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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭LolaLuv

    PeakOutput wrote: »

    it also works worldwide(in first world countries) although i do think americans are more sucseptible as they are way way more susceptible to suggestion then most other nationalities that i have come across.

    Would you mind explaining this a little? Not trying to start a debate, it's just an intriguing statement and I'd like to hear more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    first of all just to get the obligatory 'im not a racist but' like statement out of the way. i love america and i have worked with some of the best people iv ever known in america BUT

    from a very young age americans are bombarded with imagery and text that is aimed at moulding their minds to think a certain way. most people are but it is WAY WAY more prevelant in america.

    the most obvious example i remember being given(im open to correction as it was a long time ago), and i cant remember the exact name for it, but iirc american children in school are taught the whole stand up hand on heart and recite something along the lines of blah blahblah pledge allegiance blah blah religion blah to the united states of america' and they are also told that the etiquette is if they see someone doing this they must join in and do it themselves while facing the america flag at the same time.

    now thats fine and seemingly harmless as everyone learns their national anthems and national pride but americans do take one if not two steps further with their patriotism.

    being taught in this way amongst other things and being told to do things 'just cause' leaves people, subconsiously or otherwise far more susceptible to suggestion from an authority figure. thats basically the very rough reasoning behind what i said but it was explained way more eloquently to me than i am doing now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭LolaLuv

    PeakOutput wrote: »
    first of all just to get the obligatory 'im not a racist but' like statement out of the way. i love america and i have worked with some of the best people iv ever known in america BUT

    from a very young age americans are bombarded with imagery and text that is aimed at moulding their minds to think a certain way. most people are but it is WAY WAY more prevelant in america.

    the most obvious example i remember being given(im open to correction as it was a long time ago), and i cant remember the exact name for it, but iirc american children in school are taught the whole stand up hand on heart and recite something along the lines of blah blahblah pledge allegiance blah blah religion blah to the united states of america' and they are also told that the etiquette is if they see someone doing this they must join in and do it themselves while facing the america flag at the same time.

    now thats fine and seemingly harmless as everyone learns their national anthems and national pride but americans do take one if not two steps further with their patriotism.

    being taught in this way amongst other things and being told to do things 'just cause' leaves people, subconsiously or otherwise far more susceptible to suggestion from an authority figure. thats basically the very rough reasoning behind what i said but it was explained way more eloquently to me than i am doing now.

    Fair enough. Good points, certainly things that I've thought about myself, as an American. The only thing I would say is that Americans being impressionable is counter to the notion of individuality which is also quite prevalent in American society. That said, it does seem to me that even in the few years that I've been alive, the concept of individuality has been replaced by patriotism and the politics of fear. I think Bush's entire run could stand as a testament to American impressionability.

    Someone explained this to you...does that mean that you did not come up with this yourself?

    Sorry to get so OT everyone. More PUAs!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭RugbyFanatic

    PeakOutput wrote: »
    right i only read page 6 of the thread so its probably been said before

    if you put the time and effort into learning the techniques to the extent described in the books particularly the game then you will be able to pull almost anyone if not everyone that is single, i dont believe as much that you can pull girls in a relationship but i know alot of people who swear it works on them too. its simple its psychology it works. the difference is most girls do their psychological tricks automatically because they start practicing, in general way earlier than guys do.

    it also works worldwide(in first world countries) although i do think americans are more sucseptible as they are way way more susceptible to suggestion then most other nationalities that i have come across. if you say you dont believe it works then you grossly grossly misunderstand your subconcious.

    you are extremely ignorant if you believe that the only people who trust and believe in these things are losers, in fact more importantly you probably have the maturity of the average 16 yr old guy if thats your attitude

    identifying somewhere in your life that you are lacking, a lifeskill if you want to put it like that, and making an effort to get better at it can hardly be called a waste of time and only for the retard losers. i personally believe it is quite an intellectual pursuit and that anyone i have conversed with who has identified a problem in their life(be it dating / socialising or something else) and makes efforts to correct it are above average intelligence.

