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Darkfall Online - finally.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky feel free to read up on it yourself

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,779 ✭✭✭Spunge

    but wouldnt eve with twitch based combat be awesome

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    I think my head would actually explode... hence the fanboyismlol about Darkfall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭WellyJ

    Ivan wrote: »
    Free PvP. Anyone is free to attack anyone, anywhere or any time. There will be repurcussions in that your alignment might drop or guards might assist the player you are attacking. If your alignment drops too low, guards may attack you instantly every time you go near them. Obviously there are different factions some aligned with others, but most hate each other but you can attack aligned factions and even your own faction/race if you wish.

    In fact there is full friendly damage, to same faction or same race or same group; it doesnt matter. If you cast an AoE fireball and your friends are in the line of fire, they'll take damage. Likewise with swords and arrows etc.

    There is no leveling system, merely a skill based "leveling" system. Whereby your character is only as good as the skills you have trained up. Your stats are affected by the skills you have trained up, but it is possible to be an expert mage and an expert fighter with the single character, if you are willing to invest the time. The time involved isnt anything near as ludicrous as EvE nor as simplistic as Guild Wars. Estimates so far are approxiamately 1 week to master a given skill.

    Full mount system including mounted combat, caravans, naval combat and trade routes. Player created towns, but not guild towns or **** like that. All vendors are players or player hired npcs who run their shops for them. These vendors can sell the players goods, buy goods or repair. Resource gathering professions will be viable, as they can set up their mine near an iron mine for example, and haul it to another city or town to sell. Or they can set up a shop selling their iron near the resource, then other players can start their blacksmithing shop nearby. Entrepreneurs can hire players or NPCs to haul cargo from the miners shop to sell to craftsmen in a city or to use themselves. All in real time and all open to attack by another raiding player or guild.

    Since there is a full loot system, hauling is risky but definitely profitable. Likewise, being a raider or mercenary caravan guard has risks and rewards. Hauling can be done through naval trade routes but likewise that gives rise to pirates, of any faction, attacking you and stealing your cargo and even weapons and armour.

    It's advertised as full freedom and thus far was believed to be vapourware as a result. But the beta invites going out soon and the expected launch early next year, combined with the videos released so far seem to indicate that it could deliver on what it promises, which has alot of people very excited :D

    If they nail all of the above it could be the greatest thing ever, but they wont, unfortunately.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Da Bounca

    Sand wrote: »
    Let me slow this down for you guys.
    To the speed of EVE gameplay?

    Ah gwan, gwan, gwan, gwan.....GWAN!!!
    As far as I am aware, there is no mounted combat in EVE.
    Although there is the possibility of pirates, it is not in the same sense that was being referred to. A pirate will roam the seas, a completely different area of conflict. This I'll address later, it's one of those 'new' features you wanted to know about.
    Seriously, NOBODY has mentioned WoW killer except you...
    You cannot be competitive in PvP in EVE until you have decent junk for your ship and trained for ages or PvP'd for ages. DF is purely skill based, not only in leveling, but in actual game play. A combination of strategy, twitch, hand eye, team work, build type and so on and so fourth. A lot of which are in EVE, but not all. Can I just say, that I'm not trying to bash EVE, I think it is really impressive, the scale just isn't appealing to me, nor the type of involvement it gives the player. You can probably go in-eyes in EVE but I doubt it is a practical play style.

    I'd to take the term I used; 'believers' back, firstly because you are focusing on it way too much and basing your defence of your posts on it, which is poor to be honest, secondly because I included a lot of people in that term and I shouldn't have as my 'beliefs' might not be shared by all the people on this board.

    Further, I don't understand how you can say that it is unfounded as all the information is available to you if you are bothered to look it up, all the new features you are dying to learn about are a few finger taps away.
    You might be that lazy, so I will throw out a few features to be included in the game along with the long list of things that seem to be 'done already'.
    How about the dynamic weather system, how about the migrating mobs with properly designed AI node behaviour, how about the land, air and water combat. Just go look here for an overview of the features. That's an old and unofficial link, but you'll get an idea of what's coming.

    I actually had a much longer and better formatted post in mind, but just can't be ársed. I don't want to be infected by duty_calls.png

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,595 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    As far as I am aware, there is no mounted combat in EVE.

