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Downsize me!!

  • 28-08-2008 10:46am
    Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭

    I'm back after my summer holidays so its time to start a new thread and time to get back on track!!

    So far this week I did a rebounding class at the gym on Monday, Tuesday I did a spinning class and then 30 mins in the gym. Wednesday aqua aerobics. I too busy this evening to go to the gym, tomorrow night I have a party so hopefully on Sat or Sun Il'l fit in a walk or two!!

    Measurements to start with:

    Calf: 13.8
    Knee: 15.2
    Thigh 21.8
    Hips: 35.8
    Waist: 33.8
    Neck: 11.8
    Arm: 10.4
    Wrist: 5.4

    Weight 10 stone... my weighing scales at my house shows me at being half a stone heavier than when I weigh myself at the gym but Il'l go by that as thats when Il'l be taking my measuremens.


  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Went to the gym Monday eve and did 1hr on all the machines there. Tuesday did an abs class which I am really sore after!! and a spinning class. Wednesday did aqua aerobics.

    So measurements are as follows:

    Knee 15.6
    Waist 33
    Thigh 21.12
    Calf 13.8
    Hips 35.8
    Neck 11.8
    Arm 10.8
    Wrist 5.4

    Have a gym assessment this evening and then thats all the exercise for this week! Weekend I am taking a break to rest!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Went to the gym last night even though my stomach was killing me from abs class tues night! Didnt have my assessment so didnt go near the weight machines until I know how to use them properly. Its Friday and hopefully Ill be good at the wknd :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Exercise so far this week: Saturday went for a 4 mile walk, didnt go out drinking at the weekend but ate lots of cake on sunday had a celebration and couldnt refuse it :o Monday did aqua circuits which im feeling in my arms today!! Tuesday did abs class and gym floor work. Didnt do anything yesterday eve as I wanted a break was gettin a bit sick of rushing off to gym every eve so today ill do spinning!

    Measurements this week:
    Knee 15.2
    Waist 32.8
    Thigh 21
    Calf 12.16
    Hips 34.12
    Neck 11.8
    Arm 10.4
    Wrist 5.4

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I did circuit aerobics on Monday night and then was sick tues and wed so couldnt go to gym :'( if im feeling ok this eve ill go spinning.


    Waist 32
    Arm 10.6
    Thigh 20.4
    Hips 33.12
    Neck 11.4
    Wrist 5.4
    Calf 12.14
    Knee 14.14

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Went for a 2 hr walk on d beach on sunday and did spinning classes mon, tues & wed! cant do nething this eve and its wrong time of month for takin measurements but ill post them anyways:

    Waist 32
    Knee 14.12
    thigh 20.8
    Calf 13.6
    Hips 34
    Neck 11.8
    Arms 10.4
    Wrist 5.4

    So ya even after all the exercise im still after gaining but next weeks will be better! :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Have had a bad cold for the last week so not much exercise been done and after all the hot whisky my measurements arent great :o I did go to a spinning class last night thought but didnt put in a good enough effort was lacking energy will go spinning again tonight. Ive noticed my legs toning up alot since I started the spinning so its not all bad! Im trying to cut out snacking aswell and have kept it so far this week!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,182 ✭✭✭Tiriel

    You're doing really well, don't be too hard on yourself! You're putting in the effort and your body does need rest time. Everything in moderation ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I was still sick at the start of the week but I think my cold is nearly over!! Monday I didnt do any exercise cos I wasnt feeling well enough to. Tuesday went to the gym for an hour and yesterday did a spinning class and I am not sure what to do this evening!

    Calf: 13.2
    Knee: 14.12
    Thigh: 21.8
    Hips: 34.8
    Waist: 32
    Arm: 10.4
    Wrist: 5.4
    Neck: 11.8

    I was hoping to see my measurements gone down a bit more because Im going abroad next week for a few days and I have a few days off coming up aswell so gym routine will be hard to keep up with! But Il'l try eat extra healthy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I didnt post my measurements from last wk but i did take them i was in France so couldnt log on. Since coming back I didnt do any classes but I got a new workout made out in my gym to follow and I went to the gym Mon, Tues and lastnight I started my weights which i found kinda hard!! Arms were shaky afterwards. I have 6 machines to do 15x3 reps and then floor exercises after 15 mins on rower and 15 mins on crosstrainer. I could only repeat by 2!!

    Last wks measurements: This Wks:

    Calf:13.8 13.2
    Knee:15.2 15
    Thigh:21 20.12
    Hips:34 33.12
    Waist:32 31.12
    Arm:10.8 10.8
    Wrist:5.4 5.4
    Neck:11.3 11.6

    Glad to see my trip abroad didnt do too much harm but with bank hol coming up and then halloween routine will be out the window a bit!! and alot of drinking done but Ill try make right choices and not over do it!!

    I have signed up to a 6 wk challenge inthe gym also. Must burn so many calories by the end of the 6 wks and every class or gym work done must be monitored by the staff so at least it means ill be doing my work correctly and keep track of diet better!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I only had a chance to go to the gym once this wk due to bank hol and being busy! I did 30 mins spinning class and did my weights programme afterwards. I did 15 reps x 3 of the shoulder press, chest press, leg curl, leg extension, bicep curl, tricep & ab machine. Then onto floor exercises 3 x 15 of sit ups, plank for 30 secs, back exercise, press ups, and then stretches.

