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My road to Berlin

  • 22-06-2008 11:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭

    I have been reading with great interest the logs on this forum in particular those by Odysseus, Racing Flat, SUNGOD and Woddle. Well done, keep it up.
    So I’ve decided to compile my own for a short while, well I hope to until end September.
    You see at the start of 2008 I choose the Berlin marathon as my main goal for this year.
    With a respectable 3:14 in my first marathon last Oct in Dublin, I decided that I with some better training I could do a bit better than that. I am hoping something better than a sub 3:10, by how much more I don’t know yet.

    As a good base for the year I took on the Connemara marathon in April . With a PB on target till mile 22 (which then wasn’t intended) I struggled over the last 4 miles and finished 3:22.
    Disappointed, the following Thurs out I was out on my new tri bike
    I completed a few races to help me along in my goal. The 5 mile classic in Dublin in early May went well in just over 31min while the Newry half at end of May saw me home in a good PB by over 4 mins in 1:27.
    A few more are also planned

    This log for the first couple of weeks doesn’t entirely focus on running. I have entered a Sprint and an Olympic triathlon in July so there will be a mix of stuff here.
    I have been doing work on the bike and just recently back swimming. (The open water swims while on a recent holiday in Cyprus were good.)
    I know it may not be ideal preparation combining triathlon with marathon training right now but I think it will make me stronger to take on the last two months of the marathon training with confidence.
    It would be great to complete an Iron Man sometime also…

    I welcome your views.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    The week gone by.

    Tues 17th June
    Back from hols last night. Reality checks in.
    A lunch time steady run of 6 miles in 43 min even. A few aches, don’t know why. Beats the runs on the mountain roads of Cyprus and 30C heat though.

    Thursday 19th
    I had to cancel 50k bike ride last night. A downpour and there waws no way was I going out on a bike.
    Early morning swim in 20m pool (yes not a great pool size). 1.6km in 36:53. I didn’t kick off the walls as wearing a HR monitor and it slips when you do that . Pool swimming is boring.
    Lunch time speed session:
    6 x 800m of goal 2:55 - 3:00 with easy 400m between. This was tough after hols and HR high. Average for 6 sub 2:55

    Friday 20th
    Early morning swim of 1.6k without HR monitor. Time 33:38.
    Evening bike ride of 50km in 1:32. And roads are not flat! Actually it was my fastest time for that distance.

    Sat 21st.
    What a wash out! Intended going out for a long run early. It was bucketing down. In the end I ventured out at 4pm when it was lighter. Got 3 miles in and heavens opened.
    Anyway 14 miles in 1:45. HR 145. Hated last 4 miles and struggled. I think I was running out of fuel. Mind couldn’t stop of thinking of food.

    Sunday 22nd. Forced rest day. Seemed like hurricane Charlie had arrived back this morning. Wife had escaped to see Dolly Parton by 12pm so I couldn’t even go out later when it got calmer as child entertaining commenced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Hi welcome Abhain, its great to see an experienced athlete such as yourself joining us here. I know I'll be looking forward to tracking your journey to Berlin. Saturday was just an atrocious day i doubt few runners got out that day. It will be interesting to see the mixture of training that goes with Triathlons. Once again welcome to the fitness logs and best of luck with you training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    I second that, best of luck, and its great to see another running log, cause the more information up there about peoples training the better, as I take it all in, in an effort to try and know what I'm doing:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Hard to believe there's just about 3 months to go. Will be interesting to see how you go with the mix of marathon and triathlon training. Doing your 14mile run in 1.45, you're in good nick and that's a solid speed session as well. Keep it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi Abhainn , great to see your starting a log . i would like to do berlin myself maybe next year. so anway hope everything goes according to plan i will be intrested in your mix or triathlon and marathon training and what benefits you make.
    best of luck again

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Cheers guys for all the replys. And Odysseus I wish I were an experienced athlete!
    It is interesting the mixing of the triathlon and marathon training. Since end of April I have been doing 3 sessions of running and 2 sessions on the bike per week. That was grand. Adding the swimming now certainly doesn't leave much spare time.
    As I said the Berlin marathon is my main focus. I am kinda following the Advanced 1 Hal Higdon's program well the long run schedule for now. Right now it's week 5.
    I want to give these two tri's a bit of a go also. I don't participate with half interest. You never know I may hate them and decide to stick with the running after.
    By July 19th I will still have 11 weeks of the marathon program left.

