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Sub 31:35



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭cfitz

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Rest day today. :( This is actually turning out to be a harder then a traiing day, This I will start a weight session on one of my rest days as 2 days of doing nothing per week is hard for me now.

    How long have you been on 5 days per week?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Since the start of Sept I've been doing 5 days a week. But my mileage is not too high at the moment some runs have been 3 miles, the last 3 week i've increased it a bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭cfitz

    About six weeks so, I suppose you should probably stick with 5 days for a little while longer. Maybe you could start running 6 days per week around mid Novemeber - early December. Whenever you do add in the sixth day, a nice way to do it might be to just start out with a nice relaxed short run and every 2 weeks or so up it by about 5 minutes until it's a decent length.

    Anyways, I'm rambling! You know your own program, sounds like you've got things in good order...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    hay any rambles are more then welcome :)

    I though about the 6th day a bit when i started this program, but wanted to focus more on getting all the aspects coverd ie temop, intervals and recovery runs. So the 5 days worked out ok, I did do 6 sessions last week with on AM PM day and that went well, but still had the 2 rest days.

    While I did say my Goal is to go sub 37mins for 5 mile soon, my main going is to get back to around 31-32 for 5 miles which i do feel is possible, Weight is starting to fall off at a slow rate and i can perdict that i will be on target for my 37 by feb, with an outside chance of sub 35.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,406 ✭✭✭ike

    Been keeping an eye on this shels4ever - good going. Once i get Dublin out of the way I intend to keep things going as much as possible over the winter and hopefully build up some speed. I'll say you'll have no problem I took nearly 5 mins off my 5 mile time in about 6 months and thats with no specific speed training.

    The weight has a lot to do with it as well.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Cheers well i'm not to worried about the weight now, i'm eating well and training hard so it is coming off slow but getting there, the winter should see me drop about 1.5 stone..

    Today 4 miles every easy but built up from 1o min miles to run the last mile at target race pace . Feeling good legs are fresher then last week so looking good for sat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 972 ✭✭✭stmochtas

    Best of luck on Saturday, looking forward to hearing how you get on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    3 miles easy today in spikes run very slow to start then did some strides to get used to the feel..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Well up today at 7:30 for a big of grub and to get ready for hte first race for Boards AC.

    Today the plan was to run sub 33 for the 4 mile Cross Country course. Anywhere near this would have been good progress and a step in the right direction.
    As I'm yes to go under the 40 mins make for 5 miles this year it could prove to be a hard mornings work.

    Arrived at the race and have a few strange moment meeting up with the guys in the car park before hte race. Its not the normal race prep to be looking for men in a car park pre race, but once we met the team we got readt to run.

    The course itself wasn't too bad, some muddy sections and a long slight incline at the end of the lap, and only to steep hills at the start of each lap.

    So plan was for 8 mins miles,

    Started of in midfield and started ad a steddy pace, for hte first inned lap, after 300m we hit the first hill , manager to get over then with no problems and legs feleing good, passed a few people on each hill, and was riunning strong . Had to tell myself to relax after about 800 m as the pace was slightly too face, So i eased into a nice pace and tempo was good.

    End of lap one and I was feeling good but maybe running slightly too fast, onto the second lap pace was steddy and started to catch more people on the hills each time. One the end of the second lap the legs were feeling tired but still strong times looked to be a bit slow at 17 mins was a bit suprised by this but the reach was to become clear later.

    Lap 3 I needed to dig in a bit and was running well, mid way throuhg the lap I caught a group of people one who has beaten me in all races this year by a large amount. It was a good feeling to be passing people at this stage of the race. Got to the end of lap 3 and had about 3-4 people runing a few second behind me . This is the stage in all races this year that i've fallen apart.

    Started lap 4 and tried to pick up the pace on the 2 hills to start but they took a lot more out of me on this lap, took me a while to recover and I could hear people coming . Mid way through the lap i was caught my my rival but I was feeling really good at this stage, and just increased my pace a little so he knew that i wasn't gone just yet.

    I think my 800m reps really helped me out at this stage , I just hung on for most of the last lap and with abotu 600m to go started to up it. Managed to pull away from the group and finish in a time or 35.30 :( .

