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Some French woman has a problem with The Irish



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭stevoman

    ejmaztec wrote: »
    I thought the French loved The Irish.

    I reckon this woman's problem probably lies with her Irish husband of 32 years, not the entire Irish planetary contingent.

    Sunday September 21 2008

    Sir -- With reference to Brendan O'Connor's page one article: 'No More Mr (Irish) Nice Guy' (Sunday Independent, September 14, 2008), Mr Paddy, sorry for disappointing you, but, no, not everyone likes you.

    As a matter of fact, it is pretty amazing how disliked the Irish are.

    Of course, this is not said aloud as it is not politically correct. (French and German are the only two nationalities one can hate openly). Anyway as I was saying, keep dreaming.

    The great craic: where, when, how, who?

    Did I miss anything these last 30-odd years? I never see any craic with the Paddies. I agree, you sincerely believe you've got it, but noooooooo, wrong again. Only when you're binge-drinking do you dare open your mouth. And then, it is to talk total rubbish. You are loud, that's for sure. Well, one is Irish, so, one must pretend to be enjoying oneself. The usual topic is -- God, we are great!!!! Everybody loves us. (Please God, let it be true!).

    Your accent? Well, first of all, like in any country, there are different accents. But again, no, no, no, no -- the Irish accent is vile! Last month, I was in Ireland for a week. As soon as I arrived in Dublin and was surrounded by that awful noise coming out of the mouths around me, I wondered how would I be able to last that long. For sure, to wake up next to someone with such an accent must be some anti-climax! Give me the south east English accent anytime. But Irish?

    It is a fact that the Irish are totally ignorant regarding the cultures of thousands of beautiful countries and regions all over the world. Most of those cultures include story-telling, playing music, singing. But , again, silly us, we forgot, only the Irish sing and play music .... How many times do you want to hear the boooooooring Danny song?

    So Mr Paddy, I've been married to an Irishman for 32 years. I know the Irish history (I made sure I read the books), I know what Ireland was like 30 years ago, I know the mentality of the Irish, I know everything about you all. And it is not very pretty.

    The chip on the shoulder? Well, you have one on each shoulder, for balance. And that stops you from rising up. You see the other nationalities, (let's take the French and the German you hate so much) they are very secure about themselves and they are bloody right about it. So, they don't care what anybody thinks about them. I am French (ho la la, a frog!) and the one thing I am proud of is that in France, unlike in Ireland, we are very curious about other nationalities.

    My origins are in Brittany. Brittany -- where people do not like the Irish. Why? Because you are ignorant. You are the ones who are not interested in other cultures. The Scottish and the Welsh are loved in Brittany, Why? Because they are interested in all those people coming to the festivals from all over the world to introduce us to their culture. But you? Forget it.

    Even when it comes to business in France, you are known as not trustworthy. A lot of bull****, yes!

    When I was in sales in London, the Irish clients were the easiest to get. Why? Just telling them, "I am married to an Irishman" was sufficient to get the appointment/the deal. They all thought they were loved. Idiots! Sometimes I even found it too easy.

    I have a friend who is the director of a recruitment agency for hotel industry management. Well, guess what? Irish women are the most difficult to place. Why? Because they are vile. They believe that being a good manager is to bully people. Very Irish!

    Irish friends? No, it does not exist. I am not saying there are no nice Irish people. But friendship can be difficult among people who begrudge the success of their neighbour. (Don't deny it, even the Irish say it themselves). For whatever reason, you are obsessed with money. In France, we consider it vulgar to talk about money.

    So, to your last comment, that everybody likes you when you are rich, let me tell you something. No matter what, Paddy, and don't forget it, no amount of money will hide the smell of dung which will always stick to your magnificent boots wherever you'll go.

    And next time, don't mix up "patronising you" with "liking you".

    A nationality is just an accident of birth, which means that when people say, for example: "I am proud of being Irish", it is an absurdity. We do nothing in order to have a nationality. And to be proud of something, you must achieve something, work at it, like when you succeed at your exams.

    But for sure, I am very happy to be French. Thank God for that accident of birth. How awful to think I could have been born Irish! Italian, Spanish, yes. But Irish! And maybe that is why deep down you're so afraid of not being liked. You realise yourself how pathetic you are.

    As for the accent of my husband, he has a great musical ear, and maybe that is why he has hardly any Irish accent. Lucky me!

    Anyway, keep dreaming.

