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Weight Loss



  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi Bally8, good to hear from you. Sorry you've been ill, hope you're feeling better now.
    Don't beat yourself up about the chocolate - your body was probably craving it after being sick.
    Our WW leader has a saying for bad weeks "Draw a line under it" - don't let it become a downward spiral.

    You've done really well so far - Congratulations!! I'm sure today will be a better day & you can get back to your plan.
    Best of Luck & Thanks for the encouragement!!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Got weighed on Tuesday night & Week One weight loss was 5.5lbs!! Was delighted - just goes to show how much over-eating I was doing to start with!
    Funny thing is that after the 2nd day I wasn't feeling hungry in between meals (the first couple of days I was starving!).
    Anyway, I know the 5.5lbs was because my body got such a shock, and I can't expect it every week - but a healthy 1lb a week would be good (I don't want to aim too high & become disappointed/disheartened with unrealistic goals). One pound a week between now & Christmas = 10lbs! It can be done!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Well done LorDar thats excellent. Its great to get a really high number like that, really good for the motivation to keep going. I decided after reading your words of encouragement yesterday not to wait till Monday to restart the diet and so I had a good day yesterday and even managed to get a run in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 357 ✭✭capedcrustacian

    hi all :)

    well, i've lost weight this year and am allegedly unrecognisable to friends i haven't seen since march (4.5 stone so far) by biggest problem at the moment is, how to tighten up the loose skin now, i'm very conscious of it on my tummy and arms, if anyone has tips on the best way to try tone it i'd be ever so happy :D

    as for how much weight ye are all losing, it's fantastic! people don't realise how hard it is to lose weight, to get motivated enough to do it and stay motivated enough to continue, and then be soooo careful about not slipping back into bad habits when you achieve your goal

    well done to everyone and best of luck :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Congratulations capedcrustacian - that's amazing!! I'm sure it was hard work at times, but the hard work has paid off! I'm afraid I have no real advice about how to tighten up loose skin, but would imagine exercise is the only way to go! Maybe yoga?? I'm not a yoga expert at all but did it through both my pregnancies & found it brilliant (of course the aim was slightly different there!). I'm sure there are some experts on this forum though that would be better able to advise you.

    Bally8, glad you had a good day yesterday - it always helps to keep you motivated! I know I am going to get depressed and disheartened at various stages through out this diet, but if I can keep in mind that one slip (or even two or 3) doesn't mean I should give up I think I can make it!

    I only joined this forum last week and already I'm getting motivation and inspiration from it (and also I'm a little addicted to it right now! have to check in a couple of times a day - which is not good for my work productivity levels!):o

    I do believe we can help each other out, a good week for someone else can sometimes be the motivation you need to keep you going or get you kick-started!
    Must go do some work now!:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Hello All, I'm a newbie to the forum too, What a great idea, I need all the moral support I can get. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's stories. It's great motivation.
    Well done to everyone on their fantastic weight loss. Keep up the good work.
    I'm also following WW I've been on the programme for a while now and have lost 1 stone 10pounds. I would like to lose another 4 stone.
    My weigh-in is Thursday Lunchtime we got together and organised for WW to come into the office. The weekends are my worst time for piggin out on takeaways and eating out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Angelica Rocks!

    Well I'm going to throw in my tuppence too :D

    Im 5ft 5", and 11.5 stone. I was 9.5 stone 18 months ago. I started going out with my boyfriend then and suddenly I'm up 2 stone - 2 stone!!!!!! We eat out probably 3 or 4 nights a week and I drink a lot, so I know exactly where the weight has come from.

    I started my diet on Monday and have had a good first week, been to the gym every night and watching my food. I am not going to WW classes because I find the instructors soooooo annoying, but I am counting my points, and my mum is doing the diet with me.

    Feeling good about it so far. I have set myself 4 months to lose 1.5 stones, thats about 20lbs over 16 weeks, which i think is achievable, especially if I continue the way I have started. I am going to cut down on drink too - this weekend will be the biggest test. If I get through tonight and tomorrow night then I am going to allow myself a nice breakfast on Sunday :)

    So, thanks for setting up this forum, I think coming back and letting people know how its going wil be a really good motivator to keep up the work!!!

    Good luck!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi Slaygal & Angelica Rocks! - welcome to the forum (although I only joined a week ago! - but I feel much more motivated already)

    Slaygal - you're doing brilliantly, keep up the good work!

