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My road to Berlin



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    good luck tommorrow abhainn

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    SUNGOD wrote: »
    good luck tomorrow abhainn

    ..."Hopefully wind won't spoil bike section of competition to tomorrow"

    Luck wasn't required. Just sheer strength. And the strong wind didn't spoil the day either.

    Finished Beast of the East olympic tri in 3:12.
    If you had told me before the race that my time would be that I would have assumed I got a puncture or two. But no... The Beast was a Dog. I set me a target of sub 2:40. Ha ha.
    This inaugural tri is now been labelled the toughest triathlon in Ireland overtaking the Hell of the West. If I had know this prior to entry I would have chosen an easier beginners Olympic triathlon.

    Swim: This went on forever or seemed so. First 300 meters I felt ok then faced into strong headwind for the as well as strong undercurrents. With the water been choppy also I didn’t feel like I was going anywhere. Soon I lost was swimming on my own, and couldn’t understand why. I kept the momentum going but felt defeated. I wasn’t wearing a proper tri wet suite, as I thought my scuba shorter was sufficient. Maybe that contributed. I left the water close to 55mins some 20 mins over my target time.
    Not good , never going to make up that time.

    T1: 300 meters from swim to T1 and still felt dizzy, nearly fell over a few times.

    Bike: The bike section was extremely tough, with a series of gruelling climbs with the first one just after transition. Anyway put the head down and started catching those ahead. At least started to feel better.

    T2: Went ok. A big hello to wife and my little girl as I left for the run. I trilled to see them.

    Run:. The run started off with the same hill as the bike start. First 3k took nearly 16mins! Terrain levelled out. Catching more now and felt strong. Overtook 3 inside last 400 meters.

    In the end I commented this was tougher than a marathon. I hope to finish a marathon quicker come end Sept.
    Great experience, another great event, very well organised. I even heard Daniel Day was in the surroundings. You never know as he a keen runner he might be thinking of doing this next year though perhaps he should start off with an easier course!

    Back running Wed. Taking a few days off

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi abhainn well done on a hard days work , great guts to complete the course enjoy your well earned rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    I have now the sprint and olympic triathlons behind me. They were a great experience, a positive taster. I intend for triathlons to be my main focus for 2009 with the aim of stepping up to the next level. Planning has already begun.

    But running is where I am strongest and now with just 9 weeks to Berlin its time to get serious and get doing some proper running. I hope the goal time of 3:05-3:10 is achievable. I finished my first marathon in Dublin last year in 3:14 on a peak milage week of 38 miles off 4 days max training a week. I hope I can make it there injury free and keep to the plan

    I'm going to roughly follow the Hal H Advanced 1. I'm planning 5 days training per week instead of 6 on that plan. Weekly milage will peak at just over 50 miles (up from 43 for Conn).
    Since May I have been running 3 times a week and replacing easy runs with bike rides so I'm hopeful I can get in 5 more long runs of which 3 will be at 20+ with two races thrown in also.

    This week had Mon and Tues as rests.
    Today 5.34 miles easy in 39:18 (HR avg 146)
    Tomorrow 6 easy. Sat 6 at pace and Sunday will be long run of 18.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    Wow the beast of the east sounds like a toughie. I can't say I would like a climb straight out of T2, my HR would go through the roof. Congrats.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Thanks HM but was overall disappointed with performance cause I know I am better than that. Anyway makes me more determined to improve on my weak points.
    Thinking of doing Ireman in 2009 so will keep a close eye on this years event to see what people think.
    I know Lost Sheep is on around the same time and I think you mentioned doing it and that it was tough also.
    Are you back in full flight yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    I'm in week 3 of a 17 wek plan for Ironman Florida. So far so good. I got some jabs for river swimming (tetanus and hep A) this week and they have knocked me slightly but I think I'm managing the training load ok.

