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Freddie Mays in Vegas Part I

  • 25-06-2008 10:28am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 375 ✭✭

    Got this email from a good mate I havent seen in years. He isnt a boardsie and is based in London.

    Just to let you know I got to Vegas in one piece and to let you know how I am getting on. It appears my mobile does NOT work like I thought it would so Im afraid I cant text or call. If I hadn't told you I am in Las Vegas until 27th August with a totally inadequate bankroll and I am trying to make it pay playing poker against the locals and also trying to win a seat at the World Series. It's all going mightily unsuccessfully so far but more on that later. They charge $12 an hour for internet out here so I don't get on it much. And I have to sit in a pikey souveneir shop to send emails. So Im sure you will excuse the typos as Ive got a fair bit to say and Im in a 38 mniute rush against the clock.

    The journey was 28 hours door to door and I recommend never getting a connecting flight to Vegas with abbots travel. I land in Philadelphia at 4pm and am due to board the next flight at 5.30pm. This is physically impossible to do in 90 minutes. It's 45min to an hour to get through immigration. IF THERE are no hitches. And it is another 45 mins to an hour to get through security ni the longest windiest queue ever. There is a THIRD queue before security to dump you bags. Luckily, my plane was delayed 2 hours and I didn't have to sweat much, although I didnt know it was delayed until I had cleared immigration.

    I got here on 19 June and fired downtown to Binions. Only one thing to do - sit at a poker table and play $1-3 NL holdem. 90 minutes later and $300up at cash. So Im ahead on the trip so far and I go to bed happy. EASY GAME. It was just like the last time I went there. Binions is WELL old, est 1951 and the decor hasn't changed much since then. But $49 a night and I also get a players discount of $35 per night if I play 4 hours a day plus free food. So I can basically live for less than 20 quid a day if I so choose (I haven't yet, but the option does exist NOT to spend loads of money). Downtown Vegas is full of pikies like you wouldn't believe. And this is the tourists Im talking about. I am not kidding you when I say I haven't even seen any decent looking women yet, apart from 1 dealer and 1 cocktail waitress in Binions. They (the fit women) are all on the strip. Ive only been up there for a quick trip to Rios to see that everything is ship shape for the WSOP. It is. At the weekend the massively jack up the rates and availability is scarce everywhere. This is how I came to find myself staying on 8th street, 4 blocks away from the main street with all the casinos, about 1km away, in a place called the 'Downtowner'. Well grim. in future I book up in advance to make sure this doesn't happen. I actually encountered a place (fortunately there was nothing available in it) where the rate was 130 dollars a WEEK. I shudder the think what sort of quality the room was. Some places advertise 'weekly maid service'. This one didn't even advertise that!

    As all the streets are carved up into a grid you have to walk past loads of junctions and there are loads of black geezers loitering round in baggy clothes at said corners. There's no point trying to avoid them by doing a left then a right then a right say, because that left will take you to another corner, where there will no doubt be other people knocking about. It also makes it look like you are avoiding them and that you are bricking it. I figure if they are going to rob you they will follow you so best just bowl straight past them rather than going further away from the main street. I almost got myself in a spot the first night I spent in the DOWNTOWNER. I was walking past a group of blokes and I remembered a certain person who will remain nameless from the time we went to VEgas in 2006. On this occasion the unamed person was so blatantly SH!TTING himself but we were only walking up the side of the road and there were no other people. There must have been some pretty bad dudes in those cars out there driving past at 50mph. Anyway, remembering this I started laughnig. Im laughing away but Im looking straight at this big black bloke and he says to me "Hey Big Guy". Oh sh!t. Who's cr@pping it now? He goes on "It's $190 fine for jaywalking, gotta cross att he crosswalk". He's doing me a favour tellnig me about the local traffic regulations. I had no clue, but in order to save time atthe junctions I dont always wait for the lights and I just cross a bit further down. Illegally, as it turns out. So I thank him and go on my way.

