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Going to stop smoking, anyone want to join me?

  • 13-10-2008 4:17pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    I'm gonna stop smoking and I'm thinking of starting a thread for myself and for anyone who would like to do the same, at the same time.

    It would be a peer support type of thing and can act as a daily airing board for all who wish to join...

    I'm 30 something, smoking since I was 16 and am bloody fed up smoking and being addicted:mad:

    I gave up 2 years ago for 8 months and fell into the 'I'll have one or two when I'm out' and soon enough i was back to +/- 20 a day:(

    So if anyone thinks this is a good idea I'm thinking of stopping the first week on November, for anyone intrested please add a post:)

    So I'm gonna have a think about a plan (exact date, get fit program, supports etc etc) and get back to this in a day or two.
    As someone who escaped the smoke trap before I know I can do it and i know how good it feels to be smoke free. :D

    So if your thinking of stopping send a reply



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,683 ✭✭✭Carpenter

    Good idea
    I might give this a go

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    Perfect... have a think about how you want to do it,

    Check out these sites:

    I'll be back on thursday hopefuly with a start date.

    I'm thinking the 7th of november. Its a friday. the last time i tried to stop i started on a monday and only lasted two days coz work was impossible. So I'm thinking friday cos you can fly off the handle for two days without getting fired:cool:
    Also the start of Nov is good coz its after the bank hol and time enough to be smoke free for the christmas festivities:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭the GALL

    Ill join ya wacker
    I might have a bit of a head start on ya
    but f88k it mate,
    ill stand beside ya

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Me too. I'm in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    So here's my plan...:confused:
    1:preprep: start this thread and make a plan to stop...

    2:preprep: With the moon full (or near enough)out tonight I'm gonna start my alan carr book, many will throw their eyes to that smokey heven at the mention of Carr but it helped me the last time. Now I know I went back on them but that was because I broke one of Alan Carr's key points of the book, that being, I smoked a fag after I stopped smoking... I failed not the book... Thats my argument and I'm sticking to it:D.
    Anyway, I stopped the last time using the book, I got to the point where I disliked the smell, had little or no cravings and I was thrilled to be a nonsmoker. I had saved a fortune and was as fit as a fiddle but then smoked one or two with a drink and before I knew it I was going to the pub for a pint mid week even when I didn't want a drink, just for a fag!!! thats the power of the weed:mad:.

    3:Stopping: So my stop date is Friday the 7th of November:eek::eek::D. I'm gonna head out into the wilds for the weekend, climb a mountain, swim in the sea, hit the fresh air and feel fresh air in my lungs.

    4:Get fit: There are many reasons to stop, much motivation but I know I need a daily reminder of why I should not smoke. For this I'm going to get fit. There are a number of events next spring and summer that I intend to raise my fittness level and enter as many as i can like the Ballycotten 10mile, Cork City Marathon etc etc. So I'm devising a strict training plan where smoking simply will not fit in.

    5:KEEP TO THE PLAN: This time around I'm going to reread the Carr book after a week or two after stopping, and any time I need it, just to refresh the tactics of stopping like; cravings when they happen are really a good thing cos they are only the dying screams of the addiction; I'm not quitting anything, thats a negitive term, like 'giving up smoking' again sounds like I'm sacraficing something but nothing is being given up but everything is being gained... life and health:rolleyes:
    Like winning the lottery of life:cool:

    Anyway thats a simple (if not drawn out some what) outline of what I hope to do, thats what I WILL do, this time next year I'll be sitting here reading over this log after conquering mountain tops, marathons, enduence events, but more importantly conquering my addiction to cigarettes:)
    So thats that, I'm off to start page 1 and get the show on the road!!!

    You still in Carpenter?

    Beertons good to see your up for it, when do you guys fancy killing the nicotine monster???:cool:

    And The GALL, thanks for the post, your like a celeb apperance!!:pac:
    I read your thread and I very impressed, I cant promise I'll build a gazebo but I'll do my thing smoke free:):)

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    I started yesterday man. Can't pay €810 for a packet. No way. Doing cold turkey at the moment, but will get gum and celery if needs be. Fair paly doing this man, at least we can share experiences and stuff. Heading out in town in 2 weeks is going to be a killer, two smokers are going with me......time will tell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    In like Flynn, no messing around with you... fear not going out with the smokers as they will have to go outside, what got to me the last time is was talking about stopping in the pub and then after an hour talking about it everyone heading out for a smoke... that was what got me to break the last time I quit. so chat about it but after a few pints drop the subject and let them smoke away without dragging you down.