    PS: All the people I know from Italy, France, Poland, etc are French, Italian, Polish. Nobody calls himself/herself European. Nobody.

    Name and address with Editor

    F*ck me. What Irishman did she marry to build up that much hate? probobly Ryan Tuberdy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,273 ✭✭✭Morlar

    I really think thats a lot of nonsense about the french military and stems from WWII and the blitzkrieg that swept across all of europe away not just france.

    The brits were kicked back to dunkirk too dont forget.

    Belgium Poland etc all fell in days. Not just france.

    Dont forget in the last 6 months french commandos have gone in and twice rescued their citizens (successfully) who were being held by 'pirates' off somalia.

    If they had been Irish tourists they would still be there subject to god knows what ill treatment. They are also by all accounts proving very capable in Afghanistan where despite heavy losses they are inflicting the same and more on their enemies so I really think this surrender monkey stuff is not based in reality.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Morlar wrote: »
    I really think thats a lot of nonsense about the french military and stems from WWII and the blitzkrieg that swept across all of europe away not just france.

    The brits were kicked back to dunkirk too dont forget.

    Belgium Poland etc all fell in days. Not just france.

    Dont forget in the last 6 months french commandos have gone in and twice rescued their citizens (successfully) who were being held by 'pirates' off somalia.

    If they had been Irish tourists they would still be there subject to god knows what ill treatment. They are also by all accounts proving very capable in Afghanistan where despite heavy losses they are inflicting the same and more on their enemies so I really think this surrender monkey stuff is not based in reality.

    sorry, this is after hours. Please don't let the truth get in the way of a good bit of pish taking:D

    There is this as wll though

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,072 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    To give the French the benefit of the doubt re WW2, I remember that it was the Italians who were regarded as not being up for it, mainly due to the fact that most of the soldiers didn't support fascism.

    There were some dodgy jokes e.g.

    How many gears are there on an Italian tank?

    Five - 1 forward and 4 reverse. :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,025 ✭✭✭slipss

    Orizio wrote: »

    The only thing that rings vaguely true is the very end bit about many Irish people identifying themselves as 'European'(whatever the hell that means)

    European: of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe; "European Community"
    a native or inhabitant of Europe

    Dictionary: a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them

    Don't worry bud, I skipped school a lot as a kid too.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    Shes mostly right to be honest.

    Theres a real 'proud to be irish' mentality in a lot of Irish people. I know many Irish people who go abroad and might listen while someone talks about their culture and then they'll come on with a 'yeah but in Ireland ... blah blah blah'.

    We think we're the only ones who know how to drink, we think we know what a party is, we think we know the 'craic', we think we have some natural magic difference to everyone else because we are born in a tiny little west european island.

    In fairness to the old girl shes mostly right, we're not alone in that regard but we're certainly up there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,025 ✭✭✭slipss

    monosharp wrote: »
    Shes mostly right to be honest.

    Theres a real 'proud to be irish' mentality in a lot of Irish people. I know many Irish people who go abroad and might listen while someone talks about their culture and then they'll come on with a 'yeah but in Ireland ... blah blah blah'.

    We think we're the only ones who know how to drink, we think we know what a party is, we think we know the 'craic', we think we have some natural magic difference to everyone else because we are born in a tiny little west european island.

    In fairness to the old girl shes mostly right, we're not alone in that regard but we're certainly up there.

    Ahhh what a crock of steaming bullsh1t. "Theres a real 'proud to be irish' mentality in a lot of Irish people". Do you really believe you can't swap the word Irish for French, Dutch, Spanish, American, English etc etc and it is not the same? "'yeah but in Ireland ... blah blah blah'" I'm traveling at the minute, I run into people from Germany, Estonia, all over and everyone does that, you say "in Ireland all the kids play football" straight away a German or Mexican will turn around "ohhh no no no, you should see back home, then you would see everyone playing football", isn't that what we are all doing, telling each other about your cultures and countries, it is not more prevalent in the Irish than any other nationality I have ever met in my entire life. Yes we do like our drink and yes we do like to brag about how much we like to party in a messing kind of way, but just last night I was sitting around listening to three New Zealanders telling everyone at the table that Kiwis could drink any nationality under the table and how if we wanted to see a real partying we should fly across to NZ.

    In fairness to the old girl, her husband has been humping the nanny and she downed a bottle of bland french wine and then decided she would spewl a load of utter rubbish onto a piece of paper and send it into an Irish paper, that being her only outlet, what with direct confrontation not exactly being a major part of French culture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Dan133269

    monosharp wrote: »
    Shes mostly right to be honest.

