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my log part deux...

  • 15-06-2008 2:18pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭

    right ill try this again because im hoping it will keep me motivated..

    last week sucked big time because im pi**ed with my weight and did the stupid thing of dropping cal right down to about 1400 a put that in terms if i was on a velocity diet that would be my recommened minium.Anyway after friday night session i got a right bitchin and some good advice of Hanley over on here we go again...

    95kg this moring..15.1 stone
    Squat 162.5
    deadlift 180--old stat hasnt been tested in ages
    bench 132.5--old stat hasnt been tested in ages

    Aims 10 weeks to holidays 19th August...
    89kg 14.0 stone
    squat 170+
    deadlift 190+
    bench 135+

    Im going to be following a similar diet to Hanley

    M1 - Special K and a chicken breast
    M2 - Chicken breast, 1 slice of brown bread, 2 dessert spoons of peanut butter
    M3 - 50g whey, 50g dextrose, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine, 2g AAKG
    M4 - Meat, small bit of potato, veg
    M5- 50g protein, 20g oats
    M6 - Pint of milk, 25g protein

    somewhere in the region of 2700 cal a day...

    went shopping on friday night..22 pieces in i got some weird looks..



    Deadlift 5x5 @142.5kg--PB
    Glut ham raises 4x6 with the training bar(7.5kg) behind my head..
    Rev hypers +7.5kg 4x8
    declined situps 4x8

    thoughts 142.5 was easy form was good and didnt find any set majourly hard..gonna hammers 5x5 up to 150 in 2.5kg gains see how i go..

    I expect a good slap from anyone who sees this log lacking as im seriously distracted these days and need to focus again...



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter



    2 board press

    warm up


    chin ups

    6 sets of 3

    one arm rows 4x8 @26kg

    barbell tricep extensions to the chin...30kg 4x8

    hammer cursl 4x8 20kg


    happy days with the 137.5 today 2.5kg over last week and shaping up for the 140 next week..ill drop to one boards then and go the same route till i hit 140.. I HATE CHINS and suck at them so just doing them to try and get better at them.

    loving the diet chicken fro brekkie rocks..and these birds were onto something with the special k...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Surely you meant you're just copying my diet directly....?? :p

    you might need to run the carbs down a little bit lower, you might not... just gotta try it out and see. I plan on taking mine down a bit over the next few weeks anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    Hanley wrote: »
    Surely you meant you're just copying my diet directly....?? :p

    you might need to run the carbs down a little bit lower, you might not... just gotta try it out and see. I plan on taking mine down a bit over the next few weeks anyway.

    well ya clearly im just copying it on your advice!!:D:D well ill give ti a couple of weeks and see if i need to adjust then...

    Anyways Squat this evening...lets hope im back in form...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Good man yourself Drifter,

    Strong lad by the looks of things so just keep it steady and your laughing, keep it up,

    Nice signature by the way,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    Cheers gabgab..

    130kg 6 sets of 3

    still leg deadlifts
    5x5 @ 90kg

    rev hyps
    4 sets of 8 @bodyweight

    glut hams
    4 sets of 6 paused to parrallel @ bodyweight

    leg raisses
    3 sets of 8

    Thoughts: right since holidays 3 weeks ago my squats been crap..just havent been hitting it. The lad i was training withs gone to usa so ive no decent spotter and im convienced its a confidence issue with the squat. But ive sent some mails so hopefully ill have some new training partners soon.. the 130 is 5kg off my pb so im gonna go try equal my pb next week @135 then push onto 140...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    swiming... 15 lenghts of 25m pool breather between each cause im not fit...

    went home then...had to cut my lawns...joys of home ownership

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    Chin ups

    6 sets of 4...

    lat pull downs

    8x4 @ 100lbs

    seated dumbell shoulder press

    one arm row
    4x8@ 28kg

    tricep dumbell declined pullovers
    4x8@ 14kg

    Thoughts: chins were grand getting stronger. my lats are my weak point on the mo so just going to work on them...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    swiming... 15 lenghts of 25m quick sauna....

    Deadlift tommorow and some heavy singles on squat....also weigh in in the morning...wonder will i have dropped anything

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    bang on 15 stone a few min ago so down a pound..meh its a start was hoping for more really..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,021 ✭✭✭Al_Fernz

    bang on 15 stone a few min ago so down a pound..meh its a start was hoping for more really..

    A little down is a lot better than too far down, no change or increases in weight. Don't be too disheartened.

    No excuses - give it socks deadlifting and squatting tonight!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    swiming... 15 lenghts of 25m quick sauna....

