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The hills



  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Oryx wrote: »
    I finally quit fanny-assing about and entered Dublin Marathon. Im not aiming for a time, Im just going to plod along and see if I finish it. With all Ive been doing this year, I couldnt keep to the training plan over in A/R/T, and it put too much pressure on me and wrecked my head.

    So, I thought about it, and a) I want to make use of all the training Ive done, and b) It was my initial aim when I set up this blog. I just got too wrapped up in times.

    I havent done enough lsrs. I can only hope Ive enough in my legs anyway.

    Good luck! :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Good luck! :)
    Thanks, ditto to you! Hopefully we'll meet up on the day. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    I think I'll be stuck in your dust for the first while!


  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I think I'll be stuck in your dust for the first while!

    Dont kid yourself, Ive seen your progress. :D

    Im slowing down, lol. And plan to plod every single mile of the 26. Ha, and sprint the last .2 to look good. (Joking. Ill probably crawl) :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Did the Lakes 10k in Blessington today. 45.40, which is a pb, even though I said I wouldnt do a pb, twas a lovely course and I got carried away.
    A hard hill at 6k was tough though, and by 8k, I didnt give a damn what my time was, I was going through my usual 'I hate this' stage.:p

    But glad I did it, its a good race, well organised, for a good cause. I recommend it for anyone next year. Muffins and Lucozade sport at the finish, and a fab goodie bag too. :)

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    A 16 mile approx lsr. Havent checked the exact mileage yet. Took two and a half hours. At mile 8 I developed a problem in a joint in my lower knee. It eased but was back with a vengeance by mile 12. Got through it, and was ok coming back as long as I made sure to run with my whole leg relaxed. Its mildly painful to put weight on, but am icing it and hope twill ease out.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Achey leg is still there, but improving. Checked the mileage, it was 16.3 yesterday. So far so good.
    Did circuit class this evening, but not to the usual level, and had my knee strapped. It was fine, if anything, it helped. Did the kb class afterwards with my knee unstrapped so I could feel straightaway if there was any strain on it. Went fine too, just skipped any squats.

    Had physio today, Tuesday, and plan to rest for 48 hours and see if all is ok then.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Did my two days of rest. All this training is so much of a habit now, its hard not to do it. Was grumpy as hell by yesterday evening. :)
    Got out at 7 this morning and did 8k. 41.5mins. Leg is still tender and Im aware of a twinge when I move it in certain ways (when twisting slightly and load bearing) but the run was totally fine. I made sure to run with no tension in the leg, and had no pain at all.

    Might get out tomorrow morning for a very short stretch of the legs too. Love these crisp cold mornings!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Did the half marathon in the phoenix park. Time was 1.41.38, a pb for me. The strange thing is, the race felt easy and relaxed, and I wasnt particularly aiming for a pb time. But when I passed the 10 mile mark in 1.16.58 I realised Id just smashed my previous ten mile time. :). I think the difference was that I had to run relaxed, to save my knee. My leg was stiff, but never sore, during the run, and overall I was very relaxed. I brought water with me the whole way around, and took a gel at 6 miles, which definitely helped me. I managed to sprint the last 200 yards as well, just to look good.

    I wish all runs went like that.:D

    6.7 mile run, hilly. Not sure of time, because I forgot to check as I left! Nice run though, leg was perfect.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Ha, how could I forget?

    Also on Monday:
    Kettle bell class. One whole fugging hour. Not sure what all of the moves were called, but thus: Bent leg deadlift, stiff leg deadlift, raises, swings, double and single arm, military lift (?) one that works the obliques, a kind of bench press and some Ive probably forgotten, all 2 sets of twelve, then a circuit of 12 reps of each. Jeez louise it was hard. My legs were jelly at the end.

    Girlie night. Took it easy cos Im very stiff. Some kb work a short cycle, and crunches, stretching.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Rest. Very stiff!

    Was supposed to be a ten mile run, but mapmyrun has what I did as 9.3, but close enough for me. Niggle started in the leg at about mile 7. No pain, just stiffness. Longer mileage will probably flare it up on Sunday, we shall see. But Im done for the day... woo hoo.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Out early for a shortish run. Roughly 4 miles, still have to check distance. Felt grand, chilly at first, but I like that once I get going, much better than heat. 33mins.

    Booked somewhere to stay for the marathon, must be actually going to do it!

    Edit: Yup, mileage 3.96 approx by mapmyrun, close enough for me!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Looooong slow run. 19.5 miles, 3hours 9* minutes. Miles 15 to 18 were one long uphill drag, so for the last mile and a half my legs hurt solidly. But afterwards I was fine, buzzing in fact. Used two gels and a bottle of water, no significant problems during the run, just had to concentrate on keeping my legs loose to avoid my knee getting irritated.

    Circuit class followed by kettlebell class. Hard classes, heart was thumping. For some of the heavier lifting stuff, the strength wasnt there, but that was the only side effect from yesterday. All cardio stuff was grand, I was flying. Other than that, everytime I sat down today, I fell asleep. :)

    *posted elsewhere 11 minutes, but I got it wrong, ha. Two minutes matter!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Woohoo kettlebells!! You'll soon get to love them, keep it up!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    DamienH wrote: »
    Woohoo kettlebells!! You'll soon get to love them, keep it up!
    I already love them, been learning them for a while. I own three and am gonna get more. Takes a while to get the technique right, but I'm getting there, my puny arms still let me down on snatches etc tho.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭DamienH

    Ahh snatches are foul alright, they tear up your hands something fierce. The swing is king!!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Tuesday: 5.5k on treadmill. Horrible horrible horrible. Had to stop three times, and didnt do the intended mileage. Was shaky for ages afterwards. I think I was carrying too much fatigue from the weekend, and yesterdays classes.

