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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    ladiee24 wrote: »
    ..... end of August 2008 when something just clicked with me. I realised I am the one with the power I can do this for myself NO-ONE else can.

    ladiee24 - I agree 100%!! I really think you need to be in the "right place" in your head. It was the same with me - one day something just clicked & I decided to go back to WW that night (no hanging around!) and I have to say it's been great!:)
    Yesterday I got a flash of inspiration when I realised that I am the only one that can do this for me - there are no magic pills, it is just hard work & determination - and here we are! I am really feeling "in the zone" right now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    lovinit i second LorDar's congrats on your loss so far! it's a long journey but you will get there i also gained at Christmas & I've got my second weigh in tomorrow.

    have you got any events coming up in the near future try use these dates as little mile stones to have x amount of pounds of by that time set smaller goals to reach your final big goal.

    best of luck & if you ever need any support just post here of it you don't want anyone to see you're more than welcome to PM me anytime!

    good luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭lovinit

    Slaygal wrote: »
    Hello All,
    I's been a couple of weeks since I posted last. I've lost my initial enthusiam and don't have much motivation so far I've lost 1st 11lbs, :)
    I started WW at 16' 2 :( which is very heavy for someone who's 5ft 4.

    I've been at this point before and given up, this time I really want to succeed. But I need a little moral support.

    Thanks for listening.

    Hey Slaygal, I have been at weight watchers for 2 years and I started at 16 13 and I am also 5 4 it does take time but I am sure it will be worth it in the end, I have lost 1 stone 12 pounds so i am getting there gradually, sometimes i feel like i am the heaviest there, Im not but I am the youngest so I have got to do this

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭sn00ps

    Hi all you great people!! I'm a lurker .. sorry but you guys have all helped me over the last couple of months when it's been very tough.

    I have been on ww for 6 months now, although am lucky to be able to do it without the meetings as I can usually motivate myself! (usually;))

    To be honest I've never been one of those people who cared about my weight but I realised that since getting married I had allowed my weight to creep up and I had no idea what I weighed only that my jeans size was now 16 (it used to be 12!)

    I figured it might be an idea to weigh myself and nearly feinted when I discovered I was 13.5 stone @ 5'2" - time to take action. Initially I walked 30 mins every day, and in 5 months I had lost a stone, just walking, no dieting.

    This is easy I thought .. then I hit a wall, no amount of walking was loosing me any more and I had to start facing facts .. I had to cut down what I was eating.

    From experience I know ww works as it's about changing your whole attitude and not just cutting out food. In fact the only reason it worked for me was because I could do the weekend thing, save up points during my dreary week nights, walking the extra 30 mins and then have the wine/burger/chips I wanted at the weekend. That was when I was in my 30s .. a big difference the older you get .. it's much harder!

    So, I had this idea, I'd walk, cut out the bad food and keep to my points, cut out alcohol completely (diet tonic with a slice and ice taste pretty much the same as g&t and noone knows the difference - right?) until I reach my goal ..

    This worked ..(with a couple of falls on the alcohol front :) around holidays/xmas/weekends/tuesdays!) and another 2 stone came off ..

    But then .. it all froze .. I am now 10.5 stone and not budging .. have been this way for 3 months now, apart from going up a couple over christmas and loosing it again, am still keeping to my points, but nothing is moving .. still walking but am feeling that perhaps I need to excercise more .. and have signed up for Salsa Slim next month.

    Does anyone have any thoughts to get the loss back on track?

    It is really demotivating to get to this stage and my family and friends are saying but you lost 3 stone, what's wrong with you?

    I have a goal set and it's only another 8lbs, ideally another stone, so I know I'm 75% there and I've never been big into the gym. When I try to eat even less I get light headed and I know I have to eat healthy.

    Help .. anyone got any ideas?

    thanks .. love your posts, they are an inspiration, and really helped me to stay motivated in the last while


  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    sn00ps wrote: »
    thanks .. love your posts, they are an inspiration, and really helped me to stay motivated in the last while

    sn00ps your post is in inspiration as well!! give yourself a little more credit! :)

    Congrats on the loss to date! platu isn't a great motivator but you've already you said you've tried to eat less don't. My suggestion would be to have a look at what you're eating now. Have you fallen into a rountine with the same meals cause they were working? I find I need to keep as much varitey as possible.

    I also think the salsa slims is a great idea I must admit exercise isn't my favourite thing I walk or do a fitness dvd but I am looking into hip-hop dance classes cause I need something "fun" to keep me motivated.

    best of luck with salsa slims

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  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    hey guys,did everybody get a new activity points booster card this week,we didnt and when we asked the leader at the end of class,she said to use the 30min brisk walk as 3 points...and not to use the old points card at all.

