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Go hard or go home



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Tues: Day off

    Wed: Brazillian JiuJitsu with GI 1h 30m

    Thurs: Strength Session

    (A) Step Ups
    5 x 8 x 20kg each leg

    (A) Dumbell Press
    5 x 6 x 20kg

    (A) Weighted Press Ups
    5 x 5 x 15kg

    (B) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
    6 x 4 x 24kg kettlebell

    (B) Box Jumps onto bench
    6 x 8

    (C) Farmers Walk
    1 x 24kg kettle bell right arm | 12kg left arm down by side: 2 laps of gym (35 medium steps per lap)
    1 x 24kg kettle bell left arm | 12kg right arm down by side: 2 laps of gym
    1 x 24kg kettle bell right arm above head | 12kg left arm down by side: 1 laps of gym
    1 x 24kg kettle bell left arm above head | 12kg right arm down by side: 1 laps of gym

    (C) Russian Twists
    4 x 10 x 15kg

    (C) Renegade Row without the pressups
    4 x 8 x 16kg each arm

    (C) Chin ups with Band Assistance
    4 x 5

    All in all happy with my performance. Back to BJJ for the first time since the end of July when I broke my arm. Arm felt good in training, some slight twinges but I'm sure a lot of that was a head job as well.

    I felt like I powered through the weights session. Felt strong going in, tried to keep a good tempo and reduce the breaktime in between sets.

    Still finding the KB snatches difficult enough on right arm, manage 4 in a row then need to stop. Left arm could get 6 if I tried.

    Although not part of the program, threw in the chins at the end for the craic - think I'm starting to like this exercise lark again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Friday: BJJ without Gi 1h 30m

    Sat: Day off :) Weighed myself today as didn't think I'd make it tomorrow:

    Fortnightly Weigh in
    02 Jan: 95.7kg / 15st 01lb
    15 Jan: 93.8kg / 14st 10lb

    Sun: Meant to do metcon today but right arm is really not feeling the best, might try later tonight, so went for a run instead:

    1km runs in the park for time @ 93.8kg

    1st Run - 4m 44secs
    2nd Run - 5m 18secs

    Was happy with the speed of my runs today, however would've liked to get the third lap in but I was absolutely knackered. Looking forward to taking a run in my new trainers when I get them next week :D (Asics DS trainers)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos


    (A) Deadlifts
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 100kg
    3 x 115kg
    2 x 130kg PR

    (A) Pallof Press using Cross Cable machine
    5 x 10 x 20kg each arm

    (B) Walking Lunges
    4 x 8 x 18kg each arm - Forward & Backwards

    (B) Side Plank Rows using Cross Cable
    4 x 10 x 20kg
    4 x 10 x 25kg

    (C) Chin Ups
    3 x 5

    (C) Plank
    3 x 15sec Plank + Side Planks

    (C) Turkish Get Ups
    3 x 5 x 18kg each side

    Good session today, PR on the DL :)

    Now to reward myself with some bowling, oh yeah!

    Edit: Bowling sucked.

    Note to self: Do more chins you lazy b*stard!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Tues: Day off

    Wed: BJJ with Gi: 1h 30m - Great class tonight, was concentrating on a new fighting stance & detailed technique in a rare naked choke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Thurs: Strength Session

    (A) Step Ups
    5 x 8 x 20kg each leg

    (A) Dumbell Press
    5 x 8 x 20kg

    (A) Weighted Press Ups
    5 x 6 x 15kg

    (B) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
    5 x 5 x 24kg kettlebell

    (B) Box Jumps onto bench
    5 x 8

    (C) Farmers Walk
    1 x 24kg kettle bell right arm | 14kg left arm down by side: 2 laps of gym (35 medium steps per lap)
    1 x 24kg kettle bell left arm | 14kg right arm down by side: 2 laps of gym

    (C) Russian Twists
    2 x 10 x 15kg

    (C) Renegade Row without the pressups
    2 x 8 x 16kg each arm

    (C) Chin ups
    2 x 5

    Had to cut the last bit early as I was meeting a friend at the cinema. Seen the Last 3 days with Russel Crowe, worth a dvd rental. Felt good doing that, pushed hard (as knew I was under pressure for time), bodys feeling it today - roll on tonight!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Fri: BJJ without gi: 1hr 30m

    Sat: Training Session with Transform:
    Worked on my KB snatch, Turkish Get Ups & a lot of glute activation exercises.
    Done my first band sprints followed byKB snatches, they were interesting!

