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Getting strong and possibly competing in Powerlifting.



  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Crossfit WOD today

    Weighted Pullups 1,1,1,1,1,1,1

    15kg 1x1
    15kg 1x1
    15kg 1x1
    15kg 1x1
    15kg 1x1
    15kg 1x1
    20kg 1x1

    B.W. 1x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    15 back extentions
    15 knees to elbows
    10 overhead squats 20kg

    As many rounds as possible in 20 min - think i got about 8 or 9 lost count, fist time really doing overhead squats was interesting felt good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    half a murph

    1mile run

    50 pullups
    100 push ups
    150 squats

    1mile run

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Hip mobility stuff


    60kg 1x10
    100kg 1x5

    110kg 1x1
    120kg 1x1
    130kg 1x1
    140kg 1x1
    150kg 1x1
    160kg 1x1

    170kg 1x1 PB , boo yea, personal best , had to take two attempts to get it off floor mind just wasn't focused first time , but once i broke the floor it flew up thik i had 175 in tank .

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Foam rolling

    Band Shoulder Dislocations 2x10
    Band pull aparts 2x10

    Overhead Press

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x8
    40kg 1x6
    50kg 1x2

    55kg 3x5

    Lateral raise 10kg 2x10

    Face pulls L4 2x20

    Easy session there, ive been doing a few crossfit type workout as of late no particular reason just for a change in training, im not overly concerned about competing in powerlifting at moment plenty of time for that again. Getting a good bit leaner in last few weeks so happy with that roll on beach time :P :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Crossfit Helen today

    400m Run
    21 kb swings 24kg
    12 pull ups

    3 rounds as fast as possible

    Time 15:04

    Pull ups slowed me down in 2nd and 3rd set, must learn how to kip properly as was doing them strict, grip was nearly gone by last set of swings. good session though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Foam rolling

    Warm up circuit 2 rounds of:

    Squats x10
    dips x5
    Pullups x5
    back extensions x10
    situps x10


    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of

    60kg bench
    24 ' box jump
    hanging leg raises

    Time : 12.30

    Olympic Rig Dips

    Bench was too light, should have done 65 or 70 to make it harder, but was happy with time , short workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    usual warm up stuff

    Pull ups 10 reps
    Front squats 70kg 6 reps
    Burpees 10 reps

    3 rounds of above for time . Time 8:40

    Front squats killed my wrists and forearms allot harder than i thought they would be.

    Seated cable rows
    L18 3x10

    Tabata air squats

    20 seconds squats
    10 seconds rest } 4 min of torture

    Legs in bits allready.

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Done Yesterday

    Usual warm ups


    125kg x5
    Burpees x10

    4 rounds of above for time done in 5:00

    Ring pull ups 3x5

    Rind dips 3x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Easy ish workout today .

    Front squats 60kg 3 reps
    Pull ups 7 reps

    7 rounds for time . time : 12:00

    Changes my grip on the pull ups every rep they slowed me down wasnt pushing it that hard though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 804 ✭✭✭Casshern88

    Well its been a while, since I last posted. I have not been training regularly and I have not been able to train as i would like.

    Decided to get back on here to kick my ass into getting back training properly.

    So right now weighing in 86kg last i checked.
    I haven’t squatted, pushed, pulled or pressed anything on a regular since i last posted.

    But time to change that, im currently working in a gym and unfortunately i have the pleasure of teaching at least 4 spinning classes a week (sometimes up to 6 :o ) so im going to have to really sort out my recovery and figure out how im going to fit in lifting regularly. in a ideal world id rather not be doing those classes at all and focus on weights but what can you do.

    Did this yesterday

    Foam rolling all areas 30 sec

    Lots of mobility + activation stuff

    D.B. bench 20kg 3x8
    Pull ups 8,6,4

    Clean and press D.B.'s 14kg 3x8
    face pulls 3x8

    Bunch a core stuff.

    Strength way down id say, clean & press i like, first time doing them in ages, focused on really using explosive ness from hips on the clean.

    Also food wise was doing paleo for while but not strict at min.
