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  • 25-07-2008 11:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,861 ✭✭✭

    Hey guy's,

    Said I'd give an update, it's been 4 month's now since I started training some of you will remember my fantastic burger king and crap food diet. When I started out I was 5'9 weighing 9 and a half stone and embarrasingly skinny diet has changed severely and at the min my weight is slightly away from 11 stone and I definatly feel a hell of a lot better in myself. Currently working out 4 times a week on basicly this schedule.

    Pull down - 6.5
    Shoulder press - 4.5
    Chest press - 5.5
    Fly - 5.5

    Free weights:
    Bench press (45 kg)
    Bicep curls dumbells (30 kg)
    Bicep curls barbells (35 kg)
    Shoulders with dumbells (20 kg)
    Manual fly

    Abs crunchs and lifts.

    08:30 - Creatine shake.
    09:30 - Porridge , milk , toast.
    12:00 - Chicken roll with egg , Chocalate bar, liter of milk.
    14:00 - Snack
    17:30 - Dinner - Pasta, steak, pork chops , potatoes , pies (Not all together obviously)
    20:00: Tea , cake , biscuits.
    22:30 - Cerial.

    So any suggestions guy's, opinions appreciated am I eating enough/training enough?
