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How can we improve AH



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    Karoma wrote: »
    So sorry. I'll ask CuLT to implement a filter to convert bull**** to bullplop. Would that get your approval?

    If you want to ..but it seems like an awful lot of trouble over something that shouldn't be an issue in the first place.

    Karoma wrote: »
    You? This is the whole link to the thread thing. Rather than us playing a long-winded and boring guessing game. You take objection that nothing was done about post/s that you didn't report and won't link to?
    If you want I'll just go with my head-up-my-ass assumption and say: you're wrong. Action was taken, or action was not required. Thanks for playing.

    I'm going to assume you're having a bad day.

    I never said that I expected mods to read every post?! You obviously misunderstood. I said that one mod did do something about it when the first mod didn't. That suggests that two mods had already seen it. So there was no need for me to report it. There's also no need for it to be linked here. You know as well as I do that doing so will only cause more trouble. Fact is, this happens very often on boards and me isolating two scenarios will not make any difference.

    You're replies are coming across as pretty aggressive. I don't see why you're being so hostile and the sarcasm isn't really warranted.

    I answered the thread as I felt I should. This should not result in bad language, suggestions that I am ''plain stupid'' or sarcasm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,509 ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    That's probably one of the best suggestions for improving this place. :pac:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭SimpleSam06

    Zascar wrote: »
    Personally I just think After Hours is too general and would like to see it split into a few sub categories.
    No there are too many sub forums as it is. It can be tricky to find something you want (economics I'm looking at you, I only tracked that down when I spotted one of the mods and clicked on his profile). Maybe in the case of recurring themes, such as immigration or the gardai, but most of these themes are hot-button topics and you maybe don't want a lightning rod that will end up like the web hosting forum.
    Zascar wrote: »
    Maybe its just me in my old age of 27 but personally I just get pretty bored of the childishness sometimes - this is a Discussion Board after all, I would just like to see more quality discussion going on.
    I think AH is what you bring to it. If you want a quality discussion, make quality comments, people do respond to that.

    Also I think thanks should be included, if only to cut down on the "+1" comments that clutter up threads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't use bad language when addressing me. It's uncalled for. I don't see why you're taking issue with it either. The thread was started in order to allow people to express any ideas they had on how to improve AH. That's what I've done. Why should that lead you to believe I 'talk bull****'?

    I know and some of the mods do a great job.

    Who assumed that you do?

    Edit: Nope I'm talking about AH. I don't think providing links would do any good. It would only cause more tension in AH.

    actually, id like you to provide links.

    when posting up stuff like that, i always ask for links for a number of reasons.
    the first is that a lot of people like to stir crap and post up unsubstantiated accusations at moderators, mostly becuase they have some sort of fight the power thing going on. or becuase they have some sort of personal grudge.

    the second is that i like to see exactly what your definition of the problem is. one mans abuse is another mans feedback. at the end of the day, the only persons opinion that really matters is mine, so i will be judge jury and executioner :)

    the third is that if i do find that a mod of AH is being an ass, I will ban them.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Probably gona get cyber-stoned for saying this but I'd personally like to see bans/threats handed out to everyone who breaks the rules not just the new posters, txt-spk posters etc..

    i would hope that bans and threats of bans are handed out to those people who deserve them, regardles of longevity on the forums.
    personally, id rather not have any bans, but you know, those pesky users...

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Just recently I noticed a thread where a poster was shockingly abusive to the OP and yet the person who pointed out the abuse was threatend with a ban?! Really uncalled for. Another mod seemed to have dealt with it though so at least someone was big enough to stray from the clique!

    link please. id be interested to see who this maverick is!

    I think you need to take what and how mods operate with a pinch of salt. we are here to try and make sure this forum runs smoothly. we are facilitators.
    we are not the police, and as such we should not be seen as keeping social order.
    having said that, we deal with poeple on an individual basis. to do otherwise would lead to mass banning and a pretty crap forum.
    while I understand that people would like a more unifrom approach across the board to 'enforcing' the rules, it cannot be done.
    we are all individuals and we all have different states of mind. i am not the kitten loving andrex rolling personality you see before, for a full 24 hours a day.
    sometimes i just get fed up of people doing stupid things all the time. i react according to my state of mind at that patricular moment. i assume the rest of the mods do as well. therefore, im not too worried about someone getting the rough end of a someones tongue every now and then. i think most people understand that, and i think only somon who is very sensitive, or is spoiling for an argument would take real offence otherwise.
    perhaps the mods would take a more unifom approach if users do too?
    i dont know. all seems unobtainable to me. of course, i did ask for suggestions on how to over come issues, so i await for your suggestions on how to combat the issues youve brought up.