    Angelica Rocks! - you know what they say "a good start is half the battle", so keep it up!

    Regarding WW - I actually nearly always stay for the meetings. I don't find the leaders annoying, but maybe I've been lucky! And the discussion part can be fun - it's good to hear how everyone else is the class is doing & to swop ideas.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,596 ✭✭✭anniehoo

    hi all :)

    well, i've lost weight this year and am allegedly unrecognisable to friends i haven't seen since march (4.5 stone so far)

    Have you lost 4.5 stone since March??Oh my god thats amazing :pac: well done!
    Ive been browsing this forum for awhile now and after a wake up call from a friend last weekend i started a healthy eating plan this week. Ive actually quite enjoyed it tbh but my downfall is saturday nights out which im actually dreading as all and any willpower is left at the pub door :o Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Hi all, everyone seems to be doing good on their diets! I am slowly but surely getting there. I'm 5' 7" and weight is currently 10st 8lbs, it had been 10st 13lbs 2wks ago. I don't have a huge amount more to lose, maybe a stone but it always feels like the hardest bit. I'm trying to go at this from a scientific approach - what's the minimum amount calories I need, what's the amount that will just maintain current weight - try and create a 500 calorie a day defecit a day thing. I'm not cutting out any food groups - just definitely eating healthier & counting calories to a certain degree. Also walking at least 1/2hr a day briskly and doing some weights. Seems to be working, first thing that's worked in about 6yrs (That's how long this extra stone has been hanging around :p).

    Found a cool little tool to track my weight loss and BMI. They're at I stuck mine on my facebook profile (hidden amongst other things!).

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Another 3lbs off since the last time I posted on this thread, so that's 13st 3lbs now. This week's been a bit of a waste in terms of exercise due to a mixture of bad weather and shaking off a couple of niggles I picked up in a 5k race last weekend (blisters on both feet and a slight hamstring strain). I've been trying to keep my diet as clean as possible, but there's been a couple of days where I've had absolutely incredible munchies. Unfortunately I'm now €95 lighter too after a trip to the running shop - but I do have some nice new running shoes :)

    I made a ticker a while back when I started trying to lose weight...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Welcome everybody to the thread. Its amazing how motivating Im finding it here, reading everyone elses stories. Its the first time I havent felt alone while trying to loose weight.

    So I had my weigh in today and was up half an lb. Of course Im disappointed but at least I got back into the exercise after a 3 week lay off. My problem is though that Im a major binge eater and binged almost every day last week. It was awful- uncontrollable eating. Kind of scary really.

    I dont have much weight to loose. Im in the category of not having enough weight on for people to say-'sure why are you trying to lose weight, you're grand'. When in fact none of my clothes fit me and I cant afford to buy bigger ones.

    I've lost 16lbs since April - slow going but it seems to be staying off mostly this time. I have another 8 approx to go and will be at goal. Im just finding my diet really boring and losing motivation very fast. fingers crossed I make it through this week without pigging out. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Lenni

    Hi All,

    I started this thread a few weeks ago and cant believe its still going. Great to c. I havent been on in a while. There was a lot going on for me and I was just demotivated and stressed so totally fell off the ww train. I have been comfort eating the past few weeks, eating crap to beat the band. But I gave myself a kick up the ar*se last Thursday and went back. I told my leader that I wanted to start a fresh and that I had prob put on bout 5 pound, I had LOST 1.5 pound. couldnt believe it, all down to stress, it had to b. So im back on it. My trouble is the weekend, every weekend i am bold. I can b good during the week but come the weekend its out the window. Anyone else find this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,700 ✭✭✭✭holly1

    Hello All you WW out there,I just love this thread and the diarys.I have about 7st to l
    loose and following this and other threads has been such an incredible help.
    I started WW 6weeks ago and last night I was a half lb off loosing a stone, and wait for it I lost two and a half lbs Yipppeee.I cant tell you how much better I am feeling already.
    And yes the weekends are a pig,but I treat myself and weigh in every monday, and so far so good,just dont go overboard.Keep it up everyone,if I can do it there is hope for the Country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    Hi all, I'm currently in the processing of yo-yoing to beat the band :o I started off with around 5 stone to lose, began to keep a food diary on boards, and over a few months managed to lose 22lb and a dress size! However, following a holiday in Spain and an inability to get back on the wagon I've gained back 6lb :mad: Back on track now though. Hoping to lose another 10lb by Christmas!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Lenni

    holly1, that is brill, id say u are over the moon. Dolorous, 22lbs is brill, I cant wait to get to that weight loss. Ive lost 9lbs and have bout 2st to go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    :( Stayed the same again this week

    I've been awful all last week though- chinese food, tayto's, fry ups. Major bingeing again. I'm actually eating a twirl as I type this.

