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BT mega slow last couple of days!! Anyone else?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 128 ✭✭aktelmiele

    As I said before they believe that the issue is resolved and that you should call/email in if it is not.

    So Profiler / DECEiFER have you made contact with BT??
    Profiler wrote: »
    (edit - I typed that before DECEiFER posted his reply but the ******** connection dropped ****** out ***** again!!!!)

    Is your connection Intermittant, as that is not the issue here. Intermittancy could be the reason why you are geting slow speeds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,126 ✭✭✭✭calex71

    on 3mb connection in drogheda here, did 2 tests today - both times downloading ubuntu from heanet via ftp on the 78.x.x.x range 20knps max
    reboot modem for an 194 or 193 address speed goes up and steadys out at over 600kbps :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 128 ✭✭aktelmiele

    calex71 wrote: »
    78.x.x.x range 20knps max

    Do you know if you are on Bitstream (Up to 7.6 Meg) or LLU (Up to 24 Meg)

    Do you know which BAS box you are one

    Do a tracert anywhere remote and it will tell you

    Thats if you get back onto 78 address.

    I'd wait until tomorrow so that you get your full usage for 24 hours!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,744 ✭✭✭kleefarr

    Still not on my 8MB.


    Took about 20 minutes to get up to that speed as well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,126 ✭✭✭✭calex71

    aktelmiele wrote: »
    Do you know if you are on Bitstream (Up to 7.6 Meg) or LLU (Up to 24 Meg)

    Do you know which BAS box you are one

    Do a tracert anywhere remote and it will tell you

    Thats if you get back onto 78 address.

    I'd wait until tomorrow so that you get your full usage for 24 hours!!

    on bitstream currently on bas002 but not rebooting to test on 78.x range as there needs to be some hay made while the sunshines so to speek :D will follow up with that in a while

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    My connection is at its worst so far:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Ripcat

    Getting crap speeds here also.(kilcullen/kildare exchange) Speedtest to New York server shows 80kbps on a 6Mbit line on 215.x IP. Sent email to BT and get the usual sh*t that they will contact me monday-friday during normal working hours haha. Maybe i should take the week off waiting for them to call............

    off to reset router for the 100th time tonight.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Profiler

    aktelmiele wrote: »
    As I said before they believe that the issue is resolved

    Going to go straight ahead and call bulls*it on that. I've caught them lying on 4 occasions already. They tried to blame this on the floods on the 9th of August and each time they did I pointed out my initial complaint was made at 10:00am on Saturday the 9th of August and the rain didn't start until 16:30pm that day.

    aktelmiele wrote: »
    So Profiler / DECEiFER have you made contact with BT??

    Yes, only over 20 times (by phone and e-mail) and I've not once got a straight answer.

    I've been on to "tech support" and everything they've suggested has not worked.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,016 ✭✭✭✭vibe666

    Profiler wrote: »
    I've been on to "tech support" and everything they've suggested has not worked.
    on the options when you ring the support line did you press 1 or 2?

    I think you might have pressed the wrong number and gotten through to chocolate teapot support by accident.

    actually, oh wait.....

    ALL the lines go there. :pac:

    seriously though, when calling them up, has anyone figured out a number to call and a sequence of numbers to press so that you get through to an actual support person on your first try?

    I've tried ringing a few different numbers and pressing different options to get through to various places but whatever I do I always end up on the phone to some dunce receptionist who insists on letting me explain my problem in as much detail and then decides to transfer me to some random department that's never who I need to speak to. :mad:

    i'm a bitstream customer anyway, but tried downloading that iso link from the previous page and was getting a steady 800kb/sec which was okay. on a 192.122* address right now tho.

    iirc the last time we had major problems like this a year (or a few, bit hazy on details) it was the 78 addresses that were borked then too. :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Burklert

    Well i'm going to ring tomorrow or the very first chance i get as tonight i hit a new record of bad connection. A total download speed of 155kbps out of 3mbps. My upload is 247kbps. I'v been having trouble for some time now but put in all down to the recent upgrade or my area to 3mbps. I'm not a heavy downloader but its a complete joke if i cant even browse the web. Hell my connection speed is so slow almost wont load.