    Measurements this wk aren't acurate due to time of the month,


    Wont have a chance to get to the gym again until next wk :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I took my measurements last wk but didnt post them, went to spinning class and gym work 2 nights last week did my weights programme. Last sunday hurt my back dont know why :mad: so took it easy at spinning monday night, went for a short walk on tuesday and did aqua aerobics on wednesday and just light gym work last nite. Didnt do my weights programma in case id hurt my back more.

    Last Wk. This wk.
    Calf: 13.4 13.8
    Knee: 14.12 14.12
    Thigh: 21 21
    Hips: 34.
    Waist: 31.8 31.6
    Arm:10.4 10.4
    Neck: 11.6 11.5
    Wrist: 5.4 5.3

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Measurements this wk:
    Calf: 13.8
    Thigh: 20.8

    Went for a long walk on Sunday, part of my exercise that i must keep up at weekends!! Did a spinning class on Monday, walk on Tuesday went to the gym last night but wasnt in the form for it! Gave up eating the amount of sugar that I do and now im pooped!! hopefully next week ill be feeling better!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 140 ✭✭bob04

    Hayden* wrote: »
    Measurements this wk:
    Calf: 13.8
    Thigh: 20.8

    Went for a long walk on Sunday, part of my exercise that i must keep up at weekends!! Did a spinning class on Monday, walk on Tuesday went to the gym last night but wasnt in the form for it! Gave up eating the amount of sugar that I do and now im pooped!! hopefully next week ill be feeling better!

    Can i give some advice???

    Just something i would personally do, i wouldnt take measurements as often as that....

    Maybe every month.... i just think you will be motivated by the good results if you wait a bit longer in between measurements (im not saying your not motivated!!!)

    But keep up the good work!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I know my measurements arent going down a lot everyweek but still they're not going up either so doing it every Wednesday keeps me on track because its on the back of my mind :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    ive been very bad at posting my measurements but i was still taking them!!

    Calf: 13.8 13.7 13.8
    Knee 14.12 14.12 14.12
    Thigh 21 20.12 20.8
    Hips 34 33.12 33.8
    Waist 31.4 31 31
    Wrist 5.3 5.3 5.3
    Arm 10.4 10.6 10.4
    Neck 11.4 11.2 11.4

    I started to get sick of going to the gym so for the last two weeks ive been going for long walks and doing 1 hour long spinning class which is really good and hard all high resistance and then last night i couldnt go to gym cos i couldnt motivate myself :o went ice skating instead :D

    Hopefully next week ill put in a bit of an effort before the hols!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    Im after getting very lazy bout posting!!!
    Wk b4 xmas After xmas last wk
    Calf 13.7 13.4 13.6
    Knee 14.12 14.15 14.12
    Thigh 20.8 21 20.12
    Hips 33.12 33.12 33.12
    Waist 30.14 31.8 30.12
    Wrist 5.3 5.3 5.3
    Neck 11.2 11.3 11.4
    Arm 10.4 10.4 10.4

    This week i couldnt do any exercise but last week i did long walks kick boxing and advanced spinning. Maybe tomorrow night ill be able to get to the gym and ill do another post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    The last two weeks have been really bad for me i cant get to the gym as often as id like! Last thursday i did akickboxing class and did 20 mins on cross trainer after and since then ive done 45 min hip hop danceclass and 1hr spinning and thats all ill b able to do until next week. So since christmas my measurements arent coming down which is a bummer!!

    Calf: 13.6
    Knee: 14.12
    Thigh: 20.12
    Hips: 34.8
    Waist: 30.8
    Wrist: 5.3
    Arm: 10.4
    Neck: 11.3

    Im aiming to have the tape read 28 on my waist for March!!! but february is a very busy month so fingers crossed ill achieve this!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    I still havent picked up on my exercise :( this wk i did a rebounding class on monday hip hop class on tuesday which isnt really a workout then got sick on wednesday so that was the end of that!! Have a night out tonight and moro night and have a size 10 dress to fit into by next friday cos of a wedding so that means only 1-2 days of gym worknext wk too if im lucky grrr


    Calf: 13.4
    Knee: 14.12
    Hips: 33.12
    Waist: 30.4
    Wrist: 5.3
    Arm: 10.4
    Neck: 11.4

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Hayden*

    So its been a year since I started taking my measurements :D and this is the difference:

    was: now:

    Calf: 14.1 13.4
    Knee: 16 14.11
    Thigh: 22.5 20.14
    Hips: 37.15 33.4
    Waist: 35.14 29
    Arm: 11.2 10.4
    Neck: 11.3

    So its good to see that I have made some bit of difference any ways and that I have gone down not up which was what I was starting to do and my reason for setting up logs.

    Iv'e started to get bored with what I was doing in the gym so started looking around for different types of exercise again and i found pole dancing lessons starting :D well it will be fun and different and is supposed to be very good for toning so il'l see how that goes!!

    Over than that the last few weeks I have been just doing hip hop dancing and spinning and kick boxing. And in the evenings i do a bit of my boxing bag bout 5 min - 10 mins i find it really helps to tone up my arms!
