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My crack at crossfit



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Inspector Coptoor

    DamienH wrote: »
    Thanks Liam, I'd like to see myself below 100 for April which I think is pretty achievable. You're doing pretty well yourself too!

    that should be loads of time.
    Ive dropped 6kg in the last 8 weeks.
    102.3 now.
    was 119 this time last year

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Yah, I think it should be plenty.
    Losing weight is an absolute balls though!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Hammar

    Good work Damien,ive been following this thread for a while as you're in the same boat as myself,losing some body fat and trying to keep the strength and the lifts up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Went to the gym saturday night.

    Worked up to an easy 125 x 5

    Windmills with 35db
    3 x 5 each arm

    Did some one arm pushups on the smith machine with the bar around nipple height.

    3 x 5
    These were easy, no problem at all. I'm going to work up to 5 x 5 and then start loading.

    Held the headstand for about 3 sets of 20secs. I'm going to practice this on a regular basis, should pay off nicely. I can really feel my abs working hard.

    Weight on monday morning was 109kg on the nose. I reckon I've gotten to 108.5, I drank a fair bit of water last night, had a few pints.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    5 x 3

    Clean and Press
    60kg 3 x 5
    My bar got robbed when I went to the toilet so I 3 x 3 of dips

    3 x 2

    2 x 20sec hold and 1 x 10sec


    Weight this morning was 108.2kg. That means I made my goal for November of getting under 108.5. Goal for the 1st of January is to get to 106.x kg.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Today was a light session, heavy deads and presses tomorrow.

    60,75,90 x 5
    100 3 x 5

    Presses with 2, 22.5kg DB
    3 x 5

    1 set of 2

    Wrestler's Bridge
    I left my hands on the floor for this, held for 2 sets of 20 seconds. No problem really

    3 sets of 30 seconds. My eyes were getting pretty bloodshot from this, not really sure if it's normal or not. There was no real discomfort just I noticed it when I looked in the mirror. I think I'll cut back on the duration of the stands and see if that will make a difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    I've been in twice since the last entry but I forgot what I've done. Squats and Deads anyway

    3x3 65kg, easy

    Superset x 2
    10 DB rows with 25kg
    10 Lying leg raises
    8 curls with 18kg DB

    Weight this morning was 107.4, or 107.2 I can't remember.
    Happy with that, took all of 40mins. Dips were easy aswell.
    Think I'm going to do a day each for squats,deads and presses. Do a conditioning day at the weekend and try and fit in a nice long walk somewhere there aswell. Work sets will be either 3x5@80% or 3x3@85%, maybe with a heavy double or single once every 2/3 weeks. That's the plan for the next 2 months anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Just wanted to do something quick to get my heartrate up today
    Think it's one of the IP blocks

    5 Windmills each arm
    10 15DB presses
    5 25kg DB rows each arm
    13 rounds in 15 minutes.

    Then did some farmer's walk stuff with 2x 35kgdb. Did some overhead walking with a 30kg db.

    That was done before breakfast, weight after the gym was 107.1kg. 106 looks like it's on the cards alright :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Did these on Saturday but only got around to typing it in now.

    3 x 5 @ 120
    2 x 8 @ 90

    Lunges with 2 18db
    3 x 5

    2 sets of 2 chinups.
    I'll be good for a set of 3 on Monday, they were easier than usual.

    Hanging knee raises
    2 x 8

    In a bit of a rush so left it there.
    Deads tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    100 x 8
    110 x 8
    150 x 3
    (155 x 3) x 2

    First time doing these so I just wanted to get a feel for them
    80 2 x 5
    80 1 x 10
    I'll just keep bumping this up.

    3,2,1 Happy with the extra rep PB

    Knee Raises
    2 x 8

    Wrestler's Bridge
    2 x 30sec holds.

    Went a bit mad at the weekend and weight after the gym was 107.8. Hopefully this comes down as easily as it went up!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    2 x 8 45kg
    3 x 5 60kg
    Felt heavy

    1 x 6
    2 x 5


    EZ Bar Curls
    35 in plates, I don't know what the bar weighs
    2 x 8

    35kg DB rows
    2 x 8

    Weight this morning was 106.5kg, 0.9kg in a week so happy with that. Dips are getting to be that bit easier aswell, I'm going to keep going till I can do 3 sets of 10 and then add weight for sets of 5.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Snatches with a 15kg db
    :15 on/:15 off
    10 minutes

    5 10kg Windmills each arm
    10 13DB presses
    5 25kg DB rows each arm
    14 rounds in 15 minutes.

    Some farmers walks, carrys

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Warm Up
    90 2 x 8
    120 3 x 5

    These felt tough, have to stop drinking the day before squats

    Easy, quick, felt great

    Knee Raises
    3 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Warm Up
    100 2x8
    155 3x3

    2 x 5 80kg


    Hanging knee Raises
    2 x 8

    2 x 8

    Weight after the gym and breakfast was 106kg on the nose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    45 2 x 8
    65 3 x 5


    That was all I had time for I had to go to a funeral. Pretty happy with the 65s though, they felt ok. Chins were good too.

