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  • 22-07-2008 11:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭

    Guys somebody is gonna buy me a skydive here in Nenagh, north Tipperary. Anybody jumped there? any advise? I'm fancying the Static line jump as this qualifies you to continue to jump at a reduced rate. I've never done this before and am slightly apprehensive, only to be expected I suppose also has there been any serious injuries sustained there i.e broken legs or ankles?

    Funny I haven't noticed skydiving here before...surely it qualifies as an extreme sport and some of you lot most have done it before:D

    Regards all and thanks in advance. PM me if you choose to do so.




  • Registered Users Posts: 702 ✭✭✭wreckless

    best thing ever.

    would love to have the time and money to do a full courde and get the license etc.

    its an unbelievable experience, if u can jump when its good weather, its all the better

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Hey man, did you jump at the Nenagh DZ? was curious specifically about that school of skydiving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    i started jumping there last september as my college (ul) has a skydive club closely associated with that dropzone. all i can say is do it and do it fast

    their first jump course is excellent static line is a good progression system especially for ireland as you only have to wait for the clouds to go above 3,500 feet and not 10/13,500ft like you do for aff(advanced freefall)

    the staff are ace they come out on the town with the college club alot so we get to know them well and they are 110% dedicated to progressing you through the sport.

    i got a bit pissed off at the irish weather and how expensive it is so im in america working for a dropzone here at the moment but when i get back in september i plan on being in nenagh as much as possible

    hope to see you there

    blue skies

    ps; heres some vids of my first jump there and also my college clubs year end video from last year

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    well, I think that seals it then, cheers Peakoutput for the vote of confidence, just what I needed, I emailed them a few days ago and Darren said to give them a call, which I will do tomorrow morning, visa card in hand!! I'm amazed there hasn't been more mentions of it in here so thanks again mate:) I'll let you know if I chicken out.

    By the way was that you on your own doing the S/L at the end of the second vid? have to say you did look a bit pale! it took some balls if that was you, you were on your todd there mate! great jump by the way, really clean. I hope I can try and do the same!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    ye thats me i look like a scared little boy alright but 25 jumps later and im flying :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Lots of respect to ya. Gonna give this a lash, something I've been promising myself for a while, and I've decided that the only way to do this is S/L first. Then I'll know for sure if I want to keep this up. Also if Ul are jumping there sure thats a great reference, sure your qualified now after 25, you going higher? sure if your working/jumping in the states it must be mad over there and I'm sure a whole lot cheaper!!

    I'll let you know how it pans out, and thanks again for the info man, if I do it I'll be able to wish you blue skys!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    ye i jst got my a licence im packing parachutes here in america so its cheap as chips for me to jump here i could have gotten 100 jumps here by now but well there are distractions on the dropzone to put it mildly

    gonna be home in 6 weeks but i plan on coming back next summer already cant fault it

    static line is good but you wont know how good it is until you have done freefall no way to describe it you you just gotta do it

    just so i can show off some more heres a video of me in america doing a coach jump after i get cleared to jump solo

    editing is dodgy i know

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Yaaahhh man, outstanding stuff! you obviously love this sport keep it up mate, and be safe. I'll keep in touch.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Well Peakoutput you were dead on! they are some really cool characters, and topnotch instructors. Did the Solo as planned, we were blessed with the weather, trained and jumped the same day! about 7.30-8pm ish I think. Speechless! still can't get my head around it that I jumped...Buzzing!!!!!:D

    Thanks again for the advise, you were right, just do it!


  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Corega

    Lol Iceage, it's Andy here, I was on the same course. I'm still getting over the adrenaline rush :p The lads down in Skydive Ireland were excellent, our's was the last jump of the day so afterwards we got to see the instructors doing a cool freefall with some sick landings. Even a low flyover from the plane!

    I've signed up for another 4 jumps and tbh I reckon over the next week in work I'll be thinking of nothing else than my next jump. An absolutely awe inspiring experience.

    A while ago I posted up on this forum about which of the two skydiving centres to go for. Peakoutput recommended Skydive Ireland to me and I have to say buddy your judgement was spot on, thanks again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Hi Dude! trying to put a face to the name? Are you the dark Dark haired lad that drove down from Dublind with Colm?(guy with glasses?) your were no 2. facing the front of the plane with Dave the instructor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Corega

    No. 2 buddy, you were no. 7? I've forgotten your name so I'll just call you Ted ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    ANDY! got ya!! No.2. yeah, you jumped like a pro! out the door like a madman, We got a 2 photos of the team stood outside the classroom with you in it, and also 2 long shots of your jump and landing, send me your E mail by PM and I'll send them on, it might take a day or two as I've got a 40th to celebrate. You booked 4 more, you mad bastard! Might have to check my diary.....see how I'm fixed, say nothin, the missus knows nothing!;)

    I couldn't hang around for the last jump, how did your mate(Colm I think) do? did he pull it off? I really hope so, we had all waited long enough to go, it would have been really cool if we had all jumped as a team. Anywhy still Buzzing here buddy!!! Iceage cracks open another Cider!!!!:P