    Sun: Rest Day

    Mon: Strength Session

    (A) Deadlifts
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 100kg
    4 x 110kg
    4 x 110kg

    (A) Pallof Press
    5 x 10

    (B) Walking Lunges
    4 x 8 x 18kg each arm - Forward & Backwards

    (B) Side Plank Rows with Band
    4 x 10
    4 x 10 x 25kg

    (B) X Band Walks
    3 x 8

    (C) Chin Ups
    3 x 8

    (C) Plank
    3 x 15sec Plank + Side Planks

    (C) Turkish Get Ups
    3 x 5 x 16kg each side

    I had zero interest being in the gym today. Even warming up, just swinging my legs felt like so much work.

    I pushed through it, dropped the weight a bit on the deadlift (didn't want to attempt that if wasn't feeling it) yet managed to push out an extra 3 chin ups per set - really starting to like these.

    Tried my new (proper) technique for the Turkish Get Ups, so dropped the weight back to 16kg.

    All in all happy that I went, would've been really pissed off at myself if I hadn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos


    3.3km Jog: 16m 56s

    10m Rest - 4m sitting, 6m walking/warming up

    1km Run: 5m 1s
    1km Run: 5m 11s

    That 3.3km jog felt so good. I had a postive mindset when I went into it, it felt like I was running on air.

    The Runs were great, was pretty pleased with my times considering I'd done the 3.3km before them. Aiming for sub 5m for both next time I do this.

    1 Hour rest + food refueling

    BJJ with Gi 1hr 30m

    Great class tonight, didn't feel too tired after my run. Learned an excellent escape from full mount, applied it during sparring and it worked a treat.

    New stance is working better too. Need to work on my arm bars big time, couple of times I had them but lost it when people locked up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Thurs: Strength Session

    (A) Step Ups
    5 x 8 x 24kg each leg

    (A) Dumbell Press
    5 x 10 x 20kg

    (A)Press Ups
    5 x 15 (Forgot bag to put weights in :))

    (B) Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
    4x 6 x 24kg kettlebell

    (B) Box Jumps onto bench
    No joy here, hurt foot last night in BJJ so jumping on it wasn't going to be an option!

    (C) Farmers Walk
    1 x 24kg kettle bell right arm | 16kg left arm down by side: 2 laps of gym (35 medium steps per lap)
    1 x 24kg kettle bell left arm | 16kg right arm down by side: 2 laps of gym
    1 x 24kg kettle bell right arm above head: 1.5 laps of gym
    1 x 24kg kettle bell left arm above head: 1.5 laps of gym

    (C) Russian Twists
    4 x 10 x 20kg

    (C) Renegade Row without the pressups
    4 x 6 x 16kg each arm

    (C) Chin ups
    4 x 5

    Good session today, happy enough with how it all went. Bit too much pausing as was chatting with people I've not seen in a while but hey, next time it'll be better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Fri: BJJ without Gi: 1 hour

    Sat: Rest Day

    Sun: Hill Sprints: 8 x roughly 100m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Mon: Strength Session

    (A) Deadlifts
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 100kg
    4 x 110kg
    3 x 120kg
    2 x 130kg

    (A) Pallof Press
    5 x 10

    (B) Walking Lunges
    4 x 8 x 18kg each arm - Forward & Backwards

    (B) Side Plank Rows with Band
    4 x 10

    (C) X Band Walks
    3 x 8

    (C) Chin Ups
    3 x 9

    (C) Plank
    3 x 15sec Plank + Side Planks

    (C) Turkish Get Ups
    3 x 5 x 18kg each side

    Really, really started to hate doing weights during this session. Ah well.

    Up at 9 chins in a row for 3 sets so very happy with that progress, 10 next time!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Wed: 3.3km Run

    15m 59.89s

    Woah I felt heavy running around today. Even though I knocked a minute off my time, it still felt tough to move myself around. BJJ now in 30 mins, argh! Normally I round up, but feck that I got below 16 mins today!

    BJJ with GI: 1hr 30m

    Very enjoyable session tonight. My legs felt heavy as f*ck after my running and diet wasn't exactly top notch last couple of days. My ground game is coming on, escapes from mount are working well. I must get the killer instinct back for the arm bars though, let a couple go today when I should've held on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Thurs: Metcon

    100 chinups + 100 pressups: 21m 56secs

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Fri: BJJ no gi: 1hr 30m

    Sat: Rest Day

    Sun: 6 km Run: 36m 20s

    Mon: Sore leg so took it off.

