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RE-5 Set to be re-textured?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,368 ✭✭✭thelordofcheese

    Davei141 wrote: »
    Yeah lets turn the black people into white lordofcheese! Lets shoot some honkey zombies in the middle of Kenya. They can change the story too. No longer are we dealing with the T virus anymore, oh no. This time its the Michael Jackson virus! All the poor black people have been affected and must be eliminated. If the main dude is white i dont see how the virus can affect him? Super immune crackers? Thats racist.

    *shakes head*

    It's like your incapable of seeing the words that are infront of you.

    Your poor attempt at hyperbole aside, when have i ever said that i agree with changing it?
    I've said i understand why people might find it racist, based on the out-of-context trailer, and why even within context people still might find it distasteful.
    I've never once called for it to be changed or said it was a good idea.

    Learn to read, then get back to me. Or better still don't, because i don't think you're actually ever going to say anything of any interest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,776 ✭✭✭Mark Hamill

    I'm pretty sure everyone knows roughly what happened in the second world war, it's not exactly comparable. Games still don't have that same kind of exposure. Zombie shooting games even less so.

    True, but that kinda helps my point. People dont know games as well as real events or even big blockbuster films, so when they see a 2 minute trailer from a game they've never heard of before and seems wrong to them, they should first look up the storyline and context, to do otherwise would be ignorant.
    Unless i've missed something, the timeline goes
    RE5 trailer -> hot spicy racism -> IT'S ZOMBIES LOL -> <time passes> -> now.
    I mean it's been effectly put to bed (though expect it to crop up again come launch by more mainstream news outlets) even if the producer is only caring to comment now.

    Someone decided to comment on what the producer recently said (maybe they where only aware of this issue recently) so I gave my opinion again.
    I can see how people would initially be wary of it, I can see how, dispite the inherant nature of the internet to be retarded about everything someone managed to make the point, but until this actually comes around again it's a bit unfair to accuse people of being ignorant.

    This however does not mean that people can be called ignorant if they still choose not to purchase the game because of it's setting. Sometimes, no matter how legitimate the setting some things won't sit well with people.
    And seeing as it's only been about fourty or so years since the start of the civil rights movement in the states i can see why this would be one of those things.

    How many games have enemies made up of entirely of Africans? Maybe these people should be thankful that a game has finally decided to set itself in Africa, sure it took resident evil 12 games to finally leave America.

    Here is the original blog that set it all off. Does it honestly seem like this woman has some terrible deep hidden issues from before the civil rights rise that causes her to be disturbed with what she sees in the trailer. Or is it more likely that a woman that capitalises every instance of the world "black" in her post, but never once "white" is just racist herself?

    @Davei141: Stop trolling yourself. thelordofcheese posts are perfectly sensible and he is not trolling (he is just wrong ;) ). Your posts are pointless and not contributing anything to the discussion (and probably just an excuse to use that picture you embedded)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,368 ✭✭✭thelordofcheese

    True, but that kinda helps my point. People dont know games as well as real events or even big blockbuster films, so when they see a 2 minute trailer from a game they've never heard of before and seems wrong to them, they should first look up the storyline and context, to do otherwise would be ignorant.

    true, but a trailer is for alot of people the first impression of the game. It's supposed to sell the product and tell you a little about it. There is a reason we have the gravelly voice over man, he helps put shit in context. I don't think we can really expect people to put the effort in that we do, as gamers. Games are an entertainment product afterall, but it's still a young industry and i think that these kinds of scenarios where companies make rookie mistakes of showing something that will resonate with fans and not thinking of the world beyond that.

    That said, this is Capcom and the resident evil series, it's not like they're afraid of controversy or anything. Maybe this is all part of the plan. It's certainly generated more internet chatter than it would have if they'd set RE5 back in america.

    How many games have enemies made up of entirely of Africans? Maybe these people should be thankful that a game has finally decided to set itself in Africa, sure it took resident evil 12 games to finally leave America.

    Here is the original blog that set it all off. Does it honestly seem like this woman has some terrible deep hidden issues from before the civil rights rise that causes her to be disturbed with what she sees in the trailer. Or is it more likely that a woman that capitalises every instance of the world "black" in her post, but never once "white" is just racist herself?