    On another thread someone suggested changing drinks a few times during the night, they reckoned that it works a treat... perfect excuse to hit the strong stuff if you ask me:pac:

    Well done on jumping in, keep it up and soon you'll be posting like the GALL. you should check his thread kinda cool seeing the evolution of his success...

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Jeeez, last night was tough. Went to Oktoberfest yesterday at 4. Left it at 10. Mainly outdors. I must have looked like a sniper, my head shooting around when I got a sniff. Relaxed a little when the music started in the tent, and I went in there. Bed by 1130, that was early too. Have to get another hobby, I think I'll subscribe to this and play around with it a little more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Ruthie-Roux

    Count me in too. I`m off them a week today.
    7th November eh?-you`re quitting on my birthday so good luck :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    Well done Beer, hopefully next time your out you'll find yourself being a bit more relaxed about not smoking (relaxed not complacient mind you). Reading your post I'm really looking forward to not smoking, not the first few days of it mind you, but hey nothing worth doing is easy. Its a funny time preperation, all going well I'll be looking back in a few weeks going 'why didn't I do this 10 years ago'... such is life I guess. I bought a pack a few days ago and the teller said 'thats €8.05 please' :eek:
    Holy molley
    I often smoke more than 20 a day but rarely buy them by themselves so the impact of the cost is never really evident, but thats over €3700 per year!!! And for what? all they do is rid the cravings, at least with booze good or bad ya get some kinda bang for your buck...
    I'm getting angry now

    Rutie good to hear your a week down, the hardest is over now all you have to do is not smoke, amazing that to succeed means NOT doing something, as another thread wisly said, 'one craving at a time and if i can beat the first one I can beat them all...' :cool:

    I'm well into my preperation, I have joined a six a side team and hope to improve my running in the next few weeks. the legs are good but the lungs are most def not so I'm REALLY looking forward to the first time i say 'that was a tough run, rather than, I gotta stop my lungs are gonna explode (usually before I'm finshed my warm ups:()

    Later all

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  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭moose112

    Off them since sunday, forth time lucky?? hopefully!

    Going out running with friend next week.

    sick off coughing and feeling wrecked after a walk to the shops

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Good stuff Moose, the feeliing by now is a bit those guys get when they get home from the gym : horrible but worth it in the end..........this only makes sense to smokers, gym goers do not have to reply......I know........

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭moose112

    Hey Guys,

    Came home from work yesterday evening with serious cravings for a smoke:(
    Was telling the guy i am living with (former smoker) he suggested we go for a run.
    Came home with chest on fire and legs like jelly:) great feeling to tired to smoke after it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Ruthie-Roux

    How`s everybody doing now?
    Moose, The Gall and Beer--how are you finding it now going out with smokers? Still going strong?
    Im two weeks off them today. Went out with a heavy smoking friend and got drunk on Saturday night and STILL didn`t smoke. That`s milestone for me as in every previous attempt at stopping I`ve always had "just one or two" after a few drinks and ended up back on them.
    It was hard but I just stayed indoors when he went out for a smoke.
    I`ll admit I was really tempted but I found it helped to keep reminding myself "Ruth, you`re drunk, thats why you`re more tempted to smoke...but if you do you`ll hate yourself tommorrow".... It actually worked. I treated myself to some Southern Fried Chicken in Eddie Rockets at the end of the night as a reward.
    Whacker, yoùr start date is coming up next week isnt it? All set?


  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Went to a funky house music night thing on Friday, a bit different no doubt. Drank a bit quicker than normal too, have to readjust that next time. Still not smoking, fecking torture lads. But it's working, or rather I'm sticking to my guns! Having a very busy, stressful week. Moving house, aaaagh.