    No horsies in my internet spaceships PvP? Were they taken out in a patch?
    Although there is the possibility of pirates, it is not in the same sense that was being referred to. A pirate will roam the seas, a completely different area of conflict. This I'll address later, it's one of those 'new' features you wanted to know about.

    Straws. Grasping at.
    Seriously, NOBODY has mentioned WoW killer except you...

    Seriously, read this thread again.
    I'd to take the term I used; 'believers' back, firstly because you are focusing on it way too much and basing your defence of your posts on it, which is poor to be honest, secondly because I included a lot of people in that term and I shouldn't have as my 'beliefs' might not be shared by all the people on this board.

    So youre in favour of cross faith dialogue then, with holders of other "beliefs"? The dev blogs as a metaphor instead of literal truth, DFO as a spiritual truth as opposed to an actual individual entity watching over our daily lives?
    You cannot be competitive in PvP in EVE until you have decent junk for your ship and trained for ages or PvP'd for ages. DF is purely skill based, not only in leveling, but in actual game play.


    I think youve announced your membership of the "Dont undock until youve got Titan 5 trained up!!!!" club [ I assume youll be spending your first few months in DFO double clicking rocks and chopping down trees to train strength to 100 before you PvP there as well, yeah?] but I am stunned by the doublethink of the highlighted parts. You're saying there is no correlation between PvPing for ages, and being skillful at PvPing?

    For example, you start playing UT [ a perfectly skills dependant PvP game I hope you will allow], get into your first deathmatch or CTF game and then stop developing? Youll never become any more skillful? Never learn to aim better? Hit awkward jumps? Time powerups? Learn where and when to use certain weapons? Learn how to force your enemies into mistakes? How to avoid incoming attacks?

    Further, I don't understand how you can say that it is unfounded as all the information is available to you if you are bothered to look it up, all the new features you are dying to learn about are a few finger taps away.

    None of which are as yet stand out or especially noteworthy. Except the horsies of coure. The only point at all thats interesting is the aimed sword blows, but I can see that degenerating into groups of circle strafing noobs mashing buttons. AoC did something similar, with a decent interface, but it still degenerated into circle strafing noobs mashing buttons.
    That's an old and unofficial link, but you'll get an idea of what's coming.

    A religious experience?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Da Bounca

    Sand wrote: »
    No horsies in my internet spaceships PvP? Were they taken out in a patch?
    No horses, or their equivalent.

    Straws. Grasping at.
    Naval combat, as in ships battling at sea along with with fps and third person combat taking place at the same time on top of, between and inside said ships.
    Players manually targetting weapons that are attached to the ship, and a player who can guide the ship, which is apparently affected by a real time weather system. You can board other ships, take over their ships etc...Big straws.

    Seriously, read this thread again.
    Ok, hmm maybe you're referring to this remark.
    Ivan wrote: »
    I'd prefer this MMO stayed quietly anonymous until we can be certain whether it is as good as advertised, or not.

    I dont think I could take another few months of "WoW killer" etc.
    I guess that means everyone is talking about wow killers n stuff.

    I think youve announced your membership of the "Dont undock until youve got Titan 5 trained up!!!!" club [ I assume youll be spending your first few months in DFO double clicking rocks and chopping down trees to train strength to 100 before you PvP there as well, yeah?] but I am stunned by the doublethink of the highlighted parts. You're saying there is no correlation between PvPing for ages, and being skillful at PvPing?

    For example, you start playing UT [ a perfectly skills dependant PvP game I hope you will allow], get into your first deathmatch or CTF game and then stop developing? Youll never become any more skillful? Never learn to aim better? Hit awkward jumps? Time powerups? Learn where and when to use certain weapons? Learn how to force your enemies into mistakes? How to avoid incoming attacks?

    As I said, EVE doesn't appeal to me. I gleamed some stuff though.
    End game ship Vs New game ship. That is what I'm getting at. They can't compete. Where as an end game player in DF could be challenged by someone who is just a better player by them. Understand?

    UT is all skill based.
    You don't get stronger or tougher the more you play. It is a level playing field all of the time. What are you talking about?
    Your skill improves, but attributes and that malarky all remain the same.

    Of course you get better the more you play. Same with any game.