    MizzLolly wrote: »

    Another one I noticed was a thread (which in fairness, was in the wrong forum) being locked in a pretty sarcastic manner by a mod while another similar one by another poster was left open later in the week. Not that big of a deal but ideally the same rules should apply to each poster.

    they should, but sometimes they dont. we dont atest to being perfect, but w dont expect users to be perfect either. some threads are just obviously in the wrong forum, and some could go either way. i took an executive decision along time ago to move every thread that should go into a nother forum a long time ago. there was a very big debate about it.
    AH was taking threads and discussions from other boards it was felt. well, after the first week, we all got very board of moving threads and banning peopl for posting in the wrong forum. it became very disorganised, and most importantly, it became a crap place to post.
    so i decided to stop it. if a forum is to survive, it needs to carve out its own niche. if you build it, it will come.

    now, if a thread could go onto another forum, we tend to leave it. it will either be dicussed, or it will die. you want a 'yore ma' free thread, go to the correct forum and discuss it.

    remember here, its the people who decide what happens in AH, not the mods. if most people dont care about threads that 'could' go into other forums, then neither do the mods.

    MizzLolly wrote: »

    Just recent
    Personal abuse and aggression seemed to be rampant in AH for the last couple of weeks.

    it always has and it always will. we use our own common sense as to when to do something or not.
    mostly we deal with it, but we dont erad every thrad, so if you see it, report it please.

    MizzLolly wrote: »

    This thread was a great idea.

    if we had a thanks button, you could thank me.
    Zascar wrote:
    Personally I just think After Hours is too general and would like to see it split into a few sub categories. The main reason for this is when people post something on a topic they want to be discussed, far too often the thread just goes completely off topic with useless unfunny replies, and then no decent discussion gets going at all. I see this all the time - especially if the 2nd post is trying to be clever or funny - but doesn't quite achieve it. Good replies to the discussion then just get lost between all the crap being posted. Maybe it could be split between one for 'proper discussion' - one for 'Rants & Random babble' etc etc.

    I'm also not a fan of the post count. Many clearly reply for no obvious reason other than upping their numbers. I've seen some forums that have a minimum amount of characters allowed per post to stop all the: ;-), LOL, +1, Your Ma type rubbish (but I don't think that would really work here).

    Maybe its just me in my old age of 27 but personally I just get pretty bored of the childishness sometimes - this is a Discussion Board after all, I would just like to see more quality discussion going on.

    there are enough forums on for everyone to use. i dont hink adding an extra sub catagory is going to do anything for it to be honest. of course, youre free to go tot he forums forum and ask if you want :)

    id like to see post count go on here tbh, but ive been over rules ona number of occassions. besides, my post count would drop, and then id be, you know, a mere mortal again. yuck.

    if you want quality discussion, go to a forum that has it. you cannot tell the ocean what to do any more than you can direct the level of discussion in here.
    people like to post here becuase its not so serious, you dont have to follow up every single point with 15 factoids linked and debate like a cambridge scholar. its easy going. you want real debate, go somewhere else.
    no offence like.
    Okay, before I begin let me first say I don't really regard all of these as problems (well, the catchprase thing really gets my goat) but in general I think AH is okay though it goes through phases of being complete rubbish. Oh, and I'm posting these because they seem to be the most reoccuring issues with regard to AH.

    Problem: Overuse of unfunny, worn out catchphrases, namely "Yore ma" and Atari Jaguar.

    Solution: Could we ask CuLT to develop a filter for these?


    They wouldn't have to be permanent. We could switch them on and off at will (the mods I mean). For instance, when we get a flood of new users at the start of college term or any other time there's an influx of idiots. The idea is to make people think twice about posting them rather than outright ban them. Similar thing happened when the rolleyes smiley was replaced. I don't feel it's been half as abused since it came back. Might be a lot of work for little gain though.

    Problem: No embedded images allowed. If I remember correctly this rule came about because of persistent posting of NSW images, some of them probably pretty gross, that mods were having to clean up. Added now is the fear that people will flood every thread they even mildly dislike with cat macros, though to the best of my knowledge this never actually happened in AH and is only an "issue" on Feedback.

