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My crack at crossfit



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, 05th December

    75 Squats
    7 Pull-ups
    7 Dips
    50 Squats
    15 Pull-ups
    15 Dips
    25 Squats
    22 Pull-ups
    22 Dips
    12 Squats
    30 Pull-ups
    30 Dips


    Looking back in my log I did this exact same workout on the 15th of November but my time was 22:45... I was delighted today when I finished. Dips @ 20kg, Pull-ups @ 32kg. I should of done the pull-ups at 25 assistance but I wanted to see how I'd do. Either my last one was a crap time or today was a really good one, either way I'm happy.

    I did some 1RM of the push-press because I've never done them before.

    I warmed up to 70 and then did

    80-85-90-90 I tried 92.5kg on the last one but it was a tiny bit too far. I think if I was fresh I could of got 95 but the bar felt so heavy.

    All in all a belter of a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Sunday, 07th December
    Went to the gym today but I felt pretty stiff. I haven't eaten enough after friday I think so I decided to do a light enough session.

    6x6 Pull-ups @25kg assistance
    6x7 Push-ups
    6x10 Hanging knee raise

    Half an hr give or take, didn't feel on top though.. I'll try again tmrw

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 08th December

    Clean and Jerk
    6 sets of 1RM

    I was meant to do 7 but what harm. Pretty much the same as last time which was what I expected since I haven't practiced the clean since. Tried 80 but it was just a tiny bit too far. When I go back home I think I'm going to spend some time praticing my form. Jerk wasn't a problem really, they kept going up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, 11th December
    I'm back home so I had to find a gym where I could pay to go. Went to one about 30 mins walk from my house because it said kettlebells on the door. They've got all kinds, 16's, 24's, 32's and a 48! They do there own kind of crossfit thing aswell so it looks like it should be good craic. Anyway it went something like this:

    Ladders with the 24 up to 5 x 3
    Presses with the 32 , [1,2] each hand
    Swings with the 24 , 15 each hand
    Swings with the 32, 10
    Swings with the 48, 8
    Pressups 5 sets of 8
    Elevated pressups 3 sets of 8
    Push press @ 60kg 2 x 10
    Chinup's on assitance machine , 2 x 6

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 15th December

    Inverted Press with a 12kb ( Bell upside down )
    10 sets of 2 each arm

    Presses with 2 24's
    10 sets of 5 each arm

    10 Sets of 5

    Deadlift @ 100kg
    10 Sets of 5

    10 stes of 7

    Woke up this morning and I'm feeling it tbh. My back is pretty wrecked up so it's a bath for me today I think

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 17th December
    Same deal again with the volume.

    Squats @ 80kg : 8 sets of 5.
    Arm bar with 12kb : 8 sets of 5 ea.
    Presses with the 24's : 8 sets of 5 ea.
    Get-ups with the 24kb : 8 sets of 2 ea.
    Pressups: 8 sets of 5.
    BB Cleans with 60kg : 8 sets of 3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 22nd December

    Deadlift @ 100kg 8 x 5
    Cleans @ 60kg 8 x 3
    Pushups 8 x 5
    Presses 8 x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 5th of January

    Finally managed to get back into it today. Between work and the gym still having weird opening times I haven't excercised properly since my last entry.

    I did
    3 sets of swings with a 32kb for 8 reps
    3 sets of presses with a 24kb for 5 reps e/a
    6 sets TGU with 24 ( left hand ) and a 32 ( right hand ) 3 reps each arm
    3 Deadlifts @ 105kg
    3 sets of presses with the 32kb, once each arm.
    A set or two of elevated push-ups
    Warm down with 1Km on the rower and some stretching.

    Pretty happy today tbh, I'm abck over in cardiff tomorrow so it'll be pretty much abck to normal for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, 09th January

    Pull-ups 6 sets of 5
    Deadlifts @ 105kg 6 sets of 5
    Ladders to 4 with the 24kb 6 sets
    TGU with 24kb 4 each arm

    The get-up was more of a practice than a training session tbh, getting it almost down now. The deadlifts are feeling pretty easy now too, they're paying off I think. I'm going to see what my 1RM is on it next time I think to see if I've progressed at all. I went to the gym wednesday aswell but I forgot to write it up here.

    I weighed myself in the gym today and it says 18 st 8 lbs which is roughly 120kg so christmas hasn't killed me as much as I thought it had. Getting my diet sorted out now big time, fruit and veg ftw!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, January 19th

    I've gotten sloppy with entering in my logs lately but hopefully I should be okay now. I've decided to stop the crossfit a while, I want to try and be able to run 5k so I'm practicing that.

    3 sets of 5 @ 130kg --- No problems pretty happy with that, could of gone heavier

    5 sets of 5 ---- Usual

    4 each arm @ 32kg

    Did a 25 circuit of c25k

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Okay, I forgot to write in a day but hopefully I can get back onto things.

    Monday, 26th January
    Deadlift ( all sets of 5 reps )
    @130kg 1
    @120kg 1
    @107.5 8

    Military Press with the BB , again all 5's
    @52.5kg 1
    @47.5kg 1
    @42.5kg 9

    I've decided to use the power to the people model just to see what I can get out of it. It goes 90%,80% and then do a few on 70% with 90secs between sets. I stuck to this religiously today and tbh it wasn't that hard. The deads starting acting up alright around set 6 at 107 but I wasn't dying by any means on the last one. I found the rest between the presses to be a bit long tbh, I was clock watching. I would of done more but my friend was finishing up. Running tmrw and more fun

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 27th January
    Deadlifts ( all 5's )
    132.5, 122.5, 110 ( 4 sets )

    55, 50, 45 ( 8 sets )