    There is a difference between being good at eve and trying to kill someone that is using a ship entirely more powerful than your own, and being good at DF and doing the same. In darfkall there exists the ideal, that you can beat someone who has more armor than you and more powerful spells than you, just by being better at the game. In my opinion, it is that idea that sings out to so many players. The fact that it will matter that they are good, no matter what the odds. No matter what the playing field. If they are skilled enough, it is not only possible, but an atainable result; to beat someone who has better equipment, more trained skills, and possibly even more game time, by just being a better player than them.
    None of which are as yet stand out or especially noteworthy. Except the horsies of coure. The only point at all thats interesting is the aimed sword blows, but I can see that degenerating into groups of circle strafing noobs mashing buttons. AoC did something similar, with a decent interface, but it still degenerated into circle strafing noobs mashing buttons.

    A religious experience?

    No doubt there will be circle strafing buttone bashers.

    A religious experience? You have a fascination with religion and beliefs dude.

    If you are only interested in griefing, then maybe it isn't the game for you.
    You can be sure that it will take far more skill to grief in darkfall that it will in eve.

    I actually don't think you grasp the sandbox it represents. The game offers so much that hasn't even been conceived.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    Sand wrote: »
    No horsies in my internet spaceships PvP? Were they taken out in a patch?

    Straws. Grasping at.

    Seriously, read this thread again.

    So youre in favour of cross faith dialogue then, with holders of other "beliefs"? The dev blogs as a metaphor instead of literal truth, DFO as a spiritual truth as opposed to an actual individual entity watching over our daily lives?


    I think youve announced your membership of the "Dont undock until youve got Titan 5 trained up!!!!" club [ I assume youll be spending your first few months in DFO double clicking rocks and chopping down trees to train strength to 100 before you PvP there as well, yeah?] but I am stunned by the doublethink of the highlighted parts. You're saying there is no correlation between PvPing for ages, and being skillful at PvPing?

    For example, you start playing UT [ a perfectly skills dependant PvP game I hope you will allow], get into your first deathmatch or CTF game and then stop developing? Youll never become any more skillful? Never learn to aim better? Hit awkward jumps? Time powerups? Learn where and when to use certain weapons? Learn how to force your enemies into mistakes? How to avoid incoming attacks?


    None of which are as yet stand out or especially noteworthy. Except the horsies of coure. The only point at all thats interesting is the aimed sword blows, but I can see that degenerating into groups of circle strafing noobs mashing buttons. AoC did something similar, with a decent interface, but it still degenerated into circle strafing noobs mashing buttons.

    A religious experience?

    I'd like to go into more detail about the first person shooter styled combat system compared to the round based combat from WoW and EvE but I fear it would be lost on deaf ears. Assuming the concept would even be conceivable by such a dedicated EvE player, I highly doubt it would appeal to his numerically structured tastes.

    Also I noticed how he managed to point out that none of the features of Darkfall Online are anything knew compared to EvE, a point the majority of people essentially agreed to, and yet somehow managed to use one of the differences between EvE and Darkfall; the significantly shorter skill training times compared to EvE, as a negative, by trying to imply it would take longer in Darkfall Online to become PvP capable. Did you even read anything in this thread about it's features or did you just automatically assume that any game that promises Universal PvP and a player driven economy must be an EvE rip-off?

    Thats it, isnt it?

    On a similar note, you attempted to insinuate that Darkfall would be using instanced PvP scenarios/battlegrounds/Warp gates or instanced zone combat masquerading as non-instanced free-form combat; again I have to ask. Are you sure you've read this thread? Because it seems like you havent actually read or at least understand, the game we're talking about.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,595 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    One more time....
    Although there is the possibility of pirates, it is not in the same sense that was being referred to. A pirate will roam the seas, a completely different area of conflict
    Straws. Grasping at.
    I guess that means everyone is talking about wow killers n stuff.

    Just that you are wrong to say I introduced the concept to the thread.
    End game ship Vs New game ship. That is what I'm getting at. They can't compete.

    This is bollocks tbh. An *organised* group of new players equipped with *common sense* can take on and beat older players in expensive T2 and Faction ships. They might not always win, but they can certainly compete.

    Especially because many older players are firmly of the belief that they shouldnt dare PvP until theyve got their officer fitted Machariel all fitted up and ready to go and thus have zero PvP experience with the resulting high level of fail when they actually are caught in PvP.

    Also, just because a player has 60 million SP doesnt mean he has all those 60 million SP specced towards the ship hes flying. EVE doesnt have "levels", SP does not correlate to ability in PvP or even ingame power in any reliable fashion.
    You don't get stronger or tougher the more you play. It is a level playing field all of the time. What are you talking about?

