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Supplements and getting Fat

  • 18-09-2008 6:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 17


    Just wondering

    Massive into gym work, health and fitness.
    Always been a big fan of creatine, proteins, NO2 etc...

    Now I dont take them as much just thinkgs like fat burners and Nitrobolon and stuff and I do alot of cardio these days! Just wondering why do I notice myself putting on alot more fat. It seems like my metabolism has really really slowed down even though my cardio goes up and Im in my early 20's.

    Then I thought about how everyone I know who was really "Big" and stuff when they were younger now look fat etc...

    Do supplements do this do you? Do they alter your metabolism?

    People have to admit that there is a strong link between people who used to be big and now people who are plain fat? and Look fat!

    I dont want to be ignorant here as I am a fan of supplements. Just wondering about this