    I'm a total disaster and am ashamed of myself to be honest. I'm so close to my goal weight and I'm still a food addict.

    Ah well I'll start again tomorrow hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Bally8 - staying the same is good, at least you didn't go up! Don't beat yourself up about it, just keep your goal in mind & you'll get there. Maybe not losing this week will shock you into being good for the week coming & you'll lose next week!

    You say you're close to goal weight - that's great! Keep reminding yourself of how hard you've worked so far and how much you want to reach that goal! I've never been anywhere near goal but I'm hoping when I do that I will continue to go to WW classes so I don't slip back into my old ways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Just wondering how everyone else on WW got on during the BH weekend?? I was OK-ish, not good but not too bad either (I hope!)

    Unfortunately I didn't track properly since Friday so I know that when I was trying to think back & calculate points eaten this morning I forgot half of them!

    My weigh-in is tonight, so we shall see the results! In a small way I hope I'm up (well, only by half a pound or so) - sounds mad I know, but I think it will shock me into being good this week.
    Otherwise I'll start thinking (unconsciously, 'cos I know better!) that I can not track & I'll still lose weight. That just doesn't work for me.
    Of course if I'm down I'll be thrilled!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 488 ✭✭ellenmelon

    hey everyone...
    i'm on boards a lot but i generally just read and don't post a lot. but i liked the idea of this thread so im going to start posting!
    in the past...3-4 months? i've lost about 10-12kg which may not seem like much but it feels great to know that the numbers are starting to go down not up! when i was living in ireland, i comfort ate and am paying for it now! i've not made massive changes just smaller ones and i've been exercising a bit more. it helped that for 2 months i literally had to walk about 30 mins, three times a week from where i parked my car to where i was doing work experience and back. what ive been trying to do is have more small snacks on me so i never get starving you know? next steps are to start walking again (thank god it's coming on summer here now, and i live right by the sea so no excuse!) and make my portion sizes smaller. upping the protein in my diet (im a vegie, and i notice when i eat more protein i lose weight more consistently) will help no doubt too.

    i'm hoping to be down another ten kg at least by early feb, as i have a great friend of mine's wedding to go to.

    so yeah, that's just my wee intro. ill keep posting to let ye know how im getting on. looking forward to getting to know some of're all very inspirational!

    (ps excuse the bad grammar and punctuation!!)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Expecting to be up a pound this week tbh, have been a total beast this weekend! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Well, I asked for it! Was 1lb up last night - was very disappointed!:( Even though I knew I wasn't tracking properly and was eating the wrong things I was still secretly hoping my body wouldn't recognise this fact.
    So, this has now made me determined to be good this week! I want to claw back that 1lb plus more!! No point moaning about the gain it was my own fault so no more excuses!!! Will keep you up-dated.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Hi guys how are ye all doing? I have been awful for about 3 weeks now- eating like a madwoman and not exercising at all. Luckily I havent gained too much but I'm aware that this is what I always do- lose a stone then give up and gain a stone and a half. So each time I just end up going up and up.

    I really dont want that to happen this time- I'm soooo close to my goal weight -just 8.5lbs to lose so I'm starting back again tomorrow and hoping to be nearly at goal by Christmas.

    Best of luck to everyone-I'll be on here looking for your support over the next few weeks guys

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    C'mon Bally8 - you can do it!!!! I know it's hard when you've had a bad few weeks but don't let that put you off reaching your goal - you are so close!
    I had a bad week last week & decided to have a mini-goal between now & Christmas. My Dad is 60 & we are throwing him a surprise party in 4 weeks time - so my aim for that is to be below the 12st mark & then be 11st 10 (or less!) for Christmas. Do you have anything you could aim for in the next few weeks? perhaps it would help get your motivation back up & running???
    Well, good luck & let us know how you're getting on.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Thanks a million for the support LorDar, you have no idea how much it helps. Im here counting the minutes till lunch but thankfully I've it prepared since before work so no chance of my straying to the shop.