    I read that blog way back, and yeah she's got issues, but it's spread beyond that. I know N’Gai Croal has written "Wow, clearly no one black worked on this game" and the guy is a professional video games writer.
    I mean, we can accuse alot of people of being ignorant of the series, but i think it'd be a stretch to call him that. Actually, i think that blog entry might be worth reading, it's an interesting point of view and probably carries a bit more weight than i would on the subject.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,541 ✭✭✭Davei141

    I've said i understand why people might find it racist, based on the out-of-context trailer, and why even within context people still might find it distasteful.
    I've never once called for it to be changed or said it was a good idea.

    No you just argued against people who don't want it changed. Anything out of context can be seen the wrong way. If when its put in context and people are still offended the phrase "looking to be offended" comes to mind, them people shouldn't be able to dictate sweet fa.. In this and another topic you slagged off people because they were not happy with a games delay, its more than that. Getting games delayed over lyrics and black zombies is stupid and if it becomes a trend its not a road i would like to go down.
    @Davei141: Stop trolling yourself. thelordofcheese posts are perfectly sensible and he is not trolling (he is just wrong ). Your posts are pointless and not contributing anything to the discussion (and probably just an excuse to use that picture you embedded)

    Enjoy your never ending circular "debate". Same thing happened in the LBP thread with cheese.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,497 ✭✭✭Nick_oliveri

    Davei141 wrote: »
    In this and another topic you slagged off people because they were not happy with a games delay, its more than that. Getting games delayed over lyrics and black zombies is stupid and if it becomes a trend its not a road i would like to go down.

    Exactly, this is why i created this thread. I couldnt give a ****e about LBP or RE-5, couldnt be arsed playing either. Its the principle of the matter. Ignorance of such matters even out of context is stupid.

    Other than that, i dont even know what this thread is about anymore. Talk about context.... Ignorance is some guy saying that its a white guy killing blacks. **** context.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,368 ✭✭✭thelordofcheese

    Davei141 wrote: »
    No you just argued against people who don't want it changed.

    yeah, i did. Because it's all too easy for everyone to just go rabble rabble rabble and congratulate ourselves with how opposed we are to the whole thing
    fuck that.
    All forms of media deal with this kind of stuff, books, films, cinema. We're getting to the point now where games are big enough to draw the same kind of attention, so shit like this is going to happen. So it's kinda important that this shit gets talked about.

    Davei141 wrote: »
    Anything out of context can be seen the wrong way. If when its put in context and people are still offended the phrase "looking to be offended" comes to mind, them people shouldn't be able to dictate sweet fa.. In this and another topic you slagged off people because they were not happy with a games delay, its more than that. Getting games delayed over lyrics and black zombies is stupid and if it becomes a trend its not a road i would like to go down.

    Get used to it. We spent most of the 90's going "games should be more like hollywood" well, this is part and parcel of it.

    And quite frankly, i don't think it's more than that. Most people are upset that the games delayed and that's it. They just want the game and they want it now. The LBP fiasco was a prime example of this.
    The changing of the music track affected nothing, changed nothing about the game, yet people were up in arms. The game didn't change at all, it had nothing to do with LBP being censored, it had everything to do with the game being delayed.

    It's as petty as the complaints made in the first place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,776 ✭✭✭Mark Hamill

    I read that blog way back, and yeah she's got issues, but it's spread beyond that. I know N’Gai Croal has written "Wow, clearly no one black worked on this game" and the guy is a professional video games writer.
    I mean, we can accuse alot of people of being ignorant of the series, but i think it'd be a stretch to call him that. Actually, i think that blog entry might be worth reading, it's an interesting point of view and probably carries a bit more weight than i would on the subject.

    Thanks for link, I read it and while still much better written and thought out than the womans blog, it still seems quite racist.
    One of the 1st things he says in the interview is:
    "I looked at the “Resident Evil 5″ trailer and I was like, “Wow, clearly no one black worked on this game.” Because I wonder, and I haven’t sort of really dug into it that much, but I wonder what sort of advice Capcom gave them. The point isn’t that you can’t have black zombies."

