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Question ??

  • 23-09-2008 12:37am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,317 ✭✭✭

    Does anyone see how Tottenham are going to sort out the problems, turn-a-round this miserible start and actually do something significent in the game. ???

    Hand on heart, I don't see this group of players improving enough to see Spurs emerging from the gloom with a long unbeaten run or a winning streak.

    This might seem overly negitive to some, but I've given up on this version of THFC suceeding (from the boardroom to the pitch)

    Do you think this situation can still be transformed into a sucessful period in our history? If you think it can't then there's no point backing the people who collectively are ruining our great name.

    We are in need of a complete overhaul from top to bottom, starting with the owners first. I'm so bored and totally disalusioned by Tottenham Hotspur. It's such a shame things have gone so sour for me, but everyone has a breaking point and I can't take much more.

    It's not enjoyable any more (apart from the pub), and when it stops being fun, then what's the point ??

    Sorry to be all doom and gloom (I'm not always this way) but I can see it getting worse before it gets better. I hate to admit it but we are the newcastle of the south. It's like we're cursed.

    Our captian is a cripple and they lie to us every week about him, the club treat us like itinerants and the players are thick overpaid pansies who don't give 2 hoots about Tottenham Hotspur or our magnificent fans. The whole thing is becoming impossible for me to stomach.

    Rant over (I think I need a holiday) :mad:


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    hutton woodgate corluka bale
    bently zokora modric gio
    pavlchenko or bent and cambell

    this line up will see us good. Get diarra, a center back and a striker in jan and we'll be fine.

    simply play players where they play best and jobs a goodun, oh yeah and get rid of comolli

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 494 ✭✭John W

    Hutton Woodgate Corluka bale
    Bentley zokora modric gio
    pavlchenko or bent and cambell

    this line up will see us good. Get diarra, a center back and a striker in jan and we'll be fine.

    simply play players where they play best and jobs a goodun, oh yeah and get rid of comolli
    Yes the board made a bad decision on not getting in players in the summer - BUT, I see THAT as our ONLY problem.

    I think the talent we have (or will have by Jan) is good enough for the club to move forward - again I think Ramos and his staff are good enough to move the club forward.

    Although the board have made mistakes that has effected our last two starts to the season, on a positive note, we are financially sound, and you have to admit, we have been in the press this summer as a club with pots of money to throw around - I mean when have we ever been in the running (financially) for the same players as Utd and ARSEnal - we were this past window. I think a few seasons ago we never would have been able to afford players like Modric, Pav and Bentley - Now I am hearing figures of 25mil for players like Huntelaa, that is incredible that we have that kind of transfer kitty!

    We need more time unfortunately (because of the transfer fiasco's) but I think the team below (which what I predict for Jan) will be good enough to threaten next season, and more importantly, be able to get us into Europe this!

    Hutton - Corluka -- Woodgate -- Bale


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,946 ✭✭✭SuprSi

    I don't know, I sort of feel the same way. Despite Berbatov and Keane going this summer, I still felt quietly confident that our team had more than enough to be battling with the top 6, and if we managed to secure a decent striker, possibly the top 4. It's only taken 5 games (it actually took a lot less!) for me to lose all optimism, hope, and enjoyment from watching Spurs, and I can't ever remember being this down about the team.

    We have had one difficult game this season, away to Chelsea, where we ironically got a point. Every other game, with perhaps the exception of the Boro game (because it was the first game of the season) I would have had down as a win before the season started. Every other game!! That would have given us 9 points and I would have been moderately happy. Instead, we're propping up the table, playing worse than I've ever seen us play, with nobody able to improve things. A manager who's team selections leave question marks, and a chairman/board who are happy to let our best striker for many years leave at the last minute without securing a replacement!!!

    It'll take something special for me to become interested again. I still bought the new home shirt over the weekend and will still wear it, but I'm very worried and have already made plans for the times I'd normally be watching the football on the weekends.

    Woe is me :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭curraghyid

    The team are not performing as a team realistically it looks like players dont know what they are supposed to be doing. i am not having a go at ramos but it seems that directions from the sideline arent clear,its about what goes on ,on the park but with instructions being translated is every one sure of what the manager wants from them.
    He gave his first english press conference has his english improved considerably ? i dont know, but its goin to have to in order to get this team playing to its abilities.
    If results dont start coming soon it will start to get worrying,a relegation battle is a long way off and not something id like to think to much about but look were we are.
    The rumours in the red tops ramos wanting to go back to spain etc wont help but he has to stay at the lane at all costs any kind of management change would be a disaster.
    Commolis days are numbered imo to purchase players that are cup tied is absolute lunacy yet he is still in a job mistake after mistake. The problems are at the top and spurs will only start to come good when it is no longer a vehicle for moneymaking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭keane=cock

    curraghyid wrote: »
    The rumours in the red tops ramos wanting to go back to spain etc wont help but he has to stay at the lane at all costs any kind of management change would be a disaster.
    Commolis days are numbered imo to purchase players that are cup tied is absolute lunacy yet he is still in a job mistake after mistake. The problems are at the top and spurs will only start to come good when it is no longer a vehicle for moneymaking.