    I've done both Lost Sheep and Ireman. Ireman is the better race imo. OK, it doesn't have the testing (and scenic) bike course of Kenmare, but it has a great team behind it, a lovely run course and just a better atmosphere. Don't limit yourself to irish races though. Check out Bala and Vitruvian in the UK and Lisbon. I'm sure there are others, these are just the one's I know quite a bit about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Thanks HM for information. Best of luck in Florida.
    Good to see you will be flying the flag for Irl there.
    Any particular plan your are using for IM? First IM?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    I've done IM a couple of times before. It's my second favourite race after ultramarathons. I have got a plan for IMFL. It's a mixture of a couple of plans that are out there. It's 14 sessions a week so a bit hard core for someone doing their first long course race but I've chosen it because I'll get through most of the sessions and won't beat myself up over anything I've missed. I'm training to HR. Essentially each week has

    1. long bike (or brick) 4-8 hours
    2. moderatae bike - 2-4 hours
    3. speed bike -about an hour
    4. recovery bike

    5. long run 2-4 hours
    6. moderate run 1-2:30 hours
    7. speed run (track session, about an hour)
    8. recovery run

    9. long swim 3-6 km
    10. moderate swim 3-4 km
    11. speed swim ~3 km
    12. open water swim

    13. & 14. Weights

    I'm happy to send you a copy if you pm me an email address. What I like about this particular plan is that it can easily be adapted to someone who only has time for 11 or even 8 sessions a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Cheers HM.

    Email is

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    I've just sent it. Hope it makes sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Last week's summary

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - Rest

    Wed - 5.34 miles easy in 39:18. 07:22 / mile. HR avg 145.

    Thurs - 6 miles in 43:35. 07:16 / mile. HR 141.

    Fri - Rest

    Sat - 6 mile in 41:01. HR 155. 06:51/Mile.
    This was supposed to be run at marathon pace but decided to up it a small bit

    Sun - 18 miles in 2:16:45. 07:36 / mile. HR 147
    On reflection this run too fast though conditions were good and fresh.
    Was aiming at pace around 07:45 -07:50. Felt last two miles.

    Glad to see weight has dropped to just over 79kg. First time I seen that figure in 15 years I'd say. BMI 25.8 though. Still ate too much cxap at weekend. A couple of beers I could do without also

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week so far

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - 8 miles in 1:01. 07:38 mile pace. HR 139

    Wed - 6 miles 44:43. 07:28 Pace. HR 140

    Thurs - Speed session 5x 1k with easy 3min recovery between each.
    3:43 Max HR 161
    3:42 Max HR 167
    3:39 Max HR 173
    3:35 Max HR 174
    3:33 Max HR 177

    I never look forward to speed sessions. I actually detest them. But no pain no gain. And this session went well.

    Fri - Rest

    Heading to Sligo tonight. 9 mile pace run tomorrow followed by 13 /14 mile run Sunday. Roll on OX mountains

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,365 ✭✭✭hunnymonster

    Abhainn wrote: »
    I never look forward to speed sessions. I actually detest them. But no pain no gain. And this session went well.

    I'm with you on that one. Got to do mine at lunchtime today. Funnily enough, the speed bike session is one of my favourite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Last week summary

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - 8 miles in 1:01. 07:38 mile pace. HR 139

    Wed - 6 miles 44:43. 07:28 Pace. HR 140

    Thurs - Speed session 5x 1k with easy 3min recovery between each.
    3:43 Max HR 161
    3:42 Max HR 167
    3:39 Max HR 173
    3:35 Max HR 174
    3:33 Max HR 177

    Fri - Rest

    Sat - OX mts run
    9.2 miles in 1:02:50. 06:51 / mile. HR 159
    Run from start ended up been some 15sec / mile quicker than intended pace but felt ok all thru.

    Sun - 14 mile OX mts run
    14 mile in 1:41:54. 07:17 / mile. HR 147
    Love running in these mts. Glens and valleys and what a morning
    Didn't see anyone untill 5 miles in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Last week's summary. Good week

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - 10 miles in 1:15:43. 07:34 / mile pace. HR 137

    Wed - 5.33 miles in 38:30. 07:14 / mile pace. HR 144. Didn't like this run. Legs felt heavy

    Thurs - Tempo 6 mile with 1 x 2.5 mile at around 10k pace in 15:35.
    HR 154 (1st mile), 62 (2nd mile), (170 last .5 mile with big hill)
    Total time 42:30

    Fri - Rest

    Sat - 10 Mile at marathon pace in 69:14. HR 156. 06:56 / mile which was nearly 10 secs quicker than MP but felt ok

    Sun - Long run 21 miles in 2:39:34. HR 141. 07:36 / mile.
    Happy with this run. Got back home at 20 miles so decided to run an extra one for luck. Again a bit quicker than intended but felt confortable all thru and HR was low anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Weekending 17th August

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - 10 miles in 75:15. 07:32 / mile pace. HR 135

    Wed - 6 miles steady in 43:30. 07:15 / mile pace. HR 141.