    From 20-22 I played some big tournaments. How is this for teh height of arrogance. I enter the HORSE event. Holdem, Omaha Hi/Lo, Razz, Stud, Stud Eight or Better. I have never played Stud 8 and I have never even SEEN a game of Razz. But I pay my $260 and line up against a load of pros thinking I can wni. I come 199th of 271 runners. But you should have seen the looks on their faces when I asked if someone could exlpain the rules of Razz to me. The man to my left, young bloke, glasses, really patient with my stupid questions, helpfully explains. He's really helpful, nice bloke. When I return 17 hours later they are still playing. He is chip leader and they chop it up, too exhausted to carry on. He gets the lions share of the $15k first prize. I'm well chuffed for him. So the good guys can win. I played a $150 omaha 8 or better (BTW this is my cash game of choice when I am exhausted. I play 3-6 limit and it is good because you dont have to think, dont need to really get reads on players and you can rack up the hours just playnig tight and bettnig for value. When Im a bit sharper and focussed I play no limit hold em. You need your wits about you more at no limit holdem.

    Anyway, enough on poker because I am runnnig out of internet time and there is something that I need to tell you that happened yesterday, totally unrelated to poker. I can always send another poker email if you want because Im keeping a black book on sessions played, other players, profit and loss, as well as a few interesting hands that have cropped up. Suffice to say that my net losses are $500 after my tournament losses and one session of losnig 400 at cash in 2 hands (AA cracked but I didnt write this email to whine about bad beats). But I have seen enough in the cash games to know I can survive out here.

    Right - onto what happened yesterday. I'd taken a taxi to a place called Maryland and joined a gym (I encountered noe of the biggest ever mongs at reception but thats adifferent story). This gym is the size of Wales. I have a quick workout and a laugh at teh yankee gym psychos in there. Oh yes they are REALLY mad. One bloke opposite likes to talk to himself. I mean REALLY talk to himself. COME ON COME ON COME, ONE MORE YOU MTHRFKKER etc etc. He is erally disconcertnig and people just stay away from him. I saw 130lb dumbell, which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I mean no-one could lift it, its impossible. when I left I decided I would buy a bicycle. That way I can cycle the 4-5 miles to the gym and back when I go, keep fit and all that and get a tan ni the bargain (get completely burned as it transpired). By the way, Im glad no-one knows me out here. They sell hydrogen peroxide in the shops and I thought - I wonder if you could use that to dye hair blonde. It's only a dollar a litre for this 3 percent stuff. So I tried it out. And my hair has gone completely ginger. So I look a right twat. Sunburned ginger tourist. (Another thing - all the poker playing guests and locals in Binions call me Harry Potter. When I moved in on the river this bloke folded and said "I ain't taking on Harry all in. This boys a wizard - he can even change the colour of his hair". Anyway, I buy this bicycle. HAd to walk 2 miles to K Mart in 110f heat and I am baked. I ask directions back to Downtown and some absolute CNUT deliberately sends me the wrong way. I thought I could trust this bloke. After asking a few hispanics who didnt speak any English I saw this man in a security uniform. thinking back it was so obvious - he said "cnotinue West until you reach Paradise, then take a left". Continue till you reach Paradise eh? What an absolute twat I am fallnig for that one. Mind you there were places called "Sahara" and "Desert" and "Eastern" so it wasnt as far fetched as it sounded. but he has sent me 180 degrees the wrong way.This actually isnt funny, you can literally die in this heat. 2 or 3 miles later I speak to a couple of blokes in overalls. One is ex Army and sound. there is no way he is lying I figure and he sends me back the way I came. He advises I put my bike on the bus (you can do that) and get the same bus as him all the way back. good lpan. Bad news is that the bus only takes 3 bikes on the front and all 3 racks are full. So I just bite the bullet and ride back. Its only about 7 miles but after waitnig for that bus in the heat I am well well hot. I get to Fremont Street and this is where the serious sh1t happens. I go past a bus stop. I notice a black woman with her 9-10 year old child with her. I go another 200 yards past. Fremont street is a highway with 4 wide lanes on each side of the road, much like a motorway. but there is a narrow sidewalk on either side (there's no way I would ride on the actual freeway, although staggeringly, it is legal). On one side of the road there are huge stores, like WalMart, Dennys. On the side of the road I am is just a vast vast area which is fenced off and it looks earmarked for building. there is a 10 foot fence and just acres and acres of concrete inside. To my amazement I see a human leg sticking out the bottom of the fence. I stop and go back to check it isnt a dummy or something. I can just about see through the slats in the fence, which are about 2 inches apart. To my absolute horror, I can see a face, head rolled back, eyes wide open. I can see white, dried foam in his mouth and bogies dried in each nostril. He looks well dead. 20 yards behind him is what looks like his bedding. Looks like a down and out who has got drunk, staggered over to the corner of this "compound" and crashed out. There is a wound on the side of his face on his cheek and the blood still looks wet. I shout out to him. No answer. I can't reach him because of the fence but his face is only inches from the fence. I remembered I had a bottle of water so I grab it open it and splash waterthrough the gap ni teh fence onto his face. Some goes in his mouth and his lips move. Christ, he's alive and he is tryng to talk to me. I splash more water ni his mouth and his lips move again. Now I am panicking like never before. this bloke is so close to dying it isn't true. What to do? I dont have a phone so I cycle back to the bus stop I passed and scream for help from this woman. Im screaming PHONE PHONE and she doesnt want to let me use it. I tell her THIS MAN IS GOING TO DIE. What man what man. I oint up the road, tell her to call 911, get an ambulance and follow me. A car pulls over. A woman and her kids has seen the commotion and wants to know if there is anything wrong and can she help. I tell her the score and she pulls over. When we are all there I give him more water. The woman says "I saw his stomach twitch when you gave him the water".

