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"Those damn foreigners again"



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Degsy wrote: »
    People like you are exactly what's wrong with this country,you see the lowest common denomonator in every debate and you react accordingly.
    Can you tell me exactly how "people like me" are what's wrong with this country...? I doubt "we" are really. I would think there are far worse.
    Somebody has an opinion about anybody who isnt irish and according to you,they're "racist".
    Absolute bollocks. I regularly object to non white individuals using the race card if someone criticises them - if a person is black and they're being an asshole and someone calls them on it, it's because they're being an asshole, not because they're black. I've said plenty of times I believe there is a culture of criminality poisoning Roma society.
    There are 3 billion people on this planet and only 5 million irish,any debate or opinion is considered racist according to you so thats 2.95 billion people i'm not allowed to talk about.
    Actually you've got it backwards. What I object to is people on this forum saying "black women are so rude" because they've encountered some rude black women. Yes indeed, there are hundreds of millions of black women on this planet so saying "black women are so rude" is of course a ridiculous generalisation to make. And it really is on a par with saying "Irish people are terrorists".
    So to reiterate, I don't give a **** about people complaining about crap they put up with from a (or more than one) black person/Pole/whoever, but I don't think I'm being out of line by objecting to someone tarring all blacks/Poles/whoever with the one brush because of their experiences with a tiny few members of the race/country/whatever in question.
    Go away with your nonsense,maybe grow up a bit and try to live in the real world,wher people can have opinions without you calling everybody names.
    I did not call anyone names, this post of yours is far more aggressive and abusive than anything I said to you.

    You always moan "oh you can't say anything without being called racist", well the same goes for me and people who think along the same lines: we can't say anything without being called "PC", "do gooder", "bleeding heart" etc... Believe me, I am far from any of those things, I am simply using what I consider logic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭Dinter

    gixerfixer wrote: »
    Degsy i've meet people like you many times before.Your comments ARE racist but whats makes you a racist above all else is the fact that you think you can say things like "ignorant nigerian clowns" and believe it doesnt insult a whole race of people...the Nigerian people.Im not going to argue the point any more as it's pointless.

    Well if you do decide to come back and post an argument about it try and have a clear understanding of what racist means.

    Good effort bandying it about, very bleeding heart liberal over reaction there. Still though your post shows an almost imbecile like over simplification of what it means.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    Rayven199 wrote: »
    Yeah that kind of sponging annoys the crap out of me!
    Its only considered controversial because they are Nigerian(or other nationality) , if you said the same thing about some one who was Irish and sponging off the state no one would bat an eyelid!
    and also

    The point is that we have had massive immigration over the past 10-15 years and the figures for intervention/ assistance in the form of government handouts shows that one community is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of percentage receiving said assistance in an economy that is(was at the time)thriving.

    The Nigerian community.

    If the figures pointed towards the Greeks for example im sure the controversy would be the same.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    gixerfixer wrote: »
    "ignorant nigerian clowns"

    Who "work" in toilets and are on the dole.
    VERY SPECIFIC group of people there,hardly an insult to 140 million people.
    It is my avowed belief that the word "racist" is there so people like you can stop a debate when you run out of cogent arguments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭briantwin

    Ok i knew it wouldnt be too long before this descended into a bítching match over who's a racist who's a PC warrior etc. And i think that argument is completely off topic. The topic was started over statistics that someone had posted on here.
    I completely agree with many of the posters here who are genuinely outraged by the sheer number of people from one nationality who are claiming social welfare and receiving it.

    For instance i lost my job in July and went to sign on the time i got my p45 to actually begin receiving payments i was in another job so I didnt need to. The point i'm trying to make is that even in this uncertain economic period for Ireland EVERYONE between 17 - 45 should be working if they are physically able. Alot of it is either down to refusing to work in a job people consider below them or just sheer laziness and thats the bottom line.

    Dudess, i have noticed that you come in swinging that holier than thou axe alot in AH. I suppose if it helps you sleep better at night, but i really do think you should read peoples posts and give people the benefit of the doubt. I mean from the sounds of things anyone who says the word nigerian with a negative conotation attatched should not pass go and head straight to the hague to be tried for crimes against humanity.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Dudess wrote: »
    I did not call anyone names, this post of yours is far more aggressive and abusive than anything I said to you.

