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getting fit... heres my progress



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    Finished my workout today, this was it:

    jog 5min
    walk 3min
    jog 5min
    walk 3min
    jog 5min

    completed a total of 2.83k, this is the most i have done. During the second and last 5min jog i start feeling sore in my calfs but kept going and it dissapeared. I also found at the end of my last 5min that i wasnt that tied so i kept going for another min and a half or so. Couldnt believe that i was able. I took a rest in a friends house for a while and then joged home, which was another 5mins or so... really happy with the progress, even if it is only gradual.

    Next work out is 8min jog, 5min walk, 8min jog.... gradually getting longer jogs into the schedule...

    as always comments advice welcome

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    really well done on your progress so far.
    you said its only gradual but its still progress and thats the important thing. being consistent is key to any training plan and you are ,so you will see the results you want.
    as regards a 5k race i think a goal could really help and give you something to aim for and remember everyone has a first race.
    whatever you decide good luck and keep it up

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    thanks sungod.
    re: the 5k race, as ive posted previously, im gonna wait till i finish this 9 week schedule which brings me up to jogging about 3miles befor i even think of doing any race in public ... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭daftdave

    thanks sungod.
    re: the 5k race, as ive posted previously, im gonna wait till i finish this 9 week schedule which brings me up to jogging about 3miles befor i even think of doing any race in public ... :)

    dont be daunted by the word "race"

    its called that, but lot of people do it "just to do it"

    no set time , some people race to win, some run for a set time, and others do it for the fun of it, so the word race should be viewed very loose'ly (bad spelling i know !!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    completed my workout for today. A longer jog this time of:
    8min jog,
    5min walk,
    8min jog

    Found it tiring but i have to say that the 8min were not as daunting as i had thought. But i did need the 5min walk inbetween, i thought about starting to jog again after 3mion but de3cided i was still tired after the 8min and had a feelig i wouldnt complete the seconmd 8min..
    covered a total of 2.51km during it... but thats no reflection as i think this is the most trhat ive sweated.
    Going on the piss the weekend to a stag so it'll be tuesday before i get back into it....

    help advice etc always welcome...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    progressed to my longest, timewise, jog today. After a weekend of serious alcohol abuse i was a little bit worried, but i completed my scheduled 20min jog today. This was the first time i have jogged without any walking breaks. I covered a total of 2.57k which isnt as far as i thought it would cover but i am delighted to have got to the stage where i can go for 20 mins wiuthout having to walk in between.
    During the jog i was pretty tired but by calfs and knees (for the first time) were a bit sore, and it was this reason that i start walking at the 20min mark rather than pure tiredness.
    Only four more weeks to gone on my schedule :)

    advice comments always welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    todays workout was:
    Jog 5min
    walk 3min
    jog 8mion
    walk 3min
    jog 5min

    completed a total of 2.86km in theworkout which i was pretty happy with. Towards the end i did start getting soar calfs again which is a bit worrying as its happening a lot. I also start getting pins and needles in my feet which i hadnt experienced before.... if anyone can suggest why d be greatfull.
    Happy with my progress at the moment.

    Comments and advice always welcome

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    todays workout was:
    jog 10mins
    walk 3 min
    jog 10mins

    completed this workout without any stiffness or pains and covered a total of 3.09km, this is the furthest ive covered on any workout so far.
    next workout i am due to jog 25mins without any walking or rest. It seems a long time but i'll give it my best...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    completed 25mins jogging today, yes 25mins... cant believe it tbh. Covered 3.75k which is also the furthest distance.
    I joined a gym for 3 months and have completed the last 2 workouts on a treadmill as i couldnt motivate myself to going out to run after work, whereas this is alot more accessable. im going to complete my routine, only 3 weeks to go, to get up to 5k jog and then i'll be looking for some advice regarding using the gym to its full potential.
    Next jog on schedule is to jog 25min again.

    advice tips etc... always welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    great progress keep it up

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭The_boat

    Congrats on the 3.75 km. I find the treadmil a great motivator to keep the speed up - stops you from slowing as you get tired.

    I think we started psoting around the same time - you are on a more structured program i just try cover 5km every day i train and to up the distance ran compared to the distance walked.

    As far as the gym goes...first you'll need to decide what do you want? want to move to a fast 10km run? want to bulk up or simply want to tone upper body?

    what ever you do keep it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    completed my last 2 routines without much bother on the treadmill in the gym. 25min jog and both times i covered 3.78k. I have to admitt that i am finding it easier to complete the time and im even able to increase my speed on the treadmll for an extra min or two at the end of the 25min.
    i have 1 more 25min jog before doing 3 sessions of 28mins and finally 3 sessions of 30mins constant jogging...
    I also have myself booked in for an assesment in the gym where they check your weight, heart, stamina, bmi etc... and you state what you want to achieve and they set up a program for you. If im honest i'll let them know that i want to keep the jogging going and improve the distance i can cover as well as building up some muscle to eat away at the weight that i still have around areas i dont want it...

    thanks for the advice so far and keep it coming

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    completed the first 28min jog on the treadmill and covered 4.07k This is a big milestone for me as i never thoght id get this far. I have even been runnin for an extra two mins at an increased speed just because i feel that i can. Ive two more 28min jogs, but im gonna try and increase the speed that im jogging to see if i can sustain it for the 28mins.
    advice etc always welcome

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    completed my first ever 5k completion today. Absolutely delighted guys. I briskly walked for five mins and then jogged for 30, this brought me up to approx 4.40Km so i felt well able to continue... i upped the pace and ran untill i reached the 5km mark. Know i know that i did walk for the first 5 mins, but i have to say i am now looking forward to completing a 5km routine based solely on distance instead of time and all jogging.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,453 ✭✭✭showry

    well done,
    I can still remember my elation at doing 5k for the first time a couple of years ago,
    that's a serious achievement, keep it going you won't look back,
    what I love about running is that you do get rewarded for effort,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭The_boat

    hey, hope your still getting out and running, if you dont keep it up you'll slip backwards, i know i have.

    well done on 5km, maybe change your goals go for a 10km or a fast 5km but keep it up