    For 4 miles I wasn't too happy with that but it turnes out that it was actually measured at 4.5 of 4.49 mile..

    If that is correct this was my best run of the year with 7.5 mile pace.. :)

    All in all happy days looking good for my sub 37min 5 mile later in the year, and mybe gettting close to that now.

    I hung around after the race for a while and ended up been the 3rd scorer on the Boards team that picked up 1st place in the D standard Team event.

    All in all a good day.. I've missed Cross County....

  • Registered Users Posts: 972 ✭✭✭stmochtas

    Excellent running. Looks like we good be racing each other sooner than we thought :D.

    Had a poor week myself and a bit of a niggle in my right leg too. :( Fingers crossed next week goes well, taking two rest days to make sure that I dont get injured.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,453 ✭✭✭showry

    good running shels,
    looking good for promotion too eh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    yep looking good on all fronts now :)

    Will have a nice recovery run tomororw , then back into a hard 3 week training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Last day of my easy week. 3 mile recovery run today. Legs are not feeling too bad at all after the XC yesterday.

    Back to 3 hard week now and aim to get my mileage up by about 5-10% this week. So the aim is for 30 miles for the week.With my usual 800m on thursday but this week I will add an extra rep to bring me upto 5. Will see how that goes.

    Next race will be 5k on November the 8th , This will be at the end of the 2nd hard week so I will see how the legs are closer to the time,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    5+ Miles with 2 X 15 mins at tempo .

    Felt good , ground was soft and legs were a little tired after. Had to slow myslef down after the second tempo for my last 10 mins running. Getting a bit carried away on some runs but holding back a little.

    Of to bed now have an early run tomorrow..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    5 + miles today.

    Easy run at a slow pace. Plan is for for 9:30 min miles.

    Ground was very soft today and runners are full of mud, and legs are now a little tired. Guess the soft ground it taking more out of me. But i'll try to stick to the grass all winter.

    Will be doing a weights session tonight also

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Well today is my usual rest day, i'm feeling really good today, upper body a bit tired after weights yesterday.

    I did pack the gear into the car today as the weather looked good, So I may go for a very easy 3 miles later, so see how I get on with a 6 day week.

    Diet this week has been really good a part from the wine last night.

    Did an Easy 3 miles in the park was very relaxed 3 miles but wanted to do an extra few miles but decided to stick to the plan.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    This was my hardest session of they year. Got to the park about 9:30 and the rain and wind was horrible. It was the type of day that a year ago I would have give up and not trained.

    Warm up 1 mile

    Session wasnt great wind was too strong on the up hill sections of the 800 m and I was very very tired.

    1 3:47
    2 3:51
    3 3:55
    4 3:59 very slow almost stopped by the wind.

    This took a lot out of me today and could jsut about manager an 800 m warm down.

    One thing about the session, even if it was so much harder then the past few , between rep's i've recovered so much quicker. After 2 mins I was almost ready to go again. I may reduce the recovery time in a few weeks.

    Glad to have finished that, at one point I think the wind was so strong that I stopped..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    No running at all today ,

    Did some weights this morning and a short 15 min cycele to warm up.. Feeling very fresh and cant wait to run tomorrow.


    20 mins streaching . Will pop down to the park tomorrow and do a 5-6 mile taking in a few hills at easy pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Wind , Rain , Mud , hills

    A nice 8 mile run in the park today, weather was horrible soaked and lashed with the wind but got around at a nice relaxed pace and felt good.

    Enjoyed this run even if the condition were very hard, legs are going to be tired tonight as it was very soft underfoot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Nice 3 mile run today very slow and easy, legs were a little tired but felt good.

    Only 28 miles for the week as I did an 8 in place of a 10 yesterday . Next weeks target miles 30-32 .

    Need to increase my long run to 10miles plus from next week on, and try to get s 7-8 mid week also. Will stick to the 6 days a week for the next 2 weeks and then a 5 day week on my easy week. With 2 weight session and one other core session a week. All in all happy enough with this week signs are i'm going in the right direction and by January I should be on track. May do the Belfast marathon next May but will decide that in January.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Ok well I know this wasn't a great idea but made the call there and then.

