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trying to hang on

  • 01-09-2008 4:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 113 ✭✭

    I've been so inspired by many of the logs I've read on this forum that I've decided to start my own.

    I've been steadily trying to get myself back in shape for the past 10 months or so. I've had good and bad phases, but now I want to get properley stuck in and push myself forward. My first big step was to get a fitness assesment.

    Height - 5'11
    Weight - 84kg
    % body fat - 17.1%
    BMI - 25.3
    Vo2 max - 58.1
    Lactate Threshold HR - 170
    Mx HR - 195

    I dedcided to get the above test done to use my Max HR and Lactate Threshold HR as a basis for interval sessions and Tempo runs...
    As part of the data I was told I burn a lot of carbohydrate and very little fat and that I should re-focus my training to my fat burning zone to "teach" my body to start burning fat. I have therefore decided to put my faith in science and start doing ultra easy fat burning runs. These runs relate to a HR of 115 to 130.

    Today is the first day of this new phase of training. Don't know if it will help me loose weight, but hopefully it will have the effect of starting my body on the road to getting more efficient and burning fats....

    Mon 1st sept
    ultra easy run - 6.2 miles, Time - 57.56, Av HR - 122, Max HR - 131, Av pace 9.21 per mile.
