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The road to Dublin marathon 2008

  • 19-08-2008 10:23pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭

    I started the body fat challenge with gabgab last month (twas around 22% from what I remember :o) and while I'm not going to say I've major results if I got remeasured today, it was an learning experience and I've certainly started good habits.
    (6 weeks off all beer and counting.....)

    I didn't set an exact goal though so this seems a good one, only 68 days to go :eek:
    I do try to work some activity at least 6 days a week, my employer pays for my gym and I do the crossfit maybe 1-2 days a week.

    So been doing that and starting log from what I can remember over last few days.

    Friday August 15th
    Morning: 6.5km cycle to work. Blitz the journey on my Trek 1200 racer
    Lunch: 45 minutes 5 a side soccer, dripping sweat at the end
    Evening: 10km cycle to gym. Learning overhead squats and front squats. 7.2km cycle home.

    Saturday August 16th
    Morning: 6.5km cycle to work
    Evening: 10km run 51 minutes, is that slow?

    Sunday August 17th
    Morning: Starting Strength program
    Squat 55kg 3 x 5
    Bench Press 45kg 3 x 5
    Deadlifts 50kg 3 x 5
    Complete novice to weights but am getting instruction and coaching
    Using the calculator fromhere as a guide
    10km run 50mins
    Evening: 8 mile run

    Monday August 18th
    Morning: 7.2km walk to gym.
    Mainly getting instructions on squatting and workout. The crossfit is always challenging and tough
    Lunch: Bodypump class. Did this with a mate, not realy my thing. Generally do the spinning but I'll try it again.

    Tuesday August 18th
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work (do enjoy my morning walks)
    Lunch: Spin class
    Evening: 8 mile run

    I have a running plan last month's Irish running magazine which I'll dig out. Not much running in my first post but that will change.
    Did an 11 mile run a few weeks ago so I do have some base to work off.
    Never done a marathon or competitive race at all though, what have I let myself in for...........


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,754 ✭✭✭Odysseus

    micmclo wrote: »

    Evening: 10km run 51 minutes, is that slow?

    10km run 50mins

    I have a running plan last month's Irish running magazine which I'll dig out. Not much running in my first post but that will change.
    Did an 11 mile run a few weeks ago so I do have some base to work off.
    Never done a marathon or competitive race at all though, what have I let myself in for...........

    51 mins for 10k if your just starting is good. Quite good I would say considering. In relation to what you have have let yourself in for the only word that comes to mind is pain:) However, believe me its worth it and you wil enjoy it.Best of luck with it mate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    My man MicMclo,

    Your doing some impressive work I gotta admit, how did the retest go? Was it with Bwardrop? Based on pics I am a fraction leaner but nothing major,

    As for the running and marathon stuff, fair play to ya my man. 50 minutes for 10k is quick, especially considering it was a first go at it. I couldnt do that if I went out fresh, not a chance.... AND I am a triathlete :D:p

    Some good numbers for the starting strenght stuff,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Alright micmclo. only saw your log there, welcome, another runner to help push the rest of us up a gear, best of luck with your goals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭SUNGOD

    hi micmclo best of luck with your log and dublin ,there is a few of us doing it here so should be good.
    just try get some miles in as its getting closer by the day.
    best of luck again

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 Sweater

    Hi MicMclo,

    That's some serious training. Good luck with the marathon.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Thanks all and I have been reading the other logs. :)
    A good few runners here and others doing impressive stuff

    Carrying on where I left off.............

    Wednesday August 19th
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work
    Lunch: Spin class

    Thursday August 21st
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work
    Lunch: 10km run 50.36 (While it's not 100% correct, I wouldn't even comtemplate running without my Nike ipod kit. Sure if you have an ipod nano it's only €30. One of the best things I ever bought!

    Friday August 22nd
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work (I'm on the phone a lot every day in work and studying for exams in evenings so my morning walk is my time)
    Lunch: 45mins 5 a side soccer, got man of the match :cool:

    Saturday August 23rd
    Morning: 7.5km walk to gym
    All day: Gynamastics workshop. Man, I was so uncordinated I couldn't do many of the exercises that others did with ease. :( Twas all new to me.
    Instructors were fantastic and a great day had by all. Wrecked tired and stiff after it all, I suppose that shows I tried hard
    Evening: 7.5km walk home

    Sunday August 24th
    Morning Squat 55kg 3 x 5
    Bench Press 45kg 3 x 5
    Deadlifts 50kg 3 x 5 (of course there are warmup sets but I'm not typing all them)
    Same as last day and yes, I supposed to increase but it was a few days since last time so trying to get form bang on
    Afternoon: 10 mile run - 1hr 16 mins, pretty warm out there.
    Finished off with sprinting a GAA pitch a few times and throwing in 10 x burpees, star jumps and pushups in between intervals.
    Got home for a series of stretches and messed around with the yoga on the Wii Fit, good craic.

    This was all general activity this week, been typing the Irish runner program into the calender on my mac as I do need a plan.
    It'll have to been done in the morning as:
    1. I do finish work pretty late
    2. I'm a lazy fecker in the evenings but pretty good at bouncing out of bed at ungodly early hours.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Monday August 25th
    Morning 10km run 49mins 44 sec
    Lunch: 45mins Spin class

    Tuesday August 26th
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work. I find it very relaxing. Just stroll in at a handy slow pace with my ipod
    Lunch: 45mins Spin class
    Evening: Starting Strenght. Squats (which I only recently learned to do correctly), Bench Press & Deadlifts

    Wednesday August 27th
    Morning: 35km spin. Left the house at 5:30am :eek:. Dublin; Chapelizod to city centre to a lap of Howth Hill and back to my desk for 7:30am. Cycling in the dark is not cool imo, I'll stick to doing cycling spins at the weekends.
    Lunch: 45mins Spin class

    Thursday August 28th
    Morning: 10km run 48min 44 secs
    Evening: Squats, Bench Press and pullups. I can't do a single pullup yet, I'm pretty damn weak!

