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Loosing weight .. need advice,comments and most of all encouragement x

  • 02-10-2008 7:50pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 17

    Hey Ladies ,

    Really hope someone can help!!! Ive been reading your threads and oh my god fair play to all of ye. Doing very well with weight loss. basically im one of these people who is always talking about loosin weight but can never do it. ive joiined ww 3 times so i have all the books and that .. but just never stick it out think the most ive lost is 7lbs.

    Im 24 , 5ft7 and i think i weight 11st 7 ish... im that peed off about it i wont go on the scales... i basically only have weight on my tummy and "handles"...

    ive never been scrawny but ive always been about 10stone and was happy at that.. im soo paranoid and have no confidence.. frown.gif i used to have buckets of it and i was such a diff person , now im just paranoid all the time that oh dont wear that ill look massive etc..

    I bought a cross trainer a few weeks ago and i go on it maybe twice a week? i only do 15 mins and i go about 4.8km?? is that good ??

    I really just need a kick in the ass and i just cant seem to give it to myself and im soo unhappy is unreal. im lettin it get in the way of my relationship bla bla...

    i work really shiet hours so its hard for a routine , i work 6 am shifts and then i work 2pm shifts and then nights as well all muddled up ..

    really need some of yere advice and help x



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37,485 ✭✭✭✭Khannie sounds like you want to make the right changes, so that's a really good start. :)

    What would you eat in a typical day? Today's probably a good example.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,114 ✭✭✭corkcomp

    Khannie wrote: » sounds like you want to make the right changes, so that's a really good start. :)

    What would you eat in a typical day? Today's probably a good example.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Beansprout

    thanks corkcomp ,
    that link khannie is from my food diary so if you wanna take a look there and let me know what you think .

    Kate :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,700 ✭✭✭✭holly1

    Hi Beansprout, I worked shift years ago and it can be very hard to get into a routine,so dont be to hard on urself.If you give WW time you will be amazed how quick you will adapt to a healthy way of eating.Im going to WW now, and cant exercise at the moment and my leader told me she lost 3stone and never did any exercise,now I think exercise is important,but just do what you can.I have decided to join the gym when Iam able to exercise and am very exicted about it.
    Try not to let it get you down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭Sowra

    cutting out sugar makes a huge difference!

    if you have a sweet tooth it can be hard to begin with but after the first week youll be fine

    you will also have a lot more energy and better skin

    its easy to do but know how to spot sugar in foods cos its not just in sweet foods. for example, sauces such as ketchup, things like baked beans.

    its a pretty easy way to start a healthy weight loss, as you can eat normally while just avoiding sugar.
    after that you can look into avoiding high GI starches like white bread/white pasta (you know yourself) as they act in the same way as sugar once in your system

    but anyway, if you cut out sugar youll be amazed with the results. good luck!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Sapsorrow

    HIya I just posted this advice on another post hope it may be of some use to you also!
    hiya, i'm three years into a nutrition degree and trust me it can be so easy to lose weight (i know this from personal experience too) but you have to be serious about it and really really want it. Golden rules are: cut out all sugar, make sure you read all labels as sugar is in virtually everything including risen bread such as sliced pan. So go for yeast free unrisen bread liked mcCambridges. No sugar means no processed 'white' food either. for example white rice, white bread and white pasta. You can get wholemeal alternatives in the health food shops and they taste great too. Honey, maple syrup, grape juice concentrate, fructose etc all count as sugar, these are just clever tricks the food companies put on the lables to make you think there's no sugar in thier food but it's all broken down to glucose in your body just like plain old table sugar. Second cut down on wheat, most ppl are intolerant to wheat for genetic reasons in this part of the world and it makes us bloated and is full of calories! try spelt bread instead or rye, in good food markets and healthfood stores you can get lovely freshly baked breads from these grains as an alternative. Third cut down on meat and if possible cut it out completely, it's full of saturated fat and if you don't eat meat you'll naturally move towards meals that are based on beans and veg which are VERY low in calories! In other words eat what you like and as much as you like of these. Fruit wise cut down on the really sweet ones, cos it's still sugar making them taste like that, like pineapple and grapes. Rule four don't eat after eight in the evening, it messes up your metabolism for the next day and virtually every last calorie you eat at night goes stright into your fat cells cos you don't need em to do anything at that point in the day. fifth rule is don't leave big gaps between meals and always eat breakfast, if you let yourself go hungry for a while your metabolism switches over to starvation mode and starts desperately trying to save every calorie you put in your mouth when you do eventually eat again and you know where it tries to tuck them away? your fat cells! sixth rule is to try and exercise and do it in the morning, it speeds up your metabolism for the whole day making you burn calories faster for the rest of the day, also try and execrise around 3-4 hours after eating to boost it even more.
    seventh rule Cutting out dairy or limiting it is a great way to avoid lots of fat which is the same thing as lots of calories, natural yoghurt with sugar free jam is ok though as is cottage cheese.
    eight rule is cut down on salt, another reason to avoid processed and ready made food is it's full of hidden salt, most of the salt we eat comes in food we buy not what we add at the table, it makes your body retain water and so you become bloated!
    Rule number nine is drink lots of fresh water and herbal teas, avoid normal tea and coffee and fruit juices! Green tea has been found to have a possible positive effect on weight loss so give that a go too!
    Finally get a good nights sleep, while you sleep your body makes a hormone called leptin which helps regulate our appetite and reduce cravings for unneccesary calories during the day.
    If this is all to daunting, try makng one change at a time, start with sugar for the fastest results though, and when you're used to that adopt the next rule into your life. All these things are addictions and it's hard so take your time, you can still have things you like as treats anyway. If you can't cook i definately reccomend takin up a cooking class cos everything in the shops from ready made pasta sauce to ready meals are full of sugar, fat and other processed crap that is gonna clog up your whole system and stop you from reaching your ideal weight. Your weight is important for your health too don't forget not just for your looks. If you post your height in metres and your weight in kg I can determine your BMI for you to give you an accurate idea of how serious the extent of your excess weight is. If you manage to incirporate these rules into your life i gaurantee the pounds will be falling off in no time, more than likely you will need to have your clothes taken in weekly at first. I suppose i should say to always check in with your GP though when undergoing a radical change in diet such as this!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭abouttobebanned

    Paragraphs...paragraphs. And people should start putting less "o"s in the word lose.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,383 ✭✭✭emeraldstar

    Paragraphs...paragraphs. And people should start putting less "o"s in the word lose.
    I know, drives me crazy.
