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My crack at crossfit



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 18th June
    There was a workout posted up in the gym today so I did that. They were originally all 100s so I cut the upperbody ones to fifty. The gym was only open for another 45 and I didn't fancy my chances with the full 100s.

    All of these were done with the 16kb
    Left arm Swings
    Right arm swings
    Done after 8:36

    Right Snatch
    Left Snatch
    Done after 16:44

    Left clean
    Right clean
    Done after 25:17

    Press Right
    Press Left
    Finished on 32:33

    I was happy with the swings and snatches, considering I don't usually use the snatch. The cleans were harder than they should of been, I enjoyed it overall though. I'll do this once a month from now on guage my progress with the bells. Below 30 next time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 22rd June
    Back at home now so hopefully I can get a bit stronger.
    Starting a new wave of PTTP today.
    97.5 (10 sets)

    Side Press
    14(db) 15 sets

    Bit crap to be doing such low weight but it'll soon start getting rough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 23rd June

    Side Press

    Did 13 swings a minute for 13 minutes with the 32kb.
    Did 5 minutes TGU with the 24kb, not continuous but pretty good... rested for about 50secs in total I'd say

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 24th June
    8 sets of 100

    Side Press
    10 sets of 16

    Going to try and get back in there today, holidays at the weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 06th July

    Side Press
    Did sets with the 17.5 db for half an hr. Don't know how many I did but it was plenty.

    Did a few sets of lying leg raises aswell, 5x5 I think.

    Practiced get-ups with a 35kg sandbag that I found lying around the gym. A bit different but it was okay.
    Really happy to be back into the swing of things now, felt great today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 08th July

    Side Press

    No other work, going to do more today now when I get in there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, 09th July

    Side Press

    “That’s a Ridiculous Weight” from
    15 Dumbbell Snatch Right Hand
    15 Dumbbell Push Press Right Hand
    15 Dumbbell Snatch Left Hand
    15 Dumbbell Push Press Left Hand
    Run 300m
    12 Dumbbell Snatch Right Hand
    12 Dumbbell Push Press Right Hand
    12 Dumbbell Snatch Left Hand
    12 Dumbbell Push Press Left Hand
    Run 300m
    9 Dumbbell Snatch Right Hand
    9 Dumbbell Push Press Right Hand
    9 Dumbbell Snatch Left Hand
    9 Dumbbell Push Press Left Hand
    Run 300m

    instead of a dumbell I used the 16kb. My timing screwed up a bit but it's was definitely sub 10 mins, more around the 9 mark I think. Snatches were flying up aswell so I was happy, didn't have to stop once on presses or snatches. As usual, the running was ****e.

    Finished off with 15 mins of stretching, felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 13th July
    I had twenty minutes in the gym today just before work, cutting it fine.


    Side Press

    Side press is a good laugh, love it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 14th July

    Side Press

    Had to cut it short again today because of work, gotta get the timing right. Side presses are getting really heavy now on the negative so I think I'll just do the 30 tmrw, it'll go up alright. Deadlifts are starting to get heavy now aswell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday 17th July
    I couldn't make it to teh gym for the past few days so I did some stuff on the pitch where I work. At least 15 sets of pushups, some on fists and some with my feet well elevated. Did some lyingleg raises aswell, I tried them off the goal post and I nearly got them into the L-seat position so they're getting better. Burpees were in there aswell same with cross pitch sprints. Even did a couple of TGU with empty kegs for a bit of fun. Feeling pretty sore today, burpees always manage to give me pains in some strange places. Back to the gym tmrw anyway hopefully.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 21st July


    Side Press 30

    TGU with the 32kb

    10 Snatches
    10 Burpees
    9 Swings (32kb)
    9 Burpees
    8 Snatches
    8 Burpees
    7 Swings
    7 Burpees
    6 Snatches
    6 Burpees
    5 Swings
    5 Burpees
    4 Snatches
    4 Burpees
    3 Swings
    3 Burpees
    2 Snatches
    2 Burpees
    1 Swing
    1 Burpees
    Time take: 12:02

    I was pretty happy with today. Presses were good. I picked up the 32kb to see how far I'd gotten and I managed four clean presses each arm without too much fuss, I might consider doing ladders with the 32 next time. The cardio was good, everyone loves those burpees. I plan on picking up some bands aswell so that I can finally progress in pullups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, 23rd July
    Side Press
    32.5, 30


    did some knee raises on the dip station aswell.