    We are all telling him to hang in there and the ambulance arrives after about 5-10 minutes. They walk over, take one look and say "He's dead". I say "NO WAY - look his lips have been moving". the woman backs me up - "yes they were and his body moved too". "No he is dead - has been for hours, he repeats, feeling the blokes leg. "Look rigor mortis". HOws that then I say. "Cos he is spasming. Dead bodies spasm". Each paramedic puts an electrode on him. I still cant beleiev he is dead. I think they are trynig to jump start him. "No elctrical signal whatsoever and no pulse" (I hadnt thought to check his pulse). He is stone cold dead. We all stand and stare in disbelief. The medics have seen it all before. I ask if there is nything they need from me, like a statement, and they say they dont. The lady asks me if I need a lift and I say why not, so she puts the bike on her car and we head off. 4 days in the US and Ive seen a dead body

    Got to go chaps. Ive spent 2 hours ni this souvenir shop on the internet and Ive noly got 3 minutes left

    Take care you all. And be lucky. I'll send another update soon. Hopefully a bit more cheerful.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,764 ✭✭✭DeadParrot

    A side of vegas not many see.

    I stayed for 9 days in the Hostel USa vegas and say some weird **** I tells ya, nothing like that though

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭TripleAce

    Wow...he is certainly not getting bored over there!!! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭Icarus152

    Excellent trip report.Post the next one.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,956 ✭✭✭CHD

    Icarus152 wrote: »
    Excellent trip report.Post the next one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭Rb

    Wow, good read.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,047 ✭✭✭bill_ashmount

    Very good

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭Gillybean72

    Great read, the guy should write a book!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,600 ✭✭✭roryc

    Great read, the guy should write a book!

    Roll on Part Deux... this one didn't have enough hookers or coke

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,298 ✭✭✭a-k-47

    They sell hydrogen peroxide in the shops and I thought - I wonder if you could use that to dye hair blonde. It's only a dollar a litre for this 3 percent stuff. So I tried it out. And my hair has gone completely ginger. So I look a right twat. Sunburned ginger tourist. (Another thing - all the poker playing guests and locals in Binions call me Harry Potter. When I moved in on the river this bloke folded and said "I ain't taking on Harry all in. This boys a wizard - he can even change the colour of his hair".


    what a character....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭Ollieboy

    thats one very funny story. Tell him to keep it coming...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    reads like a 'Cardshark Broke' thread, excellent

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭hotspur

    Guy writes really well, hard to believe that was just an email. Tell him we demand more, and remind him that we are used to tales of the living dead now so not to disappoint us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 375 ✭✭kebabfest

    Figured I would put this in same thread. Hopefully there'll be a new one every couple of days