    agree here.....

    changing the manager will only mess the players around even more.
    the signing of cup tied players is stupid. how does he expect the club to go further in europe if the team he wants to be played week in week out will be pulled apart for the big games. comolli has been found out and rumours are doing the rounds that he is on levy's chop list!
    fingers crossed anyway

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 494 ✭✭John W

    keane=cock wrote: »
    agree here.....

    changing the manager will only mess the players around even more.
    the signing of cup tied players is stupid. how does he expect the club to go further in Europe if the team he wants to be played week in week out will be pulled apart for the big games. comolli has been found out and rumours are doing the rounds that he is on levy's chop list!
    fingers crossed anyway

    A note on the cup tied thing - I think this is more part of the signing players late than signing players who are cup tied intentionally! If you don't make purchases in the summer window, chances are ALL the players you want WILL be cup tied! Same will be true for all clubs come jan (remember Hutton last year)

    I don't think the decision to buy or sell players WHEN we did was in Camolli's hands to be honest - I think that decision was Levy and he's financial cronies - and that is where the blame lays - If we had got Pav and Corluka in the off season (like we should have) we would have had non cup tied players, AND they would have had time to gel with the squad, AND I don't think we would have been in this mess in the first place.

    So for me, the blame lies with Mr Levy and Co - I certainly don't think (not yet anyway) that Corluka and Pav were bad buys, I would have liked more players and a DMF (like ArseShavin and Veloso) but that again was down to the money men - remember Comolies job is only to scout and recommend players to Ramos, and the Board - If the board get so tied up in trying to wring every penny out of a deal you can hardly blame Camolli for the deals not happening before the window closes, for me, he came up with some very descent names, and I think Ramos excepted them! it was levy and Co who fecked it up!:mad:

    Now, that doesn't mean he is totally off the hook, he has made some questionable buys, mostly last year! Again, I don't blame him for Bent, he only recommended him as a good third striker - It was levy who did the deal and paid 16million:eek: for him - I am sure if the deal had of been 9million, nobody would have batted an eyelid about Bent, he was and still is a descent young talent - 16 mil for him was the problem, now he has all this 16 mil worth of expectation, plus the pressure of being the loan striker for a while didn't help.

    Levy needs to get his sh1t together, and this next window, just do the bloody deals will yer! I read in the paper today that levy thinks he can now get ArseShavin in Jan for 16mil - Does he really think not buying him in July, and having that start we have had is worth the money he has saved, same with the Corluka and Bentley deals, all done way to late - what an idiot!:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭keane=cock

    agreed that levy is the one holding out for the best possible price both sellin and buyin but the two strikers we were linked with in the dying hours of deadline day were heskey and kevin doyle. hardly top class european strikers are they.
    it seems the only people who didnt think having players for the whole of pre seasson n nopt cup tied are the ones in charge of buying players shocking really!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Comolli can only work within the constraints laid down by the board (i.e. Levy) and as I've said elsewhere, he was on a hiding to nothing with the sale of Berbatov and the recruitment of a replacement. As long as Levy delayed the signing of a new player (until he got his asking price at the 11th hour for Berbatov) Comolli was always going to be fighting a losing battle. It seemed he was told to have deals lined up as standby replacements, but leaving it until the last day was suicide, the Arshavin deal fell through because Levy wouldn't pay the asking price and so Zenit called it all off. Luis Garcia moved to Betis on deadline day and Millito went to Genoa the same day, neither player willing to wait and see if we really wanted them.

    Is is any wonder then that Heskey and Doyle emerged as targets in the final hours of the day? Does anyone think there is another club out there willing to adopt that level of brinksmanship, and risk having no striker at 00:01 the following day? Anyone holding that up as a stick to beat Comolli needs their head examined IMO.

    On the broader issue of the thread topic, less than 20 years ago we had a very promising side with probably the best player in English football and one of the best coaches in the game, yet because of off-field mismanagement we almost went under. People sometimes forget that under Venables, with Gazza and Lineker in the side (and others like Mabbutt, Stewart, Paul Allen etc etc)we managed a 6th place finish, followed by 3rd in the two seasons preceeding the 91 FA Cup. Its worth pointing out that the year we managed 3rd United were languishing in the bottom half of the table. We came back fro the brink then, so anything that's happening right now pales in comparison.

