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Paramilitary Associations



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,715 ✭✭✭Hande hoche!

    I love this thread if ony for being introduces to ARRSE and the entry the have on Zulu Two zero.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    arrse isn't just beating the man down its taking him apart inch by inch

    the examination of his medal collection is incredible with him wearing ww1 and ww2 veterans medals along with other nonsense

    in addition to the main thread where they have noticed this board

    i found these other arsse links to their version of wiki

    they will be checking where he buys his underwear before too long :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    shortt was in this weeks private eye in uk over dealings with a mate running uk cabinet office security

    apparently his home office mate has been suspended already :eek:

    theres a wee feeling that jim shortts time at castle cosey at castlebellingham might be getting a bit uncomfortable

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight

    I see the Gallowglass Guard now have their own page on ARRSE :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    no disrespect intended to the real people of ireland of course

    sadly people like jim castlesh1te can create a bad image for the hundreds of perfectly normal people in ireland ;)

    bless you all and keep laughing :cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight

    no disrespect intended to the real people of ireland of course

    sadly people like jim castlesh1te can create a bad image for the hundreds of perfectly normal people in ireland ;)

    I thought he was from Croyden :rolleyes:

    And judging by the names of the Yanks in his "St Brendan Detachment" few of them are even Irish-American.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight


    He doesn't really mean Naomh Brendain by some chance?

    I wonder where he learned his Irish from? Corparáil for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    WTF?? seems that stuff on this guy is either rapidly being altered or removed completely from the net!!

    Is that the sound of rapid back peddling I hear??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    oh dear how sad :cool:

    i have read on arrse that there has been a lot of activity on the websites especially in the cv departments

    one link has a whole page of bullshot reduced to a shortt paragraph :D

    apparently the police north and south are taking some interest as well as the army

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,514 ✭✭✭Sleipnir

    Correct me if Im wrong, but I read an article in Private Eye a few months ago which showed that he did not actually posess many of the qualifications he claims.

    I also seem to remember that his security company is in place in either TCD or UCD.

    Can't remember all the details but I'll see if I still have the article.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight

    A big row brewing up in London; apparently Jim Shortt was invited to advise on Cabinet Office security!

    The Phoenix has suggested that Gordon Brown might yet hire the Gallowglass Guard as his bodyguard :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,097 ✭✭✭IRISH RAIL

    the thread on arrse is bigger than after hours
    you could spend a week reading a few days replys
    but very worth while
    keep up the good work guys

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    A week? this twit threatened Arrse way back in August last year and the threads had been running much longer than that...Hmmmm at last its seems that the public media have finally taken notice, Its only the Sun but its a start, others will follow I'm sure.

    I wonder if the Irish media now are to do a piece on this laddo considering he now resides in the Republic and is running training facilities for BG/CP or crust knows what else. There are also very serious claims of improper and dangerous paramedic/first aid practises.

    Also from a financial point of view, if this guy is a fake and all the indications are that he is, he has earned mega bucks over the years from these courses and all funds are paid directly to him! from all over the globe for nigh on 30 years! what are we talking...millions? A lot of very p!ssed off individuals and organisations I'm sure who paid money in good faith will be looking for an explanation....Incoming James Shortt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    latest from arrse which they are sending around the planet and why not
    that is one bunch of angry bees
    You may be interested in the end product of some 5 months' detailed investigation by members of the Army Rumour Service at of the claims of a certain individual.

    The people at ARRSE are not business competitors, they are simply people who abhor the concept of "stolen valour" as used for business purposes by one James Gerard Richard Shortt [aka The Baron of Castleshort]. The language may occasionally be "robust" but is simply a reflection of the anger and contempt felt by those who have actually served in HM Forces.

    Please take a while [about 30 minutes] to read the following Internet links:

    And recent Media comment:

    Sadly, links to recent issues of Private Eye (UK) and The Phoenix (ROI) are not easily accessible on-line.

    Mr Shortt has undoubtedly jumped out of several serviceable aircraft. He has some general credibility in Martial Arts circles. However, it could also be suggested that Mr Shortt has built his business on false claims, and over-inflated CVs, and bogus awards, and false claims of business links and accreditation.

    He may, of course, simply be a deranged fantasist. Only time will tell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 614 ✭✭✭dent

    Did a Jujutsu seminar with him once (Free one) and he seemed like he knew his stuff. He was going on about been in the jungle and stuff and seemed a little odd.