    Lunch swim of 2k in 42:24. I am not a quick swimmer but can keep the same pace from start to finish. Each 400m section time almost identical to next. Pushed out the last 400.
    Evening bike ride of 50k in 1:38. Disaster at 17k mark on outward loop. My second blow out since started on the bike in April. And then chain got tangled badly. Rang home to collect me as I was covered in oil. Got it fixed. Cancelled the taxi home. Decided this not going to beat me and did my planned distance.
    Legs were tired even at start of session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Relaxed lunch time run of 6 miles in 44:30. Average HR 140. A bit surprised at how low it was.
    I wish all running days were like this. Ideal running conditions.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Just curious to what your max and resting heart rate are,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Woddle wrote: »
    Just curious to what your max and resting heart rate are,

    Woddle as far as I know my resting HR is around 50 though I have never measured it first thing in the morning.
    The max figure I've reached is 187.
    I reached that at the end of the Newry half last month. I think It could be higher though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Woddle as far as I know my resting HR is around 50 though I have never measured it first thing in the morning.
    The max figure I've reached is 187.
    I reached that at the end of the Newry half last month. I think It could be higher though.

    Possibly would be higher at the end of a 1mile or 5k race

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    RF - Yes possibly could get higher but I fear blowing a gasket then.

    Lunch time speed session
    7 x 800m of goal 2:55 - 3:00 with easy 400m between. Very breezy out there so it was tough. Average 2:56.
    Lower right calf very tight after so iced area

    HR high of 178

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Lunch time swim of 2k in 41:12. Trying to improve swimmimg stoke with each session.

    Right calf not too bad from yesterday. One Nuerfen and some icing seems to be doing the trick.
    Nothing planned for this evening and tomorrow is a rest day (well 5 a side soccor work blitz and not planning to do much in that)
    10K race on Sat so want to be in fair shape for that.

    Really need a 10 mile run and 60k cycle before Monday next though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Dunshaughlin 10k. Finished in 38:50. Average HR 169. Max 178. First timer 10k
    Ya relatively happy with that. Goal was mid 39's. Knew I had in me to get in sub 39 really. Though worked my billicked off in my garden for most of the day (big garden) and rushed there. Jeasus nearly felt like throwing up at finish. Anyway thru 1k in 3:50 and didn't think I could maintain that pace. But pretty much did and finished last k in 3:49. Great race. Well done to all.

    Another 6 hours in the garden. Billicked again esp after race last night
    Serious stuff: 50 k bike ride in 1:38. Legs tired first 10k. Breezy and always seemed to be against me. Never going to be a fast workout. So took it handy. Last 20k sub 37min so that ok.

    Had planned a 60 k and 10 mile run but never mind. Hoping to get that 10 miler lunch tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Well managed the lunch time run.
    Easy 10 mile in 1:17. Legs a bit heavy but enjoyable all the same. HR average 140.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Rest day. Legs and body a bit tired so it was the steam room, sauna and jacuzzi for a while

    Morning 2k swim in 41:04. Expected time to be better so not so trilled about that.

    Lunch time gym brick session of 20k on the bike and 3k run. Was hoping for the run to be 5k but ran out of time. Anyway hated this session. Ya gave the session my all but I would hate doing this kind of workout indoors regularly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    A good day's training overall :

    Early morning 2 k swim in the pool.
    Only got best 6 hrs sleep and when alarm went off at 5:45 I did think twice and three times about this session. As it turned out I found this one much easier than yesterday and finished in 39:45. I really should have stretched it to 2.4k. Strokes better and more relaxed during the swim.

    Evening bike ride of 60k in 1:55 dead. Yes satisfied with this , as some real tough sections.

    Like SUNGOD who has a stag this weekend I have a wedding down the county on Sat . So tomorrow eve planning a 16 miler - the first offical long run in prep for Berlin. It is unlikely that I'll be in the form for it on Sun but I will plan a 10k maybe that evening.
    I hope to get in min 2 20 milers, 1 21 and 1 18 and maybe another 16 in prep for that race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Ya managed Fri eve 16 miler as planned first long long on my marathon plan.
    Mentally the first 4 miles were tough - Fri eve raining depressing, should be eating Al Fresco with our quests tonight in our tanquil garden ... July washout.
    Came home in 1:58:25. Out 61 min even back 57:25. Last 5k marathon pace 22min. HR average 150
    Overall comfortable really, though the body felt tired. 7.25 hrs training since Monday in 3 disciplines.

