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My crack at crossfit



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    DamienH wrote: »
    Crossfit tmrw, like the look of todays WOD.

    You won't like it three rounds in dude! It's a bitch! Some good times n' numbers here man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday October 06th
    Ladders with the 24kb 1,2 reps
    TGU 5x1 each arm . These were done with the 24kg but I think it's time to move up to 32k
    Snatches: Form on these were terrible. I think I jumped too early. I'm going to move back to my 16k here at home and get my form down!

    Started doing the crossfit WOD
    60kg Deadlift 15reps
    60kg Clean 12reps
    60kg Back Squat ( These were meant to be front squat but I've never done them previously. My form was atrocious in the warm-up so I thought it better to cut my losses
    60kg Shoulder Jerk

    Repeat for 3 sets
    I was only able to complete 2 sets before I had to leave cause the gym was closing... not a coincidence just unlucky timing. For 2 sets I was 11:17 in..... My god this is tough. I only realised while doing it that each part ends where the next one starts. My back was on fire , a gasping sweaty mess. Good fun all the same though, roll on tmrw. I'll catch up on the WOD aswell

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday 07th Ocotber
    No Problems really

    Pull-ups and Dips
    25 of each. I've managed to change the assistance now to 32 which is a jump of 14kg over 3 weeks so I'm happy to see that my pulls are progressing. Dips are now down to 15kg assistance and I felt pretty good on them.

    Light day today, might do some crossfit tmrw if it's a metcon workout

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday 10th October

    Weight 117.5kg ( <---woot woot :D )

    I'm back home in Ireland for the weekend so I went to the gym I usually go to. It turns out that it's been taken over by the Hitler of the "fitness club," world. The weights section is gone to nothing and there's been a few new rules brought in. I was lining up the oly bar for my deadlifts and over walks the man himself. He told me that that bar was " only for chest presses ," grand says I show me the deadlift one then. Over he walked to a ( shock and horror ) smith machine. I asked him nicely if I could just do my deadlifts, it wasn't even busy , but he said no " Insurance reasons ," They've taken away the kbs except for the 16k and the 8k so presses were out of the window. This is what I did anyway but I'm never going back to that dump.

    8kg kb Presses (1,2,3,4) ladders. I was doing these with the bell inverted to make them harder and it was tough to keep it upright all through the ladder.
    Snatch Practice with the 16
    Pushups 14,11,11,10,16
    I also practiced doing thrusters with dbs in my hands

    Back to cardiff on tuesday so I think I'll go to the park and do burpees or something monday if I can handle it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday October 15th
    Back today from Ireland

    24kb Ladders (1,2,3,4)
    These felt pretty good, ready for 5 on Saturday
    Cleans with a 32kb
    Snatch Practice with the 24 <
    Form's getting better
    Pushups 12,14,11,11,17
    Crossfit, dead and pull/dips tmrw

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday 16th October
    Deadlifts 115,105
    Pull-ups/Dips 5x5 of each
    Military press 50kg,40kg
    Some Front Squat practice

    Pretty much the same as always, I added in a lightish MP just to liven th day up a bit. Front squats are still tough though, getting my elbows parallel to the floor is a nightmare

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday 23rd October
    I haven't posted in a week mainly because I've been busy but I've been going to the gym and doing my regular thing. Tried the 24kb for 5 ladders on sunday but it didn't happen, only got to 4 sets. Roll on the weekend

    Today was
    Clean 32kb 5x3
    Snatch 24kb 8x2
    Swings 32kb 10x3
    TGU practice

    Then I did a kind of crossfit wod from the last few days. The gym was packed out so I had to split the twpo excercises and do pull-ups first, then burpees ( <--bastards )

    I did 70 assisted pullup-s ( 37kg of assistance I think ) and then 70 burpees in roughly 26mins. I say roughly cause I had a few problems with the stopwatch. The pullups took way too long for my liking, I think I'm going to start doign a couple of sets of 10 during the week. First time ever doing a burpee and they were right little horrors. They didn't take as long as the pull-ups but I never thought they'd take so much out of me.

    Pretty happy anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, October 27th
    Ladders with 24kb 1,2,3,4,5 <
    Ohh ya !!
    15 Pull-ups and 15 Dips
    Practiced my squatting form

    A bit fo a short one today admittedly but the ladders took it out of me, pretty chuffed I managed to get the full ladder..... roll on that 32. I think I'm going to give the deadlifts a break and hit into the squats for a while for something a bit different. Back in tomorrow to get some kind of a circuit done. They've got punch bags in the gym, think I might try and clean these bad boys + some swings and pullups for time... we'll see

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday 28th October
    Squats 90,80 for 5
    Pull-ups 35 (7x5)
    Swings with 24kb for 4 minutes

    21-15-9 Cleans @ 40kg
    42-30-18 Dips @ 25kg assistance ( changed to 32kg for the last ten )

    First time doing squats in ages today but felt really good doing them. The 90 sailed up and down and I was watching my form which seemed pretty good. The pull-ups were my normal ones just spread out over the entire workout.