    Theres a real 'proud to be irish' mentality in a lot of Irish people. I know many Irish people who go abroad and might listen while someone talks about their culture and then they'll come on with a 'yeah but in Ireland ... blah blah blah'.

    We think we're the only ones who know how to drink, we think we know what a party is, we think we know the 'craic', we think we have some natural magic difference to everyone else because we are born in a tiny little west european island.

    In fairness to the old girl shes mostly right, we're not alone in that regard but we're certainly up there.

    in my a**e is she right! she may have got a few general observations about irish people right, but the stuff she says about her own country is the most rose tinted spectacled nonsense I've ever heard in my life.
    she says irish people are ignorant of other cultures. In my experience it is the French that think Ireland is part of the UK and some even thinking Ireland is a city within the UK, ireland is only about 30 minutes away from france, wexford to calais by plane.

    In France it's considered vulgar to talk about money? the country that is obsessed with discussing unemployment and means to combat it, where unemployment is currently at 20%, of course they bloody talk about money. Speaking of which, a chip on our shoulder which stops us from rising up. Well despite the current economic climate in which every country is being hit, we're certainly more prosperous and in a much better standard of living than the French.

    Without question Irish people are more open minded, more accepting and more friendly than the French. The French have an air of divine superiority about them that is based in nothing but their deluded minds.

    English accent sounding better than Irish accent? completely subjective. then the f***in bombshell, irish people are not liked in Brittany? that was one of the celtic settlements where celtic languages similar to Irish are still bloody spoken! and as for knowing everything about a country, how much of a bold exagerrative claim to make is that? no one can know everything about a country, certain strains of a nationality are constantly changing anyway.
    Bottom line, thank god I'm Irish rather than that god forsaken nationality that is French!


  • Registered Users Posts: 269 ✭✭Terpsichore

    Reference to Solair below.

    God bless her!

    She’s suffering from a very common illness that strikes French people at the end of their tether: a nervous breakdown.

    Well guys! A shocking point of view indeed!!

    Few interesting points to it however:
    -It generates a lot of thoughts and discussion: well done on that one!
    -Hopefully it made her feel better. Lady you need to cheer up a bit. Go to your local Irish pub for a good session and that will hopefully sort you out!!!
    -Her written English is quite brilliant. Don’t you think?

    I’m a female from Brittany myself and I enjoy/love mostly everything Irish, and so ever since I was brought up between both Brittany and Normandy (already some racist rivalry between the two… I’m not even starting on that one!). Normandy offered a more French education, while Brittany offered the Celtic twist that I love so much. Always wanted to come to Ireland. Would never thought that I would end up living here for so long! But there you go!

    I’ve been living in the Dublin area for the last 9 years, and I’m having a ball. So much so that I’m going to marry a Dublin lad in 2009… in Normandy!
    Honey, hope I don’t end up angry like this woman!!! Promise, I will work hard not to!

    The words from this lady have just confirmed –once again!- why I was right to leave France, and why I wouldn’t really like to go back to live there immediately. Well: never say never…

    As Solair has really well described, things are not so wonderful in beautiful France. I think it’s great for holidays. But if you have to make a living there: be aware and be prepared!!! It can be really really tough! And mainly because of the people. A lot of free mind games going on in La Douce France...

    We all have moments in life when all seems too much, but the French have the knack to let everybody know how unhappy they are and how unfair life is and… etc. Maybe she should go on strike!!! Sounds like a late life crisis. Maybe menopause is round the corner… or well passed! Anyhow: build a bridge Girly. And keep a bit to yourself, will ya? It’s only polite.

    As for all the WW2 references, I think History is very important to refer to. But trying to hate people today because of what other people did in the past isn't constructive at all. That should at least have taught us that!

    Luckily, most people responding to this thread don’t seem to generalize the way she does. Halleluiah!

    Au revoir!
    Good bye!
    Hasta luego!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred

    Reference to Solair below.

    God bless her!

    She’s suffering from a very common illness that strikes French people at the end of their tether: a nervous breakdown.

    Well guys! A shocking point of view indeed!!

    Few interesting points to it however:
    -It generates a lot of thoughts and discussion: well done on that one!
    -Hopefully it made her feel better. Lady you need to cheer up a bit. Go to your local Irish pub for a good session and that will hopefully sort you out!!!
    -Her written English is quite brilliant. Don’t you think?