    Tomorrow a wedding, Sunday hopefully get in an easy 6-10k run.

    Then next week prep for sprint tri on Sat and following week olympic tri on the Sat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    6 mile easy in 45:10. HR 137. Needed to ride body of wedding alcohol.

    Indended lunch time swim postponed due to no swimming trunks. Ah well felt really drained all day.
    Evening 42.3k bike ride in 1:24. 2K in and upper left buttock very sore. Decided to continue on and it improved by 15k. Pushed last 20k in 36min.
    A couple of Nuerfen hopefully will do trick.
    I have a big weakness in been very lazy in stretching. I only really do it before speed sessions. Much get more disciplined in this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    A visit to steam and jacuzzi early.

    Lunch time 7 mile run in 49:46. HR 146
    This run ended up been a tempo run at around marathon pace which was not intended at the start.
    The first mile was careful as muscle a bit tender. Thereafter upped pace a bit and felt ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Lunch time pool swim of 2k in 39:20. So time still improving.

    Evening brick session. Actually first brick session outdoors
    30k bike ride in 58:20, it was rather breezy, T2 in 1:04, 7k run in 29:30. Felt strong in the run but didn't push too much.

    So next two days rest before tri in sat . May go for a dip in the sea tomorrow though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi abhainn good luck tommorrow

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    As Sungod before me said, best of luck, triathlons are really starting to appeal to me, I can see one in my future, so looking forward to your account.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    1st Triathlon competition

    Salmon run Sprint Tri Ballina. Finished in 1:11:40 which was around the time I was hoping to finish. HR avg 160, Max 172
    Yes this was really enjoyable. Excellent occasion. 330 competitors.
    Learnt a few things which will make me go faster.
    Swim - down the river Moy was cold! Took me perhaps 150 meters to get into a good rhythm off the start.
    T1 went ok.
    Cycle -Took me a couple of seconds more than I wished to get my shoes clipped into the pedals. Course was technical and narrow at times and I know of a couple who came off their bikes. I was a little disappointed at the cycle time as I thought I could come in under 36mins for that section but it took me nearly 2 mins longer than that. Decided to unclip shoes at dismount but couldn't unclip right shoe. Nearly had a disaster. Will remove feet from shoes before dismount next time I think.
    T2 ok - Can improve that time also.
    Run - Was partly thru trails and woods. Really good. Had to hold back a bit as right side of groin was killing me right from the run start. Overtook 15 (8-10 on the last 1k) I'd say on the run and most importantly no one over took me. Finished last 1k strong.

    So all in all great experience, some excellent competitors , great organisation, course good, though cycle route which was changed at the last minute would have been safer if they had gone orginal route . I think road works prevented them from doing so.

    Heres to next Sat and the Beast of the East Olympic tri in Wicklow.

    Easy 3.5 mile run on the beach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    great stuff abhainn sounds like a fantastic occasion, it must be a steep learning curve with transitions etc sounds like great fun though . best of luck next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,311 ✭✭✭xebec

    Great time for a first tri! Best of luck with the Olympic next week!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Thanks SUNGOD and xebec for those words.

    6 mile run was postponed at last min and decided on an easy swim and steam etc instead.
    Think I will get more out of a longer run tomorrow. Got to bed later than planned last night and felt drained today probably due that busy weekend and long drives.
    So plan for week is 8-10 miles run tomorrow, up to 60k cycle wed, 2 swims wed and thursday. Rest Fri.
    Keeping in mind need to be fresh for Sat

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Super stuff, congrats on your time

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Lunch time 8 mile steady run in 58:27. HR 144.

    Proper marathon training commences next week so today started planning out that finer detail (Really only 9 WEEKS of training! Shxte)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Lunch time 2.5k swim in 47:50. Furthest I've swim in a session in years. Felt ok after.
    Evening 50k bike ride in 1:34 even. Was going to do an extra 10k but felt no need as pointless doing too much as may only feel tired for Sat.

    Tomorrow and Friday will be easy days. May take in a short easy run of a coupe of miles. Maybe a gentle swim also

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Easy 5k outdoor run in 23:50. HR 133. Easy swim afterwards.

    Hopefully wind won't spoil bike section of competition to tomorrow.