    I was just thinking there- my OH and I are going to a concert in Dublin at the beginning of Dec. Its perfect- I'll set myself the goal of 4lbs by the night of concert. Cool I'm all up for it again now.

    Best of luck everyone

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Bally8 wrote: »
    Hi guys how are ye all doing? I have been awful for about 3 weeks now- eating like a madwoman and not exercising at all. Luckily I havent gained too much but I'm aware that this is what I always do- lose a stone then give up and gain a stone and a half. So each time I just end up going up and up.

    I really dont want that to happen this time- I'm soooo close to my goal weight -just 8.5lbs to lose so I'm starting back again tomorrow and hoping to be nearly at goal by Christmas.

    Best of luck to everyone-I'll be on here looking for your support over the next few weeks guys

    Good luck with getting that last little bit off!
    I was expecting to be up a little this week - down 2lbs! 12st 11lbs now, which is exactly 2 stone off since I started trying to lose weight. Almost halfway there :) I also entered my first 10k run, will be doing the Aware 10k on December 6. Can't wait!

    On the downside - I'm hungry all the goddamn time at the moment. Seriously, I'll eat breakfast (porridge) at 8.30 when I get into college, my stomach is rumbling again by 10, and even if I eat a snack then I'll be hungry again by 12. Wish I could just kill my appetite for a while - especially because with this being the last month of the first semester of final year and the mass energy drink consumption that's going to happen over the next few weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭0141607

    Hey ppl how are ye getting on now? Lenni thanks so much for starting this thread, you are a legend, i have been looking for one like it for ages, never thought to start my own. I too am back on the WW bandwagon.

    i joined ww the first time in juno 06, got to 2pounds above my goal everyone telling me how great i was looking, it went to my head and before i knew it the pounds went back on, managed to control it to some degree, then i moved to a new city, new job and got a new boyfriend..i am worse than ever a year on. Im now the heaviest ive ever been, so went back to ww after my 3week holiday on 19th sept..(those photos need to be burned!)
    i did good the first 3weeks 1.5pounds each week but was frustrated i didnt lose more, then put on 4pounds the next week..went a bit mad. Coped onto myself lost another 1.5..then nothing last week and i was super good and guess what i fell off the wagon again after my meeting. I am so annoyed over it all, cause i know it works but for some reason my motivation seems to be gone even though im unhappy in the size i am! i need some help please....
    Its a viscious circle with me, seems that if i dont lose when i feel down i get frustrated and then in turn pig out :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭0141607

    Beansprout..i feel your pain.. your post 30/9/08 took the words right out of my mouth, i know the feeling confidence gone, cant fit into clothes etc.

    How do you find the cross trainer in your house, i have gym membership some weeks ill got 5nights and then others maybe once or twice, with winter set in im in 2minds about getting a cross trainer.All advice grately appreciated!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    0141607, welcome back to the land of dieting!! Well done on reaching your goal before - I've never managed that!
    Like you when I get depressed or pee'd off I am more likely to stuff my face with junk & it becomes a vicious circle, because then I am even more depressed!
    I think 1.5lbs a week is great! It all really does at up, it might feel like small amounts but at that rate within 5 weeks you would lose more than half a stone! And have a silver seven! At least you know you can do it, it may take time - but it can be done!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 64 ✭✭0141607

    LorDar wrote: »
    0141607, welcome back to the land of dieting!! Well done on reaching your goal before - I've never managed that!
    Like you when I get depressed or pee'd off I am more likely to stuff my face with junk & it becomes a vicious circle, because then I am even more depressed!
    I think 1.5lbs a week is great! It all really does at up, it might feel like small amounts but at that rate within 5 weeks you would lose more than half a stone! And have a silver seven! At least you know you can do it, it may take time - but it can be done!
    i used to be so positive about it before but this time around its a total nightmare and i cant figure out why.. will see how my weigh in goes this week.. cant make thurs so heading to saturdays instead..morning weigh should help a bit too :) once again im cheating :L.. your right i need to start looking at it adding up rather then the little bit each week, i wish i could take my own advice cause i would be saying to others wow 1.5 is great..i need to slow down, i want it all too quickly and its going slower than ever. Back to the grind..thanks for the advice..its great to hear from ppl going through it themselves. :D