    I walk 5/6 times per week and do between 4/6 miles each i like to calculate the activity points,I dont really use them at all,only if I need too. But I still like to work them out.....


    ps:lost 1lb this week,only 2.5 to :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    never saw this thread before....
    been on ww since nov 07...
    lost 2st 8lbs so far. not too much more to go now.
    wish i'd seen this thread before i was so close to my goal, would have been a great help when i lost my motivation for a good while, back on track now since xmas though with the new plan, way easier than the old one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,900 ✭✭✭Quality

    First weigh in. 5lb loss! delighted with myself. Found it hard to use up all my points as i have 10 extra for breast feeding, I didnt want to waste them on junk food.

    I dont expect to lose as much next week. although I need to fit in some extra activities weather has been brutal. :(

    1 lb a week loss and I will be happy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Congratulations Quality - that is brilliant!! You will find a happy medium with the extra BF points I'm sure, just make sure to eat some of them! And, it's great that you are thinking about what to use the extra points for - I think it would be all too easy to spend them all on chocolate or (in my case!) cheese, or something!

    Welcome Kateos2! And well done so far - that's great! Glad to hear you're back on track for 2009, I'm sure you'll find this forum a great support.

    Tootsie; brilliant result!! Well done:D:D. The new exercise calculator seems a bit complicated to start with, but actually it's OK. I was going to offer to scan a copy to you but forgot that you need to pull out the insert according to number of minutes exercised & your weight etc..
    I think you should ask your leader again next week - it's a part of the pack so she should be giving it out! Even if she doesn't agree with it - they should be a bit impartial, don't you think??

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Thanks LorDar, I knew from reading teh book we needed a new one :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 123 ✭✭Bernso

    Hi all,
    great weightloss stories here. well done!
    I joined WW this time last year. lost one stone 7Ibs in six months...slowly and steadily.
    Between moving jobs, house etc I didn't attend for the latter half of last year.
    I really did focus on changing my lifelstyle as I have been yoyoing for years. Due to that I haev managed to keep off the weight ie stay the same...but without tracking and attending class I havn't moved further towards my goal.

    I was 11st12Ibs, now 10stone 5Ibs. My goal would be 9 stone.
    I am re-joining at lunch-time today. Really want to reach goal this year!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 corcors

    Just back from my 2nd WI and i'm down 1.5 so thats 4.5 in total. I was slightly disapointed but on thinking about it I have had a few nights out since my last weigh in so its quite good. A 1lb a week is what i'm aiming for anyways.

    I'm currently surrounded by chocolates in work which is not making it easy!

    Tootsie we got our activity card this week. I normally walk but think I'm going to buy a DVD or soemthing and some weights.

    Our leader today was saying how important it is to get leans cuts of mean but I find it quite hard to find them (I can only shop in a local Super Valu as I have no car) will try replacing mince with Quorn for starters I suppose

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    hey guys,

    i've got my WI tonight so fingers crossed for me please! i'm looking forward to getting the activity points caluclator as i've not really worked out my activity points before cause i try not to use them :)

    well done to everyone with their losses this week imagine what we'll all be like next month that step closer to goal/gold!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 123 ✭✭Bernso

    Well done Corcors.
    is your meeting in town?
    i jsut rejoined tofay on lower Abbey street.
    Really set on goal of a stone...but it's my last stone as was a membe befoere so I know this will be the toughest.
    The quorn is great. It's been my staple for a year now

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    hey everyone had my WI tonight down another pound so thats 13.5 pounds in total since october, almost lost my first stone, hoping to start going swimming and walking again this week. well done to everyone who lost this week

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,264 ✭✭✭JBoyle4eva

    Had my first weigh-in, and I was shocked tonight: Six pounds in my first week:D

    albeit, was sick on Sunday and part of Monday, so that probably counted for a pound or two. But, yeah, shocked was the underestimation. My leader was really chuffed with me. My weight won't prob drop as much next week, but I'm just glad it was that good a start :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 91 ✭✭Carol_1985

    Well done to everyone here! Ye are all doing great! Had my WI on tues and lost 5 and a half pounds. Hopefully posting my losses (and gains) here will help keep me motivated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    good morning & happy friday to everyone!!

    well had my WI last night & lost 3lbs i so wasn't expecting that i'm delighted!!!! i'm only a pound off my second stone now :eek: & i'm so motivated!! i've got a busy busy week ahead moving house & then heading to london for the weekend next weekend! lots of planning will be needed!!

    congrats again to everyone for such a great week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Congratulations ladiee24 - that's brilliant news! All the hard work paid off!

    And congratulations to everyone else too! JBoyle; that's an amazing amount in week 1:D

    The phrase "Gold will be mine in 2009" keeps running through my head - surely a good sign!:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    LorDar wrote: »
    Congratulations ladiee24 - that's brilliant news! All the hard work paid off!

    thanks a million LorDar i'm so so so happy!

    LorDar wrote: »
    The phrase "Gold will be mine in 2009" keeps running through my head - surely a good sign!:D:D

    Gold is mine in 2009 is what we will be saying come April!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    i stayed the same this week, which is more than ok with me after the disaster that was the first half of my week.

    im going to get back into it properly this week :) feel like ive been let off for my bold behaviour & have a 2nd chance or something :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    sar84 wrote: »
    i stayed the same this week, which is more than ok with me after the disaster that was the first half of my week.

    im going to get back into it properly this week :) feel like ive been let off for my bold behaviour & have a 2nd chance or something :p

    well done you did that you pulled a tough week back!!! all the best for the coming week!!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭sn00ps

    Congrats to all you loosers!! You are all doing so well.

