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Back on track

  • 07-07-2008 11:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭

    Hey. My main goal with this log is to keep my self motivated to keep training and eating right, ive been finding lately ive been slipping off the band wagon a bit eating a few too many sugary snacks and missing training sessions here and there.

    Been lifting weights for bout 3 years semi seiously.
    Not interested in getting huge just functional strenght.
    Been doing Muay Thai on and off for just under 2 years.

    Main goals:
    • maintain body weight at around 70kg lean
    • Cut out crap food from diet stop random snacking on processed sugary crap
    • Eat 5-6 meals a day.
    • Be ready for mini triathlon next January (long way off I know, but swim is some thing I need to work on really.)
    • Increase my general cardio vascular fitness as much as possible.


    Age: 19
    Height: 6'1
    BF: around 10%
    weight: 75kg

    Max bench: 80Kg
    max squat: 100Kg
    Max deadlift: - unfortunately only a smith machine in current gym no Olympic bars, don’t fancy doing deadlifts with smith machine...

    All maxs done on smith machine which i really hate squatting in , just feels akward.

    Currently do 2 resistance sessions a week.
    Do thai either 4 or 5 times a week.
    mabey swim once a week aslo depending.

    Didn’t do anything today, was meant to go to thai but was too tired. ran 12k yesterday.Also had a slight knot in my right quad today, that’ll teach me not to warm up properly *sigh* . went to sauna/ steamroom for a while today and that seems to have loosened it out should be fine for tomoro.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi casshern best of luck with your log hope you get what you want from it

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    AM session - Gym this morning was bit of a arse about really went in without a plan. i should know better but I’m kind of between programs so haven’t settled into anything new yet.meh ill sort somthing out before next session

    Pull Ups 5 5 4 4 (b.w.)

    DB deadlifts 12kg*8

    Squat 20KG*8

    Squats felt very uncomfortable in smith m. think im going to use alternative excercises from now on.

    Bench P 20kg * 8

    Plank 1min
    Side plank 30 sec each side
    Plank 1 min (again)

    V sits B.W.*20

    Cool down + stretch

    Pm session - Thai was good session.


    10.15Am porridge,bannana

    11.30AM pwo shank after gym

    12.15 tuna and peppers sandwich on brown bread 1 low fat yogurt

    2.30pm 6 inch sub chicken peppers sweet corn onion and olives

    3.45pm brown scone with jam

    6.00pm fillet of cod , 2 steamed carrots and portion of steamed broccoli

    9.10pm PWO shake

    9.45Pm bowl of bran flakes

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Food intake today:

    11:00 porridge

    12:00 apple

    2:00 Cod and steamed veg

    3:00 bannana kewi

    6:00 mince and veg in a stew

    7:00 thai training

    9:00: pwo shake

    9:30 1 slice Brown bread apple

    Only training done today was 2 hours of thai, easy neuf session.

    any comment on diet aprieciated. do people think im eating not enoufh too much of something or anything i should eat that i am not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Went to Body Pump class in the gym today, been doing the classes once a week now for a while, I find they help endurance a lot. Was pretty hard today up’t the weight on most exercises. Nearly died during squat track 22kg on bar doest seem like much but when you’re squatting for about 4 minutes continuously to different tempos your quads and glutes know all about it.

    Also walked home from gym 1k.

    Pretty much sat on my ass for rest of day.


    11:00: benefit cereal (ran out of porridge)

    1:00: Banana

    1:10: workout

    2:00: PWO shake

    2:10 Stir fried chicken with veg

    4:00: 1 box raisins (42.5g)

    5:25: grilled salmon cutlet with steamed carrots and broccoli and brazil nuts.

    prob just have 2 yougerts and some fruit around 8 or a sambo.....