    That skill at a game isnt something you have naturally - 99% of it is experience. Re-read how you differentiated experience and skill. Experienced DFO players are still going to be beating the seven shades of **** out new DFO players, no matter how "skillful" those new DFO players might imagine themselves to be. Much like experienced UT players beat the seven shades of **** out of new UT players, no matter how "skillful" those new UT players imagined themselves to be, no matter how much skill they had at different FPS games they still had a learning curve to face.
    There is a difference between being good at eve and trying to kill someone that is using a ship entirely more powerful than your own...If they are skilled enough, it is not only possible, but an atainable result; to beat someone who has better equipment, more trained skills, and possibly even more game time, by just being a better player than them.

    So youre saying the 5 relatively young players in an organised gang of T1 frigates couldnt kill a T2 minmatar recon - a ship that is specifically designed to murder small, fast moving targets?

    This is weird, because I can remember my old corpmates doing that from the top of my head. And I dont think they took a single loss doing it either because they cycled point.

    I have even seen a single T2 recon ship kill a carrier. Again, a single pilot with a plan beating a ship thats worth multiples of his own.

    EVE killboards are overflowing with players killing older players with "theoretically" better ships [ some ****ing fits, jesus - T1 fitted Machariels....] and higher SP simply because the younger players were better at the game.

    The only difference between players in EVE [and indeed in most *good* PvP orientated games] is having a plan, and not freezing up when under pressure - most of which comes from experience. Thats all. Everything else is excuses.
    I actually don't think you grasp the sandbox it represents. The game offers so much that hasn't even been conceived.

    Yes, horsies. Got it.

    I'd like to go into more detail about the first person shooter styled combat system compared to the round based combat from WoW and EvE but I fear it would be lost on deaf ears. Assuming the concept would even be conceivable by such a dedicated EvE player, I highly doubt it would appeal to his numerically structured tastes.

    Its a computer game Ivan, everything is based on numberical structures and behind the scenes calculations on the fly. Yes, even in DFO if you hit or not and the effects of those hits will be determined by a whole book of calculations. Which experienced DFO players will attempt to divine and then leverage to their own advantage.
    Also I noticed how he managed to point out that none of the features of Darkfall Online are anything knew compared to EvE, a point the majority of people essentially agreed to, and yet somehow managed to use one of the differences between EvE and Darkfall; the significantly shorter skill training times compared to EvE, as a negative, by trying to imply it would take longer in Darkfall Online to become PvP capable.

    Sorry, youre reading my posts yet? I queried if it was a good thing that you could reach end game specialisation in a role inside a week. And what the hell is this with taking time to become PvP capable? You become PvP capable when you get out and start PvPing. End of.

    For the record, it may actually take longer to skill up in DFO, as apparently re-reading the vague feature point - the dev said it would take something like a week to train up *one* skill to end game levels [ not even clear its a week, thats how vague the feature list is]. There are, what, 300 skills?

    The difference is that in DFO you train by doing, so youll be spending that week double clicking rocks and trees to mine and lumberjack so you can build up Strength. If you cant play for the whole week - guess what, you train nada.

    Ill just set a skill training, and spend the rest of the week playing the game and having fun rather than double clicking rocks waiting for strength 67 to tick over into strength 68.
    Did you even read anything in this thread about it's features or did you just automatically assume that any game that promises Universal PvP and a player driven economy must be an EvE rip-off?

    Did you even read this thread? Is there another guy called Sand posting in the thread thats making the points youre attempting to address?

    I never, ever said DFO was an EVE rip-off. I even said that if DFO is a decent game I will probably give it a try. The major issue you seem to have is that I queried what makes DFO "the best mmo ever on paper", and I got a list of features that I dont consider all that exciting.

    Maybe I am spoiled, becase I already play a game with non-consensual PvP, looting, complex player driven economy, friendly fire, a skills based system instead of levels and full freedom in player activity ranging from gate piracy to running full blown player empires. Given I already play and enjoy a game with those features, I would consider those to be the baseline. Not the features that make a game "the best mmo ever on paper".

    Again, please note - I will highlight this to assist. I am not saying EVE>DFO [ Though Ive been forced to address Da Bounca with his consistent DFO>EVE fanboyism]. I repeat. I am not saying EVE>DFO. This is me, Sand, not saying EVE>DFO. Neither am I saying DFO is a EVE ripoff. Are we clear yet?