    Deadlift tommorow and some heavy singles on squat....also weigh in in the morning...wonder will i have dropped anything

    How come you're deadlifting and heavy squatting tonight?? Will ya not be knackered??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    im only going to work to 80 or 90% of my max...its more to help with confidence with the weight on my back than anything else prob only be like 5 singles anyways

    its just something im gonna try as i was squatting 2 days a week when i was doing the westside program

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    60 x5
    150 5x5--PB


    clute ham raises

    5x5 + technique bar(7.5kg)

    rev hypers

    4x8 + 5kg


    some fance thing with dumbells..ill dig out the proper name later

    thoughts: im shattered...the forst 4 sets of deadlift were fine..the last nearly killed me..this is my max at 5x5 for now..i may go 5x3 foe 3 weeks next and work up to 160...
    squats were fine..12.5kg away from my pb after doing deadlifts im happy with as i wasnt pushing myself at all on them..

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Nice going!!

    Might I suggest not dropping to 5x3 and instead going to 3x5 with maybe 155? The general progression I followed was that when 5x5 got too hard I dropped to 3x5, and when that got too hard I went to one all out set of 5.... It worked really well for me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    ya thats what i meant dude.. 3 sets of 5 at 155... im well happy with the 150

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    So i attempted a bench session yesterday...due to a number fo factors it just didnt i wrote it off...

    went for a swim yesterday evening 20 lenghts of the pool....refreshin..

    SQUAT this evening...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter


    135 6x3

    step ups high box
    4x8 with 40kg on the auld back

    rev hyps
    4x8 bodyweight

    leg raises with medicine ball...

    Thoughts: the 135's were fine up until the last undecided whether to push for 140 next week or to change again as this is my 3rd week at these. decisions decisions...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter


    24 lenghts of the pool done 2 at a time.. im happy enough with that..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    right missed my session last night ****ty day in work...fight with the boss and the 1287 alarms coming in at 5:15...i started the velocity diet on tuesday and weighed in @ 14st 13lb this officall weekly weighin is not till tommorow morning though so hopefully ill be 14st 12lb although most of thats prob not actuall weight loss....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    swam last night nothing major to report 14st 13lb this morning....and im very sleepy...deadlift this evening..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter writing this week off..

    deadlift aim 155 5x3...

    got 4 on set 1
    3 on set 2

    then gave up and went to singles...pulled upto 180...

    squatted in singles up to 150 then..

    thoughts...squats were easy...
    deadlift..i dunno ive clearly gotten stronger...180 equals my pb...and ive no doubt there is more there..but im really struggling on lock thinking i might do 3 weeks of pin pullsfrom just below mu knees as this was where i was getting stuck on the 155's aswell....any thoughts people?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter


    chin ups... 6 sets of 3

    standed milatary press
    5x5 @ 45kg

    seated rows..

    4 sets of 8 @ 130lbs

    triceps...not sure what this is called.. basically using the eze curl bar pull it ip to your chinfrom waist position

    4 sets fo 8 @ 27kg

    bicp curls with eze

    4 sets of 8 @ 27kg

    we got the sled out then for a bit of craic...

    10 30m sled pulls @ 100kg

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    right SQUAT!


    i dunno whats going on...ive lost my mojo after hitting 135 6x3 last week i thought id have least felt ok in the 140 head hasnt been with training the last week and im finding it very hard to focus on it. the slightest little thing puts me off my goals lately....i really dont know where to go from here...the first set @ 140 was easy i could have done a 5th rep and a 6th if id wanted... the second from the word go it just wasnt there...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    gone fishing back sunday.....aka my shoulder did that ouch thing again...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    20 min interval cycle
    20 min interval cross trainer
    some stretching
    shoulder seems fine again now..might train tommorow evening with it and see

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    right went for a swim yesterday evening 15 lenghts


    chin ups

    pushups legs elevated
    4x10 + 15kg plate

    face pulls
    4x10 45lb

    tricpes barlell extensions to the chin
    4x8 @ 27.5kg

    sled pulls..

    10 20m sled pulls with 50kg and 30 sec rest between each.

    thoughts: happy out shoulder is mint slef pulls were horrible!!

    start my new 7 week cycle tommorow so happy days

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    im still here..and training alot..but i introduced my laptop to my fireplace much to the discust of my while i wait for the nice people od dell to hurry a new one to me i have limited interweb access so ill update ata later date...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    Bench ME

    60 x5

    1 board

    t-bar rows

    declined triceps with 16kg dumbell
    4 sets of 8

    hammer curls
    18kg 4 sets of 8

    thoughts: week 1 bench was easily 117.5 for 3 was nice..122.5 next week hopefully really suprised at how strong the t bar rows were having not done them in a while.. i think the few weeks away from them did me good...

    im also thinking of doing the ipo bench comp in september.i need comp practice its been too long since i competed

    food time now..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    right yesterday

    20min interval run on threadmill 1 min 8km 1 min 4km
    10 min in cross trainer

    yesterday evening

    20 lenghts of the pool

    deadlift in 45 min time...ill update later

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter


    rack pulls from just below my knee

    glute hams
    4 sets of 6 + 10kg

    some core stuff after that