    Tues: Rest Day (see above as well!)

    Wed: BJJ with gi: 1hr 30m

    All in all, my training is going pretty solidly over the past six weeks. I just need to get diet sorted big time and Ill be flying!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    great progress being shown and see you saturday!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Cheers Dom!

    Thurs: Tui Na(Physio): 1 hour

    Fri: BJJ no gi: 1h 30m

    Sat: Transform Session with Dominic today.
    Crossfit Helen: 12m 43s (Band Assisted Pull ups)

    Knee is acting up so went to Physio(ish) on Thursday, got my first sports massage, felt great.

    Fridays class in Coolmine BJJ was excellent yet again. Feel I'm picking my game up, a silly habit is resulting in me getting headlocked easily on the ground, got to sort that out!

    Session with Transform today was great. Went through my deadlift (was squatting into/out of it). I need to work on my balance a lot as my single leg DLs & split squats were all over the shop.

    Finished up the session with a Crossfit Helen in 12m 43secs. I'm going to be retesting that in 6 weeks time and I'm going to aim for a sub 11m time.

    Looking forawrd to my new program and from this Monday I've decided I'm going to post my diet up each day, it'll discourage me from eating bad foods and encourage me to eat the right ones!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭here to be trained

    hey dude, yea putting up your food diary would be really interesting actually, id like to see what other people are eating so I can compare my diet...keep up the good work too! u must be well ripped at this stage?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    hey dude, yea putting up your food diary would be really interesting actually, id like to see what other people are eating so I can compare my diet...keep up the good work too! u must be well ripped at this stage?

    Cheers dude. I'm putting in a lot more work this year, you saying earlier that I start and stop a lot was a bit of a kick in the ass that I needed too :)

    Not ripped at all unfortunetly, but I'm going to keep plugging away and see what I get!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Sun: Rest day

    Mon: Metconesque Day

    3.3 km Run: 15m 10s (Previous best 15m 59s)

    Drive to gym

    100 Chins + 100 Pressups: 17m 07s (Previous best 21m 56s)

    Felt good today going up to the park, realy thought I'd get a good time. Set a target of sub 15 mins but was happy with what I got, took 6mins 3secs to do the last 1.1km though!

    Chins & Press ups - really wanted to hammer my previous time today. Felt solid doing them, knew I wouldn't lose time in my press ups so was able to bang them out 10 in a row for 10 easy enough.

    My chins were the weaker point, so I set myself a system. 6 chins, 1 walk around of gym, 4 chins, 10 press ups, 2 walk arounds of gym and repeat :)

    Mon Food Diary

    08:20 - 2 turkey rashers
    11:00 - Almonds + Blueberries
    12:30 - Breast of chicken + brocollli
    16:00 - Blueberries + protein shake
    18:30 - Breast of chicken with peppers, butternut squash, half a large potato, onion.
    ........ - 2 meringues + strawberries with some chocolate (Valentines and all... :P This will not be a regular feature.)
    22:45 - After training Paleo bar
    00:00 - Bedtime protein shake

    Supplements: Multivitamin pill + fish oil (This will be every day)

    It's going to take a couple of days to figure out what rough diet is and to see if I'm simply eating too much to drop weight. I'll keep track as best I can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭StrawDub

    Keep it up man, thats serious work- soon as my ankle is 100% I will bring you for a fun run :D and we will give your current run time a hammering.

    you using the band for the chins ? Either ways serious work on them

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    StrawDub wrote: »
    Keep it up man, thats serious work- soon as my ankle is 100% I will bring you for a fun run :D and we will give your current run time a hammering.

    Savage lad, look forward to it! I look forward, and I use that word lightly, to our "fun run", now there's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one :)
    you using the band for the chins ? Either ways serious work on them

    Nope, no band. However, which is a bit of a bummer, I don't believe I'm coming down enough on the chins.