    Weight yesterday morning was 105.8/7. Now let's see what happens to that over christmas :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    2 x 8 @ 90
    3 x 5 @ 115

    I was feeling beat up after yesterday.

    about 8 singles

    Curls with two 20kg dbs
    2 x 8

    One arm rows with a 40kg db
    2 x 8

    Weight was 105.4 this morning, just over a kilo in a week. I ran out of protein powder during the week and finding quality protein is hard here, usually it's pork. I'm getting some on monday though so hopefully it'll help. Short week in work aswell next week so I get to catch up on sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    When are you on Holidays from teaching? I know friends are off soon and heading off to sightsee at the mo. I know the teaching semesters are on a different time set up there. Got my plans starting in motion with EPIK.

    Just over a kilo in the week - noice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    I've only got 2 days off, thursday and friday. I teach private school so the holidays aren't brilliant. Where are you thinking of trying to get into with EPIK?

    105 2 x 8
    150 3 x 5

    80 2 x 8
    Really focused on stretching my hamstrings and getting my ass back.

    8 singles

    45 deg hyperextension
    2 x 15

    Knee Raises
    2 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    I've been sick so I haven't trained since but I'm feeling alright now. Weight this morning was 104 on the nose. That's over a kilo in a week, but I think the bit extra was because I was sick. I got my usual amount of calories most of the days.

    I still need to get more protein day to day though. I'm not worried about getting stronger, I just don't want to start going backwards. Training tmrw hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Got back in the gym today. Everything felt heavy but I was expecting that.

    3 x 5 105kg

    3 x 5 55kg


    15 each side of the EZ bar
    2 x 8

    Rows with 35db
    2 x 8

    Knee Raises
    2 x 8

    Weight was 104.2kg this morning before breakfast.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Intervals on the c2
    :20 on/:40 off
    10 mins
    I think I would of been better off with an even 30/30 split, my HR would of gotten that bit higher. M technique lets me down a bit.

    Hang clean 40kg - 5
    Pushups - 8
    Rows with 25db - 4 each arm
    Situps - 10
    AMRAP 15 mins
    7 rounds (had the situps to do to make it 8)

    Snatches with the 15db
    :15on/:15off per arm
    10 minutes
    Averaged around 6 a set, I'll up the weight next time.

    Push Press 30kg (10 - 1)
    Goblet Squats 15kg (1 - 10)
    I was planning something else but a guy stole my bar for rows.

    I didn't wake up in time for breakfast this morning, so that was all done on 2 cups of coffee. It took about 1:15.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    150 x 5
    145 x 5
    135 x 5

    Push Press with a 35db
    3 sets of 5

    3 x 8 @ 80

    3 x 2

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    55, 70, 80, 95, 110
    All for 5 reps

    All for 5 reps

    All for 5 reps


    Everything felt pretty good today. Dips weren't to hard either, I'd be on for at least eight.

    Weight this morning was 104.8. I'm back into the swing of things now so it should start to come down again.

    150 swings before bed.

    edit:104.4 after waking up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    80 (3x5)


    2 DB Military Presses
    12s,18s,20s,22s,25s all for 5

    Easy day today. I was happy that I got 5 sets of 3 chinups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    For 5
    For 3 115

    For 5
    For 3

    For 5
    For 3

    BB Curls
    For 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    55, 70, 85, 100, 115
    All for 5 reps

    All for 5 reps

    All for 5 reps


    Everything was fine today, slow and steady. I thought the presses were going to be a bit heavy but they went up fine. I'll keep it at that weight next week. Squats and deads should be able to jump up another 5kg, dips weren't much of a problem either.

    Weight this morning was 104.2. Down .6 in a week. I'm going to do some swings during the week, just for some kind of cardio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    85 (3x5)


    2 DB Military Presses
    12s,18s,20s,25s all for 5

    Goblet Squats x 5
    1 Arm unsupported rows x 5 e/a
    AMRAP with a 30kg DB in 15mins
    12 rounds, almost 13.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    For 5
    For 3 120

    For 5
    For 3

    For 5
    For 3

    BB Curls
    For 5

    Presses at 70 were easy, no problems. 70 for 5 on tuesday. Curls will be bumped up next week aswell.

    weight was 102.8 on the 22nd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    55, 70, 85, 100, 120
    All for 5 reps

    30,40,45,55,70 (push press last 2)
    All for 5 reps

    All for 5 reps


    I ****ed up the negative on the third rep of presses so I just push pressed it. Same weights again this week.

    edit: I saw this challenge and I thought it was a great goal to aim for. I just did 5 sets of 5 burpees, all of which were just about 15sec/set. I'll do this for a couple more days, and then start putting up more reps. I'm going to get them done everyday though, the conditioning can't hurt anyway!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    85 (3x5)

    One every minute for 28 minutes.

    2 DB Military Presses
    12s,18s,20s,25s all for 5

    5 x 5 Sets of burpees, all within 15secs per set. 30 seconds off in between sets

    Swings with the 30kg DB
    8 sets, 11/12 reps per set.
    I stopped at 8 because form was starting to go south.