    Download speed 155 Kbps
    Upload speed 271 Kbps
    QOS 71 %
    RTT 98 ms
    Max Delay 754 ms
    Download test s
    Upload test s

    ** also just readin about the 78.** ip's. there the ones i usually have. I better read through the entire thread, I'll do it in the morning.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    vibe666 wrote: »

    i'm a bitstream customer anyway, but tried downloading that iso link from the previous page and was getting a steady 800kb/sec which was okay. on a 192.122* address right now tho.

    iirc the last time we had major problems like this a year (or a few, bit hazy on details) it was the 78 addresses that were borked then too. :confused:
    I'm always on a 19x address all the time and its still awful for me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    aktelmiele wrote: »
    So Profiler / DECEiFER have you made contact with BT??
    I'm not a BT customer. I'm with UTV.

    I referenced BT's article mainly for 2 reasons.

    1. The problem is shared,
    2. UTV never, ever, did I say never, would take any initiative in writing their own. They haven't even updated their products' page, it's still showing the old speeds.

    Yes I know, that means that UTV are worse than BT, for not addressing any known issues to their customers via their website.

    I'd say we'll be waiting until next week at the very earliest for any true resolution. Nobody's fixing anything during the weekend! Well, I wouldn't imagine so, anyway.

    P.S. Even now I can't get a steady 2.6Mb/s result on (3Mb connection), it's jumping from 1.5-2.4Mb/s on the Galway and Dublin servers. It's 2am for Christ's sake!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭Burklert

    sorry i should have pointed out that i'm in ballintemple in cork. Early yesterday i have a 2.4 mbps download out of the 3. When i posted earlier i had 155 kbps, it is now 4am. There cannot possible be that many online and i have 619kbps dl speed. Something has gone arsewise somewhere.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 128 ✭✭aktelmiele

    Ripcat wrote: »
    Getting crap speeds here also.(kilcullen/kildare exchange) Speedtest to New York server shows 80kbps on a 6Mbit line

    This is a suggestion and should be done by anybody who is speed checking differently

    If you are going to use a site like then pick a server that is closest to you

    Picking a server such as New York is just going to give an incorrect result unless you live in New York:p.

    For BT customers I would suggest you use to check your transfer rates.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭jack222




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Ripcat

    aktelmiele wrote: »

    Picking a server such as New York is just going to give an incorrect result unless you live in New York:p.


    Its crap for all the irish test servers. Also not much point having a 3mbit connection to a local server if it's own connection to the rest of the world is 100k.

    22KBps from the ESAT FTP btw.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It's no better here (2MB upgraded to 3MB), been on the phone to BT a few minutes ago "again!!". Guy I spoke to said the issued was fixed Thursday and that they have had no other calls this morning about speed problems and to call back later to see if they get any other calls of the same, yeah right :rolleyes:, what a pack of lies !

    Anyone know what 4MB with Smart is like in Dundalk ?




    I have also been on the phone to Eircom and according to them the exchange (Dundalk) in my area has not been upgraded and they also did a test on my line to confirm that no upgraded has happened, what is going on ??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Ripcat

    They have seemed to "fix" the problem in my exchange (kildare/kilcullen). Getting a steady 6 Mbit for last 2-3 hours.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Just after getting a call back from BT, the guy I spoke to confirmed that the problem is with their equipment, that they are trying to find and resolve the issue and have no idea of when or if they can fix it. Least I got an honest answer this time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,499 ✭✭✭jarvis

    I'm on a 78 ip at the mo and getting really bad speed.
    Anyone have an idiots guide on how I can change it. Do I just restart the pc???


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,093 ✭✭✭BKtje

    I'm on a 78 ip and connected at 13mb though speedtests says about 10mbit.

    Restarting your pc will do nothing, you'd need to disconnect and reconnect your router to change your ip. No idea if it will change it though. Depends on the lease length.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,499 ✭✭✭jarvis

    Restarted my laptop and when it came back on it had a IP and full speed!!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 128 ✭✭aktelmiele

    B-K-DzR wrote: »
    I'm on a 78 ip and connected at 13mb though speedtests says about 10mbit.

    Do you know what BAS box that you are on??

    At least there is another person that is on a 78 address and not getting slow speeds.

