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What Irratates you?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,460 ✭✭✭workaccount

    bryanjf wrote: »
    People who stand in queue's (waiting to buy something/pay for something) who wait until the very last second to get their money/purse/wallet out!! i mean FFS pull your finger out and hurry up!! What else are you going to do in a queue!!

    I always have my money ready and make the whole process as smooth as possible.

    I also have a credit card but never use it for something like everyday shopping because there is no advantages to it. The only advantage I can see is you don't have to carry cash which you usually need to have some of anyway. I know someone who uses his CC like this and the only reason he does it is that he's too lazy to go to the ATM. He also has not a clue how to manage his money, spent a fortune on a car he can't afford....spends all this money on drink and then wonders where it's all gone. Oh and the only reason he has the car is because he thinks he's now in some sort of elite....even though it's only a standard car.

    Meanwhile I am still driving in my perfectly drivable car worth under 1K. Fair enough I feel a little embarrassed by it sometimes (put that down to Irish social values which unfortunately affect me aswell) and would like to have something I'm proud (I'm really into cars unlike most of the toolbags I know) of but in time and for the right reasons. This country is so full of knobs that probably look down on me because I don't have a car that cost at least 7 grand.......eeehhhhh hello, I also don't have a 7K bank loan you dumb f*ck.

    Back to credit cards....half the people using them probably use them so people will think "Oh look at him...he's got a credit card" Wake up call it's 2008 not 1994.....everyone second person has one now.

    Now get out of the fuc*king queue before I headbutt you.

    Now I'd say there's people here who use their credit card for everything and seem to not give a f8ck that there's others in the Q behind them while they flash they piece of plastic with numbers on it. What's your reason?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,785 ✭✭✭James Forde

    I always have my money ready and make the whole process as smooth as possible.

    I also have a credit card but never use it for something like everyday shopping because there is no advantages to it apart from the fact that you don't have to carry cash which you usually need to have some of anyway.

    Half the people using them probably use them to say "Oh look at him...he's got a credit card" Wake up call it's 2008 not 1994.....everyone second person has one now.

    Now get out of the fuc*king queue before I headbutt you.


    People who use credit card to small items worth like a fiver!! i.e paying for a pint in a pub with a credit card, mother of jesus!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 giddynurse

    1. People who say ''i seen that movie already'' or ''i seen you in dundrum the other day..'' YOU MEAN, YOU SAW MEAND YOU SAW THAT MOVIE THE OTHER DAY? Retard

    2. Old people who drive at 10 miles an hour, and do not move, or indicate.. or stop for red lights.. basically absolute hazards on the roads.. potential murderers if you ask me..

    3. Provisional drivers..i know we were all once learners but MY GOD..JUST GET OFF THE ROAD OR GET LESSONS AT 3 IN THE MORNING WHEN NOONE ELSE IS AWAKE!!!!

    4. Stuck up 14 year olds, with padded bras, messy hair, ugg boots, fake tan and the likes.. their parents should be named and shamed for letting their young tarts dress like this..

    5. Girls who think they're too good to talk to you, yeah love, you should be so lucky to talk to me..

    6. Lads who try and get with your mate, get rejected, then move onto you.. yeah good look darlin, what do you think i am!

    7. Sluts, who have shagged half of your guy mates, and walk around like they are the shizzle.. actually babe you are the JOKE

    8. Old people in general

    9. People who get offended by my humour too eaily, because its not always p.c . . listen mate im 19.. im just having a laugh..

    10. EMOS

    11. Perverts

    12. Fat people who cry about their size.. yet stuff their gobs when noones looking

    13. People who walk into you on Grafton Street..

    13. Old people

    14. Emos

    15. Old people

    16. Emos

    17. People who use you for lifts and when you're like 5 mins left they moan!

    18. Your mother

    grrr.. now that i think of these things im gettin grumpy :(
    ill post here again and have another vent in 20 mins no doubt..

    the OP , good thread :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,844 ✭✭✭Honey-ec

    Back to credit cards....half the people using them probably use them so people will think "Oh look at him...he's got a credit card" Wake up call it's 2008 not 1994.....everyone second person has one now.

    I would say it's far more likely that they're Laser, not credit cards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭buckieburd

    -Short arses with umbrella the next one that nearly takes my eye out is going to be walking funny for a few days
    -Girls that cry at the drop of a hat
    -People who try and imitate my accent STFU!!
    -People who dont read papers or watch the news
    -Those riduclous chain emails 'if you dont sent this on to 100 people you will die of an anal fissure in the next 5 days'

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,194 ✭✭✭Corruptedmorals

    Honey-ec wrote: »
    I would say it's far more likely that they're Laser, not credit cards.

    Yep and there's loads of annoying dickheads with laser cards too.