    The most interesting feature is the FPS style combat - but Id really like to see a demo before I start wetting my pants over it, especially as more than likely its going to be a lot of button mashing whilst strafing off cliffs and bridges blindly. Or it could be great, I know Id love to see a mmo with a magic system like Arx Fatalis, where you didnt cast spells from a hotbar - you "traced" a sequence of runes with your mouse on the screen. But thats only one interesting feature, and the gameplay video shown in this thread verged on the "run up and start mashing buttons!!!" to me.
    On a similar note, you attempted to insinuate that Darkfall would be using instanced PvP scenarios/battlegrounds/Warp gates or instanced zone combat masquerading as non-instanced free-form combat; again I have to ask. Are you sure you've read this thread? Because it seems like you havent actually read or at least understand, the game we're talking about.

    Huh? I did what now? Are you sure you've read this thread? Because it seems like your havent actually read or a least understood the points I am raising.

    Seriously Ivan, I had to double check your post a couple of times to make sure it was me you were quoting because youre going on about stuff I have never even mentioned.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 925 ✭✭✭KoKane

    DFO is aiming high. Hopefully they get as close to old school Ultima Online as possible, either way, this bitch of a game better deliver!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky

    big day today hopefully !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Da Bounca

    Sand wrote: »
    Just that you are wrong to say I introduced the concept to the thread.
    You focused on a passing remark and subsequently blathered on about it as if someone had been challenging you on the point, creating an argument that didn't exist.

    This is bollocks tbh. An *organised* group of new players equipped with *common sense* can take on and beat older players in expensive T2 and Faction ships. They might not always win, but they can certainly compete.
    No, that is bollocks. If we are talking even numbers with one group having far superior ships, there is no winning for the group that have the new ships.
    Especially because many older players are firmly of the belief that they shouldnt dare PvP until theyve got their officer fitted Machariel all fitted up and ready to go and thus have zero PvP experience with the resulting high level of fail when they actually are caught in PvP.
    That's fine and dandy.
    The only mention of experience from me, was when I said 'and possibly even more game time' . Again, you're focusing on a very minor remark and moulding it into some sort of point of conflict. Of course more experienced players have advantages over newer players, that's pointing out the obvious, and is not something that I have disagreed with nor ever would.
    Example of what I was getting at in the first place: Two players of equal experience enter battle. One of the players has fantastic armor and weaponry and maxed out... swordsmanship lets say. The other player has no armor, a few beginner spells and a ****ty staff. Through his skill in playing he sends the fully armored player to his death. He blasts him off a cliff, or kites him to death or whatever. Point is, that skill can purely overcome massive disadvantages. In EVE... I highly highly doubt that it would be possible. You might be lucky if you escape, let alone take down the other ship. The reason for this is the amount of control you have over your character and the amount of enviromental advantages and disadvantages there are along with the manual style combat system.
    Also, just because a player has 60 million SP doesnt mean he has all those 60 million SP specced towards the ship hes flying. EVE doesnt have "levels", SP does not correlate to ability in PvP or even ingame power in any reliable fashion.
    Ok, so your character has been speccd to fly many different ships, for many different reasons, also more than likely to fit into a role in a group rather than to be self sufficient. Understandable, although 'been done already' by every other mmo or rpg. It will be this way in DF too in general.

    With all this niggling, I believe we are straying from what actually triggered the discussion. The features DF will bring. A few from that link earlier:

    - Real-Time Combat, with manually aiming and firing/fighting. There's no target selection in Darkfall; all attacks are aimed
    - Defensive manual blocking is in the game
    - Fighting from your horse or from ships, with your crew being able to man the cannons
    - There are no safe zones in Darkfall. Anyone can fight anyone, anywhere
    - Monsters will spawn dynamically, spawns do not appear in the very same place, up to the point where a species becomes extinct in
    a given area for a while
    - Mobs carry equipment and can equip themselves depending on the situation. They can wear armor, choose the best weapon to use, and switch them during a fight
    - The only way to know whether you can take them out is to try it
    - There are no floating nametags over player's heads
    - All items in the world can be made by players
    - Players will be able to set up houses of various sizes and design, ranging from small cottages to huge castles and citadels. Players can design their own houses
    - Weather plays a significant Role in Darkfall. There will be rain, snow, wind, thunder and lightning. The current total night/day cycle is about four hours long
    - They are hoping to allow for up to 10.000 Players on each server
    - Darkfall doesnt have zones. Only when you enter a dungeon or a structure there will be a loading screen
    - Player defined legal systems are supported by the game
    - Each of the 6 races has different political standings with the other races. Some races are at war with some others
    - There is no cost to declare war, but you can only do it once per day. It lasts indefinitely until you negotiate a peace treaty
    - You can effectively perform stealth activities by using tactics such as knowing your terrain, moving silently, using cover, using weather and darkness, wearing non-reflective armor, clothing that blends with the environment, keeping your weapon sheathed, crouching through tall grass, staying in shadows, moving slowly, trying not to make noise, being aware of where your enemy is looking

    That skill at a game isnt something you have naturally - 99% of it is experience. Re-read how you differentiated experience and skill. Experienced DFO players are still going to be beating the seven shades of **** out new DFO players, no matter how "skillful" those new DFO players might imagine themselves to be. Much like experienced UT players beat the seven shades of **** out of new UT players, no matter how "skillful" those new UT players imagined themselves to be, no matter how much skill they had at different FPS games they still had a learning curve to face.
    Comparing EVE and UT is a joke. They have completely different skill sets.
    At least DF will bring a deathmatch mentality to the game, even though 9 times out of 10 it will be group based combat. The freedom and relative speed of movement, use of terrain and environment changes the way a game can be played. Not only that, but they can have a completely unkown list of abilities to you. You literally do not known what you are getting yourself in for. In UT, you know exactly what the other players has, if not by viusal means, by deduction. In EVE you will have a general idea based on the ship the enemy is using. In DF you can guess that they may be a caster, as they aren't wearing armor. You won't know what level of skills they have, or even what tree(s) of spells, or even if they are fcuking with your head and haven't equipped their gear yet.
    So youre saying the 5 relatively young players in an organised gang of T1 frigates couldnt kill a T2 minmatar recon - a ship that is specifically designed to murder small, fast moving targets?
    How on earth is that something I've been saying? You seriously warp what is being written. When did group vs single enemy come into it?
    EVE jargon
    The only difference between players in EVE [and indeed in most *good* PvP orientated games] is having a plan, and not freezing up when under pressure - most of which comes from experience. Thats all. Everything else is excuses.
    Plans are handy. Not freezing up, also very handy.
    If you think they are the only differences between good pvp'ers and not so good pvp'ers, then I guess we know which bracket you fall into.

    Yes, horsies. Got it.
    To be honest, I don't think you have 'Got it'. Mounts are not just a means of travel anymore. They are an alternative method of combat, which can also be killed and or stolen. These may seem like small features to you, but ultimately they offer more gameplay options, as well as ones that we haven't thought of. It doesn't make a difference if they are horses or spaceship carriers. It's the gameplay they offer that's important.

    Same goes for the naval combat. Not only is it another original feature, but it offers an incredible amount of gameplay that players can't have imagined yet.

    I never, ever said DFO was an EVE rip-off.
    You didn't use those words. It wasn't exactly a subtle hint though, a healthy list of EVE's 'done already' features and the manner in which you displayed them is the same as saying it.

    Again, please note - I will highlight this to assist. I am not saying EVE>DFO [ Though Ive been forced to address Da Bounca with his consistent DFO>EVE fanboyism]. I repeat. I am not saying EVE>DFO. This is me, Sand, not saying EVE>DFO. Neither am I saying DFO is a EVE ripoff. Are we clear yet?
    Back to your warping ways I see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    The maturity of the potential players is what stands out for this title imo.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,595 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Da Bounca:

    Your posting engenders the same sort of feeling that I get when I contemplate the scale of the universe and mans place in it - the total futility and pointlessness of mankind and all its petty accomplishments, hopes and dreams in the face of the uncaring void.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Da Bounca


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    Anyone get a beta invite?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,779 ✭✭✭Spunge

    reading the official forums i didnt see anyone posting there saying they are in, apparently its still closed beta so they are under some NDA.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,560 ✭✭✭Ivan

    Right, but under every beta NDA I've ever been in, you can say whether you are in it or not, but thats about it :p

    Still, it's shaping up to be a pretty great beta test, so I can understand why people wouldnt want to put their invite at risk...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,699 ✭✭✭Da Bounca

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 580 ✭✭✭Tyrant^ "Can you tell us, as of the answering of this Q&A exactly where Darkfall stands in terms of nearness to being a launch-ready title?"