    Solution: Okay, I don't know how Flickr groups work but I think you can set one up and moderate the images posted to it. If someone were to do this and ensure that (a) no NWS images were posted and (b) if macros began to be misused would start removing them could we ask CuLT (yeah, I know) to allow images from that group? I'm not sure that's possible as the URL will actually probably lead back to the user's page rather than the group know I think about it.

    Anyway, the principle stands. An image hosting site where we (i.e. someone trusted) can moderate the images. Any such moderation would obviously have to be done in conjunction with AH mods so it might be a bit awkward but honestly I think not having embedded images is killing a bit of the fun you can have on a forum.

    Problem: No "Thanks" button in AH.

    Solution: Honestly, I think this was switched off a little quickly in here. You can be guaranteed that when a button is new and shiny the monkeys are gonna press it but I think it's lost a lot of it's shinyness at this stage. Look at tags. Everyone was tagging everything the first week they were switched on and now it's barely used at all. Switch it back on for a month, if it's abused switch it off again (I don't use the feature and don't really care but a lot of people seem to want it).

    Problem: Earthhorse's posts are too long.


    thank you for actually reading my post and answering with suggestions :)

    quick answers as my laptop is running low on juice!

    catchphrases - always been there, will always be there, and yes they are annoying. id like to see a 'youre an idiot' function introduced and anyone that got over 10 votes for a single post gets banned. that way, the people have the vote. of course, id have to make sure it isnt abused, and groups of people werent just randomly picking on people, but you get the idea.
    anywa, im not sure what you can do with morons except ignore it.

    embedded images - i dont want them back. they cause too much hassle and they take up too much bandwith. and to be honest, im a bit sick of people thinking they are funny and just posting up a stupid picture in a thread. there may be low brow discussion in here, but i reckon pictures would kill even that small amount of intellectual conversation. you want to post images, theres a subforum i created for it.
    id have to get a realy really persuasive arguement to make me change my mind on that one, sorry.

    no thanks button - did i see its being switched back on. hurrah!
    the people have spoken, and the wil of bends to it.

    thank me all now!
    mizz lolly wrote:
    I'm going to assume you're having a bad day.

    I never said that I expected mods to read every post?! You obviously misunderstood. I said that one mod did do something about it when the first mod didn't. That suggests that two mods had already seen it. So there was no need for me to report it. There's also no need for it to be linked here. You know as well as I do that doing so will only cause more trouble. Fact is, this happens very often on boards and me isolating two scenarios will not make any difference.

    You're replies are coming across as pretty aggressive. I don't see why you're being so hostile and the sarcasm isn't really warranted.

    I answered the thread as I felt I should. This should not result in bad language, suggestions that I am ''plain stupid'' or sarcasm.

    ok, this is an aside to the whole topic at hand, but some advice. this is exactly what mods do not want.
    i wanted feedback and i wanted solutions.
    you gave us some criticisms, and when pushed on it, you would not provide the links etc.
    its very frustrating as a mod to have accusations levelled at us, without any sort of back up.
    we get this every day. we get it a few times a day. it gets tedious very quickly. we tend to go from 'how can i help you' mode, to 'if thats the limit of your input, get to the back of the line and take a ticket' mode.

    forgive karoma, hes had a hard few weeks, but i understand how he feels.

    now, since this is a thread to improve boards, id ask for the links, or for this topic to be taken elsewhere. it doesnt help this thread, and it doesnt facilitate any sort of useful dialogue.

    i may put up a stickie that says mods are not always happy smilie people and you may get some unexpected feedback you didnt want to hear.
    you know, sort of set expectations.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭MizzLolly

    That is absolutely unfair.

    You asked for ways to improve AH and I gave you my opinion on it. Fact is, I'm not the only one who feels this way about AH. There is NO point providing links to it and I won't do it. You were the second Mod I mentioned in fact, so you've seen the thread. My point was that problems in AH are widespread and the examples I gave were there to back it up. I'm sure if you scroll through any of the threads here you'll find something similar. You don't need links. That's just nitpicking and pointless. Bring the complaint elsewhere?? Does that not totally contradict the point of this thread? Something you said there suggested that I was trying to 'mod-bash', that's not the case at all. I said that some of them do their job well. Others are just plain clique-y! (admitted by a mod in PM btw!)