    - People who demand €100 cashback and get very very narky when you don't have enough notes to give them it. Most will accept that a till is not a bank, and that there are in fact 3 ATMs IN the store, but there's always a few who kick up a fuss. I feel like giving them the cashback in coins.
    - People who enter their PIN while it says 'Please wait' and then go nuts when you ask them to type it in when it says 'enter pin' and start accusing me of charging them twice. UGHHH.
    - Idiots who throw their card at me saying 'I've forgotten the pin, you'll have to swipe it'. Ughh, the laziness. And that requires manager authorisation, because the banks hate it too.
    - People who see the total on the card reader and go 'ehhh this isn't the correct total' because they've forgotten that the €50 cashback is included. However, twice this has happened. 'Why is the cashback coming from my account????' and when it's explained go 'Ohh..I thought it just came from the till'. Yeah, free money. Great idea.

    I agree with emos, particularly the kind that just scream by Central Bank and jump off those cube things which is SO hilarious and they all have god-awful laughs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭35notout

    Cremo wrote: »
    at least it's just someone mishearing you.

    try getting called Niall everytime you say your name is Neil and get back to me.

    Agree - I'm always called Susan when my name is Suzanne. It really gets on my tits and I thinks its just bloody rude!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,737 ✭✭✭BroomBurner

    barnacle wrote: »
    Bad spelling irritates me.

    Jeez, I fixed it! Leave me alone!! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Creamy Goodness

    another thing that annoys me.

    pregnant people smoking.

    saw two of them today. sooner darwins law kicks in the ****ing better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,737 ✭✭✭BroomBurner

    :mad: Yaris drivers - the SLOWEST drivers in the world

    :mad: Having to "play the game" in work situations (not 'the game' as in prostitution btw)

    :mad: When a long time member of a soap leaves then comes back, but it's a totally different actor - only Due South managed to pull this off properly

    :mad: Feminists that won't accept that there are things men can do better than women, just like there are things women can do better than men. We're all equal, but we all have individual strengths and weaknesses

    :mad: People that shout "discrimination" or "racial abuse" when they are pulled up for their behaviour. Sorry, since when does your race/nationality allow you to behave like an @rsehole?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 fawnwillow

    shop assistants that watch young people in shops as if you are in there to rob things

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,699 ✭✭✭Brian

    Misappropriation of punctuation, whether it be in forum posts or text messages.

    Spare me the measure of your indignancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Use your words, and try using your shift-key in combination with something other than 1 and slash. The letters at the start of sentences for example.

    Another thing; semicolons. I don't really know when they should be used, so I just put them in randomly. Now I just need to figure out when use of an apostrophe is appropriate in pluralisation, and when it's a load of bollock's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭jetsonx

    slow drivers are at the top of my list...

    they fall into people who mainly drive

    hyundai accents

    having these wiped off the planet would make life a whole lot better imo...:)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,699 ✭✭✭Brian

    How could you omit Opel Corsa drivers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,467 ✭✭✭shenanigans1982

    The fact that most people lack basic manners....if you hold a door they wont say thank you, if you let it go they will make some comment.

    When the person at the till in a shop puts your change on the counter despite you having your hand out.

    When ordering in a fast fast food place or deli you have to repeat the order a minimum of three times...and it's still wrong when you get it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,095 ✭✭✭Wurly

    People that are cruel to animals
    People that insist on eating with their mouth open
    People that slurp their tea
    People that insist on walking at 1mph horizontally down grafton st.
    Being interrupted
    People that are aaaaalways late
    Bad spelling and text speak
    Rudeness and snotty sarcasm
    People that judge others cos they're oh so perfect themselves
    People that love the sound of their own voices and never shut the f*ck up talking
    People that don't recycle
    Motorists that don't gesture a thanks when you let them out
    Spitting - that REALLY annoys me.
    People that are incapable of speaking at normal decimal levels in pubs and insist on shouting all over the place. And when they laugh, they nearly burst your f*cking ear drums. So they're in your ear and you can't hear your own conversation. grrrrr. Also people that talk loud in the cinema - rude f*ckers.
    People that don't excuse themselves when they full force bang into you. aaaaggghh.

    That's it for the moment!:pac: I'm sure I have loads more though.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 280 ✭✭Ziggurat

    People that think everyone on the left wing of the political spectrum are all proponents of PC, make idiotic comments to that effect and generally dismiss them off-hand.

    Also populists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,995 ✭✭✭DenMan

    For some reason I can't stand it when a piece of the toilet roll is half torn. It really makes me mad. For some reason I always have to tear it off and have it look like it hasn't been used recently. It really stands out and I have to deal with it. Also people who have a serious lack of the English vocabulary. Do people read at all? And self opinionated people, very pretentious ones. Nothing wrong with selling yourself but I would rather not have to listen to someones life story in roughly 5 minutes or so, very off putting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,596 ✭✭✭RubyXI


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,687 ✭✭✭tHE vAGGABOND

    ...annoying music..."thank you for continuing to hold...."

    repeat cycle every 15 seconds...


