last time, meh just a bad day I guess. Really happy with the squats, 70kg isn’t much but squatting my own bw was a mini goal of mine. Now off to squatting 1.5bw :D
    I really need to get a bench though, the floor press is getting a little impractical and a bit dangerous with the set up (or lack there of) that I have at the moment.
    Rows and dips felt easy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Did a set of “10’s” today. It involves doing:
    10 Knee jumps
    10 Bw squats
    10 Spider push ups
    10 Push ups
    10 Crunches
    then 9 of each, 8, 7, etc

    Followed that with a bit of stretching.

    Wasn’t much but my cardio fitness is pretty non existent at the moment :P so it took a lot out of me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    mrac wrote: »
    Did a set of “10’s” today. It involves doing:
    10 Knee jumps
    10 Bw squats
    10 Spider push ups
    10 Push ups
    10 Crunches
    then 9 of each, 8, 7, etc

    Followed that with a bit of stretching.

    Wasn’t much but my cardio fitness is pretty non existent at the moment :P so it took a lot out of me.

    next time try this for time, starting at 1 of each working up to 10 and then back down to 1 again

    like this 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    mrac wrote: »
    Did a set of “10’s” today. It involves doing:
    10 Knee jumps
    10 Bw squats
    10 Spider push ups
    10 Push ups
    10 Crunches
    then 9 of each, 8, 7, etc

    Followed that with a bit of stretching.

    Wasn’t much but my cardio fitness is pretty non existent at the moment :P so it took a lot out of me.

    next time try this for time, starting at 1 of each working up to 10 and then back down to 1 again

    like this 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Hey thanks for the input, yeah ill give that a go next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Bar 1x10
    72.5 5x5

    OH press
    Bar 2x10
    37.5 5x5

    65 5x5

    Chin ups

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  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    75kg 5x5

    Floor press
    45kg 5x5

    Bent-over rows
    50kg 5x5


  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    75 5x5

    OH Press
    40 5x5

    70 5x5

    Chin ups

    Was a bit pushed for tome today so the deads and chins were a bit rushed, didn’t get out as many chins as I wanted but otherwise I was happy with today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    60 5x5

    Floor press
    47.5 5x5

    Bent over rows
    52.5 5x5


    Ive lowered the weight on the squats so I can focus more on form, my lower back has been rounding at the bottom of the movement and im trying to straighten it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    62.5 5x5

    Overhead press
    42.5 1x4
    40 4x5

    75 5x5

    Chin ups

    Squats were easy, keeping an eye on the form trying to get it as good as I can.
    I just couldn’t get the last rep out with the 42.5 press but when I lowered it down to 40 it seemed so much lighter and the sets just flew by.
    lol I really have to stop working out in shorts I have two big bruises, one on each shin from the deads, oh well at least the bruises are beginning to even out so it must mean my form is getting better :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Went for a 5 mile run Tuesday night. Its been quite some time since I went running so my legs were quite stiff yesterday to say the least :p they’re still a bit stiff today.

    65 5x5

    Floor press
    50 4x5

    Bent over rows
    50 5x5


    Bit disappointed that I didn’t finish the last set of floor presses but other that that happy enough with today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    67.5 5x5

    Overhead press
    40 5x5

    75 5x5

    Chin ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    70 5x5

    Floor press
    50 5x5

    Bent over rows
    52.5 5x5


    Also did a few pull up negatives, ill be doing them every workout from now on until I can do proper pull ups then I’ll start to replace my chin ups with pull ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    72.5 5x5

    Overhead press
    40 x5, x4
    37.5 3x5

    80 5x5


    Squats very easy and I got through them quite quickly. Bit disappointed with the presses, I tried to go at the same rate as the squats but couldn’t finish the second set so I knocked it back to 37.5. Deads felt good, the chins don’t seem to be improving much, cant seem to break the 3x3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    75 5x5

    Bench press
    45 5x5

    Bent over rows
    52.5 5x5

    Bw+7 3x5

    Chin ups

    Got my bench today from irishlifting wOO :p Its so much easier than the floor press. Ive started adding weight to the dips, felt good. The chins were done really slowly, I want to increase my chin ups so im adding them at the end of each session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac


    Chin ups

    75 5x5

    Overhead press
    40 5x5

    80 1x5

    Chin ups

    Happy with the chins (trying to bring the numbers up). A little disappointed with the deads, had planned on doing more but I had a bit of a pain in my back from the day before and thought that it would be best to pull back a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    Just got back form holiday there, Twas great fun but there was zero exercise and lots of bad food and drink (mostly drink :p). Today was my first day back lifting so I decided to bring the weight down a bit, still tiring but felt good to be back lifting.

    60 5x5

    Overhead press
    30 5x5

    65 5x5

    Chin ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    65 5x5

    Bench press
    40 5x5 (felt very very easy)

    Bent over rows
    45 5x5

    Chin ups

    Bw+8.25 3x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    70 5x5

    Overhead press
    30 3x5
    35 2x5 (thought I put 35 on but only noticed half way trough that twas 30 :o)

    70 5x5

    Chin ups

    Again nice easy session, just easing myself in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭mrac

    72.5 5x5

    Bench press
    45 5x5

    Bent over rows
    47.5 5x5


    Had to rush the dips as I didn’t have much time, other than that happy enough.