    The Jujutsu club I was in ( then decided to join his organisation and the style of training changed at which point I left. Glad I did now as its throws his Jujutsu claims into bad light.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    that sort of ties in with other comments i have read in other places

    people tended to get put off by what he was doing and saying

    and the fact that he has to be a 34th dan in everything and probably related to the guy who invented it all in the 12th century:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight

    Not content with claiming to be former SAS, Para etc etc Jim Shortt now appears to be pretending to be a former FCA man!

    See here

    I looked into this a bit more and found this: NB the medal in question was
    NOT allowed to be worn on the military uniform

    of serving members of the Reserve Defence Force or Slua Muire

    (the F.C.A being officially stood down.)

    They were of private manufacture and solely for the use on the Blazer's of

    retired members of the F.C.A. / S.M. / R.D.F.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Night Flight

    The boys on ARRSE have suggested that Jimbo might be wearing a Military Medal for Gallantry....

    He'd better bloody not be :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    i thought it was royal galloglas guard stuff

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 129 ✭✭Duffers

    No I think it's a Belgian or Polish medal, he wears a couple of WW2 ones as well asccording to the 'bling' wiki.
    Every time I look at the Shortt threads I have to read about 5 pages to catch up on whats been happening...they are constantly unearthing new things, it's like watching an autopsy...

    these guys seem to think Shortt is above board, the refer to 'Baron James Shortt' and the IBA on their home page, they offer FETAC courses.

    Interesting thing is he's been photographed with Dmitri Romanov at some Russian ball, Romanov is a big cheese in the Romanov family association, which is like a continuation of the Russian royal house hold, of which Prince Michael of Kent is a member, would have thought he would not be impressed by the fake titles, medals, and military claims.
    I'm sure that Shortt is watching all this unfold, and seeing his potential earnings dry up as a result. In fact he's probably sitting up at night drinking whisky in his pants reading all this sh*t going around. He has no one to blame but himself. Chevalier Count Baron Papal Knight SAS Para ninja Colonel indeed!
    As for the weapons, I think all the stuff he does (ie skills and drills) in Ireland is with airsoft toy guns. :D
    Tell someone about Shortt, and try to keep a straight face as you list his 'acheivements'. Then see what their response is. And then ask yourself how he got away with it, or ever thought he would.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    hello duffers

    they obviously dont read the sun in sligo :o

    those guys on arrse are tireless and worked out old man otts medals in about 30 mins - scary :eek:

    and their thread has recently some chat with a woman at a college that does iba training without getting any answewrs

    and there seem to be a bunch of lawyers just waiting in the wings all over the place - sveral comments about talking to our legal department

    thyell miss him when hes gone :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    No word from the Shortt fella.....strange that with all these revelations flying about the place you'd think he'd have a sh!tfit. Hes in Spain at the minute I believe giving it some welly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    perhaps hes joining the other crooks in marbela :cool:

    might be good if he stayed there as theres another lie just been uncovered concerning police stuff

    those guys work hard :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    My my my my my. Do my eyes decieve me?....The claims of this mans Walting must ALL be else would this wee man get his very own Wikipedia page!!

    I give you James Shortt


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,097 ✭✭✭IRISH RAIL

    Indeed the shorrt story is amazing
    Duffers is right you have to read dozens of pages for one days post

    did anyone read about his upcoming seminar with the soliciter from dublin?
    maybe he is getting scared in case he is being set up.

    this guy really should just stop its way beyond a joke now ww2 medals ffs

    there was always just one thing that got me and it only had a miniscule mention from kilaloe on arrse
    how coulld he get away with it without bringing the "OGLAIGH" a knocking for a tar and feathering ?

    maybe he had to admit his bull to the guys to save himself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭iceage

    Ding! Ding! Round III.

    Wow I got to hand it to the ARRSE Brigade, they're a tenacious bunch of chaps, and theres no sign of them letting up on this fella Jim, James, Seamus, sham, what ever his name is Shortt.

    One of these lads has gone through every Para jump record (all of which pass or fail, are kept) at Brize Norton.....Seems there is no sign of said Baron....Strange that. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27 Walt-Finder

    mr shortt has featured again the lastest copy of phoenix
    and arrse have moved on to part 4 of the story

    does anyone have an opinion on the lies about papal knight stuff