    Hello everyone

    A couple of people asked me to keep them posted on whats been happening in Sin City. Well I have got loads and loads to tell you but the trouble is it would cost me an arm and a leg at $12 per hour. What I really need is a laptop so I can tap away in my hotel room. And a little angel floated down from heaven and gave me one. Well I say "gave", I'm just borrowing her laptop but how nice of her - she doesn't know me from Adam and I wasn't even staying at her hotel. She works reception at the fitzgerald and I asked her where I could get hold of a cheap laptop. she said I could use hers so I met her after work and she drove me back to hers to pick it up and even dropped me back at the Downtowner after (the Deadbeater I call it) with the advice "Don't be walking round here after dark". Lol I already knew that. It's not that bad really. It's only 100 yards from a casino where there is a security guard outside and he is carrying a shooter (strangely this makes me feel more secure) so there's only that 100 yards from the casino to the Deadbeater I need to worry about. I'm in the Fitz for the next 3 nights though and it's very nice. Only $39 a night which makes it cheaper than the Deadbeater was for Saturday hahahah can you beleive that? So I spent all yesterday tapping away no the lappy and I've got 8000 words of ****e to tell you. That's more than I ever wrote at school !

    There is nothing to contend with the news in my last email I'm afraid but there is some good stuff such as the rumble I had with an old lady in the street. I saw the worlds worst shoplifter Walgreens get himself caught and I just have to tell you the about this bellend called Carl Ferris who performs in Fremont Street. I've done a little review of Fremont Street in case anyone ever comes here - you'll know what's in store for you. People have told me again and again not to let the dead body incident cloud my judgement of America and I have to agree - I haven't found a single dead body since.

    anyway, I'm currently down $1508 at poker and it's all my own silly fault. About $700 has gone on huge field tournaments which I didn't expect to win. I mean only 10% make the money so it's a bit pointless enterinig those. The rest I've just wasted LOL. I've also been at war with the Halifax who saw fit to put a stop on my card when they saw Las Vegas transactions. That left with no cash for 4 whole days. Well who needs cash in Vegas anyway? I kept myself busy just mosying about the strip, going to the gym and writing about Carl Ferris (you have to see this bloke). Was irritating though cos I'm here to play poker and that put the kybosh on that. Thankfully it still worked as a debit card so I didn't starve and was able to pay my hotel bills (they should pay ME to stay in the Deadbeater mind). I discovered the card didn't work just at the point the fraud department clocked off for the weekend. at first I thought it didn't work because I had exceeded the daily limit. But no, Haluifax's eagle eyed fraud staff had been a bit overzealous with the cancel button. When I spoke to them I think they wanted a medal for vigilance. So I had to wait until Monday morning after the weekend (which they no doubt spent celebrating ruining their customers lives) before they could lift the stop.

    Anyway I'm liquid now and ready to lose some cash ! The WSOP starts in 2 days and I've decided I won't be trying to qualify now. It could cripple me trying. there's always next year and the main aim is to get through the next 10 weeks without going broke. My new problem is getting these updates to you. I've got lots to say but it's all stuck on a laptop. I tried getting the word document on to a disk but it's an old laptop and won't write CDs, it will only read them. Then a kind gentlemen with wireless and talent for working electronic things said he would try to use him USB keychain to get it on his lappy and send as an email. But the lappy I am using only has Windows 98 so the USB trick didn't work. Agggh. So my updates are stuck on the lappy. I am going to take the lappy to a shop and just say "Email this document to my hotmail" and let them sort it for an extortionate fee no doubt. but I'm only doing that once so I want to finish the word document. And that's going to take another day at least cos there's tonnes more I want to write. So apologies, it's not really a proper update. But I promise there will be more.......

    I'm going to get down to the Rio today as the Europeans should be here by now. I'll be telling them all to call their banks and let them know NOT to stop their cards.

    Right I'm off to buy Ebony a present for letting me use her laptop (maybe a copy of windows Vista hee hee) then steaming up the Rio to look at what I could have won. Oh I might play one satellite, just one...or findthe Ladbrokes poker manager and beg him to enter me for free haha

    Speak to you soon. Probably get you all the updates by 5 July. I'll let you know what they do to celebrate 4th July. I'm going to dress up as Saddam Hussein and walk the length of the strip shouting ALLAH AKBHAR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 555 ✭✭✭fixer

    kebabfest wrote: »
    Speak to you soon. Probably get you all the updates by 5 July. I'll let you know what they do to celebrate 4th July. I'm going to dress up as Saddam Hussein and walk the length of the strip shouting ALLAH AKBHAR

    too bad he won't be around to see the second dead body...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,404 ✭✭✭Goodluck2me

    Really good read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    aaaaw part 2 was no where as good a read as part 1.