    I may sound agressive because i'm super pissed off.
    You did a very slimy thing.
    You tried to ingratiate yourself with min(who hadnt been talking to you) by accusing two people,myself included of being racist.
    Go back over what i said.There's no racism there and you know it.
    I remember a conversation i had with an englishbloke i knew who happened to be black.Somebody had blurted something out which could've been construed as being racist(i agreed).HE,on the other hand was behaving like an adult and basicly said that stuff gets said all the time and he can tell the difference between that which is said to cause offence and that which isnt.
    Another thing he said was "I dont mind people calling me a black or a nig-nog or whatever,that's thier problem.But what i DO object to is LILLY LIVERED WHITE PEOPLE COMING TO MY DEFENCE IF SOMEBODY SAYS SOMETHING,LIKE I CANT STICK UP FOR MYSELF!".
    Do you see the point i'm making here?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Sigh. Briantwin, maybe read my post above. What I am concerned about (seeing as it happened to our compatriots in England and elsewhere) is bad behaviour from members of a particular group leading to ALL members of that group being viewed with suspicion and hostility and contempt. I think that is a valid concern.

    Yes, those statistics regarding Nigerian people can't be ignored, but many ignorant, ill-informed people are gonna give decent Nigerians **** because of them. I hate the idea of that happening.

    And I'm not saying there aren't Nigerians sponging and scamming - there are, obviously. But not every one of those Nigerians on the dole is just a freeloader. There may be some who find it difficult to get a job because of the reputation Nigerians have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,161 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    dlofnep wrote: »
    I've no time for any dole spongers. Be it Irish, Nigerian or any other nationality. Earn your keep! Or begone.

    Where exactly do you think the Irish "spongers" should go?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,094 ✭✭✭✭javaboy

    GreeBo wrote: »
    Where exactly do you think the Irish "spongers" should go?

    To Connaught? ;)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Dudess wrote: »
    There may be some who find it difficult to get a job because of the reputation Nigerians have.

    back to this "There may be some..." blah blah.
    Okay,There "may be some" people from finglas who cant get a job because of the reputation finglas has a bad area.
    There "may be.." as a euphamism for "I havnt a bloody clue and i'm playing devils advocate to justify my tenedency to shout 'racism' at the drop of a hat".
    Really,in this day and age,with the amoiunt of legislation to prevent people being discriminated against that there are qualified people on the dole because of racism??
    Utter,utter,utter tripe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭briantwin

    Dudess wrote: »

    And I'm not saying there aren't Nigerians sponging and scamming - there are, obviously. But not every one of those Nigerians on the dole is just a freeloader. There may be some who find it difficult to get a job because of the reputation Nigerians have.

    Firstly, the point of this thread was about those nigerians scamming and sponging and any generalities used in here for the better part were directed at them and not Nigerians as a whole. And what i meant was you should read through peoples posts with that in mind instead of waiting for the first post where someone says nigerian without (sponging off the government) attatched and start waving the racist stick around like a mad woman. I am fairly sure that none of the boardsies replying to this thread want anarchy ,civil unrest or any of the things that we all know racially motivated aggression can cause (give them the benefit of the doubt.)

    These arguments always end the same way because people get caught up in the semantics of a post and not the meaning. It just seems like you are very quick to jump on the defensive (be it your own or an unrelated minority who may have been mentioned in passing) rather than consider a different point of view.

    It makes for very repetitive reading and ultimately causes all these discussions to fizzle out into, you guessed it, shítty posts like this one which are completely off topic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Degsy: again, as I explained above, I DON'T shout racism at the drop of a hat. Why would I bother? What would be in it for me? Maybe you should stop making stuff up about me and read my long post above which was in response to your attack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    GreeBo wrote: »
    Where exactly do you think the Irish "spongers" should go?
    Mosney. And they will live happily ever after with kevo.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    briantwin wrote: »
    you should read through peoples posts with that in mind instead of waiting for the first post where someone says nigerian without (sponging off the government) attatched and start waving the racist stick around like a mad woman.
    That is bull****. I don't do that. The last thread about this topic was only a few days ago and I was surprised at the denials among people that there is a problem among Nigerians. I didn't hop on the "you're all racist" bandwagon at all. Any threads on Roma, I'm always intrigued by the ludicrousness of some of the "you're so racist" comments against even people with well backed up arguments.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor

    Sherifu wrote: »
    Me ma used to work in the Cosy Kitchen in Mosney ;) Spent many a saturday walking the tracks from balbriggan to get a go on the bumpers.

    halcyon days

  • Registered Users Posts: 854 ✭✭✭JangoFett

    Right, so there's people here that aren't refugee's and got here ILLEGALLY and the government is throwing money at them? Thats mad, no wonder they're coming here in their thousands, our givernment is a soft touch.