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,460 ✭✭✭workaccount

    DenMan wrote: »
    For some reason I can't stand it when a piece of the toilet roll is half torn. It really makes me mad. For some reason I always have to tear it off and have it look like it hasn't been used recently. It really stands out and I have to deal with it. Also people who have a serious lack of the English vocabulary. Do people read at all? And self opinionated people, very pretentious ones. Nothing wrong with selling yourself but I would rather not have to listen to someones life story in roughly 5 minutes or so, very off putting.

    People who go for a dump and leave the place in a disgusting mess for the next person.

    People who leave hair all over the shower. There even seems to be hair (head hair) all over the sink in the toilets at work sometimes. Haven't a clue how that gets there but they won't bother cleaning it up afterwards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,789 ✭✭✭Caoimhín

    Sometimes just about everything annoys me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    This thread is seriously pissing me off cuz all or most of the rants are true .

    Actually seeing a mod repeatedly saying ' continuation of this balh blah will result in a ban ', jesus give us a break :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,460 ✭✭✭workaccount

    caoibhin wrote: »
    Sometimes just about everything annoys me.

    I hate how iphone users and mac users in general think there so technologically sophisticated because they have just bought the latest piece of mainstream trash (at premium prices) to show off to everyone.

    I also hate the stupid metrosexual designs apple use that tricks everybody not able to make there own mind up into the idea that they have just bought the rolls royce of computers when in actual fact they are only really after buying a shi**y lotus elise (if even) that they have to drive around to prove to everyone that they have a big dick when in actually fact everyone knows they don't.

    The same thing applies to most convertibles in general apart from real prestige cars like the porsche 911 etc.

    I also hate ugly bitches driving around in minis. Minis are for good looking women only.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,789 ✭✭✭Caoimhín

    Tri wrote: »
    People that are cruel to animals
    People that insist on eating with their mouth open
    People that slurp their tea
    People that insist on walking at 1mph horizontally down grafton st.
    Being interrupted
    People that are aaaaalways late
    Bad spelling and text speak
    Rudeness and snotty sarcasm
    People that judge others cos they're oh so perfect themselves
    People that love the sound of their own voices and never shut the f*ck up talking
    People that don't recycle
    Motorists that don't gesture a thanks when you let them out
    Spitting - that REALLY annoys me.
    People that are incapable of speaking at normal decimal levels in pubs and insist on shouting all over the place. And when they laugh, they nearly burst your f*cking ear drums. So they're in your ear and you can't hear your own conversation. grrrrr. Also people that talk loud in the cinema - rude f*ckers.
    People that don't excuse themselves when they full force bang into you. aaaaggghh.

    You REALLY wouldnt like me Tri.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,095 ✭✭✭Wurly

    caoibhin wrote: »
    You REALLY wouldnt like me Tri.

    Ha ha, is that so?:pac::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭all the stars

    this really bothers me:

    If i sell drugs to you, i possibly get more prison time than if i murder you.

    wtf? (backwards much?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭all the stars

    Tri wrote: »
    People that are cruel to animals
    People that insist on eating with their mouth open
    People that slurp their tea
    People that insist on walking at 1mph horizontally down grafton st.
    Being interrupted
    People that are aaaaalways late
    Bad spelling and text speak
    Rudeness and snotty sarcasm
    People that judge others cos they're oh so perfect themselves
    People that love the sound of their own voices and never shut the f*ck up talking
    People that don't recycle
    Motorists that don't gesture a thanks when you let them out
    Spitting - that REALLY annoys me.
    People that are incapable of speaking at normal decimal levels in pubs and insist on shouting all over the place. And when they laugh, they nearly burst your f*cking ear drums. So they're in your ear and you can't hear your own conversation. grrrrr. Also people that talk loud in the cinema - rude f*ckers.
    People that don't excuse themselves when they full force bang into you. aaaaggghh.

    That's it for the moment!:pac: I'm sure I have loads more though.:D

    + 1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Originally Posted by Tri
    People that are cruel to animals
    People that insist on eating with their mouth open
    People that slurp their tea
    People that insist on walking at 1mph horizontally down grafton st.
    Being interrupted
    People that are aaaaalways late
    Bad spelling and text speak
    Rudeness and snotty sarcasm
    People that judge others cos they're oh so perfect themselves
    People that love the sound of their own voices and never shut the f*ck up talking
    People that don't recycle
    Motorists that don't gesture a thanks when you let them out
    Spitting - that REALLY annoys me.
    People that are incapable of speaking at normal decimal levels in pubs and insist on shouting all over the place. And when they laugh, they nearly burst your f*cking ear drums. So they're in your ear and you can't hear your own conversation. grrrrr. Also people that talk loud in the cinema - rude f*ckers.
    People that don't excuse themselves when they full force bang into you. aaaaggghh.

    That's it for the moment! I'm sure I have loads more though.
    Just described most of the human race :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭LouOB

    Bad manners, inconsiderate, stupid, ignorant people
    other than that everthing or eveyone who gets in my way

    oh I forgot children - dont like them at all