    Forgive Karoma? I've nothing against Karoma! He just painted a pretty little picture of what AH actually means. Nothing against him at all. Though, if he was a 'new, txt-spk' poster he'd probably get banned for behaving that way! :rolleyes:

    Forget I posted. It ended in a typical AH result.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    Are you talking about the thread you started last week MizzLolly? Just post up a link to it if you are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,396 ✭✭✭✭Karoma

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    If you want to ..but it seems like an awful lot of trouble over something that shouldn't be an issue in the first place.
    Exactly; it shouldn't be an issue. Get over it...bull****, bull****,bull****. I call it as I see it.
    I'm going to assume you're having a bad day.
    Don't, because I'm not.
    Same to you Mr Wash Man. You might react the way your mood takes you. I rarely do. I don't know wher you ***** gets off attributing a mood and tone where there is none. I'm the nicest moderator on after Ruu.

    I never said that I expected mods to read every post?! You obviously misunderstood. I said that one mod did do something about it when the first mod didn't. That suggests that two mods had already seen it. So there was no need for me to report it. There's also no need for it to be linked here. You know as well as I do that doing so will only cause more trouble. Fact is, this happens very often on boards and me isolating two scenarios will not make any difference.
    I can only think of one recent example: 'the traveller wedding' thread? bue, that'd contradict me being the second moderator. Am I close? This game is boring me. Stop boring me.

    You're replies are coming across as pretty aggressive. I don't see why you're being so hostile and the sarcasm isn't really warranted.

    I answered the thread as I felt I should. This should not result in bad language, suggestions that I am ''plain stupid'' or sarcasm.
    Oh toughen up, MissSissypants and get it right. At least take offence only when I am actually insulting you.

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    You asked for ways to improve AH and I gave you my opinion on it. Fact is, I'm not the only one who feels this way about AH.
    You speak for the people now? Of course others feel the same way as you do; for every opinion that you have a dozen other AH posters will have the same opinion. I don't see theirs here now though, and hell, I rarely see yours (i.e. Reported Posts).

    There is NO point providing links to it and I won't do it. You were the second Mod I mentioned in fact, so you've seen the thread. My point was that problems in AH are widespread and the examples I gave were there to back it up.
    Although I don't read every thread, do you have any idea how many threads I do read? The examples are easy to come by according to you, and they're public information so I really don't see what the issue is with linking them, unless you're enjoying this guessing game.

    Forgive Karoma? I've nothing against Karoma! He just painted a pretty little picture of what AH actually means. Nothing against him at all. Though, if he was a 'new, txt-spk' poster he'd probably get banned for behaving that way! :rolleyes:
    If this is in relation to the thread earlier today(Sun) - maybe you should re-read the thread and note that Karl Hungus apologized. This isn't a mod. conspiracy. This is the fact that he copped on and admitted he was being a dick before we got to the thread. He moderated himself, as should be the way. As I'd like After Hours to moderate itself - I would be quite happy with users keeping each other in check, if they could do so without resorting to abuse - that, ladies and gentlemen, is one reason you will see 'inconsistency' in my moderation - I let users away with a bit of flaming, but get ban-happy with another poster who uses a touch of personal abuse.

    Forget I posted. It ended in a typical AH result.
    Maybe that's your experience of AH and maybe there's a common factor that isn't some obscure abstract like "After Hours".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,676 ✭✭✭The Artist

    WhiteWashMan;56399676]So, its that time of year again when we ask the punters how they feel we can improve AH as a forum.
    we are not going to start allowing images to be posted
    yes no images would be a good idea as some are too insulting
    c - 13 wrote: »
    The whole "Yore Ma" thing seems to have blown incredibly out of context in the last few months from what I can see. Its being thrown into threads where it doesn't really have any relevance, repeated countless times and so on.
    The whole Yora Ma is the most annoying thing going on here and its a waste of post.
    Thanks' should be turned on as well
    yes please!
    Sherifu wrote: »
    So that's what that was about. Epic Fail.
    Epic fail posters should be stoped imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,094 ✭✭✭✭javaboy

    Alan Ford wrote: »
    Epic fail posters should be stoped imo.

    I never thought I'd see the day when Davey180 sticks up for me.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,676 ✭✭✭The Artist

    javaboy wrote: »
    I never thought I'd see the day when Davey180 sticks up for me.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    Alan Ford wrote: »
    Epic fail posters should be stoped imo.
    Well, considering there's no images in AH that's already done.