    for what its worth iv read alot into the whole pua thing and find it very interesting i havent put any effort into actually learning it myself as the motivation is not there right now but if i ever have a bit of a slump in that area i would not have any hesitation in actively seeking out ways to improve it the advantage being iv already done the research necessary i just have to make the effort to put it into practice

    id be very suprised if after doing a bit research you felt the same way. having said that its to the puas advantage that you think like that. any girl that i have spoken to and asked if certain things would work(obviously i didnt ask in the context of i read this book thats telling me how to pull anyone in the world.....would this work on you) have immedietely said that would definitely peak their interest and cause them to become more interested and most have said that these are specific things they talk about with their girlfriends all the time they just dont share these conversations with guys ever and want to know were i got the idea from

    i can understand people getting that impression and obviously sex is a motivator for some but most of the people iv seen in the community(as i said iv only really looked in from the outside) are simply nice guys who dont know why they are getting no interest from girls or do know why and dont know how to fix it.

    Sorry I am just going to have to completely disagree. You can learn all the techniques in the world but at the end of the day you either have that alpha presence and respect or you don't. You walk into a club rehersing canned material and expect to be found out if not by the girl then by a guy like me I have seen some of the stuff they do/say and if they did that in front of me with a girl I would laugh them out of the club.

    I can pull just fine without any of that PUA ****e and most people probably could as well. It's called having self respect and confidence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    PillyPen wrote: »
    Someone explained this to you...does that mean that you did not come up with this yourself?

    very quickly, it was when i came back from being in the states that i started looking into the whole pua thing and i saw alot of the arguments that it would only work on americans and i agreed with them based on my experiences in america and i wanted to know why so did a bit of research and asked some lecturers in college what they thought of americans as a group being sucseptible to things like that.

    im no expert by any means but if you wna talk about it more you can pm me so this thread isnt completely derailed i find it quite interesting

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭RugbyFanatic

    PeakOutput wrote: »
    very quickly, it was when i came back from being in the states that i started looking into the whole pua thing and i saw alot of the arguments that it would only work on americans and i agreed with them based on my experiences in america and i wanted to know why so did a bit of research and asked some lecturers in college what they thought of americans as a group being sucseptible to things like that.

    im no expert by any means but if you wna talk about it more you can pm me so this thread isnt completely derailed i find it quite interesting

    it works in America because American girls are some of the easiest I have ever come across.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭LolaLuv

    it works in America because American girls are some of the easiest I have ever come across.

    And yet you're STILL a virgin. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    You can learn all the techniques in the world but at the end of the day you either have that alpha presence and respect or you don't.

    you are missing the point of learning the techniques. they are to give you that alpha presence which earns you the respect. its not about learning one liners that work its about changing how you act in certain situations so that you are that alpha male your talking about and it can definitely be learned and weather you like it or not you yourself learned it you did not just wake up one day super confident and in control you are a product of your environment these people are just learning it in a different way to you
    You walk into a club rehersing canned material and expect to be found out if not by the girl then by a guy like me I have seen some of the stuff they do/say and if they did that in front of me with a girl I would laugh them out of the club.

    again you are missing the point its not about canned material although that is usualy how far most people get. its about being able to apply the techniques to any situation and learning it well enough that you dont rely oncanned material at all. you have obviously done a bit of research into it and alot of people have read the game and think they know what its about and all they have to do is use this line and that line as used in the book and bam they will be having 3sums like there is no tomorrow, they will not get were they want to be like that.

    also id love to see you get any of the top guys(the author of the game for example) laughed out of anywhere. the simple fact is you have certain things going for you naturally but they have way superior knowledge of psychology and what they need to do to be in control and no matter how confident you are they will know enough to manipulate the situation in their favour. im not saying i can do it but again believing that this application of simple psychology cannot work is just stupid
    I can pull just fine without any of that PUA ****e and most people probably could as well. It's called having self respect and confidence.

    absolutely thats true alot(i wouldnt say most) can pick up women and are confident enough naturally, i know in most situations i am BUT there are loads of guys out there who cant threw no fault of their own and this is a way for them to improve that part of their lives and i dont see any problem with it and would use it myself if needed
    it works in America because American girls are some of the easiest I have ever come across.

    well i wasnt talking about pua's in that post just general american opinions. american girls areno easier than any other country besides ireland imo so whats thecommon denominator? me being a foreigner in their country and more specifically an irish man in their country(no matter what the country) girls like foreigners in my experience and almost everyone likes that irish in my experience so you have two big advantages with the ladies in most countries you visit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,824 ✭✭✭ShooterSF

    Sorry I am just going to have to completely disagree. You can learn all the techniques in the world but at the end of the day you either have that alpha presence and respect or you don't. You walk into a club rehersing canned material and expect to be found out if not by the girl then by a guy like me I have seen some of the stuff they do/say and if they did that in front of me with a girl I would laugh them out of the club.