    How is everyone else doing? Well done Ruthie, keep it up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭moose112

    Hey Guys,

    Great to hear ye all doing so well:):)

    Went out Sunday night and must say it was pretty tough, to be
    totally honest i didnt really enjoy the night spent the whole time
    thinking about how good a smoke would be:(

    Exercise seems to help coming home from a run totally wrecked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,960 ✭✭✭DarkJager

    Good to hear ye are doing well, keep going!! ;) The nights in the pub are the toughest, I couldn't even join the lads outside for the first 2 weeks because I knew I'd crumble. Last 2 times haven't bothered me at all though so it does get easier.

    Anybody having really bad mood swings?? I'm nearly 4 weeks off them now, but for the last 2 or 3, I've been finding the swings tough. One minute I'm just getting on with whatever I need to do, the next I'm either depressed or really angry for no reason. Any ideas on how long they last?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Scourge 1980

    Can I join ye. Im sick of coming home smelling like an ashtray!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Been a few days now, how is everyone going? I had to get patches. Or rather my OH got them, I nearly took the head off her the other day. They're soothing my pains, and I suppsoe they're saving me money. 2 weeks of patches = 1 weeks supply of fags, or there abouts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    i just had my last cigarette from my duty free.. i said id give up after id finished my duty free but was buying them for the last week and then found two left in a box from spain today when i had i decided i'd smoke those two and then give up.. so just had my last one and i am now a non smoker....i think... so chewing gums and plenty of water and food is my plan.. best of luck everyone else!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭Fintomiginto

    Hi guys Im gona join in your quest!!!

    I got a prescription from the doctor 3 months ago and finally bought them today. Although I'm only gona start taking them on Monday. I want 1 more weekend of smoking!!!! Cant afford the smokes anymore and thats the reason why. I also joined the gym yesterday because I think i might turn into a beached whale if I give up and dont exercise!!!! Fingers crossed from Monday!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Heckler

    I'm in.

    Been off them since last Sunday. Using patches and feeling optimistic. Weekend could be tough with a few drinks planned. This is about my fourth time trying, longest I went without was just shy of a month.

    Best of luck to everyone !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13 justamilk

    hi all,

    Iv been off them since sunday, felt grand until last night when i had a few drinks. Managed to get through it without indulging though.

    Tonight is the first big test, going out to town for the night, have to endure my friends trips to the smoking area.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Heckler

    Stopped in with OH tonight. Had a few drinks and no problem. Well.....maybe about 15 mins of "jesus i'd love a fag" but got over it. Keep it up everybody. Great to have a forum to keep the fight going !!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 153 ✭✭Ruthie-Roux

    Im a month off them now!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    You quit 1day,7hrs,29mns & 54scs ago. You have *not* smoked 26 cigs, saved EUR 11 and added 2.17hrs to your life.

    Well i got a bit delayed in the off but finished smoking sat night after the club so off'em yesterday and today... I'm pretty happy so far though my narcky levels are def elevated. Just gonna stay away from everyone at work today so i don't kill anyone!!!!

    Went for a jog yesterday to start my fitness training so full steam ahead now! run and gym this evening, gonna spent a good time cooking a slow food dinner and enjoy my evening. I know the first few days are the hardest so I'm gonna spoil myself untill next weekend, I can have anything but a smoke!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    You quit 2 days, 12 hours, 14 minutes & 9 seconds ago. You have *not* smoked 50 cigs, saved EUR 20.2 and added 4.17 hours to your life.

    I had a great post constructed this morning, went to put it up and the site was down so i lost it...

    Anywho still not smoking, I have added enough time onto my life to go to the movies and saved enough money to pay for it

    Day 3 is prob the most annoying day, the cravings are all over the shop but no temptation to smoke... which is nice.

    I have gone out for a run/ walk each evening and the excercise seems to be really helping, so is the time out alone:D

    Hows everyone else doing??????

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,565 ✭✭✭thebouldwhacker

    well there you go... ability to function greatly reduced, why do I feel like I'm repeating myself?????:mad::D:D

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,092 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    I'm good. Keeping the patches for moments when I feel I may be low, ie : I put one on earlier when I was calling round to a friends house. He smokes, and I didn't even watch the fag as he inhaled. So I've gotten by that part! Sense of smell and taste coming back to normal too, although I've lost the appetite for coffee.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 938 ✭✭✭the GALL

    well done everybody
    keep up the good(hard) work
    It getts easier
    off them 4 months/ish and life is good still dont no why I started in the first place