    Went way over my points yesterday (+6.5) so not so good but had got my walk in all week so had my fingers and toes crossed on the scales this morning .. and .. I'm down 1lb .. yeah!!

    If this happens next week (when I promise to be OP ALL week) I will be really chuffed!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Howdi all..

    WI was on weds an was up half lb but its ok cuz TOM cant be helped had good week besides that so hoping it will help me dis week again.. De weeks grand so far. Have wkend off so gonna make most of de gym if i can!!

    Best of luck for week ahead an well done all u loosers dis week!! Its Brill!! xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭1lbAtaTime

    Hi All,
    Well I'm new here but old hat at ww, hoping 2009 is the yr I'll finally reach goal ;) and that this board will help the motivation.
    Been a member on and off for 10 years but this time been going for 9 months without quitting once, an achievement in itself for me.
    Have lost 2 st 3.5 lbs since April, slowly but surely.
    Overall currently 3.5 lbs from getting my 4th ww stone.
    Lost it over Christmas and gained 8lbs in 5 weeks!!! but following the fast track plan last week I lost 6 of it in one week which was a great kickstart back to the motivation I had last year. :P

    Here's my stats
    Height 5ft 3in
    Start Weight 17st 3 lbs
    Current Weight 13st 6.5lbs
    Target Weight 9st 10lbs

    Look forward to hearing from you all over the coming weeks and months :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,503 ✭✭✭✭jellie

    1lbAtaTime wrote: »
    Hi All,
    Well I'm new here but old hat at ww, hoping 2009 is the yr I'll finally reach goal ;) and that this board will help the motivation.
    Been a member on and off for 10 years but this time been going for 9 months without quitting once, an achievement in itself for me.
    Have lost 2 st 3.5 lbs since April, slowly but surely.
    Overall currently 3.5 lbs from getting my 4th ww stone.
    Lost it over Christmas and gained 8lbs in 5 weeks!!! but following the fast track plan last week I lost 6 of it in one week which was a great kickstart back to the motivation I had last year. :P

    Here's my stats
    Height 5ft 3in
    Start Weight 17st 3 lbs
    Current Weight 13st 6.5lbs
    Target Weight 9st 10lbs

    Look forward to hearing from you all over the coming weeks and months :D

    well done, thats some amazing weight loss so far! good luck getting to your 4th stone :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hi again...

    Was havin a grand week den it went pear shaped last nite completely wit over eatin and alcohol and den big dinner out today..Mental!!

    Im so sore from my classes in the gym i physically couldn go today so im hoping i can get back on track tomorrow.

    Iv still 3 mre WIs for my next target (3rd stone)so hopefully il get it despite this major blip!!!!:(

    Welcome to 1lbatatime...ur doin so brill and you have a great pace going..nice a steady the way it should be!! Well done an im sure ul fit it nicely here!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭ladiee24

    evening all well i've had a strange weekend food wise :( i'm in the process of packing up my apartment as i'm moving this week & i haven't planned far ahead enough for my liking! i've eaten out a lot this week so i'll be trying my best to pull back til thursday for my WI i've only got 1lb to loose my 2nd stone so i'm bloody set on getting there!!!

    here's to a good working week ahead guys!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭muffinob1

    Hi folks, I'm 11st 4 lbs and haven't done ww properly for about 7 years lost about a stone and a half last time with lots of swimming and careful eating and got down to a size 10. In the last 7 years I've put on all the weight again and am not motivated to lose weight, slight problem here I get married new years eve!!!

    Since June I've lost about 1 lbs but not through ww. Thinking of going back this week but not sure if I'm ready!! Is there anyone that would be willing to give out every week or in my area, Carlow, that wants a ww buddy?

    It's so hard wish I was born to be a size 8 and a 10 on my fat day like my little sister, imagine!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Welcome to the new people! Hope you find it as supportive here as I do - it really is great!:)

    1lbatatime: you've done really well so far - Good Luck getting that 4th stone, I'm sure you can do it!

    muffinob1: Just think of this as the 1st, and hardest, step! Once you are back at WW I'm sure you'll do great & will regain the motivation you had before! Think of the wedding as your big goal - but be sure to have lots of little goals in between & this will help you get there!
    Maybe half a stone by Valentines Day? It's just under 3 weeks away - so may be possible?? Set your own goals - I 'm just throwing out ideas! But remember the earlier you start the easier it will be to reach the goal you want by the wedding! Good Luck!

    Having said all that - I completely lost my willpower at the weekend!!:( I was so motivated last week, I don't know what happened - actually no, I do! I blame the wine!:p Well, I have a big night out on Saturday next so will have some wine then & other than that I think I'll stay off it until the end of Feb! (Now that I've told the whole world I'll have to do it!):)

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