    Today 21.5 miles jog / walk.

    Parked in the city before the marathon and did an easy 2 miles, plane todya was 10 mile and to meet my bro at 2-3 spots where possible.

    Went down to the start, and then jogged back up dame street to see the first mile, after that a 2 mile jog down to the north circuler road.

    Bro got there bang on time but wasnt looking too well. Decided to run with him for a mile or 2 and have a chat. At 14 mile mark he was slowing and talking about giving up, it was his first marathon and i remember i though the same when i did mine back in `99 so i decided to run/ jog with him. Got him to 18 and he was starting to feel better at this point it was easier for me to keep going. Ran to the city then stopped about 25.5 miles.

    Was feeling great after but i'm sure I'll payt for this tomororw. Will have to change my weeks training now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Well after yesterday i'm going to rest today. Will swim and do osme streaching and maybe a small upper body weight session. After far too many miles yesterday legs are tired , hamstrings tight but other then that feel fresh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Today. 1 mile run . Legs still very tight from monday. Won't be doing that again got totally carried away on the day. Ah well at least I got him around the course.
    Will do some weights tonight and then hope to get back to normal in a few days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Due to long run on monday legs are still stiff, right hamstring is not great so just an easy 2 miles today. Will just need to take it easy for a few days.

    Plan now to run Belfast marathon in may, Will keep up this program for the next 8 week before moving in to next phase for marathon.

    Havent though about target times but I would hope to be sub 4 hours.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    5.5 mile this morning on grass, felt good a little tired but could have managed a few more miles if needed.

    Followd up with a short swim .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    5 mile run today, 1 mile warm up 2 mile tempo run and 1 mile warm down.

    Felt great during the tempo run legs were tired but moving we and very quick, didnt tire and could have done another 4-5 mins. Leg turnover seems to be improving and there is a bit of spring in my step now.

    Weekly mileage = 32 :) But wasnt done in a good way only 4 runs after an extra long run on monday,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Well after 5 week, I've managed to increase my mileage from the high teens to the low 30's . I've done this extra slow as I had some problem with shin splints earlier in the year.

    I have felt some good progression over the past 5 weeks and have increased energy levels. The plan was to do a time trial at the end of week 4-5 but will do a 6 k race next sat in place of this .

    XC race a few week back I felt good and a lot stronger so I'm going better then during the summer..

    I would hope to run close to 30 mins in this but it is a beach run so the time maybe a little out.

    I will need to change my training plan come Jan/Feb as I plan to do a marathon in the late spring to increase my aerobic fittness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Nice 6 mile run today all on grass as usual, Speeded up during the run and had to try to slow down. Felt really good today felt very strong over this 6 today, Had another gear or two if they were needed but jsut wanted a nice controled run today..

    did 20 mins of stretching last night too, Going to try and do this 3 days per week at least.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Should read week 6 day 2.

    Nice session today 4 X 800m , Today I have reduced the recover from 3 min to 2min 30 sec to see how I get on.

    1 mile warm up + 1 mile warm Down

    Session went well was tired but strong , kept the pace even enough but was working hard, First day that i've felt that I had a little kick in the leg if i needed it at the end of the set.

    1 3:44
    2 3:38
    3 3:39
    4 3:37

    First one was a little slow as I wasn't sure how I would handle the 30 sec reduction in recovery but seemed to be ok :)

    All in all a nice session but was wrecked after the 3rd and 4th rep.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭cfitz

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Should read week 6 day 2.

    Nice session today 4 X 800m , Today I have reduced the recover from 3 min to 2min 30 sec to see how I get on.

    1 mile warm up + 1 mile warm Down

    Session went well was tired but strong , kept the pace even enough but was working hard, First day that i've felt that I had a little kick in the leg if i needed it at the end of the set.

    1 3:44
    2 3:38
    3 3:39
    4 3:37

    First one was a little slow as I wasn't sure how I would handle the 30 sec reduction in recovery but seemed to be ok :)

    All in all a nice session but was wrecked after the 3rd and 4th rep.

    Looks like you were well able for the shorter recovery. Good work.