    I thought I was just one of the lucky ones...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16 antonian


    On a 3Mb package with a 78.x.x.x address just now. Is it fixed? Here's hoping! :confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Profiler

    antonian wrote: »

    On a 3Mb package with a 78.x.x.x address just now. Is it fixed? Here's hoping! :confused:

    You need to watch it, I have been getting some good speeds from time to time but then during peak times it drops down to painfully slow and also more than once it will drop out completely.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    Profiler wrote: »
    You need to watch it, I have been getting some good speeds from time to time but then during peak times it drops down to painfully slow and also more than once it will drop out completely.
    There's less people using the network at the weekend, thats why your speeds are better.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,093 ✭✭✭BKtje

    Do you know what BAS box that you are on??
    No idea what a BAS box is :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Profiler

    cian1500ww wrote: »
    There's less people using the network at the weekend, thats why your speeds are better.

    Well thanks for that... (i think)

    What about the times past midnight when the speed goes to a crawl? what about the times during the weekday morning when the connection drops out completely?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    Profiler wrote: »
    Well thanks for that... (i think)

    What about the times past midnight when the speed goes to a crawl? what about the times during the weekday morning when the connection drops out completely?
    The speed improves after midnight, the weekday morning is probably due to the number of businesses who use the internet

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Profiler

    cian1500ww wrote: »
    The speed improves after midnight, the weekday morning is probably due to the number of businesses who use the internet

    Right so you work for BT then.

    I mean if you can be so categoric in your answers at the same time as being condescending and patronising and wrong if you don't yet work there then you'd have a stellar career there if you wanted one.

    The speeds are intermittant even since this "fix" and the drop out, not slow speed, I mean NO INTERNET connection issues are nothing to do with businesses using the internet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭ondafly

    jarvis wrote: »
    Restarted my laptop and when it came back on it had a IP and full speed!!!!

    192 addresses are internal addresses (i.e. your home network). You need to actually login into your Router and see what address it has on the internet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    Profiler wrote: »
    Right so you work for BT then.

    I mean if you can be so categoric in your answers at the same time as being condescending and patronising and wrong if you don't yet work there then you'd have a stellar career there if you wanted one.

    The speeds are intermittant even since this "fix" and the drop out, not slow speed, I mean NO INTERNET connection issues are nothing to do with businesses using the internet.
    Theres no need to insult me I was just trying to give you an answer. Businesses increase the congestion on the interent and part of the problem is related to congestion during peak times. On weekdays businesses are using it as well as loads of home users too therefore you have a much larger amount of computers using the network than at the weekend which is why the speed is improved at the weekend and at off-peak times eg. early in the morning. It has already been said that the problem was related to congestion.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    ondafly wrote: »
    192 addresses are internal addresses (i.e. your home network). You need to actually login into your Router and see what address it has on the internet.
    No they are also used as public IP's by some ISPs. I have a 194 ip address at the moment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,467 ✭✭✭smemon

    Also on BT, also brutal connection speeds for the past few weeks.

    I suspect this is a much larger issue than BT are making it out to be.

    Youtube is unusable for me and has been for the past few weeks. Download speeds are hit and miss and at times i can't even load webpages quickly, never mind download files :rolleyes:

    Forget about IP's - this is BT's problem... they need to fix it and we shouldn't have to put up with it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    smemon wrote: »

    Forget about IP's - this is BT's problem... they need to fix it and we shouldn't have to put up with it.
    Damn right, and they have the cheek to say the problem has been resolved on the support pages :mad:

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    cian1500ww wrote: »
    Damn right, and they have the cheek to say the problem has been resolved on the support pages :mad:

    This is the answer I got yesterday from BT, the guy I spoke to confirmed that the problem is with their equipment, that they are trying to find and resolve the issue and have no idea of when or if they can fix it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,225 ✭✭✭JackKelly

    It's piss poor today. I'm on the Dundrum exchange and I can't even get to stream. Pretty pathetic for a 7.6mbit connection.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    hellboy99 wrote: »
    This is the answer I got yesterday from BT, the guy I spoke to confirmed that the problem is with their equipment, that they are trying to find and resolve the issue and have no idea of when or if they can fix it.
    They better get it fixed soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 301 ✭✭pieface_ie

    In bray,and mine has been very bad also,as people have said cannot watch videos on you tube,its a joke,i thought maybe it was only my connection till i googled bad bt broad connection and see all this lol :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 761 ✭✭✭Zenith74

    I'm in south Dublin and having the same problems since speed upgrade. I switched out my BT supplied Zyxel 600 router for one of the new Eircom NEtopia routers the other night, problems all gone! I can finally listen to streamed music and use YouTube again.