    Of course I'm unhappy with Levy's approach to the transfer window, I think he has seriously hamstrung Ramos and the team and will continue to do so unless lessons are learned from the last few months. The alternative scares me though, unless we attract oil money that wants to stick around then who takes over from ENIC? Another Mike Ashley-type, who's modelled his farcical reign on ENIC at Spurs? Maybe some American investors who'll load the club with debt to finance their takeover?

    And what if we do get some Sultan or Sheikh in, and he decides Tottenham is a sh1thole, but that nice green field site in Essex is a great spot for a 60k bowl with matching hotel and casino? Are you going to be happy to say goodbye to the history at WHL? I won't be.

    Be careful what you wish for folks.

    And give this team and it's coach some time, and some breathing space. They are desperately short on confidence, and need our support more than ever. I can understand for a lot of people (especially given the current economic situation) there are other factors that decide whether going to a game or not is feasible, but that doesn't stop us from having hope, and holdin our breath for the 90mins.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭keane=cock

    your insight into the whealings and dealing are quiete an eye opener reckless and thanks for that. im not hoping levy packs in just opens his eyes and realises his mistakes. after all it is a business investment to him but sell sell seel is not the answer. ok he has to balance the books but results in big competitions are gonna bring in money as well. heres hopin

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    keane=cock wrote: »
    ok he has to balance the books but results in big competitions are gonna bring in money as well. heres hopin

    He's got away with up until now, which vindicates the policy in the eyes of the people running the club.

    If we finish mid table and don't win a pot this year they will feel the effect next season without Euro football (and all that entails in terms of gate receipts, sponsorship, TV money etc etc)

    One thing we can be certain of, our take from Sky will be down unless we are challenging for some form of target (top 6 or trophy) as clubs get a payment for each televised game on top of a flat lump sum.

    Maybe then the term speculate to accumulate might sink in at ENIC.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    p.s. most of what I bring to this board on the issue of transfer dealings is just common sense if you think about, yeah I've got some info from good sources that help me arrive at certain conclusions, but when you look at players we're linked with all summer moving on deadline day to other clubs, and we make do with a loan signing from United then what else can you think only those players were not prepared to wait around for us to complete our business?

    The same applies to clubs we're dealing with, we seem to be one of the few clubs in a position of strength financially who are still willing to weaken our squad at the last minute in pursuit of a few more £££. We genuinely don't need to do that, not in the manner we've gone about that side of the business anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭keane=cock

    He's got away with up until now, which vindicates the policy in the eyes of the people running the club.

    If we finish mid table and don't win a pot this year they will feel the effect next season without Euro football (and all that entails in terms of gate receipts, sponsorship, TV money etc etc)

    One thing we can be certain of, our take from Sky will be down unless we are challenging for some form of target (top 6 or trophy) as clubs get a payment for each televised game on top of a flat lump sum.


    weell lets hope that doesnt come to it. i cant stand much more seasons with spurs not challangin

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 494 ✭✭John W

    keane=cock wrote: »
    agreed that levy is the one holding out for the best possible price both sellin and buyin but the two strikers we were linked with in the dying hours of deadline day were heskey and kevin doyle. hardly top class european strikers are they.
    it seems the only people who didnt think having players for the whole of pre seasson n nopt cup tied are the ones in charge of buying players shocking really!!
    YES, THAT, is all he could come up with on Transfer day,:( But remember he had already given several names, including ArseShavin to Ramos and the Board, it was the inept negotiations that left us with last minute panic buys like Hesky and Doyle (not sure how serious they were anyway)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭keane=cock

    yeah he can only suggest names but it strikes me that he and ramos didnt put a little pressure on levy to get these players because the papers are not sayin levys job is under scrutiney. just wish levy would just sign the players like he did with modric in time for the players to train for pre season and learn each others game before the season kicks off and 5 or six games into the season we are only finding our feet!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 494 ✭✭John W

    keane=cock wrote: »
    yeah he can only suggest names but it strikes me that he and Ramos didn't put a little pressure on levy to get these players because the papers are not saying Levy's job is under scrutiney. just wish levy would just sign the players like he did with modric in time for the players to train for pre season and learn each others game before the season kicks off and 5 or six games into the season we are only finding our feet!

    Yes, good point, Ramos, Gus, Camolli should be putting more pressure on him to do the deals quicker. We have already heard that the ArseShavin deal has a verbal agreement with Zenit for January, maybe this is as a result of Ramos saying, look get all the deals set up, I want these deals just to be signed on Jan 1 and get the fellers in to train right away - we will see, and hope....