    Get rid of the ones who are illegal, because they broke many many laws to get here, but the government doesn't want to be seen as "racist" even though we're acting to the letter of the law.

    The roma gypsies in Portlaoise annoy me, all they do is beg, never saw them do anything else except try mug people. Hanging outside lidl standing in your freakin way so they can beg, wrecks my head!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Dudess wrote: »
    Degsy: again, as I explained above, I DON'T shout racism at the drop of a hat. Why would I bother? What would be in it for me? Maybe you should stop making stuff up about me and read my long post above which was in response to your attack.

    I couldnt be arsed.
    I saw what you did to try and curry favour with min and it was a personal attack on me.
    I'm sick to the back teeth of your college-girl,left-wing codswallop and to judge by some of the posts directed at you,so are other people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Degsy wrote: »
    I couldnt be arsed.
    Yup, thought as much.
    I saw what you did to try and curry favour with min and it was a personal attack on me.
    No, I saw someone who was brilliant at not letting the generalisations get to her and I congratulated her on it, while also feeling uncomfortable that someone should have to listen to that **** every day - much like we Irish had to listen to it every day in England up to quite recently.
    I'm sick to the back teeth of your college-girl,left-wing codswallop and to judge by some of the posts directed at you,so are other people.
    Well I'm sick of your reactionary generalisations. Oh yeah "left-wing", such a dirty word. God forbid a person would be left-wing. Although I suppose it beats "PC"/"do-gooder"/"pinko"/"bleeding heart"... oh and the real insult... "liberal".
    I'm also sick **** of being spoken to as if I'm a ****ing deluded, bleeding heart muppet. I'm nothing of the sort - I'm a moderate liberal and I definitely wouldn't be dismissive of all conservative points of view, in fact I'd share some of them.
    If you think being moderate in your views is a bad thing, well I suppose there really is no talking to you...

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭briantwin

    Dudess wrote: »
    That is bull****. I don't do that. The last thread about this topic was only a few days ago and I was surprised at the denials among people that there is a problem among Nigerians. I didn't hop on the "you're all racist" bandwagon at all. Any threads on Roma, I'm always intrigued by the ludicrousness of some of the "you're so racist" comments against even people with well backed up arguments.

    Alot must have changed over the past few days im guessing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 854 ✭✭✭JangoFett

    *feels awkward, gets naked to try break the tension*

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Degsy wrote: »
    I couldnt be arsed.
    I saw what you did to try and curry favour with min and it was a personal attack on me.
    I'm sick to the back teeth of your college-girl,left-wing codswallop and to judge by some of the posts directed at you,so are other people.
    Dudess wrote: »
    Yup, thought as much.

    No, I saw someone who was brilliant at not letting the generalisations get to her and I congratulated her on it, while also feeling uncomfortable that someone should have to listen to that **** every day - much like we Irish had to listen to it every day in England up to quite recently.

    Well I'm sick of your reactionary generalisations. Oh yeah "left-wing", such a dirty word. God forbid a person would be left-wing. Although I suppose it beats PC/do-gooder/pinko/bleeding heart... oh and the real insult... "liberal".
    I'm also sick **** of being spoken to as if I'm a ****ing deluded, bleeding heart muppet. I'm nothing of the sort - I'm a moderate liberal and I definitely wouldn't be dismissive of all conservative points of view, in fact I'd share some of them.
    If you think being moderate in your views is a bad thing, well I suppose there really is no talking to you...

    Then get a fúcking room and have sex or something.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,372 Mod ✭✭✭✭andrew

    JangoFett wrote: »
    *feels awkward, gets naked to try break the tension*

    *Gets naked too to ensure JangoFett doesn't feel awkward.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Dudess wrote: »
    Yup, thought as much.

    No, I saw someone who was brilliant at not letting the generalisations get to her and I congratulated her on it

    Why?What generalisations?
    Read the thread,its about Nigerians who are on the dole.It was backed up by official figures.The thread further mutated to include ALL people on the dole long term and so on and so on.
    At no stage was she mentioned,i dont know her circumstances but she's obvioulsy not on the dole.
    BUT because she's black YOU decided to get her involved,furthermore YOU accused me and somebody else of being "racist" when you so magnanamously "congratulated" her.
    DO you know how patronising what i've quoted from you appears?
    Maybe instead of being such a white-girl-with-a-social-conscience-dont-mind-the-bad-men-they're-all-racist you should come up with figures of your own that prove teh statistics wrong.
    Either that or go to hell with your "racism".