    Did my usual c25k thing, managed to knock up 3.2 in 25 mins including a 5 min warm-up. The running didn't bother me until about the 18th minute so I was pretty happy with that.Didn't feel stiff or sore at all from yesterday but tok it easy on the deads knowing that I was going running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 28th January
    55, 47.5

    Swings with the 32kb
    5 sets of 8

    5 sets of 5

    I decided to give my les a bit of a break after the running today, I was easily able to do the swings. I passed a 32kb one the way to the showers aswell and decided to test what I could do. I managed to do 4 consecutive with my left and 3 with my right.. I was chuffed to say the least!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, January 29th
    135, 125, 9 sets of 112.5

    57.5, 52.5, 10 sets of 47.5

    Felt really good today, the last few mp's were rough enough. I think it's from the presses I did yesterday but I managed to knock them out. I'm going to tot up how many tonnes I've lifted over the week tomorrow to see where I'm at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, February 2nd
    137.5, 127.5, 6 sets of 115.

    Military Press
    60, 55, 8 sets of 50.

    I'd say I'll be able to get maybe 3 days out of this before I have to start the cycle again. Running tmrw

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, February 3rd

    140 and 130. I didn't do any more they're getting properly tough now and my grip is going. 145 is my goal and then hit another cycle

    60, 55, 50 for 5 sets. For some reason I thought I'd only done 57.5 yesterday so I basically repeated yesterday. More weight tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, Feb 6th
    67.5, 62.5

    Delighted that I managed to get to the 67.5 with this. When I started I couldn't do 60 for 3 so I'm happy. I'm going to try 70 now on monday so it should go up hopefully.

    Deads are coming back in on monday aswell. I've been swinging the 32kb and doing some other stuff for the past few days, get ups.. did a few presses of the 24 today aswell.

    Pullups are coming back on aswell, did 6 sets of 5 today and they all felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 10th February
    125,112.5 and 6 sets of 100

    62.5,57.5 and 11 sets of 50

    Knocked out 4 sets of 5 pullups between a few MP sets.

    Felt good today, the cycle has been set back. It turns out that I worked out my numbers incorrectly so the deadlifts took a bigger step back than last time. I did my MP's before my deads aswell which I know isn't the best idea. I think that if I did the deads first I could be getting 10sets of deads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 11 February
    127.5,115 and 6 sets of 102.5

    65 ( only managed 4 ), 60

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 17th February
    132.5kg, 122.5, 110 for a few sets

    65kg, 60, 52.5 for a few

    Practiced my TGU's aswell.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, February 19th
    140, 127.5, 110

    67.5, 62.5, , 52.5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    127.5, 115

    70 ( for 3 ) , 65

    4 sets of 5 different grips used for each one

    Interval training
    8 intervals, half minute on one off

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    130, 117.5, 100 for 5

    55, 50, 40 for 12

    Four sets of 5 Pullups as normal, different grips

    I'm after setting the two cycles back. 70kg wasn't even moving today so I said it'd be best to knock it back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 2nd March

    132.5, 120, a few on 100

    60, 55, 40 x 18

    Deighted with the 40, I was taking 30 secs between sets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    I've been to the gym twice more over the week, Deadlifts is 140 x5 tmrw and I've been doing sots presses lately aswell instead of the military.

    I found a bar at home that I can use for sots.
    Today I did all for 5 reps each arm

    20,18, 12 sets of 16

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 09th March

    The 140 wasn't as bad as I thought it would of been, more to do. I left off the volume sets just because I want to have a good day tmrw.

    SOTS Press
    20,18, 12 sets of 16
    The 20 was just an oly. bar. hopefully by next week I can be adding a bit of weight so that they're all on the same bar.

    I wanted to see how many TGU I could do with the 16kb. I managed 14 before I had to set it down with my right, 12 with the left. I did a few more on each arm making 30 and 25 (r/l) ish.

    Rowed for four minutes and then did tabata of 20kg thrusters and burpees, four rounds of each. Did it's job, I was pretty smashed at the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 10th March
    142.5, 130

    It's getting tough but I hope I can get 147.5 for a few. Happy with my progress

    22.5, 20, 15 sets of 18

    Grand no probs

    Did 8 each arm with the 24kb, easy enough

    Ran for 24 mins, on for 90secs off for 2 minutes.

    Did pretty well again today, I think I have the cardio/interval & weights routine down now so I'm going to stick to it for a while. I feel really good after so it must be doing something right.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, March 12th
    145 for 3
    I could of went for 4 but I thought it might be a bit close to failure, I left it off for the increase tmrw. I didn't do any extra sets either, saving the legs.

    25,22.5, 9 sets of 20
    Getting to bit a bit sticky now but it's still going up. I was pretty happy to be doing all the presses on the 7ft bar

    20 Each arm with the 16kb

    I practiced some snatches aswell because my techinque isn't the best. I'd say I knocked out about 25 snatches each arm(ish)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    147.5 for 1 single
    It was easy tbh and I had the gym owner watching form. He said no problems so I was happy. I think I could go 150/152.5 but I'm going to save it for the next cycle

    Getting hard reset at 30k me thinks

    20 with each hand using the 24kb <---- this was the worst today

    I practiced my form with the 8kb and I found out what I was doing wrong with my left. I wasn't leaning back into the bell as it came up, this meant it was following the same groove as the right. Sorted this now and did a few sets of 16, did 3 each arm with the 24kb

    I did 3 sets of 8 American swings with the 24kb

    There was a punching bag lying on the floor aswell so I was picking that up off the ground and throwing it over my shoulder. It was tougher than I expected , managed 3 sets of 10 though.

    Today was the best I've ever felt leaving the gym, I wasn't tired just felt good.
    Roll on tmrw.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday 16th March

    127.5, 115

    18, 16, 14 x 12

    TGU 30 each arm with the 16
