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The First 6 weeks.. (My Fitness Log)

  • 02-08-2008 9:51pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 37

    Well I’ve decided to take the plunge, I’ve decided to stop cursing the ’beer belly’ I’ve been developing and actually do something about it.

    I joined the gym a few weeks back and went once or twice in the last few weeks doing a very flat disjointed workout and leaving feeling worse.

    Well that all stopped last Monday as I begun my first 6 week program to tone up, straighten up, lead a healthier life, oh and lose the belly..

    Some of my ground rules for the six weeks (Monday 28th July - Friday 5th September) are as follows;

    - no alcohol
    - no caffeine (tea, coffee or coke)
    - absolutely no junk food
    - weights/cardio workout 5 days a week

    My goal is to lose the extra weight and tone up.

    Week one

    Monday 28th July

    - Nautilus chest press
    - pec deck machine
    - 25 push ups
    - half hour cardio spilt between treadmill, rowing machine and bike.

    Tuesday 29th July
    - Lat pulldowns
    - Close grip Lat pulldowns
    - Seated rows
    - T-bar rows
    - half hour cardio spilt between treadmill, rowing machine and bike.

    Wednesday 30th July
    - Arnold dumbbell press
    - Lateral raises
    - Front raises
    - half hour cardio spilt between treadmill, rowing machine and bike.

    Thursday 31st July
    - Nautilus curl machine
    - Hammer curls
    - Cable curls
    - Tricep pushdowns
    - half hour cardio spilt between treadmill, rowing machine and bike.

    Friday 1st august
    Full hour of cardio spilt between treadmill, bike and sparing heaving bag.

    My diet for the first week may not be perfect but is a major improvement on what I was eating before.

    Breakfast -9am
    - orange or cranberry juice
    - Croissant or rivata
    - natural yogurt

    Lunch - 1pm
    - brown wholegrain bread or wrap with chicken, turkey/ ham
    - oxtail soup
    - orange / apple

    Dinner - 5: 30pm
    - 2 packets of koka noodles (I Know)
    - oxtail soup

    Between meals I also drink plenty of water and snack on grapes or cashew nuts.

    So that’s week one finished with. I pretty happy with it, but I’d like to try improve with each week.

    My goals for the coming weeks are:

    - Try cut out the noodles for dinner, add some eggs into the diet for protein.

    - Increase the intensity of my cardio workouts (I am trying to lose weight after all)

    - Start working my legs into the program, as well as dead lifting.

    Well that’s week one finished, here’s hoping week 2 is even more productive..


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37 True_Blue

    I never added what weight or how many reps i was doing with each workout as i simply forgot, but i finished the first day of week 2 and have noted the weights and reps, So at the end of this week I should have able to list everything.

    On another note, I survived the first weekend (a bank holiday no doubt) without any alcohol or junk food.

    I think i'm more proud of that then the week of working out.
    The next 5 weekends should be a lot easier after this one.. (i hope)