    Why would you like them stopped? Seen too many of them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    c - 13 wrote: »
    The whole "Yore Ma" thing seems to have blown incredibly out of context in the last few months from what I can see. Its being thrown into threads where it doesn't really have any relevance, repeated countless times and so on. .


  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    MizzLolly wrote: »
    That is absolutely unfair.
    no, me banning you becuase you have taken this thread off topic would be unfair.
    MizzLolly wrote: »

    You asked for ways to improve AH and I gave you my opinion on it.

    youre right, you did. you were asked to provide links and you refuse time after time.
    i work on fact, not fiction, so if you have a valid complaint then i need to be able to follow it up. im really not sure why you dont understnad this, or refuse to provide the links.
    what makes you feel that i should take what you say into consideration if you wont even work with me?
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Fact is, I'm not the only one who feels this way about AH.

    i see no fact here. unless you link me to something im not going to take your word for it. on the other hand, im sure there is at least one other person here who does. consdiering we have over 100000 users on boards, then youre claim that you are not the only one means little in the grand scheme of things. but it doesnt mean that there is rampant dissatisfaction.

    but easy on the factoids please.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    There is NO point providing links to it and I won't do it.

    there is. i asked you. thats point enough.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    You were the second Mod I mentioned in fact, so you've seen the thread.

    second mod in what? i have no idea what youre talking about. i cat mod 2 entire catagories. have you any idea how many threads i see a day?

    i ask you to help me out, but you refuse. i mean, at what point do feel i should just give up and tell you to stop annoying me?
    or will you just throw your toys out of the pram becuase you continue to refuse to help me out? we can all cast aspertions about. give me facts, and give me solutions. dont give me attitude.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    My point was that problems in AH are widespread and the examples I gave were there to back it up.

    you didnt give examples!

    there is some personal abuse.
    some mods are sarcastic, and god forbid, occassionaly use irony.
    some people are not banned when i feel they should be.
    im not going to provide any back up to this.

    thats your proof????

    forgive me if we start to feel less inclined to listen to you wont you. i have the feeling that most of the people who read this are seeing the errors in your ways, and are only staying quite becuase im involved.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    That is absolutely unfair.

    You asked for ways to improve I'm sure if you scroll through any of the threads here you'll find something similar.

    similar to what?
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    You don't need links.
    ive asked for them. dont tell me what i need and what i dont.

    otherwise i may decide you no longer need to post in AH.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    That's just nitpicking and pointless.
    no, its called getting the facts.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Bring the complaint elsewhere?? Does that not totally contradict the point of this thread?

    no. this is a thread asking for suggestions on how to improve this forum.
    its not for a specific complaint.

    can you see the difference?
    if you cannot, then take it from me. there is a difference. and unfortauntely for you, im more in charge here than you are.
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    Something you said there suggested that I was trying to 'mod-bash', that's not the case at all.
    did i?
    can you link me to that?

    or do you not want to link to that one either?
    MizzLolly wrote: »
    I said that some of them do their job well. Others are just plain clique-y! (admitted by a mod in PM btw!)

    well, its a good thing that i know more than you.
    they all do good jobs, regardless of what cliques they are in.

    what you mean is that you feel that only some of them do a job well.
    id ask you what it is you dont like, but youd only avoid any facts.

    it must be tough providing so little fact in so much noise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Sherifu wrote: »
    Well, considering there's no images in AH that's already done.

    Why would you like them stopped? Seen too many of them?

    the mirror can be so cruel

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,220 ✭✭✭✭biko

    I like it fine the way it is, besides from one thing - posting news bits from all over the world and adding just a few words "Like OMG DIS CRAZY".
    Oh, and Dub threads :D
    Other than that, keep the craziness going.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Gandalf23

    CuLT wrote: »
    "Thanks" was turned it off at the AH mods request. I will turn it back on at their request. It's used differently in different forums, we have no problem with it being used as a +1 thing if that's how people want to use it.

    I did mention that the word "thanks" is probably a little too narrow, but I can't really think of a universally better term to use.

    How about a "thumbs up" image instead of the word "thanks"?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,257 ✭✭✭✭Eoin

    biko wrote: »
    I like it fine the way it is, besides from one thing - posting news bits from all over the world and adding just a few words "Like OMG DIS CRAZY".

    Or worse again:

    "something happening somewhere is bad. Discuss".

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    Gandalf23 wrote: »
    How about a "thumbs up" image instead of the word "thanks"?
    It is a thumbs up image.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭togster

    I think AH is grand the way it is except for those stupid threads about something happening somewhere threads. Everything has it's place i guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    eoin_s wrote: »
    Or worse again:

    "something happening somewhere is bad. Discuss".