    needs more dead bodies. I was so looking forward to his next report.
    something like...
    some hooker chokes on his manhood and as he leads an OJ style chase through vegas with news anchors trying to say politely how she was killed.....yeah harry, apparently bella was found with her eyes wide open and scratch marks all down the back of her head, it seems her head was pulled forward repeatedly from behind until she passed out from lack of air...there goes his jeep now......I see Slanzky well known poker player go by, Mr Slansky, what do you know of this incident?

    giving head to overgrown apes is EV- imo. You look nice are you under 18?

    as I read on stoned and drunk....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 164 ✭✭maloney333

    Chaps a legend, some good reading!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭Icarus152

    Very good very good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭davidgti

    great read fair play

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 375 ✭✭kebabfest

    Things not going to good, but I reckon he'll pull it around.

    I've had an absolute shocker. An unmitigated disaster. It's so depressing it's not true. I'm so down I can't even get angry - I'm just totally and utterly deflated.

    It's just been one of those days. I knew it was bound to be a strange day when I woke up to a tapping on my window. As I woke I rubbed my eyes and there was a man floating outside my window. I'm on the 10th floor ! This startled me a bit until I realised he was the window cleaner. He was in this harness thingy. Merrily cleaning away dangling from a rope 150 feet up.

    A few people had asked me to keep you updated so I thought if I'm going to do something I a may as well do it properly right? I got hold of a laptop courtesy of the lovely Ebony who kindly lent me hers so I could write all my amusing little anecdotes and interesting hands etc into a blog. And I was writing and writing and I turned into Forrest Gump with my writing. All I had to do was the simple task of retrievnig one word document from this ancient old laptop and getting it sent to my hotmail address. The simplest thing in the world you'd think. Well some doughnut at Circuit City, the local electronics store has not only lost the document but he has also broken the laptop. I'm a bit annoyed. Best Buy (a sort of PC World place) had a crack at it, charged me $30, failed and reimbursed me the $30. I went to Circuit City, or Circuit Breakers as it should be called and laid down the challenge. Can you get this word document to my hotmail address I ask. The laptop runs on Windows 98. "Hmm he says". We try using some ethernet thing to connect it to the internet but it won't work (same as in Best Buy). CD won't write that's no use. I say to him "I refuse to believe that this cannot be done. Imagine you are head of government and I give this laptop to you and tell you there are Nuclear secrets on it. Are you seriously telling me it cannot be retrieved?" He confidently tells me he can remove the hard disk and get it back that way but it will cost $100. seeing as I have been trying since 1am traipsnig round shops gettnigthis sorted I say "OK OK here I'll pay you".