    Thurs - 6 x 1k with 500 m recovery between each.
    3:41 Max HR 160
    3:39 Max HR 169
    3:38 Max HR 173
    3:38 Max HR 174
    3:36 Max HR 176
    3:35 Mar HR 177

    Fri - Rest

    Sat - 10 Miles quick in 67:55. HR 155. 06:48 / mile
    Even though conditions were of heavy rain and windy this went well. Lost count of the cars I had to dodge at intersections.

    Sun - Long run 16 miles in 2:01:15. HR 140. 07:35 / mile.
    Legs tired and a bit heavy.

    Happy with last three weeks of good training. Next week will be easy in lead up to Longford half.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    What are you hoping for in Longford Abhainn? Your training times seem great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Well RF for Longford I would love to get into the 1:25's.
    This would be an improvement of 2 mins on my PB in the Newry half in May.
    Training has gone well in last month so I am hoping that I can improve on that race .
    Going to go out on 06:30 / mile pace and take each mile as it comes. But as we always say so much depends on the conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Well RF for Longford I would love to get into the 1:25's.

    But as we always say so much depends on the conditions.

    I'd have thought you'd easily do that based on the training.

    +1 about conditions. I ran a 10k at the weekend and was up to my knees in water for a 10m stretch that we had to run through 8 times (on a loop course) so hard to know how to compare times in those conditions! Can't wait for Sunday. Will hope to go out at 6.10pace for first 3 miles and take it from there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    I'd have thought you'd easily do that based on the training.

    Lets hope your right. I will stick to the intended 06:30 pace and see how I fare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Best of luck tomorrow. Hope you nail your time. Weather looking a bit better....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    yeah best of luck, looking forward to seeing how fast you go.Hope the rain stays away

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    good luck tommorrow Abhainn

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Just to echo everybody good luck tomorrow Abhainn

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 Sweater

    Best of luck tomorrow Abhainn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Cheers guys. I hope to give it my best. If conditions and terrain are alright it will be interesting to see how much I have come on since Newry

    Anyway this week was an easy week to now. Same qty of sessions just less distance and intensity. I feel a bit guilty today actually as I was getting used to the 50+ mile weeks and felt as if I should have done more.
    But I was concerned though as my left achilles and outer side of left calf were sore since my run long on Sunday. This always happens when I need to change my trainers so that was done on Tues.
    On my run earlier today they were still abit tender but I think all will be ok for tomorrow.

    Mon - Rest

    Tues - 6 miles in 44:21. 07:24 / mile pace. HR (Forgot monitor)

    Wed - 6 miles in 44:44. Pace 07:28 / mile. HR (Battery on my 2nd monitor is dead). Taking it easy due to achilles and calf.

    Thurs - 4.5 miles in 31:07. Pace 06:56 /mile. HR 142. Wanted to push this session a bit

    Fri - Rest

    Sat - Easy 4.2 miles in 32:33 with some strides. HR 134

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Sunday 24th August

    Longford Half marathon

    Finished in 1:24:10. HR 169. HR Max 179 (at finish)
    Quite satisfied at beating my PB by 3 mins and very satisfied at my control in the race. Actually my target all week was to squeeze into the 1:24's, so very happy at the achievement.
    As the finish time came into sight 1:24:00 was displayed on the timer and I said to myself "ah so close to the 1:23's". A bit greedy yes but, I finished strong and my last mile was my quickest at 6:05.

    Last April I took part in my first race since 1989. I am no speed merchant. Ok I had been trained for the GAA in the period untill then. But if you had told me then I would be doing 1:24 for the half 17 months later I would have laughed.
    But it proves what a bit of hard work can do and just taking each race as it comes. Progression since April 2007

    April - Conn 1:42:20
    July - Achill 1:34:50
    Aug - Longford 1:33:09
    Sept - P.Park 1:31:33

    May - Newry 1:27:20
    Aug - Longford 1:24:10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Racing Flat

    Fantastic! Thought based on your training times and corresponding heart rates you'd go better than 85. Smashed it - well done. Onwards and upwards now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    Congrats looks like you had a good day. There is nothing like the smell of a PB in the mornings;)
