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Have some funny issues with Netgear WN121T

  • 15-08-2008 6:10pm
    Registered Users Posts: 41

    Hi, I have a Netgear WN121T Wireless Adapter which has worked well since I bought in in February or so. Recently, however, it has stopped working several times. I am unable to ping my router when this occurs.

    The peculiar thing about this is that my Wireless Network Connection icon in the taskbar continues to show me as being connected, as does the Netgear Connection Wizard. Netstumbler reports that it is unable to find a wireless adapter.

    If I try to connect to a webpage then, it times out. If I disable the wireless connection and renable, the computer freezes. The only way to return my connection to normal is to turn the computer off and even then Windows freezes on the "Windows is shutting down" screen.

    I downloaded the latest drivers for it, but they didn't help the problem.

    I also can't seem to find anything that causes the problem, sometimes it won't happen for days, other times it happens 3 or 4 times a day. (also in the middle of this post :O)

    The fact that my icons still show normal signal strength and connectivity would seem to indicate that it is some sort of driver issue, but I'm really not too sure. Any help much appreciated :)