    Delighted with today. Side press was amazingly easy, should get at least 37.5 anyway. Deadlifts were flying up... WOOOOHOOOO!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, 24th July

    Side Press
    35 ( 4 with the left, 3 with the right )

    TGU with kettlebells, barbells and dumbells
    Lying leg raises to my head, 8 sets of 5
    Knee ups 3 sets of 5

    I went out last night for a few pints, wasn't hungover at all but I know I could get the side press up properly if I hadn't been drinking, will do it Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 27th july
    150 x 5

    Side Press
    35 x 5

    TGU's & leg raises

    100 snatches with the 16kb in 5 minutes.

    Felt great today. The deadlifts flew up grand, no seconds between reps. I'd been thinking about the side press for the whole weekend, it just had to go up! I got the five with my right hand grand and then went straight over to the left hand. I had to stop on the 4th rep because my balance went off. I took five minutes rest and then tried again (Fatboy Slim - Right here right now just came on at the start.... it had to happen :D) Got up to four pretty handy and the last one was a right bastard. I was just thinking tense everything, pinch your cheeks all that and it crept up.... the best I've ever felt in the gym, loved it :D

    Time to reset the side press so I'll have a read of PTTP and see what's the best way. PB of 5kg on the press so I don't think I'm going to change anything. Deadlift PB hopefully tomorrow aswell, if I got 157.5 for five by the end of the cycle I'd be delighted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, August 10th

    I'm after buying a kettlebell to use at home so I've switched to a mainly kettlebell program, I'll stay with it for about 6 weeks.

    Monday is a light day so I did 8 x (1,2,3) ladders with the 24. Swings are used a lot in this program and mondays are 50-50% intensity, time is picked at random (using dice). Six minutes, 90 swings. I stopped after about every 20.

    I'm feeling pretty good after the week off so it's back into it again, gotta love excercising in the garden though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 12th August

    8 x (1,2,3,4) ladders with the 24kb
    120 swings in 4 and a bit minutes.

    I was pretty happy with the swings, my form is good at this stage. I was surprised that I could swing it as much, I had to stop early to rush for work. Hopefully might get 200 on saturday when it's balls to the wall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, August 13th
    Today was a variety day so I just fooled around really.
    Get-ups 5x1 e/a
    Windmills 3x3 e/a
    Lying leg raises 2x8
    High Pulls 3 x 6

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, August 19th
    10 sets of 2,3 ladders with the 24kb
    10 minutes of TGUs with the 24kb
    12 minutes of swinging/jogging at 6(km/hr): 20 secs swinging, 40 jogging

    I've been seriously rethinking my kettlebell routine. I think I might just stick to doing the getups and swinging for the moment, while practicing my form on the clean and the snatch. I've reread enter the kettlebell and I've realised that my form could be far improved, so I plan on practicing this along with the usual windmills. I love doing the getups anyway so I like going for the ten minutes. I'm going to try and get my get-ups up to ten minutes with the 32kb and get swings/jogging up to 40/20 for 15 minutes, then see where that takes me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, August 24th
    All exercises done with the 24kb. All exercises of the same letter are supersetted together with a 1 minute rest between sets. 3 sets of each letter before moving onto the next.

    A1: Squat (holding bell) 12 reps
    A2: Pushups 15 reps

    B1: Row 12/12
    B2: C & P 5/5

    C1: Windmill 5/5
    C2: Lying-leg raises 6

    Pretty happy with this, does it's job anyway. I'll stick at this for a month, with another combination every other day. I'm still going to keep doing the TGU's for 15 once a week. There's a corresponding interval excercise to every day aswell, it started raining outside so I'll finish it tmrw morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, August 25th.
    Swings with the 24kb :30
    Run for 1:00 @ 10 on threadmill
    repeat for 7 rounds

    I practiced on my kettlebell form then for about 25 mins. I managed to bottom-up press the 24 with my right and the 20 with my left, which is good since before I left Cardiff I struggled with the 16 in my right and the 12 in my left. Did a couple of standing sew-saw presses with 30kg dumbells aswell. Felt a bit different but they went up for 5 comfortable enough. Finished off with some leg raises on one of those leg raise station thingys.

    More tomorrow....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, August 26th.
    Same deal again with the supersets. Three sets of each letter with a one minute rest after each set.