    Rest day on Weds, then try again on Thurs.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Out earlyish for a 10.75k run. Twas sunny and cold, which was just perfect for running. For the first time this season, I wore a long sleeved top... Did 55 mins. Not fast, but a very enjoyable run, I just wanted to put in the miles without pain. Half a mile from home got stung by a wasp which flew up my (long :mad:) sleeve. Typical.

    Rest now till Sat, which is the donadea 10k. Woo hoo. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Donadea 10k. Did 46.02 by my watch, but 46.10 by the chip time (which was finish only).
    Felt lousy from 3-6k, and lost a lot of places, had tummy cramps and lead legs, but from 6 on I found my legs again. Half a k from the finish, a guy passed me, I caught him again, so he says, here, lets finish together. So we did, at a sprint. I am very grateful to him for that, he gained me some seconds and showed me I could do that at the end,when I thought I was done in. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Nice slow trot up the main road. 13 mile out and back. 1.54 it took. Felt fine all the way and didnt feel any after effects, youd never think Id been running at all that day. Mad. :)

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Today, as usual, I started paying the price for last weeks mileage. Did circuit class and was tired during it. Even some of the other girls noticed I wasnt going full steam ahead. Kettlebell class straight after, but I was shaky and tired, so I stuck with the lighter weights and just trotted through the moves to get the technique rather than to really push it.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Few weights and stretches. Nothing much to talk about, kinda rest day.

    Out for a four miler. Early, was fine.

    Away in UK. Five miles along Eastbourne prom. Lovely. :)

    Another four seaside miles with the sun coming up over the sea.

    Havent stuck to the plan mileage, but knew I wouldnt get to. One week to go!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Good luck tomorrow! :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Bit late but go girl too :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Right, catch up time!

    Last week I did a four miler on Tues or Wednesday, and a 3.7 miler on Friday. Sunday just two miles to loosen up the legs. All last minute taper stuff. Ate lots of pasta, I never want to see the stuff again. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    When I set up this log almost exactly a year ago, my main aim was to complete a marathon. And whoop de do, yesterday, I got there. Dublin Marathon, clock time 4.03.48, chip time 3.59.27 (apparently there was a large descrepancy in clock time)

    So I got my goal, a sub four marathon. I woulda been happy with 4.15, but its great to scrape into the 3's. Tho the mind is a funny thing, now I want to go again, for a 3.45. Some people are never happy. :D

    Enjoyed the day, went out very easy, it felt ridiculously slow at first, my first mile was 9.49. Picked it up slightly once Id warmed up and found my happy pace. I got past Iron Tractor and his pink balloon at about two miles, and heading up the road in Phoenix Park I could see the the black sub 4 balloons ahead, but a call of nature at about mile 6 took a few minutes, and amadeus and co were gone from sight. Stayed alongside a girl called Lucy for a while, she was heading for a four, so I thought if I kept her in sight Id be on target. Took a good few miles, but at about 12 miles I passed her by.

    I was amazed by how many people had to walk from quite early on, I was glad I took the pacing advice on board, I usually go off too hard. Niggle in my left hip from early on was my constant companion, but never got unbearable, and I had the comfort of a pack of neurofen with me if it did. :) Took gels at mile 7, mile 15 and mile 21.5. They really do work, youd feel the boost of them about a half a mile later. Kept water in my hand all the way too. The water stops were plentiful and well run. They became like markers, I knew there was another 3 miles in the bag when I hit one.

    From 19.5 miles I was into unknown territory, but I knew I felt ok and as long as I kept my head Id get in close to target. Did slow for miles 22, 23, 24. They were very hard, I felt heavy in my legs, but kept saying to myself there was no way in hell I was gonna walk. Didnt hit 'the wall' at any stage. Had one dizzy spell during mile 23, but told myself it would pass, and it did.

    Sometime close to the finish, a guy shouted 'three minutes left!' and four minutes later I thought, 'you bloody liar' :D Tried to pick up my pace once I was into the last mile. And in the last 200 yards I thought fcuk it, and I took off at a sprint. Just to look good, lol.

    The minute I crossed the line and stopped, the pain hit me like a train. I could barely hobble when seconds earlier I was racing hard. I found that very weird.

    Still aching in my hips today, but no real issues, just a few days rest needed. All in all, a proper success. Glad I did it, I got home in my time, and with no injuries. Cant ask for more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    3:45 is a Boston qualifying time for you, amirite?

    Congrats, great running yesterday :D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    3:45 is a Boston qualifying time for you, amirite?

    Congrats, great running yesterday :D
    Thanks, I hear Boston is the holy grail of marathons alright, but the 3.45 is just a target in my head. :) Next time I have to have it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Hehe, I'm sure you'll get it! You going to do Dublin again next year?

    Looking forward to having a good crack at some of the shorter stuff, over the winter too :D

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Hehe, I'm sure you'll get it! You going to do Dublin again next year?

    Looking forward to having a good crack at some of the shorter stuff, over the winter too :D
    Am planning to do some speed work on the shorter distances for a while, get my times down, and hoping to swim and bike to see if I can get into tri. (Cant swim, last time on a bike I was nine, I fell off and broke my arm). Might do the Waterford half in December, have tough guy in Jan, and will plan at least one Marathon, maybe Edinburgh next year. The world is our oyster now, girl, we got the legs! :)