    I can pull just fine without any of that PUA ****e and most people probably could as well. It's called having self respect and confidence.

    You'll find that most PUA teachings these days are less about canned material and more about simply having self respect and confidence.
    The canned materials you talk about are actually recognised as training wheels for those with no confidence to approach otherwise, then when they realise it wasnt that bad they can drop the material.
    No one likes it but some people need it at first and who are we to say well **** them if they dont have the confidence.

    One great example is teaching guys not to fall for prick teasing antics to get you to buy a woman drinks who only wants you as an atm (not all women do this but some do). Guys do this cause they lack confidence in themselves and think oh if buy her a drink maybe ill get lucky. PUA's would teach them that this is wrong and instead they should have the confidence to "get lucky"(horrible phrase) with their pesonality. What's wrong with that?

    As always there will be nut jobs who take it up the wrong way and obsess about the subject and eveyone else will just look at the PUA scene as a bunch of horny nerds who just want to get their ways with women and chuck them aside.

    On another point, though it should be clear I do read up on this stuff I still prefer to hang out with my usual mates and dont really like the idea of Lairs (groups of PUAs giong out with one purpose) but to each their own.

    Long story short, there are a lot of good things you can learn (and if your interested check out DeAngelo's cocky comedy book but dont buy any of his over priced systems) from the PUA scene and a lot of bad things if you choose to but don't knock it all.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 586 ✭✭✭The Mighty Ken

    Nothing beats natural charm lads. You can't learn that stuff from a book. *Glides over to the bar to buy a Martini... shaken not stirred*

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 125 ✭✭TLG

    my limited experience is they are arrogant, think themselves better than you and try to be dominatn in the situation and basically make you look lower than himself. this is fine against people who tolereate it but i punish anyone who does this because imo it is just a 'mature' way of bullying. so go cry to your lair about how 'afc' the guy who knocked your teeth out and rearranged your face is after he does so because nobody outside of this obsessed world cares.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    TLG wrote: »
    my limited experience is they are arrogant, think themselves better than you and try to be dominatn in the situation and basically make you look lower than himself. this is fine against people who tolereate it but i punish anyone who does this because imo it is just a 'mature' way of bullying. so go cry to your lair about how 'afc' the guy who knocked your teeth out and rearranged your face is after he does so because nobody outside of this obsessed world cares.

    haha some one has a grudge and an anger problem

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 333 ✭✭CoachBoone

    The Game:

    Pretty enjoyable read in a kind of, "Paul Williams Crime Killer Sunday World" way. Entertaining, mildly amusing and so very full of shít.

    PUA's in all fairness, now I AM stereotyping, typically are people who have no self confidence, no self-respect and are socially handicapped. The need to rehearse lines/conversations etc just proves this, rehearsal breeds assurance, surely if they were confident this assurance wouldnt be required.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,639 ✭✭✭PeakOutput

    man procrastination from studying is a terrible thing why am i still posting here

    CoachBoone wrote: »
    PUA's in all fairness, now I AM stereotyping, typically are people who have no self confidence, no self-respect and are socially handicapped.

    dude what part of the game did you read? there is nothing in the so called 'community' that hides the fact these people have no confidence and are socially handicapped thats the entire reason they start to learn the stuff
    The need to rehearse lines/conversations etc just proves this, rehearsal breeds assurance, surely if they were confident this assurance wouldnt be required.

    ehh?? no **** sherlock. the point of the hole thing is to improve your life its not rocket science

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 125 ✭✭TLG

    PeakOutput wrote: »
    haha some one has a grudge and an anger problem
    yeah but its not against puas becasue all they have done is what i have said and yes it has warranted a beating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭Rob_l

    TLG wrote: »
    yeah but its not against puas becasue all they have done is what i have said and yes it has warranted a beating.