    Crossfit went pretty well tonight aswell. I spent a good time practicing the clean before I attempted it. The 40kg felt really light but the dips were pretty hard. By far the bulk of the time is dips. I think I could of have done it slightly faster aswell if I didn't have to wait for people on the machine

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday 30th October
    3 (1,2,3) ladders with the 24kb
    Military Press 50,40
    Pull-ups 8x5
    10 mins of running
    Some sit-ups on the decline bench

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday 3rd November
    Ladders with the 24kb (1,2,3) x 4
    Squats 92.5,82.5

    Pull-up ladders
    One the first minute, two the second minute...... etc.
    Got to 10 minutes and when the clock ran out on the 11 I had 7 done, all full extension.
    Assistance was on 39kg <---- moving this up for my usual pull-ups next time
    I really wasn't happy with the front squat portion of the thrusters... I really have to practice them.

    All in all a good enough day, more fun tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday 5th November

    Presses with the 24kb, 3x5 each arm
    Snatches with the 24kb, 2x8 each arm
    Swings with the 32kb, 3x10

    Pull-ups 6x5
    Squats 95,85

    As many rounds as I could complete in 15 mins
    10 Pullups
    10 Thrusters with 30kg bar

    I managed to do 9 and almost got the tenth in on time, twas tough though. Looking now, it says 20mins on the site but for some reason I thought 15....

    All in all a pretty good day I thought. Squats still feel strong and I'm going deep with them. I think 115 or 120 is an achievable goal. The extra sets I did of pullups were easy, I had the assistance at a comfortable level. Roll on tmrw

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday November 6th
    I just did the crossfit of the day today

    Do five rounds of the below, max reps for each set
    Bench Press (@80kg) :12,12,10,8
    Pull-ups@32kg of assistance: 10,10,10,9

    Pretty happy with the bench tbh. I haven't done the excercise in at least 2 months now. I used be able to get 100kg for 3 so I guess I'm not far off that. More of the same tmrw

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday 7th November
    Squats 97.5, 87.5

    Run 400m
    50 squats

    x3 = 11:30

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday 11th November

    5 x 1 Each arm with the 32kg
    3 x 8 Snatches with the 24kb each arm
    3 x 8 Swings with 32kb
    4 TGU's each arm


    About 6x5 with 32kg assistance but it could of been more, I was just knocking them out whenever really

    Squats felt strong again, no problems. I had a ****e nights sleep so I decided to lay off the crossfit for today, will do some tmrw

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    "Fight Gone Bad!"

    Three rounds of:
    Wall-ball, 8kg ball (Reps)
    Sumo deadlift high-pull, 32kb (Reps)
    Box Jump, knee height (Reps)
    Push-press, 32.5kg (Reps)
    Row (Calories)
    Break of 1 minute between sets

    My score was all the reps and calories combined for all sets. I managed to get 279 so I was pretty chuffed. It was really feckin' tough though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    I went to the gym yesterday, back again tmrw on monday.

    102.5, 92.5

    Saturday, November 15th
    75 Squats
    7 Pull-ups
    7 Dips
    50 Squats
    15 Pull-ups
    15 Dips
    25 Squats
    22 Pull-ups
    22 Dips
    12 Squats
    30 Pull-ups
    30 Dips

    All done in 22:45
    Pull-ups were done at 32kg assistance, dips at 20kg. I was really happy that I managed to get everything done with the 32kg assistance, all the pull-ups are paying off. I think I'll do some 1 rep maxes on them tmrw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Yesterday's workout
    Monday 17th November
    Ladders with the 24kb 1,2,3,4,5 x 5
    I want to get these down as strict presses. All reps were done with heels touching and minimum side bend.

    All these were done at 20kg of assistance... nearly there

    Run 250m
    15 swings with the 24 kb
    12 Pull-ups


    Managed to do this in just over 8 minutes pretty happy, more to do today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday 18th November
    Felt pretty weak today cause of yesterday so I decided to take it easy

    A1: Squats with 24kb 3 sets of 12
    A2: Pushups 3 sets of 12
    Rest 1 Min after each a2

    B1: KB rows with the 16 3 sets of 12 each arm
    B2: Windmills 3 sets of 5 each arm

    I did some military press practice using the barbell to get my form right, it's coming along nicely. Crossfit was 5 sets of 1rm push jerks today, no way was I going to do that after yesterday. I'll see what tmrw brings

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, November 19th

    107.5, 97.5

    Military Press BB
    60, 50, 40

    Push Jerk pratice with the bar and 40kg

    2x5 @ 32kg

    Run 250m
    Max sets of pull-ups

    Repeat for 20mins

    I only managed to get 4 in 12 mins and had to stop. I'm not feeling the best atm and I felt mad weak toward the end so I knocked it on the head. Hopefully after my rest day tmrw I should be fighting fit.
    I managed to get 15, 13, 8, 10 reps with the pull-ups, assistance on 32kg. I think I'll stay on 32kg for another week and then move it up, those one rep max's earlier in the week helped out a lot.