    Agreed, but this happens all over boards not just AH it can be very annoying when a user posts something along the lines of "Tell us something that you have hidden in the last month or two" and then doesn't bother to post an example/story themselves regardless of how crap their example might be.

    That said I think thats something that people will just have to deal with as I really dont see how a mod could could control/keep tabs on that sort of thing.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Gandalf23

    Sherifu wrote: »
    It is a thumbs up image.

    I meant just the image instead of the word "thanks". I agree with CuLT ... the word "thanks" is too narrow ... the thumbs up symbol covers a lot more and is much broader than "thanks".

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    with regards the use of catch phrases like yore ma, and the types of threads that are started, its not really something that i think the mods of the forum are reponsible for.

    again, we are here to try and facilitate, we are not here to ensure that rational discussion occurs or that a certain level of intelligence is reached.

    you can blame your fellow users for all the crap that is actually posted :)
    the content of the forum comes from you lot!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭togster

    Yes both mods do lock threads they deem unsuitable for whatever reasons so passin the buck like that isn't reasonable to be fair. Again i have no major issues with the majority of threads just some.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,985 ✭✭✭pvt.joker

    Sherifu wrote: »
    I'd agree on Yore Ma. When it makes it into every thread it gets irritating.

    It's intensely irritating, and makes the poster of it look like a clown tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,220 ✭✭✭✭biko

    I'm not sure how the modding in AH works, if there are shifts or if AH mods just mod whenever they happen to be online?
    Anyway, night and morning time often seems to be pretty modless (also quite poster-less as well) but often enough crap threads (aka JigsawGirl) don't seem to be fixed before mid-day. This could also be because a thread is discussed in the mod forum before action is taken.
    Spreading mods geographically ensures someone will probably be online at any given time of day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,208 ✭✭✭✭aidan_walsh

    Sure, just as soon as you can facilitate payment for what would then effectively be shift work fire away. I for one vote Ruu moves closer to home however, as he would be of better use at prime time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭togster

    No need for that really tbh. It's a good idea of biko's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,556 ✭✭✭✭AckwelFoley

    CuLT wrote: »
    "Thanks" was turned it off at the AH mods request. I will turn it back on at their request. It's used differently in different forums, we have no problem with it being used as a +1 thing if that's how people want to use it.

    I did mention that the word "thanks" is probably a little too narrow, but I can't really think of a universally better term to use.

    thanks could be replaced with "Kudos"

    Kudos - that was helpful
    Kudos - that was funny
    kudos - Great post
    kudos - well done

    Kudos covers all :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,372 ✭✭✭The Bollox

    I know we could filter a new one everytime it comes around but it would be so easy to get around it that I don't see the point.

    Yoooore ma
    yoore maaaaaaa
    y0re ma
    yore mother
    yore muder
    yore muther

    That's only a few variations that I came up with in no time at all. One of them gets blocked add an extra 'o' or 'a' in there. It'll just get silly and Cult will spend half his time adding yore ma variations to the filter. It could lead to a thread where people come up with even more imaginative ways to get around the yore ma filter.

    I can still say fuck, cunt and faggot

    people will always find ways around those filters, it doesn't mean we shouldn't use them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,556 ✭✭✭✭AckwelFoley

    The Bollox wrote: »
    I can still say fuck, cunt and faggot

    people will always find ways around those filters, it doesn't mean we shouldn't use them

    In many internet forums you will recieve an official warn for "circumventing" the swear filter.

    If the swear filter is there and ppl circumvebt it whats the point..

    Having said that ive no problem with fcuk or cnut.. but isnt it the same as "**** off you ****" when one sees the **** you know abusive language is being used..

    So in essance, its really up to the mods, personally, i think circumventing the swear filters should carry a warn or infraction in the more "serious" or formal forums, as for AH.. well its more of an adlult(ish) orientated forum and does carry a more of an informal tone, so i wouldnt in my opinion warn anyone for circumventing it here.

    ..and yes, Kudos to Whitewashman for this thread and sticky, its nice to see that are open to user suggestions (which i always did recognise), aside from the fact you seek decent suggestions in AH is ironic at the very least, im sure there may be some decent ideas among in here somewhere :):D

    ..JEZ, Im after giving kudos to whitewashman.. i feel ill. :p

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