    I’m a female from Brittany myself and I enjoy/love mostly everything Irish, and so ever since I was brought up between both Brittany and Normandy (already some racist rivalry between the two… I’m not even starting on that one!). Normandy offered a more French education, while Brittany offered the Celtic twist that I love so much. Always wanted to come to Ireland. Would never thought that I would end up living here for so long! But there you go!

    I’ve been living in the Dublin area for the last 9 years, and I’m having a ball. So much so that I’m going to marry a Dublin lad in 2009… in Normandy!
    Honey, hope I don’t end up angry like this woman!!! Promise, I will work hard not to!

    The words from this lady have just confirmed –once again!- why I was right to leave France, and why I wouldn’t really like to go back to live there immediately. Well: never say never…

    As Solair has really well described, things are not so wonderful in beautiful France. I think it’s great for holidays. But if you have to make a living there: be aware and be prepared!!! It can be really really tough! And mainly because of the people. A lot of free mind games going on in La Douce France...

    We all have moments in life when all seems too much, but the French have the knack to let everybody know how unhappy they are and how unfair life is and… etc. Maybe she should go on strike!!! Sounds like a late life crisis. Maybe menopause is round the corner… or well passed! Anyhow: build a bridge Girly. And keep a bit to yourself, will ya? It’s only polite.

    As for all the WW2 references, I think History is very important to refer to. But trying to hate people today because of what other people did in the past isn't constructive at all. That should at least have taught us that!

    Luckily, most people responding to this thread don’t seem to generalize the way she does. Halleluiah!

    Au revoir!
    Good bye!
    Hasta luego!

    Oh god, now you've gone and done it. They'll be bloody full of themselves now;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Oh god, now you've gone and done it. They'll be bloody full of themselves now;)

    Shhhhhh Englander get back in your box :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭anonymousman

    Solair wrote: »
    You also have to realise that there's an elite in France that tried to abolish regional accents and did abolish regional languages like Longue D'Oc spoken in the south/southwest of France.

    They systematically tried to wipe out the use of Breton and Basque only accepting that they could be subjects in school in recent years.

    They tried to wipe out German in Alsace and Lorraine even sticking up posters in schools in the 1950s and 60s with messages about how it was more Chique to speak French. The use of German in official documents etc was outlawed and the language suffered a death.

    Regional policy in France tends to be top-down Paris-elite centric stuff. It's got a terrible history when it comes to celebrating regional language / cultural variations etc.

    It's only in recent years that such regionalism has been accepted as something that is a good thing.

    Basically, the previous attitude in France was similar to Victorian / Edwardian England - speak in RP and having a regional accent is at worst undesirable or at best amusing.

    So, to me it doesn't at all surprise me that this lady would find anything short of the Queen's English offensive. She's just an irritating cultural snob from a bygone era.

    Dude with every post you make you are BURNING this french chick (nice work), i wish you could meet her face to face!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,688 ✭✭✭Nailz

    "Go back to France ya damn communist!!"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 62 ✭✭Loose Lips

    OP: She sounds very embittered. She shouldn't let a bad experience with a small number of Irish people turn her against the whole country.

    And we shouldn't let her opinions turn us against the French. I'm sure this is not what most French people think.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    Wow..just wow....what a bitter old bitch. If she hates Ireland so much maybe she should just throw on her beret and get the **** back on the boat. I ****in hate the French anyway (thanks to my ex) but this is fuel for at least another 10 years worth of it!

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,463 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    DarkJager wrote: »
    Wow..just wow....what a bitter old bitch... I ****in hate the French anyway (thanks to my ex)

    L'hôpital qui se moque de la charité, I believe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,983 ✭✭✭leninbenjamin

    meh... why would anybody care what another nations thinks of us? As long as they keep buying our exports i really don't give a sh*t.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Two french warships floating around in Dublin bay till monday .