    I reckon BT haven't copped the problems Eircom had with end user equipment that doesn't work too well with their implementation of ADSL2, or if they have they don't want to admit it and start shipping out tens of thousands of new routers, they're probably trying to sort it at the exchanges.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Zenith74 wrote: »
    I'm in south Dublin and having the same problems since speed upgrade. I switched out my BT supplied Zyxel 600 router for one of the new Eircom NEtopia routers the other night, problems all gone! I can finally listen to streamed music and use YouTube again.

    I reckon BT haven't copped the problems Eircom had with end user equipment that doesn't work too well with their implementation of ADSL2, or if they have they don't want to admit it and start shipping out tens of thousands of new routers, they're probably trying to sort it at the exchanges.
    I've tried 3 different routers already one of which is the new Eircom one and my speeds are the same with them all, "s**t !!"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 109 ✭✭Piusno1

    Im with Perilco, before I was with Eircom. eircom use netopia routers/modems, and I hada 2mb packege no problems what so ever very consisted. Since I changed to Perilco I been using Zyxel modems and also got upgraded to a 3mb , but since the upgrade im having timeouts and very slow speeds alot, sometimes I get aleast 2634 mb download but Ialso get 346 kbt its driving me mad.
    Now im wondering if I change back to the Netopia modem will It help any, can anyone make any the wiser ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    Jesus it improved there for a while during the week or so I thought, but since 11am this morning it's been all downhill. Youtube is worthless, boards is like treacle, I've been trying to get to the bbc homepage for the last 5 minutes, 404s all over the place, but router is showing a consistent synch speed of 2048 mbits...I didn't even bother with a speedcheck to tell me I'm perhaps getting 10% of that at best this evening.
    I'd call BT but I know where that'll get me...strongly considering just cancelling/switching to another provider even if it means loosing my net for a month...paying for this sub dial-up service is laughable.

    [edit] I've never used the bundled router(s)'s not the router/modem...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    Just a quick refresher for people checking their ip.

    That will get you your public (external) ip address. If the 78. network is still a problem, then pray that it doesnt start with that :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Jumpy wrote: »
    Just a quick refresher for people checking their ip.

    That will get you your public (external) ip address. If the 78. network is still a problem, then pray that it doesnt start with that :)
    For me it doesn't matter what IP I get it's still slow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,499 ✭✭✭jarvis

    ondafly wrote: »
    192 addresses are internal addresses (i.e. your home network). You need to actually login into your Router and see what address it has on the internet.

    Sorry, it was and has been all day!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 134 ✭✭Sar!

    Same here doesnt matter what IP today its slow all over - webpages taking around 60+seconds to load. What on earth are BT doing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Profiler

    cian1500ww wrote: »
    Theres no need to insult me I was just trying to give you an answer. Businesses increase the congestion on the interent and part of the problem is related to congestion during peak times. On weekdays businesses are using it as well as loads of home users too therefore you have a much larger amount of computers using the network than at the weekend which is why the speed is improved at the weekend and at off-peak times eg. early in the morning. It has already been said that the problem was related to congestion.

    Your problem Cian is you are not listening (reading) what I am saying or to what other people are saying.

    Every "answer" you have given has so many flaws it is not funny, what you are saying SHOULD be the case but all the evidence on this thread proves that what you are saying is not the case.

    If you don't know what is going on don't try to post answers.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,216 ✭✭✭Kur4mA

    Still slow as **** here. Youtube is almost impossible. Regular browsing is muck and gaming is close to unplayable at times.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭cian1500ww

    Profiler wrote: »
    Your problem Cian is you are not listening (reading) what I am saying or to what other people are saying.

    Every "answer" you have given has so many flaws it is not funny, what you are saying SHOULD be the case but all the evidence on this thread proves that what you are saying is not the case.

    If you don't know what is going on don't try to post answers.
    It was just a theory not fact. Focus your aggression on your ISP and not me. My answer was just a random guess not an official statement from BT's customer service desk. I was just expressing my opinion as to what was causing this as no-one knows whats causing it.

    I'll make this as simple as I possibly can, please tell me what is going on because you sound like you know where the problem lies ?

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