  • Registered Users Posts: 854 ✭✭✭JangoFett

    andrew wrote: »
    *Gets naked too to ensure JangoFett doesn't feel awkward.

    Thank Christ!

    Cheers wanna hang out some time?

    ****, I've made it awkward again haven't I?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Degsy wrote: »
    Why?What generalisations?
    Read the thread,its about Nigerians who are on the dole.It was backed up by official figures.The thread further mutated to include ALL people on the dole long term and so on and so on.
    At no stage was she mentioned,i dont know her circumstances but she's obvioulsy not on the dole.
    BUT because she's black YOU decided to get her involved,furthermore YOU accused me and somebody else of being "racist" when you so magnanamously "congratulated" her.
    DO you know how patronising what i've quoted from you appears?
    Maybe instead of being such a white-girl-with-a-social-conscience-dont-mind-the-bad-men-they're-all-racist you should come up with figures of your own that prove teh statistics wrong.
    Either that or go to hell with your "racism".
    Room. Sex. Now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    Degsy wrote: »
    Why?What generalisations?
    Read the thread,its about Nigerians who are on the dole.It was backed up by official figures.The thread further mutated to include ALL people on the dole long term and so on and so on.
    At no stage was she mentioned,i dont know her circumstances but she's obvioulsy not on the dole.
    BUT because she's black YOU decided to get her involved,furthermore YOU accused me and somebody else of being "racist" when you so magnanamously "congratulated" her.
    DO you know how patronising what i've quoted from you appears?
    Maybe instead of being such a white-girl-with-a-social-conscience-dont-mind-the-bad-men-they're-all-racist you should come up with figures of your own that prove teh statistics wrong.
    Either that or go to hell with your "racism".
    I rarely use the terms "racist"/"racism" actually. I also feel they are just thrown out all too easily. MIN is specifically Nigerian. She showed great humour and I congratulated her on that the same way as I'd congratulate anyone in any scenario - nothing to do with her being black specifically.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭Rayven199

    Dudess wrote: »
    I rarely use the terms "racist"/"racism" actually. I also feel they are just thrown out all too easily. MIN is specifically Nigerian. She showed great humour and I congratulated her on that the same way as I'd congratulate anyone in any scenario - nothing to do with her being black specifically.

    Will you congratulate me for being cool? Coz i am...:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 307 ✭✭eveie

    i didnt mean intend to say that everyone living in a council estate is on the dole, howver the MAJORITY of them are on social benifit.....FACT
    believe eet these people everyday of the week, i there houses are kitted out in the best of stuff even though their unemployed.....annoys the f*ck outta me
    they scroung for eveything they can possibly get off the government instead of getting a job

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭briantwin

    Dudess wrote: »
    I rarely use the terms "racist"/"racism" actually. I also feel they are just thrown out all too easily. MIN is specifically Nigerian. She showed great humour and I congratulated her on that the same way as I'd congratulate anyone in any scenario - nothing to do with her being black specifically.

    This is hilarious!! "anyone in any scenario"
    I can see it now, "congrats on wiping your own arse" she bellowed under the wall of the cubicle in Jervis St shopping centre ladies toilets. I mean is that statement for real?? Get the marching band ordered for little Timmy with the learning disability who works part time in Tesco's .... jesus ,the height of condesention!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 205 ✭✭laurak265

    not yet wrote: »
    report one out of 1000s........!!!!

    p.s It also drives me insane when I see Irish girls getting rent allownace.

    Where the fcuk did these people live 20 years ago, I'll tell home, but since this celtic tiger the government seen fit to waste millions on rent allowance.

    If I lost my job tomorrow would I get this allowance....would I fcuk.

    This county needs to wake up to the fact that millons are being wasted on this stupid allowance.

    DUDE everyone in the country can get rent allowance! I work and i get only 200 tax credits or something! Maybe the sinlge women with children you are talking about cant stay at home and cant afford anywhere to live!! So what they and there babies can sleep on the streets as long as your happy the government isn't wasting money on rent allowence! Stop talking out your *ss!!

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