    Obiously just coincidence ....yes ,of course ....phew

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭all the stars

    ejmaztec wrote: »
    Name and address with Editor

    indeed.... so completely believing and proud of her opinion she keeps her identity secret. ;)

    Oh well...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭all the stars

    monosharp wrote: »

    Theres a real 'proud to be irish' mentality in a lot of Irish people. I know many Irish people who go abroad and might listen while someone talks about their culture and then they'll come on with a 'yeah but in Ireland ... blah blah blah'.
    no differant than the "at home in my country..." spiel i hear every day off other nationalities...

    we are allowed be proud of our heritage...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 595 ✭✭✭speaktofrank

    Wow that's one bitter woman, I wish people wouln't put down the French though just to retaliate to her xenophobic remarks.
    I have been living in France for a few years now and most French people do love Ireland. We have a long history with the country, from the Wild Geese to the 1798 rebellion.
    Don't let one persons bile affect how you perceive other countries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,072 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    latchyco wrote: »
    Two french warships floating around in Dublin bay till monday .

    Obiously just coincidence ....yes ,of course ....phew

    I for one ..............................

    Where's me beret?

  • Registered Users Posts: 50 ✭✭Lissoy

    Her husband must have a small c*ck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    Lissoy wrote: »
    Her husband must have a small c*ck

    Or none at all.....maybe he uses interpretive dance instead??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,837 ✭✭✭S.I.R

    ejmaztec wrote: »
    I thought the French loved The Irish.

    I reckon this woman's problem probably lies with her Irish husband of 32 years, not the entire Irish planetary contingent.

    Sunday September 21 2008

    Sir -- With reference to Brendan O'Connor's page one article: 'No More Mr (Irish) Nice Guy' (Sunday Independent, September 14, 2008), Mr Paddy, sorry for disappointing you, but, no, not everyone likes you.

    As a matter of fact, it is pretty amazing how disliked the Irish are.

    Of course, this is not said aloud as it is not politically correct. (French and German are the only two nationalities one can hate openly). Anyway as I was saying, keep dreaming.

    The great craic: where, when, how, who?

    Did I miss anything these last 30-odd years? I never see any craic with the Paddies. I agree, you sincerely believe you've got it, but noooooooo, wrong again. Only when you're binge-drinking do you dare open your mouth. And then, it is to talk total rubbish. You are loud, that's for sure. Well, one is Irish, so, one must pretend to be enjoying oneself. The usual topic is -- God, we are great!!!! Everybody loves us. (Please God, let it be true!).

    Your accent? Well, first of all, like in any country, there are different accents. But again, no, no, no, no -- the Irish accent is vile! Last month, I was in Ireland for a week. As soon as I arrived in Dublin and was surrounded by that awful noise coming out of the mouths around me, I wondered how would I be able to last that long. For sure, to wake up next to someone with such an accent must be some anti-climax! Give me the south east English accent anytime. But Irish?

    It is a fact that the Irish are totally ignorant regarding the cultures of thousands of beautiful countries and regions all over the world. Most of those cultures include story-telling, playing music, singing. But , again, silly us, we forgot, only the Irish sing and play music .... How many times do you want to hear the boooooooring Danny song?

    So Mr Paddy, I've been married to an Irishman for 32 years. I know the Irish history (I made sure I read the books), I know what Ireland was like 30 years ago, I know the mentality of the Irish, I know everything about you all. And it is not very pretty.

    The chip on the shoulder? Well, you have one on each shoulder, for balance. And that stops you from rising up. You see the other nationalities, (let's take the French and the German you hate so much) they are very secure about themselves and they are bloody right about it. So, they don't care what anybody thinks about them. I am French (ho la la, a frog!) and the one thing I am proud of is that in France, unlike in Ireland, we are very curious about other nationalities.

    My origins are in Brittany. Brittany -- where people do not like the Irish. Why? Because you are ignorant. You are the ones who are not interested in other cultures. The Scottish and the Welsh are loved in Brittany, Why? Because they are interested in all those people coming to the festivals from all over the world to introduce us to their culture. But you? Forget it.

    Even when it comes to business in France, you are known as not trustworthy. A lot of bull****, yes!

    When I was in sales in London, the Irish clients were the easiest to get. Why? Just telling them, "I am married to an Irishman" was sufficient to get the appointment/the deal. They all thought they were loved. Idiots! Sometimes I even found it too easy.

    I have a friend who is the director of a recruitment agency for hotel industry management. Well, guess what? Irish women are the most difficult to place. Why? Because they are vile. They believe that being a good manager is to bully people. Very Irish!

    Irish friends? No, it does not exist. I am not saying there are no nice Irish people. But friendship can be difficult among people who begrudge the success of their neighbour. (Don't deny it, even the Irish say it themselves). For whatever reason, you are obsessed with money. In France, we consider it vulgar to talk about money.