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    hahaha good job lads you wont regret doing it and you defo wont regret it if you keep it up

    the weather sucks in boston at the moment so no jumping this weekend but im just in the hangar watching the hooters swimsuit competition with the other jumpers cracking open a cider aswell which is quite the coincidence haha

    congrats again

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Jeez, theres a major withdrawal from all that adrenaline going on over the last 24-36 hours!! You didn't warn me about that PeakOutput... might have to do this again...(iceage talking himself into it, whilst disconnecting his self preservation chip!!):D:D

    Got to sort out my landings as well! that last one was a bit naff! ( reasons to go again no.6):D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Anybody get out this weekend? out as in out-out, (of an Aircraft);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    I haven't jumped in a couple of years I have also done a small amount of paragliding. This thread is bringing up a desire to jump again damn you iceage;) Its the amount of time in terms of the committment standing around the airstrip all day and you may not get to jump, the day you don't go the weather is ideal, Ireland is a bummer for all things connected to the air. I done a beginners course in gliding as well excellent but as usual the committment and weather makes it difficult.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    :) sorry about that mate, funny, the weather has just cleared here for a bit, some patches of blue it normal to find yourself gazing up wistfully daydreaming?....Jesus this is a difficult thing to shake off. How long have you been out? and where roughly are you based?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    iceage wrote: »
    .is it normal to find yourself gazing up wistfully daydreaming?

    normal for average people? no

    for a skydiver yep

    for a parachute packer? ehhhhh not so much :p today and tomorrow im going to be looking at the sky thinking all this blue just means work and sore hands :p but come monday ill be able to jump again woohoo

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Hey peakOutput, got my DVD from the lads today, I look seriously more terffified than you did!!:eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    get it up on youtube dude lets us compare

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Sorry it took so long man,

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    haha nice one dude you done another one since?

    did number 35 today was about to get on the last load of the day to go 36 but got shouted at that i was needed packing grrrr

    gonna miss new england but i cant wait to get back to college and take a trip to nenagh gonna be fun fun fu n regardless of the weather

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    35!! jeez man, i'm trying to psych myself up for for some more!!! will have to see man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 162 ✭✭solace

    Well lads. Congrats! It's the best feeling in the world. I got my AFF last year and made a total of ONE solo jump... I ran outta money :( Due to unforeseen circumstances, I haven't been able to get back up in the air so a quick question; how long is the AFF licence valid for? I presume I'd just have to do a jump with one of the instructors to show 'em I'm still able to handle myself up there. DYING to get a jump in now but the weather's been appalling for the last few weeks. Working again though so... well... a jump every weekend would be fab :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    you will have to do a retrain and how long that is will depend on how much you remember i suppose

    you will need to do at least one jump with an instructor and maybe even 2 aff levels but the best thing to do is just ring nenagh and ask them

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    +1. Asks the pros, no disrespect to ya PeakOutput, 35 and still counting, thats some goin!! they'll soon put you straight and I think the weather is settling for a bit. Check out they're website for contact details

  • Registered Users Posts: 207 ✭✭Gun Shy

    You guys couldnt be in better hands I was there when Dave did his first jump at 16 years of age, and he was packing my rig well before that, Darren Liam Mick and all the lads are top notch they wont see ya wrong. Dave has been on to me for some time to get my ratings in order I havent instructed in a few years but reading your comments brings me back to well over 20 years ago when I jumped my first Round Parachute bet ye guys have never seen one in the air.
    Anyway I'm a good bit off instructing at the moment but give me some time I'll be back in the air sometime and I hope ye wont mind an old fella tagging along on one of the loads.

    Blue Skies

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 162 ✭✭solace

    One of my mates did the round parachute course and there were a couple of guys from the Danish military doing it when I was doing my AFF. Haha, one of them KEPT landing on the motocross track (which was closed at the time... obviously!). I don't think I'd be a fan to be honest, I like being in control and knowing where I'm gonna land!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Gun Shy wrote: »
    You guys couldnt be in better hands I was there when Dave did his first jump at 16 years of age, and he was packing my rig well before that, Darren Liam Mick and all the lads are top notch they wont see ya wrong. Dave has been on to me for some time to get my ratings in order I havent instructed in a few years but reading your comments brings me back to well over 20 years ago when I jumped my first Round Parachute bet ye guys have never seen one in the air.
    Anyway I'm a good bit off instructing at the moment but give me some time I'll be back in the air sometime and I hope ye wont mind an old fella tagging along on one of the loads.

    Blue Skies

    Hi Gunshy, I'm sure it would be no bother to you at all to get back in there mate. I'm amazed at how many skydivers there are that are in and out of the sport both here and overseas, forums are full of em.

    Jeez Round Chutes! I'd say are a complete world away from the ram-airs used today, which are thankfully so forgiving for the likes of us virgins:D And as you said Dave has been at this a long time which is really impressive, without a doubt a guy that loves this madness! I have to say all the lads I met at Nenagh were some of the soundest blokes, really into it, the buzz was massive!! considering they were able to train ME to jump, that just proves how competant this lot really are. Not to sure if and when I'll go again, but if I do, without hesitation it'll be with these guys at

    Blue Skies.