    Are you sure its not with these "puas"
    TLG wrote: »
    my limited experience is they are arrogant, think themselves better than you and try to be dominatn in the situation and basically make you look lower than himself. this is fine against people who tolereate it but i punish anyone who does this because imo it is just a 'mature' way of bullying. so go cry to your lair about how 'afc' the guy who knocked your teeth out and rearranged your face is after he does so because nobody outside of this obsessed world cares.

    that seems a really mature way to respond to something:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    TLG wrote: »
    yeah but its not against puas becasue all they have done is what i have said and yes it has warranted a beating.

    So because you felt threatened by this behavior(which was non-violent) you felt you needed to show how much stronger you were by attacking someone??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 333 ✭✭CoachBoone

    PeakOutput wrote: »
    man procrastination from studying is a terrible thing why am i still posting here

    dude what part of the game did you read? there is nothing in the so called 'community' that hides the fact these people have no confidence and are socially handicapped thats the entire reason they start to learn the stuff

    ehh?? no **** sherlock. the point of the hole thing is to improve your life its not rocket science

    lol. Procrastinating here too.

    I know what you are saying. The point I so poorly put across was that, learning off set converations, ways to act, ways to speak does not improve your life. In fact, if anything, it leaves you very dependable on those whom you learn off ( and those who in all fairness don't care about you) and makes your life even worse.

    Having a good set of friends is a much better way of improving your life than the "community".

    And before anyone says, "maybe they dont have the confidence to make friends"- that is a cop out. Its like saying you want to get fit but dont want to look silly going running or to the gym.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 333 ✭✭CoachBoone

    And the community are not their friends before we go there too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    CoachBoone wrote: »
    lol. Procrastinating here too.

    I know what you are saying. The point I so poorly put across was that, learning off set converations, ways to act, ways to speak does not improve your life. In fact, if anything, it leaves you very dependable on those whom you learn off ( and those who in all fairness don't care about you) and makes your life even worse.

    Having a good set of friends is a much better way of improving your life than the "community".

    And before anyone says, "maybe they dont have the confidence to make friends"- that is a cop out. Its like saying you want to get fit but dont want to look silly going running or to the gym.

    There is nothing above I disagree with but you have to realize that the "canned" material is merely a crutch to aid you until eventually you can do your own thing. I am in no way saying that PUAism is a viable way of life in the long term but it can have benefits to those who just never picked up on these things.

    Also as for the friends thing, I think who you call a friend is pretty much up to you. I had friends in the community, no one close mind you but they were still friends at the time.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,017 ✭✭✭*Tripper*


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 333 ✭✭CoachBoone

    Hellm0 wrote: »
    There is nothing above I disagree with but you have to realize that the "canned" material is merely a crutch to aid you until eventually you can do your own thing. I am in no way saying that PUAism is a viable way of life in the long term but it can have benefits to those who just never picked up on these things.

    Also as for the friends thing, I think who you call a friend is pretty much up to you. I had friends in the community, no one close mind you but they were still friends at the time.

    I dont think people "never pick up on these things", I also think that is a cop out. I genuinely don't believe that this way of life, short term or not, is in any way good for you. I think the problems that these men are facing are much easier solved with a little honest introspection as opposed to paying some self proclaimed casanova to teach you how to pull women.

    Regarding the friends thing, thats just semantics so going there is pointless but I see what your saying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    CoachBoone wrote: »
    I dont think people "never pick up on these things", I also think that is a cop out. I genuinely don't believe that this way of life, short term or not, is in any way good for you. I think the problems that these men are facing are much easier solved with a little honest introspection as opposed to paying some self proclaimed casanova to teach you how to pull women.

    Well in truth, have you ever spent any time in around PUA's? Do you know any? I think looking at it from the outside it can appear somewhat strange but you shouldn't be so quick to judge.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 333 ✭✭CoachBoone

    Hellm0 wrote: »
    Well in truth, have you ever spent any time in around PUA's? Do you know any? I think looking at it from the outside it can appear somewhat strange but you shouldn't be so quick to judge.