    So, to your last comment, that everybody likes you when you are rich, let me tell you something. No matter what, Paddy, and don't forget it, no amount of money will hide the smell of dung which will always stick to your magnificent boots wherever you'll go.

    And next time, don't mix up "patronising you" with "liking you".

    A nationality is just an accident of birth, which means that when people say, for example: "I am proud of being Irish", it is an absurdity. We do nothing in order to have a nationality. And to be proud of something, you must achieve something, work at it, like when you succeed at your exams.

    But for sure, I am very happy to be French. Thank God for that accident of birth. How awful to think I could have been born Irish! Italian, Spanish, yes. But Irish! And maybe that is why deep down you're so afraid of not being liked. You realise yourself how pathetic you are.

    As for the accent of my husband, he has a great musical ear, and maybe that is why he has hardly any Irish accent. Lucky me!

    Anyway, keep dreaming.

    PS: All the people I know from Italy, France, Poland, etc are French, Italian, Polish. Nobody calls himself/herself European. Nobody.

    Name and address with Editor

    seems like someone got f***** over one too many times... or maybe she burned her bread stick.... too much salt on her snails ??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    But for sure, I am very happy to be French. Thank God for that accident of birth. How awful to think I could have been born Irish!

    At least she seems to know she was an accidental birth!!! That apology from Durex instead of a birth cert must take pride of place on her wall.

    How awful to think I could have been born French!! Instead of enjoying my weekend in the pub, I could be sitting beside a canal eating croissants, drinking black coffee and talking ****.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 163 ✭✭cabinteelytom

    'oh, the gift that God would gie us, to see oursels as others see us';( by Robbie Burns).
    I am grateful to this woman for a little reality check. Though there must be some doubts about the validity of her observations. On these boards anyway, her views seem curiously unsupported ( where are our 'self-hating Irishmen'?; do they never get out of the pubs?). I think she has a grain of truth.
    Many of us are shocking bores, we are often bitterly divided (even incapable of collective action) and to many foreigners from countries with officially promoted 'nationalism', lacking qualities we proudly own in common. Try adding a long self-regarding list to the phrase,'The Irishman is....'
    I don't recognise her untravelled and uncurious about other nationalities stereotypes at all. Where has she been?
    We've had 15-20 years of being ethnically cuddly and got good press from 'Braveheart' to 'Titanic', our comedians have strode the stages and studios like colossi etc; but that's an exception to a long-standing historical trend, and we should be braced to be more critically and hostily perceived in future; and prepared to concede, on occasions, 'You might be right'.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    'oh, the gift that God would gie us, to see oursels as others see us';( by Robbie Burns).
    I am grateful to this woman for a little reality check. Though there must be some doubts about the validity of her observations. On these boards anyway, her views seem curiously unsupported ( where are our 'self-hating Irishmen'?; do they never get out of the pubs?). I think she has a grain of truth.
    Many of us are shocking bores, we are often bitterly divided (even incapable of collective action) and to many foreigners from countries with officially promoted 'nationalism', lacking qualities we proudly own in common. Try adding a long self-regarding list to the phrase,'The Irishman is....'
    I don't recognise her untravelled and uncurious about other nationalities stereotypes at all. Where has she been?
    We've had 15-20 years of being ethnically cuddly and got good press from 'Braveheart' to 'Titanic', our comedians have strode the stages and studios like colossi etc; but that's an exception to a long-standing historical trend, and we should be braced to be more critically and hostily perceived in future; and prepared to concede, on occasions, 'You might be right'.

    I don't think she should be given any credit at all. If it was worded differently, she may have raised some valid points, but all that she did was spit vitriol.

    I don't percieve Ireland to be "ethically cuddly" - thats how its portrayed to those outside Ireland for tourism of course.Its common knowledge that visitors to Ireland always comment on how friendly the people are here. How many people can honestly say that about France? I've been twice and although the entire population of France can't be tarred with the same brush, the people I've met on both occasions were indeed an ignorant bunch.

    I've re-read her letter a few times and I still can't get over the urge to hunt her down and slap some sense into her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 685 ✭✭✭luketitz

    That was a crazy little rant, what kind of a gob****e would actually sit down and write that nonsense??!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,815 ✭✭✭✭galwayrush

    luketitz wrote: »
    That was a crazy little rant, what kind of a gob****e would actually sit down and write that nonsense??!

    Yeah, we need to see her in a public forum just to prove to us that such a twisted bitter idiot actually exists.:D