    Tasos Flambouras: "Darkfall could launch today. It's more ready for launch than most, if not all of the MMORPG titles at the same stage that I've personally sampled and it has been for quite some time. Everything has been tested internally and since November 10th we've been using an ever-growing number of external testers."

    Tasos Flambouras: "We've been trying to get our partners up to speed and there will be an official statement in the next few days announcing a release date for the game. This should clear things up."


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,779 ✭✭✭Spunge

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 925 ✭✭✭KoKane

    Argh you posted it before me :D

    Finally, after all these years... a release date.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 925 ✭✭✭KoKane

    Needs more Alfar pics :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭smithy1981

    Release date put back a month.
    We know that the community has been speculating and wondering about the Darkfall release for some time. We haven’t replied until now because there were several complex issues to plan and work out. We also needed to get authorization before we could proceed with this official announcement:

    Starting on January 22nd there will be a Darkfall trial with the distribution of the release candidate client allowing thousands of players to sample the game for free, help us stress test our servers and test the final features of the game.

    It’s important to understand that there are well over 200 thousand applications by players wanting to get into Darkfall. This number makes it unrealistic to distribute the client and to open up our servers to everyone. We’ll try to accommodate as many players as are possible for us to manage at this stage. Even so, the demand exceeds our current capacity. Interest in Darkfall has surpassed all our expectations to the point that we may need to manage our release differently.

    The date of the Darkfall European commercial release has been pushed back to February 25th, 2009. A pre-order will be made available mid-February. The pre-orders will get priority for early access to the game. The pre-orders will also get priority for the game launch if we have to go to a staged release. We’ll go to a staged release only in the case we have more demand than we can handle properly, and until we can upgrade our capacity. The pre-orders are necessary so that we can have some measure of the demand.

    The reasons for the new release date follow:

    * At this stage, everything is connected: Hundreds of elements need to come together. When one thing falls behind, everything else tends to follow.
    * Demand for Darkfall at launch could be much higher than expected. If this is the case, we need a different process to better handle the demand.
    * Darkfall’s partners (distribution, billing, account management, support, etc.) entered into the game at a late date and we needed more time than expected to integrate properly.
    * We fell behind on a couple of weeks of beta testing progress and we need to make this time up. We need more playtesting data on several features we haven’t had much chance to test externally.
    * We’ll use this extra time to implement updates based on tester feedback and also make some enhancements we were saving for after release.
    * We want as many players as possible in the game before the launch and we haven’t had the chance to stress test our servers with live players yet.
    * We underestimated the effect the holidays would have on our preparations. While we worked through them, the world around us seemed to stop.
    * We don’t want to rush things more than needed. An extra month may not seem like a lot of time, but it’s enough to allow us to take care of any compounded delays.

    Our hope for Darkfall is to have a good game with a tight player base that we can nurture and steadily build up. Hype surrounding Darkfall is huge right now, despite our best efforts. We’re not sure how this will translate on launch day but we have to make allowances for the possibility that demand could be more than we anticipate.

    Announcements will follow with more information on Darkfall pricing, pre-ordering information, North American player access, and system specifications.

    The Darkfall Team

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Big Knox

    Personally I think this is good news, their initial date of the 22nd without any form of open beta or stress testing had fail written all over it.

    At least now we know that they're testing the server limits and making sure they're gonna be prepared for launch.

    It's another months wait but after 7 years what's 1 more month?? :pac:

    Btw will boards members be setting up a clan for this? I quit WoW along time ago and have no contact with my old guild, and this doesen't seem like a very forgiving game to go solo in!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,043 ✭✭✭Leprachaun

    If anyone gets in on Thursday remember to leak big time here. :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Joe Shmoe

    I just want to know why the beta servers have been down for 2 and a half days. If anyone here is in beta please end me a PM and let me know, as I can't get into the beta forums for some reason. :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 580 ✭✭✭Tyrant^

    Beta today.... no key for me :mad:. Like if anyone gets a key it to me please. I got the next 6 days off work damn it!:pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭smithy1981

    Nothing for me either. Did anyone hear of anybody getting one???