    Friday August 29th
    Morning: 6.5km walk to work. If you had to get the 78A Dublin bus, you'd understand why I avoid it ;)
    Lunch: 50 mins 5 a side soccer.
    Evening: Watch my beloved Shelbourne FC lose to Sporting Fingal :(

    Saturday August 30th
    10 mile run 1hr 17min

    Sunday August 31st
    Squats, Bench Press and pullups.

    Monday September 1st
    Day of rest, sure it's my birthday
    It was always the 1st day back to school, not ideal when you're a kid!

    Tuesday September 2nd
    Morning: Half Marathon 1hr 51mins 8:30 min/mile
    Evening: Squats, Bench Press and deadlifts. Suppose I shoud post reps & weights. Will do that next day

    Wednesday September 3rd
    Morning: 6.5 km cycle to work
    Evening: 6.5km cycle home

    Thursday September 4th
    Morning: 6.5 km walk to work
    Lunch: 45mins Spin

    Friday September 5th
    Nada, day of rest

    Saturday September 6th
    8 mile run 1hr 10mins 8:46mins

    Sunday September 7th
    Zilch, doing study for exams. Just realized I haven't done the weights in 5 days. D'oh!
    Been reading on boards about 20 rep squats. Sounds fecking mad, I'll give it a shot (but won't be able to walk, let alone run after it :D)

    Goals for the week:
    Get back to the crossfit which is fantastic but I can't attend often due to work and feel kinda bad about that.
    Pick up my boards cycling gear but I'm nowhere near fit enough to complete the spins they do. They're lunatics over in cycling forum, I tell ya :p

    Been reading the other threads, great stuff all. I assume some of ye are doing the Addidas Series half-marathon on the 20th

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Haven't been keep this up to date :o

    Been following Brendan O'Shea's 3:00-4:15 plan that was in June/July 08 magazine. I think it's linked on the marathon website too, I didn't compare them but it might be same.

    10 weeks to go

    Mon: 8mile easy (around an hourish mark)
    Tue: 8mile hard I do the same pace as easy but I do 15 sprints up the hill in my estate. It's steep! Getting strange looks of the neighbours though :D
    Wed:7 mile easy
    Thur: 8 mile and sprints on GAA pitch, 10 lenghts
    Fri: 5 a side football 15km cycle
    Sat: rest
    Sun: 14 mile

    9 & 8 weeks to go

    Mon: 8mile easy
    Tue: 10mile hard
    Wed:7 mile easy took it pretty easy
    Thur: 10 mile run, couldn't run all this, probably overdoing it :(
    Fri: 15km cycle
    Sat: rest
    Sun: 15 mile

    Pretty much the same both weeks

    7 & 6 weeks to go

    Mon: 8mile easy
    Tue: 10mile and 10 lap sprints of GAA pitch
    Wed: 8 mile easy
    Thur: Supposed to do 10 mile, just did a 6.5km walk to work instead
    Fri: 40 mins 5 a side football
    Sat: rest, I couldn't make the Phoenix park race, congrats to all who did it
    Sun: 15 mile on week 7 and 17 mile on Week 6 (weeks in reverse order)

    5 weeks to go

    Mon: 8mile easy, 1:02. Wasn't tough, just back and it's pitch dark in the Phoenix Park! I was struggling to see where I was going till I got to Chesterfield Avenue. So I didn't feel safe going harder.

    As well as the running I do the crossfit maybe once a week and a general (Starting strenght) program 3 days a week. Usually squats, deadlifts and benchpress.
    Still can't do pull-ups, one day I'll get there!

    Been reading the other journals, all fantastic and miles ahead of me :)

    Question folks, the running plan states I supposed to have done two 20 mile runs by now but I've done only 17 mile which I did in 2:02 but tbh I was almost falling down at the end.
    It's nearly time to start to tapering down going by the plan, is 26miles a step too far?

    Oh, it's my first race so I'm not aiming for a time, just aiming to complete.
    But I've done a half marathon in 1hr 43mins, is there a rough indication of what kinda goal I could set myself? Obviously, I couldn't do this raceday but just looking for a general idea

    I do want to do a race before D-day so hope to do the Clondalkin 10k next Sunday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Not a step too far, keep up the good work and mcmillan gives you a marathon time of 3:37 based on your 1/2 marathon time, thats a pace of 8:18 for 26.2 miles, best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭stipes212

    I think you will get around the marathon on the the day, if you don't expect too much. As woddle says your predicted time is around 3:37, but that, I expect is based on doing some 20 milers in the build up. I would recommend that you do at least 21 miles early oct. (first week end), or this week end if you don't do the 10k. Short race at this stage won't do you any good, you need the more long runs.
    BTW impressive 10m time. (76)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Point noted Stipes212, I'll give Clondalkin 10k on Sunday a miss and try to do a 20 milers that day.
    I do tend to do these runs at ungodly early hours, if you see some fool stumbling around the Phoenix Park in the dark at 5:30am, say hello, it's probably me :)

    And try for a 21 mile the following week. thanks