    I've got the military press down now pretty much so I'm going to try working it in between the 2 days of kettlebells. 60 was going towards my max so I decided to start @ 80% and then work it up. Heels together and correct breathing.

    I skipped a step on the squats but I'm not too worried, they felt strong still.

    I saw a guy bench 160kg for 5 reps today. It was really impressive, I felt like clapping when he'd done it... still waiting to see some massive overhead press.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, 21st November

    Ran 3.2k in just over twenty minutes (can't remember the exact time)
    Pretty happy really since I rarely run for any distance. Sickness is pretty much gone now so I'm back on form from tmrw.

    Did 4x5 Pull-ups at 32kg of assistance which were very easy, called it a day after that

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, November 24th

    Still doing pretty well on these, don't get me wrong the 110 was tough, hopefully I can get another 10 before I stall up.

    Clean and Jerk
    7 sets of 1RM
    They went something along the lines of
    I went for 80 after the fifth one but my arms wouldn't snap under in the clean, I tried about 4 times before I took the plates off. I'd never done the c&j to 1rm before but I was pretty chuffed. The kettlebells are helping me big time. I can remember before I started ,to clean 60 was an achievment. The jerk wasn't really that much of a problem, I think I could of got to 82/85. I've got to practice my technique more on the clean.

    10x5 @32kg assistance
    I made great time doing all these, they felt strong. I didn't have to struggle on any reps just some easy reps. Moving down a level tmrw, think it's 25kg. Can't wait for it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, November 25th

    Bench 90kg 7-6-6-5-5
    Pullups 8-8-7-7-6

    20 mins of LIT on the bike

    Tough day todayI'm a poor student with no money so I can't really afford to eat enough, still eating well though. Roll on tmrw, and friday when I get my money :D

    I'm going to get some protein from bulkpowders, it's cheap and it'll help me to get enough protein.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 26th November
    Woke up and felt the worst DOM's that I'd felt in a long time, so nothing too mad was done. It went like this

    5 x 6 sets of 80kg
    The gym was quiet so I just did deadlifts whenever I could, no problems not heavy at all.

    Military Press 5 x 3 sets @50kg
    Felt pretty good, I have the bar nestling nicely along the top of my chest now. Heels together.

    Swings with the 32
    3 sets of 8

    Presses with the 24
    2 sets of 4 each arm

    That was pretty much it, I'm off to the gym now but I think I'll just do some LIT on the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, November 27th

    30 minutes LIT on the bike, heart rate jumping around 130

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, 29th November
    Went a bit mad today, just decided to do lots of easy enough sets. Left the gym feeling stronger.

    Military Press with the barbell:
    7 sets of 5 @ 45kg

    Push Press
    4 sets of 5 @ 60

    Elevated push-ups

    5x5 @ 25kg
    7x5 @ 32kg

    3 sets of 1 with the 32kg kb.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Sunday, 31st November

    Dealifts for 3 reps

    135, 140, 142.5, 142.5, 142.5

    Tried for 145 but it wasn't going up.

    Pull-ups 10-4-4-4-4-3-3-4
    Push-ups 12-5-5-5-3-3-3-3
    Sit-ups 7-5-4-4-5-4-3-4
    Squats 15-16-11-11-17-15-16-19

    Situps done on decline bench. Anooyed with push-ups and sit-ups gotta work them into the week. Total of 229

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, December 1st

    Military Press with BB

    I'm not sure what happened with the 62's. I think I wasn't taking enough rest, I tried the 65 but it wasn't going up. Strict heels together, I went up on my tip-toes at the end for one alright but I'm countin' it :D

    Pull-ups and push ups, 3 sets of 5 each

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, December 02
    @25kg assistance
    10 sets of 3

    @32kg assistance
    10 sets of 5

    10 sets of 5

    Some Kb swings

    all easy tbh

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 3rd December

    115 , 105

    3 sets of 21-15-9 reps
    Thrusters 40kg
    Pull-ups @32kg assistance

    Time to move up on the pullups I think.

    Did a small bit of core work but I called it a day, knackered.