    I suppose that is fair enough.

    All I was saying was, "PUAism" is much like using weightwatchers instead of actually changing your dietary and health lifestyle. Sure it will help, but once its gone your left stumped as to what the hell you do now. You don't really "learn" anything, learning by rota as opposed to understanding has been proven as pretty pointless for long/medium term memory.

    Meh, maybe Im being overly critical. I suppose, much like weightwatchers, its better than nothing, a way for people to kid themselves, gloss over the cracks of what is, generally fixable with some proper effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    CoachBoone wrote: »
    I suppose that is fair enough.

    All I was saying was, "PUAism" is much like using weightwatchers instead of actually changing your dietary and health lifestyle. Sure it will help, but once its gone your left stumped as to what the hell you do now. You don't really "learn" anything, learning by rota as opposed to understanding has been proven as pretty pointless for long/medium term memory.

    Meh, maybe Im being overly critical. I suppose, much like weightwatchers, its better than nothing, a way for people to kid themselves, gloss over the cracks of what is, generally fixable with some proper effort.

    Well to put it in perspective, "Every journey begins with one step". At least it helps people to get moving and improve themselves, though I do agree it's a terrible engine for doing so.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 125 ✭✭TLG

    Hellm0 wrote: »
    So because you felt threatened by this behavior(which was non-violent)
    yes because all bullying is physically violent always. :rolleyes:
    you felt you needed to show how much stronger you were by attacking someone??
    he bullied a victim and the victim stood up for himself, it is that simple.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    TLG wrote: »
    yes because all bullying is physically violent always. :rolleyes:

    I, like most people at some time or another in their lives, have been bullied both physically and verbally. I am aware of the difference.
    TLG wrote: »
    he bullied a victim and the victim stood up for himself, it is that simple.

    Obviously I do not know the full details of what occurred but my point was that you reacted violently to someone you found offensive. Having spent some time with so called "PUA's" I know well what they can be like, but you reacted with violence. I would say this shows an insecurity on your part as you cannot defend yourself with words.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 586 ✭✭✭The Mighty Ken

    Hellm0 wrote: »
    I would say this shows an insecurity on your part as you cannot defend yourself with words.

    I never really understood that way of thinking to be honest. If you belittle a complete stranger and you end up getting your jaw rewired, you deserve it! It's not because the other person is 'insecure', it's just that it's likely he wasn't willing to take your insolence. Lesson: don't verbally attack someone unless you're big and strong enough to defend yourself physically. It shows a po-faced, arrogant naivety to think you can attack people arbitrarily without the risk of violence.

    Anyway, back on topic... anyone that feels they need to join a 'pick up women' club is sad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,368 ✭✭✭thelordofcheese

    I never really understood that way of thinking to be honest. If you belittle a complete stranger and you end up getting your jaw rewired, you deserve it! It's not because the other person is 'insecure', it's just that it's likely he wasn't willing to take your insolence. Lesson: don't verbally attack someone unless you're big and strong enough to defend yourself physically. It shows a po-faced, arrogant naivety to think you can attack people arbitrarily without the risk of violence.

    I'm guessing the term 'proportionate response' isn't something you're familiar with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭Hellm0

    I never really understood that way of thinking to be honest. If you belittle a complete stranger and you end up getting your jaw rewired, you deserve it! It's not because the other person is 'insecure', it's just that it's likely he wasn't willing to take your insolence. Lesson: don't verbally attack someone unless you're big and strong enough to defend yourself physically. It shows a po-faced, arrogant naivety to think you can attack people arbitrarily without the risk of violence.

    Anyway, back on topic... anyone that feels they need to join a 'pick up women' club is sad.

    So it's ok for you to belittle an entire swatch of people as "sad"?

    Also, "Insolence"? Someone who feels the need to physically assault others is doing so because they feel too weak to prove they are powerful by other means.
    This isn't the wild west, we live in a society where rewiring someones jaw is a crime you realize. Just because someone acts like a git doesn't mean you do too.

This discussion has been closed.