    A1: TGU with the 24 5/5
    A2: Pullup (assisted) 6

    B1: Swings 8/8
    B2: Snatches 6/6

    C1: Slingshot 20/20
    C2: Pushups 10

    This was a bastard. It took longer than I expected aswell (tgus took a while) so I had no time for intervals, but I'll do them tmrw. Felt pretty good though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Monday, 31st August
    All done with two 16kbs.
    Three sets of each letter, with a 1:00 rest after each.

    A1:Squat 8
    A2:Renegade Row 8/8

    B1: C&Ps 8/8
    B2: Leg raises 8

    C: Plank for 1:00.
    Got this done in 15:40, including rests.

    30 C&Ps with 60kg : 2.40

    Swings with the 24kb for 5 mins: 110

    Monday was pretty good. Got the idea for the cleans from Hanley's log, as bad as I thought it was going to be. Going to work the planks in a bit more, felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, September 2nd
    All exercises done with the 24kb. All exercises of the same letter are supersetted together with a 1 minute rest between sets. 3 sets of each letter before moving onto the next.

    A1: Squat (holding bell) 12 reps
    A2: Pushups 15 reps

    B1: Row 12/12
    B2: C & P 5/5

    C1: Windmill 5/5
    C2: Plank 0:30

    Then it was
    Max rounds in 20 mins of
    Military Press (45kg) x 7
    20 Swings with the 24kb

    Managed nine rounds but the presses started getting rough, I can see what a jerk or push press is doing in the original crossfit one. Might go all out for 10 on friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, September 16th
    I've been away in Cardiff the past week so no training. It'll be more or less clear sailing until graduation at least. Back on a more well known program aswell, tbh I wasn't really feeling the supersets with the kettlebells. I'm going to post in fitness aswell tmrw for a bit of help, just to make sure I'm on the right track.

    Today was (all for 5 reps)
    127.5, 115

    Side Press
    27.5, 25

    Planche Progression
    Frog stand, I'd say I got about 45 secs in all spread out over a lot of sets. I think my longest time with feet off the floor was about 4 seconds. Lots of falling flat on my face but it's bound to happen. I'll stick at it anyway and see if anything happens.

    Only did two sets of this, should of done more but I'm easing into it.
    Done with the 16kb
    Slingshot :30 e/a
    C&P :30 e/a
    Swing :30 e/a
    Swing (changing arm every rep) :30
    Swing (two hands) :30
    Rest 1:00

    Good day overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, September 16th
    130, 120

    Side Press
    27.5, 25

    Planche progression for about 35 overall

    Run 400m
    10 swings with the 24kb (changing everytime)
    Run 400m
    10 Snatches with the 24kb
    Run 400m
    10 C&J with the 24kb
    Run 400m
    20 Swings (both hands)

    Felt okay, set the threadmill at 9.1 so the run/jog was taking about 2:30. Wanted to do chinup negatives but the gym was packed so I left it off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Thursday, 17th September

    132.5, 120

    Side Press
    27.5, 25

    Then I hung off the bar raised knees and held that for 10 secs. Did that for 5 sets.
    Can't wait for the side press to go up tmrw, I want to get that PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Saturday, 19th September
    135, 125

    Side Press
    30, 27.5

    L-Seat practice
    Run 200M
    20 swings with 24, changing hands every time
    Run 200M
    20 Snatches
    Run 200M
    20 C&J
    Run 200M
    20 Swings

    Did the above twice, think it took about 10/12 mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Tuesday, 22nd September
    137.5, 127.5

    Side Press
    30, 27.5

    Hanging tuck L 10secs

    2 chinup negatives

    Did 100 swings in 3:47 with the 24kb, double handed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Wednesday, 23rd September

    Side Press

    Three sets of 2rep chinup negatives ( found the best way of doing these now in the gym so they should become a regular.)

    Run 200M
    20 swings with 24.
    Run 200M
    20 Snatches
    Run 200M
    20 C&J
    Run 200M
    20 Swings

    Did the above twice, loving this so I'm going to make it a mainstay. Grand day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Friday, September 25th
    142.5, 132.5

    Side Press
    32.5, 27.5

    2 x 3 chinup negatives

    Run 200M
    20 swings
    Run 200M
    10 jerks with a set of 24s
    Run 200M
    20 Squats

    Did the above twice.
    Everything felt good today. Deadlifts are moving up and I think I'll be able to get a new PB on the presses.