    There was some really funny stuff on there that you would like I'm sure. I read it all at 3am last night before I sent it and I could have guaranteed some of it would have raised a chuckle or two. This is the part that hurts the most - when I did word count last night there were 21795 words, all nicely split into 17 daily updates. It took me 3 and a half days to write in which time I only went out the hotel to eat and for a couple of walks. I am gutted. GUTTED from Vegas. I didn't even play poker until it was finished I was so determined to get it done. I've still got my diary so I could try to rewrite it but the thought of the task is just too much to bear. I've lost stuff at work before but nothing like this. And this wasn't even my fault. Oh it's been such a rubbish day. First off I get the rudest cabbie in VEgas and I almost have a Dennis Wise moment with him. The rude obnoxious fkker had the audacity to say, when I asked if he was having trouble understanding me "Will you speak English". He got some vernacular for that I can tell you. And when we stopped I only had $100 and he didn't have change. So he muttered and moaned and went to get change and that wasted at least 5 minutes where his meter wasn't running. "If you think for one secnod you are getting a tip pal, you think again" I told him. I think he understood that OK. I was in a rush to get the laptop to a shop then get to the Rio to see th WSOP start. Turns out the shop I'd got directions to (from the bloke who cut my hair lol) only did Apple computers. I got to the Rio late, but as everyone knows, NO poker tournament ever starts on time. At the Rio, if you sit down with anything saying no your clothing, they make you take it off. is OK but not So they make you turn your sweatshirts inside out and this takes absolutely ages. That's what happened in 2006 when I was there and I suspect there was the same rigmarole this year. Anyway, I got a free copy of Doyle Brunson's "Wisdom of a Poker Champion", signed by the great man himself. Quite funny as I only brought one single poker book to Vegas and that was...."Wisdom of a Poker Champion". I only stayed at the Rio for an hour as I was carrying this laptop about and wanted it fixed pronto. I've been gagging to send all these updates to you. I didn't see many top pros at the Rio today but I know why some of the weren't there. I nkow because at 2am they were in Fremont street (they closed off the road) filmnig a Full Tilt advert. there was Gus HAnsen, Patrick Antonius, Jennifer Harman, Eric Seidel, Phil Gordon, John Juanda, Mike Matusow, Andy Bloch, Allen Cunningham and a couple of others, all dressed up in their black suits. They were there about 2 hours filming and all they did was stand about ni a line chattnigthen when the camerman said "action" they walked forward 5 steps towards the camera. they did this about 1-12 times. Jennifer Harman looked absolutely bored witless and pssed off. Maybe because they had to wait for Phil Ivey who was well late. So off to the deadbeat computer shops and Circuit Breaker make me wait 2 hours then give me the bad news. The bloke tried to make things better by saying "you know it was probably on its last legs anyway". See how old it is, it only has 6 gig memory, ours have 300. Oh that's OK. 22 thousand words down the shtter and I'll tell Ebony that her laptop was shte and was giong to break anyway. Darn come to think I didn't even ask for a refund! Just remembered that. Ive just paid $100 for someone to ruin my life. Anyway, I said it wasn't mnie and that I would speak to the owner and see what she wants to do about it. I suspect she will be cool but that's not really the point. Anyway I've left the laptop in the shop and hopefully if Ebony is working tomorrow we will go down there and I will get this bloke to explain the situation to her. I mean I don't want her thinking that I broke the thing ! What a palaver.

    So far is 3 taxis at 13, 15 and 18 dollars plus 100 for the botch job (which I ought to get back if there's any justice) but that's NOTHING compared to the 3.5 days I've wasted writing it all. And there's still the broken laptop and the associated explaining to Ebony to be done. I mean I THINK she will be OK, but what if she is a closet psychopath and slices my nose off ? But the thing is, if I hadn't sent that email about the dead man I found, no-one wuold have asked me to keep them updated. And then I wuoldn't have taken it upon myself to write my blogs. And then I wuoldn't have got completely carried away and written 21795 words. And the reason I sent the email was because I found the body. And the only reason I found that body was because some total and utter CNUT sent me the wrong fkking way on purpose. Remember the bloke who said "keep going till you reach Paradise" If he sends me the right way I don't find the body and none of this ever happens, see? If I ever see that bloke again I'm going to give him such a beating. none oft his "did you send me the wrong way on puropse". Just straight in there with the haymakers and the shoe pie. I've since found out that there IS a district called Paradise. HAd I followed his directions they would have taken me straight to the airport. A little hint perhaps ? gotta hand it to him thuogh, he was so convincing, As he told me he paused, thought, then lifted his hat and sent me the wrong way. I'm going to use that as a tell in future. If anyone, EVER pauses, thinks and lifts their hat before telling me something I am giong to dismiss whatever he says as utter bullsh1t. It's a tell you see. And I learned that in Vegas. the gard way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,537 ✭✭✭Ste05

    Nice work, he reminds me of Dave Gorman (for anyone who knows who he is, a great comedian IMO) for some reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    When I read that I hear some film noir type Detective voice in me head. See?:pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭eggie

    more, keep it coming, just cant make this **** up, lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,440 ✭✭✭califano

    I like the kid, Abe

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,417 ✭✭✭Lazare

    eggie wrote: »
    more, keep it coming, just cant make this **** up, lol.

    Yeah, tell him to come back with 22k words, or we'll tune out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭Four of a kind

    Excellent reading material. More more more please and thank you!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    this guy needs to write a book of this experience, its incredible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭hotspur

    Just like poets who manage to write good poetry about their loss of inspiration to write poetry, managing to write an interesting piece about losing an interesting piece of writing is no mean feat. Mind you something doesn't seem quite right (3.5 days writing a factual blog for our amusement?), but meh, very enjoyable read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭Icarus152

    Pics of Ebony required. A+ otherwise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭POKERKING

    gutted the 22k words are gone i can juts imagine how he feels, hopefully he will write it again very intreseting(and funny) all round! ps picture of ebony def required!!
