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Back in Saddle

  • 02-10-2008 11:07am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭

    Well, here we go again.

    Been out for past 16 weeks with a slipped disc that resulted in Piriformis Syndrome. Pleasant to say the least. It really messed with my head but I only regained about 2kg during that period so for me its bloody good going. After pretty intensive physio I am about ready to hit the gym running again this evening.

    I tend to get a bit obsessed with figures thus wrecking my own head so I am going to do my weigh ins every 30 days and see how it goes.

    12kg gone 38 to go. No real time frame but I think I can do it within the year, injuries depending!

    I have a fairly clear idea of what I want to achieve tonight in terms of cardio but I have no clue where my fitness levels are after 16 weeks off. I guess easy does it so I shoudl take it fairly handy.

    Wish me luck!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭Huggles

    Oh the relief!

    I was walking into the gym last night with a very knotted stomach with nerves. Turned out to be fine, my fitness levels haven't decreased all that much. I wanted to take it easy so I manged 25 minutes on x trainer and 3 x 12 on Leg extension at 32.5 Kg and 3 x 12 on Pull down. I could have done more but really didn't want to push it.

    The back held up great and only have a very slight twinge today.

    On the up and up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 793 ✭✭✭Juran


    12kg down .. thats great, well done. I started a 'change of life' fitness and health routine 2 weeks ago and its going good so far. I want to lose 4 stone (~25kg) by next May ... get down to 10 stone size 10-12 and feel super fit!
    I can honestly say i really don't like the gym. I used to gym it 3-5 times a week a few years ago before i put on weight ... i've gone back a few times the past year, and yep ... I still don't enjoy it. But luckly i love swimming .. I used to swim in competions as a kid so I'm a strong swimmer. So I'm swimming 30 mins (non-stop) at 7am, again at 1pm during my lunch hour and again at night another 30 mins. I also walk/light jog for 1.5 - 2 hours in the evenings with my dog. I've cut out carbohydrates, processed food and alochol from my diet ... and only after 2 weeks i feel great .. i can feel the clothes getting loser. I don't want to gauge my goal based on weight and scales .. I'd rather gauge it on clothes and fitness level ... but i will step on the scales every month.
    You said you are recovered from a slipped disc, hope you're on the road to recovery .... I suffer from sciatica sometimes ... I know swimming builds up my back and lower back mucsles and when I was very fit (years ago!) I didn't have any back problems ... but in the past 4 years, i've become very unfit and my back has been suffering. I'd recommed swimming if you want to build up lower back muscles.

    Best of luck to you ... keep up the log.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,408 ✭✭✭Huggles

    As I type this I am sore down to my finger tips!!!

    Safe to say I am back in the gym properly! I have started cycling again too so that has me fairly sore as well. I am walking home for lunch collecting the bike and cycling back and then cycling to the gym after work. The cycle is largely uphill and takes 40 minutes or thereabouts.

    The gym was very interesting today, I did my usual 45 minutes on the x trainer and got talking to one of the instructors. She was wondering where I had been all summer and explained about my back. She asked me to talk her through my routine and I did and she was shocked at how bad it was. This routine was given to me by her male colleague. He didn't teach me any particular technique with the weights and was possibly injuring myself as a result.

    So she set me a new program, more cardio based than the last one.

    She also wants me to take her pilates class on Saturdays too, need to improve my core strength.

    Will add full routine tomorrow.