    Cant have black zombies? Thats not racist at all :rolleyes:.
    Next he says:
    There was a lot of imagery in that trailer that dovetailed with classic racist imagery. What was not funny, but sort of interesting, was that there were so many gamers who could not at all see it. Like literally couldn’t see it. So how could you have a conversation with people who don’t understand what you’re talking about and think that you’re sort of seeing race where nothing exists?
    Thats a bad thing? Is it not a good thing that people can see a scene where a charcter of one race is fighting a group of people of another race and the first thing in their head is not "well this guy is obviously ethnically cleansing the village". Gamers who look at the game will mostly just see a guy fighting zombies. They may ponder on the colour of the zombies, but not much beyond what setting it indicates. As a video games writer, N'gai Croal has no excuse for not knowing the setting and the context of whats going on especially as it was indicated in RE: Code Veronica (made in 2000) that the zombie virus originated in Africa.
    It’s not even like one cute African — or Haitian or Caribbean — child could be saved. They’re all dangerous men, women and children. They all have to be killed

    Because RE is known as the zombie game where you cure your enemies of the virus, not take off their heads with a shotgun :rolleyes:.

    He then goes on to say:
    If there were a movie that had those images, I’d question it. I’d really want to know what’s going on in this movie. Like where is this coming from? So we hadn’t seen much of the game. It was just a trailer. If it had been me in that situation, I wouldn’t have put out a trailer like that. I think it’s very easy to misunderstand what that game is about based on that trailer. And while I would certainly withhold final judgment, if that’s all the game is, I’d be concerned about that.

    So he admits that if was a film he would want to know the context, but he still writes off the dozen or so games leading up to RE5 which create the context.

    Next we have:
    It’s very difficult in this country, in many countries, to have a conversation about race. Everyone brings to it their own history, their own perspective. Some people are engaged in it, some people aren’t. I think some people are concerned because some people think there is a double standard. Some people say that when it’s images of only black people then people get concerned. Some people feel like their hobby is under attack; it’s being misinterpreted or misunderstood. Again the portrayal of Africa, or the Caribbean, since we don’t know where it’s being set, as sort of this dark, dangerous continent filled with people who only want to do you harm goes back a long, long way. And based on the images put up on the trailer, what else are you supposed to take from it? Especially if you’re not familiar with the franchise?

    Which is more of the same nonsense. How is a 2 minute trailer giving any indication of what the continent of Africa is like? You see only a hand ful of streets from the same village, Africa is made up of 53 countries, with many different climates, to claim the trailer is portraying anything about the entire continent is just seeing what you want to see, not whats actually there.

    His main point is as follows:
    It’s not as simple as saying, “Oh, they shot Spanish zombies in ‘Resident Evil 4,’ and now ‘black zombies and that’s why people are getting upset.” The imagery is not the same. It doesn’t carry the same history, it doesn’t carry the same weight. I don’t know how to explain it more clearly than that.

    But he seems to forget that the image doesn't have that history with the vast majority of people who are going to see it. Instead of letting the past stay in the past, applauding the fact that gamers of today get to kill zombies of all nationalities, not just white Americans, the past is dragged back into it. If people want true equality in all walks of life, then it has to work both ways, regardless of how hard it is for some to deal with it. It may be hard for some people not to be racist, but unfortunately for them, they dont have much of a choice.

    And quite frankly, i don't think it's more than that. Most people are upset that the games delayed and that's it. They just want the game and they want it now. The LBP fiasco was a prime example of this.
    The changing of the music track affected nothing, changed nothing about the game, yet people were up in arms. The game didn't change at all, it had nothing to do with LBP being censored, it had everything to do with the game being delayed.

    It's as petty as the complaints made in the first place.

    And whats wrong with people complaining about a delay caused by something they don't understand? People are all looking forward to a gamer coming out, when all of a sudden some little bigotted nutjob starts complaining and then the game is put back a few weeks. Just because its not a game that you yourself are looking forward too doesnt mean that no-one else has the right to complain about the delays. I have absolutely no interest in playing LBP but I still completely agree with people giving out about it being delayed.