    Therefore I'm going to have to work on my kipping & reduce the number of chins for now and concentrate on doing better form.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭StrawDub

    Cool - remember you have got to bang them out each and every time:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    drop the potato completely and just have the butternut squash or a sweet potato. other than that get more good fats in like - avocado, coconut oil (its in the paleo bars so no problem), fish oils 5-6 per day, use butter on your veg and meat etc
    All looking solid!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Transform wrote: »
    drop the potato completely and just have the butternut squash or a sweet potato. other than that get more good fats in like - avocado, coconut oil (its in the paleo bars so no problem), fish oils 5-6 per day, use butter on your veg and meat etc
    All looking solid!!

    Sweet, I thought maybe I was still eating too much! (Barring chocolates obviously...)

    Tasty Tuesday

    08:20 - 2 turkey rashers + 2 poached eggs
    11:00 - Blueberries
    12:30 - Tuna with salad (a little cous cous, tomato, lettuce, cucumber) and brocolli & almond soup
    16:00 - Paleo bar
    18:00 - Breast of chicken
    21:15 - A pear followed by some chicken mixed with sundried tomato pesto
    23:40 - Bedtime protein shake

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭here to be trained

    Naos wrote: »
    2 meringues + strawberries with some chocolate (Valentines and all... :P This will not be a regular feature.)

    there must have been a whole like 250 calories in that dude! give yourself a break!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    I used the word 'some' lightly :P

    But cheers man, still not a clue what's too much or too little which is why I'm just going to log everything here.

    The drink will be the true killer though, work night out & mates birthday this weekend :s

    Hows your training going? You get around to putting a log up yet?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭here to be trained

    my training is going ok dude, putting up details of it on this wouldnt motivate me though which is why i dont bother, i would keep a record for myself to track progress etc. it is a constant challenge though, i find the key thing is to continue to set challenges for yourself and always keep planning ahead. re the drinkies this weekend, if it was me i would drink, i reckon from what ur saying that you would like to drink so you might as well. you cant not drink all the time man! just get back into training on monday next...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Feck that I'll be training the days after! As Transform says, gotta earn those calories!

    Anyway, I'd say put a log up. Makes you think twice when you're deciding what to eat/train.

    Tues: Rest day

    Wed: Bjj with gi: 1h 30m - Fack tonight was good. I'm going to have to start writing down what I'm learning but for now, too tired!

    Wed Food Day

    08:20 - Chicken mixed with sundried pesto
    11:00 - Blueberries + Almonds
    12:30 - Smoked salmon(100g) with salad (boiled egg, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, onion, laughing cow cheese)
    16:00 - Paleo bar
    19:30 - Smoked Mackerel with spinach, laughing cow cheese + tomatoes
    23:00 - Bedtime protein shake

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Thurs: Short Weights Session

    (A) KB Snatches
    4 x 5 x 24kg

    (A) Strict Chins
    4 x 5

    (A) Toes to Bar
    4 x 5

    (B) One Arm Rows
    3 x 8 x 24kg KB

    (B) X Band Walk
    3 x 8 each side

    (B) Squat holding 24kg KB O/H
    3 x 8

    Well feck me, my left calf muscle has been dead all day after a serious knock last night in BJJ. One of our big strong lads, around the 105-110kg mark went for an Osoto Gari but drove his heel into my calf, ouch.

    So I had to change up the weight session to try accommodate this!

    Thursdays Food

    08:20 - Striploin Steak with spinach
    11:00 - Blueberries + Almonds
    12:30 - Smoked salmon(100g) with salad (boiled egg, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, onion, laughing cow cheese)
    16:00 - Protein Shake
    19:30 - 2 x med breasts of chicken (goats cheese + wrapped in parma ham) with spinach + plum tomatoes
    00:00 - Bedtime protein shake

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,738 ✭✭✭Naos

    Fri: BJJ without GI: 1h 30m

    Great class tonight, had to duck out of the last 2.5 rolls due to my neck feeling like it was going to let my had fall off (neck strain).

    Friday Feasting

    08:20 - 50g of Smoked Salmon
    09:30 - Pear & Protein Shake
    11:30 - Almonds
    12:40 - Cajun chicken breast with salad (tomato, lettuce, small coleslaw, parmasean cheese, onions etc)
    15:30 - Paleo Bar
    19:30 - 3 egg omolette with ham, cheese & tomato
    21:20 - After training Paleo bar + Protein shake

    Right, off to town now shortly. Fun, fun. Going to try stick with vodka & diet drinks the whole way which is tough, I love my Guinness.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 57 ✭✭here to be trained

    did u have the vodka/diet drinks or the good auld guinness after?!
